COTE: Ayanokouji's Return

By tobi7th

149K 6.8K 5.2K

Description: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka spent his entire childhood in the White Room. Thanks to his extraordinary ac... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1 - First Acquaintances
Chapter 2 - Bus Trouble
Chapter 3 - A Tattoo
Chapter 4 - The Chairman
Chapter 5 - S-System
Chapter 6 - Nagumo
Chapter 7 - Student Council
Chapter 8 - A Shoplifter
Chapter 9 - WinterDrop
Chapter 10 - A Ghost
Chapter 11 - The Professor
Chapter 12 - Horikita
Chapter 13 - A Bet
Chapter 14 - Fuka
Chapter 15 - The Affairs Of Class A
Chapter 16 - Henry Forger
Chapter 17 - Kiryuin Family's Circumstances
Chapter 18 - Disturbances During Lunch Break
Chapter 20 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
Chapter 21 - Mutual Benefits
Chapter 22 - Ryuuen
Chapter 23 - Food Trap
Chapter 24 - An Ally
Chapter 25 - Matsushita's suspicion
Chapter 26 - Sakayanagi
Chapter 27 - Birthday Party
Chapter 28 - The Interviews
Chapter 29 - Pool Accident
Chapter 30 - Lap Pillow
Chapter 31 - 1st May
Chapter 32 - Study Group
Chapter 33 - A Pawn

Chapter 19 - Visit In Class A

3.3K 183 113
By tobi7th

Kiyotaka's POV

After quickly finishing our lunches, me, Fuka and the trio from class C left the cafeteria.

The lunch break was almost over, so our five needed to split up to our respective classrooms.

I was going back alone through the corridor, while thinking about the gains and losses that I earned in this short amount of time.

Nishino didn't have a sudden change of heart and was still friendly with me, which was a big plus.

But the reason why there was no contact with her was still unclear.

There was also a matter with Ibuki.

I was sure that I didn't meet her before and considering that she became weird only after hearing my name, she's never seen me either, which means that she probably heard about me from somewhere.

But from where?

The information from my time in White Room should be classified.

And I was careful to not use my true name in the US, so only a few knew about it.

Apart from creating the false history of my time abroad from a few months ago, there shouldn't be any news about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from that time.

And yet, that shocked expression she made for a second..

How weird.

I wondered if she was a friend or an enemy.

Either way, it was good that I managed to find out about her so early.

But that just made finding out about Nishino's problem more urgency.

A girl's voice: "Oh..? Ayanokouji-kun?"

My thoughts were suddenly disrupted by the voice from my behind.

I turned around and saw Matsushita Chiaki, who was smiling slightly at me.

For some reason, she wasn't with her friends.

What a great timing.

Since I found out about the free meals in the cafeteria, I could grow her suspicious about the school more thanks to that.

Those free meals were something any students could see and probably wonder about at least once.

Since I planted the seed of doubt in her yesterday, it should be easier to make her conscious about the possibility of the greater scheme of the school.

Kiyotaka: "Hello, Matsushita. Are you going back to the classroom as well?"

Matsushita: "Hello, Ayanokouji-kun. Yes, the break is almost over, so we need to hurry."

Kiyotaka: "There are still a few minutes, though."

Matsushita: "It's not nice to enter at the last minute, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "You are going back at the same time as me, though."

Matsushita: "I was kinda thirsty, so I went to the vending machine for some juice."

Kiyotaka: "I see."

Matsushita: "Are you going back from the cafeteria, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, I was interested what kind of food they serve in this school, so I went to check it up."

Matsushita: "And? How was it?"

Kiyotaka: "Well, if you never eat Special Lunch Menu before, then I can guarantee to you that it is worth your money."

Matsushita: "Huh? You bought that expensive set?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes. I figured out that it would be a waste to eat something cheap, since I am planning to make my own lunches in the future."

Matsushita: "Hohh? Ayanokouji-kun, you can cook? That's kinda unexpected."

Kiyotaka: "Why?"

Matsushita: "W-Well, that was just my guess. I apologize, if you felt offended."

