For Me,There Is Only You |18+|

By MsRecluse

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Warning: This book contains mature content. "Your scent is driving me crazy, mate. You're so ready for me," h... More

Author's Note
His Yearning
Her Despair
1.Stranger and Me.
2. True Friend.
3.Omichli Mountain
4.Not My Day.
5. Present and Past
6. A Lie, I wish I Never Told
7. Even More Messier.
8. Scary Revelations
9. Too Overwhelming
10. The Monster
11. Making You Mine - I
12. Making you mine - II
13.Whose Fault?
14. They are crazy
15. Enlightenment
17. Forced Bond
18. Twisted Fate
19. His world
20. The Origin
21. Drawing Lines
22. You Can't Run Away From The Beast
23. Withering In Despair
24. Balance Of Nature
25. A room without a door
26. Wispwood
27. The Negotiation
28. A Tumultuous Situation
29. Helplessness
30. Survival Instinct
31. Desperation of a mate

16. I should've known better

746 39 14
By MsRecluse

Leaning against the cool tiled wall of the bathroom, I closed my eyes, attempting to steady my racing thoughts. But the darkness behind my eyelids only seemed to amplify the chaos within my mind.

I winced as I gingerly touched the throbbing wound on my shoulder, with one swift motion I removed the old bandage to assess the damage. Blood seeped through the two holes torn on my skin, staining my shirt a deep crimson.

Even after the whole fucking week, his mark was not healing. With a determined grimace, I knew I had to tend to the injury before it worsened.

I reached for the first-aid kit under the washbasin, my movements deliberate and focused despite the ache in my muscles. Carefully, I removed a sterile gauze pad from its packaging and then reached for the antiseptic solution.

Taking a deep breath, I poured a small amount onto the pad, readying myself for the inevitable sting that would follow. Pressing the soaked pad against my wound, I winced as the disinfectant bit into my flesh.

I gritted my teeth, determined not to let the pain take over me. As I assessed the area around the wound, I observed it has gotten more purplish than yesterday. Instead of healing, this wound was getting worse with each passing day.

From the first-aid kit, I retrieved a roll of medical tape and carefully secured the gauze pad in place, ensuring it covered the entire wound. My hands trembled uncontrollably during the whole process, and sweat coated my forehead.

There was heaviness in my chest as I couldn't escape the suffocating feeling of being trapped. This wound that was punctured at the junction of my neck and shoulder was a constant reminder that I was tied to him.

A sudden knock on the bathroom door startled me but I took a sigh of relief when I heard Uncle George's voice from the other side "Neev are you all right? Why are you taking so long?"

"I'm fine," I said. "Just give me a minute." After cleaning the bloody mess, I had created I went outside.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I was once again greeted by the rhythmic thuds of gloves hitting heavy bags, creating a percussive backdrop to the symphony of grunts and shouts, pulsating the boxing ring gym with energy.

Rows of heavy bags, suspended from sturdy metal frames, lined one side of the gym. They swung back and forth like pendulums, absorbing the impact of relentless punches.

Since last week I was also taking out my frustration and every other emotion on this unforgiving leather.

After spending two days at my place, Ashley and Nate had to head back to their own home, or I guess I should call it to their pack's territory, considering the werewolf terminology.

Before their departure, Ashley and Nate actually came up with a plan. They thought it would be best for me to go and live with my father's friend's family in Germany.

Strangely, they had already worked it all out without even bothering to discuss it with me or ask for my opinion. It seemed like a done deal – I was supposed to leave for Germany tomorrow.

Ashley was concerned about leaving me alone at my house and suggested that I come along with them. However, the idea of going to live with a group of werewolves who wanted me dead was absolutely out of the question for me. Especially after all the warnings I had received from her father – I'd prefer to vanish into thin air rather than willingly go with them.

Both Steven's and Nate's packs were on a search mission to find Ansel, who had gone missing since that particular day. They had deployed quite a few patrollers around my house, probably suspecting that he might return for me.

It was clear that I was being used as bait to capture him.

However, I was determined not to be a pawn in their strategy, so I decided to leave the house.

At that moment, I knew that Uncle George's place would be the safest choice for me until I was ready to leave the country. Living with them evoked a sense of nostalgia, and I felt at peace after a really long time.

Ever since my parents passed away, they had taken me in, especially because I wasn't of legal age. Uncle George, along with his wife Stacy and their son Alex, had become the closest thing to family that I ever had.