Kiyotaka: "I am not. Let me tell you that with my skills, I could open my own restaurant in the few years, if I want."

Matsushita: "Are planning to become a cook in the future, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Kiyotaka: "No, actually, I was just boasting to you right now."

Matsushita: "(chuckle)... You are funny, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "What about you, Matsushita? Can you cook?"

Matsushita: "Unfortunately, I don't possess cooking skills to the level of boasting, so I am gonna stick with the food from the cafeteria."

Kiyotaka: "From what I saw, that cafeteria serves quite tasty food for good prices. Many students were satisfied with their meals. Well, apart from those, who took the free meals, but they shouldn't complain after spending all of their points."

Matsushita: "Huh...?"

Matsushita suddenly stopped and looked at me with a surprised expression.

Kiyotaka: "Is something wrong?"

Matsushita: "There were students, who actually took that free lunch sets?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, I was surprised as well. I spotted six students, probably senpais, who were eating those sets today."

Matsushita: "Do you think they bought it, because of lack of points?"

Kiyotaka: "Well, I am not sure, since I didn't speak with any of them, but that's the first thing that comes to mind, isn't it? Well, maybe they were on diet, or maybe they lost some bet and were forced to eat it as losers. Who knows."

Matsushita: "Ayanokouji-kun, are you suggesting the same thing as yesterday? That we won't get 100000 points next month?"

As expected, Matsushita found it suspicious and managed to link those two points together.

But her suspicious about me grew as well.

Which was good, since it just proved that she was a smart person.

But I wasn't going to award her efforts with some answers.

At least not yet.

Kiyotaka: "I am not suggesting anything, Matsushita. I just thought there was a disparity between what Chabashira-sensei said to the class and to me. But after confirming with you that it was just me overthinking things, I am now at ease. It was partly thanks to our yesterday's talk that I decided to buy myself that expensive lunch set."

Thanks to Fuka's expensive order, I could hide myself under the pretext that I didn't care much about money by buying some expensive stuff, while talking about the hints from the school.

And if someone would ask me for some money in the future, I could say that I spent most of it for some fancy stuff.

That's practically killing two birds with one stone.

Especially after the news that Sudo and I got some additional money would spread.

If our future income would greatly decrease in the next month, I would definitely be targeted for loans by some of my poor classmates.

But right now, Matsushita shouldn't be aware that I possess more points than the rest of the class.

Matsushita: "I see. But still, don't you think it's strange?"

Kiyotaka: "That's indeed strange. But the other students weren't surprised much by the sight of the students eating those free lunches. I guess those sets may be more tasty than they look like. I should try them sometime."

Matsushita: "Do you think so?"

Kiyotaka: "It's worth trying it once at least. Even if they are for free, the school wouldn't give students something inedible or harmful."

Matsushita: "I guess so..."

Matsushita looked pensive.

Now I could only hope that she would try to consult it with her friends, making more people aware that something was wrong.

Let's give her a little more push to gossip about it with the others.

Kiyotaka: "Do you want to try it out together?"

Matsushita: "H-huhhh?!"

The brown-haired girl quickly shook herself out of her reverie after my sudden proposal and looked at me surprised.

Kiyotaka: "It seems like you are curious about those free sets and to be honest I am starting to be interested in them too. So I thought that maybe you would like to check them out together with me."

Matsushita was a very pretty girl, so I had nothing to lose by asking her out.

Those free sets were certainly not the best reason to ask the girl out, but if thanks to that she would start talking about it with the other girls, then it's not big deal.

And later on, I could use the pretext of apologizing for asking her out for a bad meal to invite her for a real date.

It's a win for the class, since it was an opportunity to sow doubt in more people, and a win for me, since I would get to know more about this beauty.

Matsushita: "Heee... Are you asking me out, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Matsushita quickly collected herself and started smiling teasingly, although there was a slight blush on her face.

Her mental fortitude was quite good for a high school girl.

I started to appreciate her even more.

Kiyotaka: "I would rather name it as a scouting mission with a friend. A date may wait for a little more, Matsushita. At least until I find us a better place for it than the school cafeteria."

I answered in the same teasing tone as her.

Matsushita's blush deepened more.

Matsushita: "You are trying your luck quite early, Ayanokouji-kun. We barely know each other."

Kiyotaka: "Then that scouting mission may have more than one meaning."

Matsushita: "Looks like it."

Kiyotaka: "Is that bad?"

Matsushita: "Wouldn't your female friend from yesterday mind it?"

Kiyotaka: "No. I don't have a girlfriend, if that's what you are asking."

Matsushita: "I see. Let me think about it some more, if that's okay with you."

Kiyotaka: "I don't see any problem."

Although I was a little disappointed, Matsushita's decision was reasonable.

We only knew each other for two days and didn't have much of bond between us.

As a pretty girl, her standards were probably higher than an average girl and she didn't want to go out with some unknown boy without having any knowledge of him.

Especially since he invited her for a free lunch, which may not even be good.

There would be also an issue of having many rumors about us later on.

Depends on the situation, her reputation may go worse, if I turned out to be a weirdo.

She probably thought that there was no need for us to speed things up, especially since we were classmates.

I was okay with that.

The main point of asking her out would be achieved anyway, since the possibility that she would speak about it with her closer friends would rise and the existence of free lunch sets would spread through the class more.

It was too bad that she didn't agree right now, especially since she would probably find out about Fuka's visit in our class soon.

I was sure that once she found out about it, Matsushita would be even more suspicious about my intentions of inviting her, when there was a shadow of another beautiful girl nearby.

Of course, the chances of her agreeing to my invitation would also considerably decrease.

But for now I was satisfied with this result.

My interest in Matsushita rose up by a point.

I liked her attitude and mentality.

She noticed all the hints I was giving out and was smart enough to understand the potential meaning behind them.

Finding out this much about her from just a short conversation was good enough.

We came close to the door of our classroom.

It was time to face some unavoidable losses I got at the beginning of the lunch break.

Matsushita: "Looks like we managed to get to the classroom on time. Is it okay to assume that you are going to the club fair after the classes?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, I am. What about you?"

Matsushita: "I think I will go with some of my friends. It would be good to see what's more this school has to offer."

Kiyotaka: "Indeed. Then maybe we will see each other there."

Matsushita: "Mmm. Recently, we run into each other quite often, so it's possible."

Kiyotaka: "True. I must have done many good deeds in my previous life."

Matsushita: "Hehe, you sure are a sweet talker, Ayanokouji-kun. See you later then."

Matsushita in a good mood opened the door to the classroom.

I sighed a little and entered as well.

The most of my classmates were already there.

And I instantaneously got the attention of many of them.

Looks like Fuka's visit was already known by some of them.

I could see Ike's and Yamauchi's jealous stares alongside some other boys.

Professor gave me a knowing smile and thumb up.

There were also some curious gazes from the girls.

I could see Satou and some blue-haired girl started talking to Matsushita, while giving me some stares from time to time.

And of course, I got the murderous vision from my lovely frost queen.

Should I be prepared to be attacked in the classroom?

She looked like she would attack me after just one sentence.

I carefully went to my desk and checked it out in search of some traps.

Suzune: "Ayanokouji-kun..."


The school bell rang, interrupting Suzune's words.

At the same moment, Sae-sensei entered the classroom.

Suzune: "Tch..."

Suzune clicked her tongue in annoyance.

I was safe for now.


For some reason, Sae-sensei was also glaring at me from time to time during the class.

She probably figured out that I didn't let my classmates know about my findings yet.

She was definitely disappointed and angry.

She was really emotional towards the class competition.

A little too emotional.

I wondered if she would call me for some explanation.

I slightly smiled at her and didn't make more eye contact for the rest of her lecture.

The things that she and the rest of the teachers were currently teaching my class were already known by me, since my time in White Room.

There was no need to pretend to be a diligent student.

Since Suzune was still freezing me from the side, I was mainly focusing on the world through the window.

What a peaceful time...


Suzune: "Ayanokouji-kun!"

Kiyotaka: "..." (-_-)

Suzune: "Are you deaf, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Kiyotaka: "Ah, Suzune, I was just having such a good time with peaceful life-chan, yet you separated us again. Just how much do you love me to not let me have my way with peaceful life-chan?"