"Do you want to take on Alex?" Unexpectedly, Uncle George emerged from behind me, catching me off guard.

Before I could respond, Alex's voice chimed in. "I'm not exactly up for a match against an amateur." I rolled my eyes and shifted my gaze in his direction, where he was demonstrating boxing techniques to someone, though it looked more like he was giving him a good beating.

Uncle George used to be a boxer but now owns the gym, and Alex, his son, has become a professional boxer, just like his father. When I was a kid, I used to come here often with my father.

Looking up at Uncle George, who was mopping sweat off his shaved head with a towel, I shook my head in response. "No, not today." The truth was, I didn't have any energy left in me to even raise my arm. The wound on my neck was pulsating with intense pain, and it felt like one side of my arm was going numb.

Uncle George settled onto the bleachers next to the boxing ring and motioned for me to join him. I followed his gesture and took a seat beside him. We both remained silent for a while, our attention fixed on Alex's movements in the ring.

"So, you're really set to leave tomorrow," Uncle George finally spoke after a brief pause.

I let out a sigh. "Yeah."

"Do you have to go?" His voice carried a hint of sadness. It was obvious, I couldn't reveal the real reasons behind my departure and the complexities surrounding it. 

I didn't even tell them the reason why I was at their house. I had simply told them that I wanted to spend some time with them before I left.

Sometimes, it's easier to keep certain truths hidden, especially from those we care about.

"I feel like I really need to leave this place," I responded after a pause.

He regarded me for a moment, his gaze lingering. "Do you still hold yourself responsible for your parent's death?" he inquired.

His question struck me like a bolt, piercing through the defenses I had put up over the past few days. "I did cause their deaths," I admitted, the weight of the suppressed emotions finally surfacing.

"Neev..." Uncle George reached out, placing his large hand gently on my head. "It wasn't your fault."

I shook my head, a heavy breath escaping my lips as I met his gaze. "But it was," I said, my voice shaky because of the turmoil inside me. "I found some voicemails on my old phone. They were trying to catch an earlier flight because I had lied about being sick that day. If I hadn't lied, they wouldn't have rushed to catch that early flight. None of this would've happened."

I braced myself for Uncle George to lay blame on me for his friend's death. I steeled myself to hear whatever accusations he might throw my way.

After all, I deserved it.

However, instead of berating me, he softly patted my head. "I'm aware that you didn't tell me the truth that day," he said, and I turned to face him. "I actually came over to check on you. But the reality is, Neev, your parents were already on the way here even before I mentioned that you were feeling unwell." his eyes were gentle as he asked. "So, tell me how all of this is your fault?"

I swallowed hard, trying to hold back the sob that was on the brink of escaping. Uncle George wrapped his arm around my shoulders, drawing me gently towards his chest. "It's alright to let your emotions out, my child," he reassured. "Don't hold back these doubts and feelings within you."

Despite his reassurance that none of it was my fault, my heart continued to carry a heavy burden. Why was I still unable to shake off these emotions?

"Quit trying to snatch my Dad," Alex's voice sounded from behind. Soon, he appeared in front of us, crouching down a bit to meet my gaze. "You look even more ugly when you cry."

Uncle George's tone grew firm as he spoke. "Leave my daughter alone, Alex. Don't bother her."

Alex settled beside me, his gaze shifting to his dad with a critical expression. "Now that she's back at our house, both you and Mom are giving her all your attention," he remarked. "It's not fair."

A smile tugged at my lips. This banter between us was something we had done since childhood, fighting over our parents' attention. It was Alex's way of lifting my spirits.

I shifted away from Uncle's embrace and gave Alex a playful glare, shaking my head in mock disapproval. "Will you ever grow up?"

"Don't count on the impossible, Neev," Uncle chuckled, rising to his feet as someone called for his attention. As he walked away, Alex's gaze remained fixed on me.

"What?" I inquired, curious about his intense scrutiny.

"Are you still not going to tell me what's going on with you?" he questioned.

I avoided his gaze, feigning nonchalance. "Why do you think something is going on with me?"

He studied my expression carefully. "You've been unusually quiet for the past week, Neev. All of us can see that you're hiding something," he stated. "Mom and Dad aren't pushing you because they don't want to pressure you. But you can tell me. You know the bro code."

A smile touched my lips as I looked at him. I knew he'd go to great lengths to protect me, which was exactly what frightened me. One wrong move and their lives could be at risk because of me.