Suzune: "Have you gone crazy, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Kiyotaka: "If I said that I have gone crazy, would you let me go?"

Suzune: "Of course not. How dare you tell that girl about that incident?"

Kiyotaka: "I don't remember promising you to stay silent. But don't worry. Fuka will not spread your story with others. Probably..."

Suzune: "How can I believe you or her after being mocked like that?"

Kiyotaka: "Fuka was just angry on my behalf as your victim. You can't really blame her, when she had a point."

Suzune: "No, she hadn't. I was a victim here!"

Kiyotaka: "Your brother had a different opinion about that, if I remember correctly. Why don't we ask him again?"

Suzune: "You... Don't you dare speak to him about that!"

Kiyotaka: "It would be a difficult task, since I have an appointment with him. You heard the announcement too, didn't you? Are you going to the club fair?"

Suzune: "Don't change the topic, Ayanokouji-kun. I demand a redress."

Kiyotaka: "I already went through one trial by combat from you. But if you insist for more, I don't mind. Although I think we should pick a more suitable place and time for that. Otherwise, we may be disrupted like the last time by your brother. How about my room tonight?"

Suzune: "You shameless pervert..."

Kiyotaka: "Then it's a promise, Suzune. I will be waiting."

I took my bag and tried to leave.

Suzune: "You are not going anywhere."

Kiyotaka: "I'm sorry, but I don't have time right now."

Suzune: "It's not my problem."

Kiyotaka: "But your brother is already waiting at the door."

Suzune: "H-Huh...?"

Suzune went stiff and turned around only to see Yamauchi picking his nose near the door.

Kiyotaka: "Ah, sorry, a wrong guy."

I took advantage of her moment of inattention and quickly ran out of the classroom.

I anticipated that she would go after me, but my worries were groundless.

Maybe seeing Yamauchi's snot instead of her brother's face made her brain malfunction for a while?

Poor thing...

But she sure wasted some of my time.

Because of that, I was going to be late to pick up Masumi.

I could only hope that the purple-haired girl would not be too irritated at me.

I went quickly in the direction of classroom of Class 1-A.

It didn't take me much of time to arrive at it.

Unexpectedly, the door was open.

Masumi: "For the last time I'm telling you... I am waiting for someone!"

I was about to peek inside, when I heard Masumi's loud voice coming from the classroom.

Boy 1: "Heee... But no one came. Maybe you were stood up, Kamuro-chan."

Masumi: "You are annoying, Hashimoto. Don't bother me."

Hashimoto: "I just want to be friends with you, Kamuro-chan. You don't talk with anyone in the class and you were absent on the first day. As your classmate, I am worried, you know."

Masumi: "I don't need your concern."

Hashimoto: "Don't be like that..."

Boy 2: "Hashimoto, please don't bother her, when she doesn't want that. You are making Kamuro uncomfortable."

Boy 3: "That's right, Hashimoto. Bug off from Kamuro-chan."

Hashimoto: "I am not doing anything bad, Katsuragi. It just hurt my heart looking at Kamuro-chan's lonely figure."

Masumi: "Huh?! When did I look lonely?"

Hashimoto: "People are slowly starting to create their own groups, yet you are all alone. Don't you want to make some friends?"

Masumi: "I am good."

Hashimoto: "That's just sad, Kamuro-chan."

Katsuragi: "Well, Hashimoto's motives aside, I think you should try to become more sociable, Kamuro. It may reflect bad on the class, if someone from the school would conclude that you are being ostracized by your classmates."

Boy 3: "Katsuragi-san is right, Kamuro-chan. Hang out with us some time."

Hashimoto: "Woahh, how kind of you, Totsuka. Is Katsuragi Faction so in need of members, or are you just trying to hit on Kamuro-chan?"

Totsuka: "That has nothing to do with you, Hashimoto. We don't have any ulterior motives, unlike you."

Hashimoto: "I wonder."

Masumi: "As I said before, I am waiting for someone, so I decline."

Totsuka: "Who are you waiting for, Kamuro-chan?"

Masumi: "It's not your business."

Hashimoto: "Could it be that you are waiting for your boyfriend?"

Masumi: "It's even more not your business."

Hashimoto: "Oh, you are not denying it? Did I just hit a bullseye?"

Masumi: "Shut up! It's not like that."

Hashimoto: "Ehh? You are so confusing, Kamuro-chan. Just tell us who it is already~"

Kiyotaka: "Ah, that would probably be me."

I said with an innocent smile.

During the siege of Masumi, I managed to slip into the classroom and freely come near her seat.

There weren't many people inside, so no one blocked my way, while I was acting natural.

Because of that, I could hear every thing they said.

Hashimoto: "Oh, so it's you...!!!!"

The boy called Hashimoto jumped a little, not expecting my presence near them.

He had long blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail and blue eyes.

From what I have heard just now, he seemed to be a playboy.

According to Masumi, he was a member of Sakayanagi Faction and he wasn't a trustworthy individual.

The other two boys also turned around to my side.

The bald boy of well-built stature and intimidating presence must be Katsuragi, one of the leaders of Class A.

He seemed like a serious and calm man with good manners and conduct.

The one next to him must be Totsuka Yahiko, his loyal follower.

He was a boy of average height with green hair and green eyes.

According to Masumi, he was a pervert, who was ogling her before.

He had a similar vibe to Ike and Yamauchi from my class, so it was probably true.

How did he manage to get into Class A became a mystery.

I came close to Masumi, who also looked surprised.

Kiyotaka: "I'm sorry for being late, Masumi. I hope you didn't wait too long."

Masumi: "You sure took your sweet time to get here, Kiyotaka. I was about to leave."

What a cute lie.

You said resolutely that you were waiting for me just a minute ago.

Kiyotaka: "I'm really sorry. A black cat blocked my way and I needed to take care of it."

Masumi: "A black cat?"

Kiyotaka: "The crazy one that I told you about yesterday."

Masumi: "Hm? Ah, that..."

Looks like Masumi understood my words.

Then she suddenly stiffened and started checking out my hands and arms.



She got worried that I got another injury from Suzune.

She was so irritated at me for being late, yet she instantaneously became worried the second she thought that I was injured.

This girl was not only pretty, but also seriously cute.

Kiyotaka: "This time I left without a scratch, don't worry."

I couldn't help myself and put my hand on her head to slightly pat it.

While her hair were slightly moving through my fingers, I could smell a sweet fragrance of shampoo.

Masumi: "W-W-What are you..."

Totsuka: "What the hell are you doing, you bastard?! Immediately let go of Kamuro-chan!!"

Kiyotaka: "Eh? Don't wanna~"

Totsuka: "What?!"

Kiyotaka: "Masumi didn't say anything, so why should I listen to you? It's not your head that I am patting."

Then I turned to Masumi, who was as stiff as sculpture.

Kiyotaka: "Looks like I got a little ahead of myself, Masumi. Should I stop?"

Masumi: "H-Huh? Y-Yeah, you should... What are you doing in public, you idiot?"

Kiyotaka: "So if we weren't in public space, you would let me do that?"

Masumi: "N-No! Stop twisting my words to your convenience."

Kiyotaka: "I see."

I let go of Masumi's head.

Her cheeks became bright red.

Hashimoto: "(whistle)... It's no wonder you insisted on waiting, Kamuro-chan. Turns out you really have a boyfriend."

Masumi: "He is not my boyfriend!"

Kiyotaka: "Nice to meet you. I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Class 1-D."

Hashimoto: "Ah, I'm sorry for not introducing myself first. I am Hashimoto Masayoshi, classmate of Kamuro-chan."

I shook hands with Hashimoto.

Katsuragi: "I am Katsuragi Kohei and this is Totsuka Yahiko. We are Kamuro's classmates as well. While I understand that you are here to pick her up, it's rude to barge into our classroom just like that and listen to others conversation from the side."

Katsuragi glared at me.

Looks like he didn't have a good first opinion on me.