"Being quiet is also a skill," I teased him, a playful grin on my face. "You might want to give it a try sometime."

He rolled his eyes, not amused. "Quit making fun of me," he retorted, a hint of mock drama in his tone. "My poor, broken heart is quite fragile these days." He ran his hand over his chest in a comical manner.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, earning another mock glare from him. "I can't believe she got married," he said in disbelief.

He was referring to Ashley, he had a crush on her for years but never mustered the courage to confess his feelings to her. I wondered what Nate will do if he ever come to know about Alex's little crush on his mate.

"You know her husband, right?" he asked, turning his gaze to me. "Tell me, who's more handsome? Me or him?"

My gaze drifted across his features, his brown eyes fixed on me with anticipation. He was handsome in every sense—his sharply defined jawline, slightly curled brunette hair, a physique perfectly sculpted from his career as a professional boxer.

He had the same striking handsomeness as Nate, but he could never compete with the deep bond that came from being mates.

"Forget I even asked," Alex interjected, snapping me out of my reverie. "If you say he's better looking, it'll be a major blow to my ego and self-confidence."

A smile curved on my lips as I looked at my brother.

"He might be slightly better looking than you," I teased, rising from the bleachers.

"Hey!" Alex protested. "Revoke that statement."

I shook my head as I walked away. "Not a chance."

"Take it back!" he called out from behind. "Admit I'm the more handsome one."

Continuing to walk, I found his reaction both amusing and heartwarming. Conversations with him always managed to lighten my worries, temporarily alleviating my pain. I felt grateful for his ability to provide solace, even if only for a little while.




It was past midnight by the time I finally finished packing.

Earlier in the evening, Uncle, Aunty, and Alex had thrown me a farewell party during dinner. The atmosphere had been tinged with a sense of melancholy, prompting them to drink more than usual in an attempt to mask their sadness.

However, I refrained from drinking, knowing that I had an early flight to catch the next morning.

While they all believed I was headed to Germany, my actual destination was quite different. I had secretly booked a flight to India, opting for a place where no one was aware of my plans.

This choice seemed wiser, as it would make it harder for them to track me down.

In India, my parents had a house, and they had left enough money under my name to sustain me for years. Financially, I was secure and didn't need to worry about that aspect.

Finally, I would be out of here, where no one would find me. I could finally live my life freely, away from the constant threats of Steven and the fear that he would come back for me.

I stepped into the bathroom with the intention of changing the dressing on the wound on my neck and quickly taking a shower.

Just as I was about to go outside after finishing the shower, a shiver ran down my spine, causing goosebumps to form all over my skin. Simultaneously, the mark on my neck began to tingle, a sensation that was hard to ignore.

My grip on the bathroom doorknob tightened instinctively. I didn't need to venture outside to confirm my suspicions. Every fiber of my being was acutely aware that he was here, his presence palpable in ways beyond explanation.

My heart started beating in an unnatural rhythm, and I had no courage to go outside and confirm. I remained glued to my spot as my mind showed me various scenarios of what would happen now.

His presence felt unnaturally cold, like I had suddenly been transported to the freezing climate of Antarctica.


"Step out, mate. Your heartbeat has already confirmed your awareness of my presence," his deep voice echoed, sending shivers down my spine. The mere thought of facing him outside was overwhelming, paralyzing me with fear.

"Are you coming out, or do I need to come in?" he inquired, his voice maintaining an unsettling calmness.

I attempted to maintain my composure, but anxiety had already taken hold, constricting my heart with each passing moment. The bathroom walls seemed to close in, creating a suffocating atmosphere.

My breathing grew labored as memories resurfaced, images of him trapping me on the cold tiles while he seemed to derive pleasure from breaking me down.

Fearing that he might actually enter the bathroom, I hesitated before eventually opening the door. I didn't need to search him around the room; he was already lounging on the bed, propped against the headboard.

He appeared relaxed, his arm tucked behind his head. His head was covered by a black hoodie, with some unruly strands of hair falling across his forehead. His long legs, encased in black jeans, were crossed in front of him.

"I quite enjoy how your heartbeat races at my mere presence," his voice reverberated, sending a shiver down my spine. His golden eyes traced every contour of my body, given that I was wearing only a cotton t-shirt and shorts.

Just don't give in to your fears.

Face him.

You can do it.

I clenched my fist tightly, urging myself to stay strong. "What are you doing here?" I struggled to maintain a steady voice. "How did you find me?" My question came out as a faint whisper.