Kiyotaka: "I apologize for that, Katsuragi. The door to your classroom was open, so I just went in to look for Masumi. And then I saw you three close to her, while she had an irritated look, so I decided to listen for a second why was she like that before acting. I hope you would not hold me accountable for being worried about her. Also..."

I looked coldly at Katsuragi and Totsuka.

Kiyotaka: "Your friend was rather forceful towards Masumi and he was also rude to me just a minute ago, yet you didn't reprimand him at all. It's kinda upsetting seeing someone using double-standards like that."

Totsuka: "What did you say?!"

Hashimoto: "That's right, Katsuragi. You can't reprimand others, while letting your followers go on rampage."

Totsuka: "Hashimoto, you..."

Katsuragi: "Stop it, Yahiko."

Totsuka became silent, but he was glaring at us.

He really must have been loyal to Katsuragi.

Katsuragi: "I apologize for his behaviour, Ayanokouji. As Kamuro's classmates, we were just worried that she would have problem to fit in the class, if she didn't interact with others. Seeing how she has at least one friend puts me at ease."

Masumi: "I said that it's not your business."

Kiyotaka: "I see. Masumi sure is blessed with many people worried about her."

Hashimoto: "Kamuro-chan is so cold towards anyone apart from you, Ayanokouji. Both of you even use each other's first name naturally. What kind of magic did you use? Are you really not dating each other?"


I helped her at the police station...

I was trying to blackmail her into spreading her legs and seeing her butt...

We shoplifted some beers and drank them in my room...

There were many events that made us like that, yet I couldn't say any of them.

Masumi: "No! There is nothing between us."

While I was contemplating how to respond, Masumi completely denied Hashimoto's assumption.

Even if I wasn't her boyfriend, it kinda stung me how she was denying it without much of thought.

That feeling intensified after seeing Totsuka's face full of relief.

It seemed like someone was in need of punishment.

Kiyotaka: "How cruel of you, Masumi. Don't be embarrassed and tell them the truth."

Masumi: "H-Huh?"

Masumi looked stunned at me, not understanding what I was trying to do.

Kiyotaka: "Come on. Where did that boldness from that evening go? We crossed so many lines at that time, yet now you are gonna pretend that it didn't happen?"

Masumi: "W-What are you saying, you jerk?!"

Masumi once again started to become red because of my ambiguous words and kicked my calf with some force.

She knew what I was referring to, but the others didn't.

Hashimoto: "So there is something between you two! I knew it."

Totsuka: "No, that can't be. Kamuro-chan said that he wasn't her boyfriend."

Masumi: "Stop making some assumptions. I didn't do anything weird with Kiyotaka!"

Hashimoto: "You are not denying doing something, Kamuro-chan. Ayanokouji, confess it now. What kind of bold things did Kamuro-chan do with you?"

Kiyotaka: "Well..."

Masumi: "Kiyotaka!"

Masumi, not knowing what I was about to say, looked at me with a threatening expression.

Kiyotaka: "I'm sorry, Hashimoto. Since Masumi doesn't want to acknowledge it, there is nothing I can say about it, no matter how heartbroken I am."

Masumi: "Stop saying such confusing things!"

Hashimoto: "Ehh? Don't be like that..."

Katsuragi: "Stop it, Hashimoto. It's their own matters."

Katsuragi decided to stop this farce.

Looks like he figured out that I was just teasing them on purpose.

Hashimoto: "You sure are a party popper, Katsuragi."

I agreed internally with Hashimoto here.

Katsuragi: "Kamuro, I don't want to pry into your matters, but, as your classmate, I want to remind you that you are still a student. I hope you will conduct yourself as you should be in this school."

He sure was as stiff as a broomstick.

Masumi: "I said that I didn't do anything weird."

I was sure shoplifting was rather not considered as a normal student's conduct.

Neither was drinking a beer by high schoolers.

Katsuragi: "The same goes for you, Ayanokouji. I hope you will not be a bad influence for my classmate."

Kiyotaka: "Don't worry, Katsuragi. It's just a small banter between friends. Masumi is really cute, when she is teased, so I just couldn't help myself."

Masumi: "What?"

Katsuragi: "Let's go, Yahiko. I don't want to be late for an opening of the club fair."

Katsuragi said what he wanted to say and started to walk towards the door.

Totsuka: "Yes, Katsuragi-san. See you later, Kamuro-chan. You better look out for those two."

Leaving some rude remarks towards me and Hashimoto, Totsuka left after Katsuragi.

Hashimoto: "Those two sure know how to spoil the mood. Don't you think so, Ayanokouji?"

Kiyotaka: "Seems like it."

Hashimoto: "Haha, you are an interesting guy, you know."

Kiyotaka: "You too, Hashimoto."

It was hard to tell, if he was being sincere, but I didn't dislike him.

Although I was sure that Masumi was going to be teased a lot by him in the future.

Hashimoto: "Then, I am going too. Princess is waiting for me. Bye bye, Ayanokouji, Kamuro-chan."


There was a royalty in this school?

Or was it a nickname for someone?

I looked around the classroom that was almost empty, then at Masumi, who was glaring at me.

Kiyotaka: "Shall we go as wel... ouch..."

Masumi kicked me once again.

Kiyotaka: "What was that for?"

Masumi: "You know what was that for! You were talking in the way that made them misunderstand us."

Kiyotaka: "Did I?"

Masumi: "Stop playing stupid. You know what I mean."

Kiyotaka: "Could it be that you took a liking to someone from those three and you didn't want him to misunderstand our relationship?"

Masumi: "What? No!"

Kiyotaka: "Then there is no problem, isn't it? You wanted them to not bother you. And we agreed yesterday that I was supposed to help you with that, while giving you some protection by using my name and status. So I did that."

Masumi: "That's not how it looked to me. Explain yourself."

Kiyotaka: "There is nothing to explain. I just showed to them that we are close, that's all. If they really misunderstood it, then so be it."

Masumi: "There will be rumors that we are going out because of that."

Kiyotaka: "There would be such a rumor anyway, if we are going to keep hanging out. If someone saw us yesterday, then it may already be spreading through the students. Don't worry, just keep denying it and they would fade after some time."

Masumi: "Are you okay with that?"

Kiyotaka: "With me being your boyfriend? Of course, I would. I feel like boasting to the entire school about that."

Masumi: "W-W-What are you blabbering about?! I am not your girlfriend."

Kiyotaka: "Yes, that's a regretful fact."

Masumi: "What?!"

Kiyotaka: "But there may be some change in the future, so I will not give up on the hope yet."

Masumi: "Huh?!"

Masumi's cheeks flushed in deep red.

It was always so entertaining to tease her.

Kiyotaka: "Let's go, Masumi. Otherwise, we will really be late. Student Council President may be angry at me for neglecting the event."

I said and started moving towards the exit.

Masumi: "Ah, wait! You still have some explanation to do!"

Masumi shouted and started to go after me.

Today's visit was quite interesting.

I got to know some people from another class, including one of the class leaders.

As expected, Class A would be harder to get along with than Class B.

If the class competition was announced from the beginning, this class may be really hard to befriend, especially for a Class D student.

Looks like I got lucky with this one-month period.

Although Masumi may not be the best person to keep in touch with this class, she was the only one I could trust for now.

Hashimoto didn't seem trustworthy.

Katsuragi would be hard to befriend.

And Totsuka was not even worth mentioning.

Too bad I didn't get to see Sakayanagi today.

According to Masumi, she was a total opposite to Katsuragi.

If I wanted to be in touch with this class in the future, meeting her at least once in this month would be great.

Nevertheless, I was satisfied with results.

Time to officially become Student Council Vice-President.

To be continued..

Author's notes:

Hello. Thank you for reading this chaper.

I decided to go at a slower pace and write some scenes for Chiaki and Masumi. I hope you don't mind.

Well, for Suzune too, but she and her fans probably would live without it xD

I would like to clarify that I am not Suzune's hater. She will get proper treatment after 1st May.

I decided to leave Sakayanagi's scenes for later. There was a meaning in meeting Katsuragi so soon, but she will stay hidden for some time, just like in canon. Introducing her in one of the future chapters is all I will do for now.

See you in the next chapter.

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