How did he get inside?

He responded with a slow, almost sadistic smile; his predatory gaze locked onto mine. "Is that all you want to ask, mate?" he taunted. "Not 'how have you been?' or 'where have you been all this time?' You're truly hurting my feelings here." His words were accompanied by a sigh of mock disappointment.

I stared at him as if he had lost his mind.

Every fiber of my being screamed at me to run, to escape from this dangerous predator.

My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear and anger swirling inside me. I tried to stand my ground, "I'm not your mate," I shouted, "And you know that you can't have a mate."

"Ah! I see. My dear sister enlightened you a little," he mocked, his voice dripping with amusement. His attention then shifted to the corner, where my packed luggage sat, and he cast a probing gaze back at me. "Going somewhere, mate?" he inquired casually.

"It's none of your fucking business," I retorted with a mixture of frustration and defiance.

His dark eyebrows lifted in response; his arms casually crossed. "But fucking you seems to be my primary business."

His words left me momentarily stunned, unable to formulate a retort.

He continued, a smirk dancing on his lips. "So...," he drawled, his tone sly, "Is Germany far enough to keep me away from you?" A sense of unease settled over me; he was aware of my plans involving Germany.

"Or," he added, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, "are you opting for an entirely different route?" His question hung in the air, and I released a shaky breath.

He knows.

Of course he was aware. I should have known better.

But how? No one else knew about my plan except for me.

"I won't let you use me anymore," I said, my voice steadier than I felt.

Abruptly, he rose from the bed, causing me to instinctively take a step back until my back met the bathroom door.

He took a step closer, his predatory gaze never leaving mine. "Do you really think you have a choice, mate?" he sneered, deliberately emphasizing that repulsive word. The word that seemed to bind me to him against my will.

I swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure. "I won't be your human toy," I declared, my fists clenched at my sides.

Zev's smile widened, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Human toy or not, you're mine," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Uncle George and Alex were downstairs – all it would take was a shout, and I could run down to them. But the thought that he might harm them, overpowering us with ease, flashed through my mind. The memories of that man and Hactor resurfaced, preventing me from raising my voice.

My heart pounded as I considered my choices. I was well aware I couldn't match his strength, but I had to find a way to get away from him. As my eyes darted around, I searched for a potential avenue of escape.

The door was mere steps away, yet he stood between me and the only way out. While I was fully aware of his superior speed, strength, and power, staying here was not an option.

My instincts screamed that something worse could unfold if I stayed here.

With a burst of courage, I made a dash for the door, my heart pounding in my chest. Zev reacted instantly, grabbing my arm before I could reach the handle. His grip was like a vise, sending a jolt of pain through my body.

"Where do you think you're going?" he growled, pulling me back towards him.

I struggled against his hold, desperate to break free. "Let go of me!" I shouted; my voice tinged with panic.

He maneuvered me, forcing my back against the closest wall, wedging my body between his imposing figure and the unyielding concrete. Driven by a surge of adrenaline, I gathered my resolve and delivered a fierce knee strike aimed at his groin, but he deftly sidestepped my assault.

With a sudden surge of movement, he tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer against his body. He seized both of my hands, pinning them above my head to quell any potential resistance. A jolt of pain shot through my shoulder, a reminder of the throbbing wound that pulsed beneath the surface.

"Now, mate," he murmured, his lips brushing against my ear as he leaned in, his tone dripping with a sinister edge. "You were just about to hurt a very important part."

"Important or useless?" I retorted, my words laced with bitterness.

He pushed his lower body forcefully against mine, and I could feel the hardness of his length pressing against my lower stomach. The contact sent shivers down my spine, my body involuntarily reacting to his touch. "But your body seems to be enjoying this useless part," he taunted.

"Release me!" I gasped, my voice a mixture of fear and defiance.

Zev's gaze bore into mine, a mixture of intense desire and amusement playing in his eyes. "You can't escape me, mate," he murmured, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"I can and I will," I shot back, my voice trembling with a blend of anger and determination.

He leaned in even closer, his lips teasingly brushing against mine. "We'll see about that," he whispered, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Before I could react, he pressed his lips forcefully against mine. I attempted to turn my head away, but his hand tangled in my hair, holding me in place. There was no tenderness in the kiss; it felt possessive, demanding.

His hunger was palpable as he nipped at my lower lip, causing a stinging pain that made me taste blood. He soothed the ache by running his tongue over the tiny wound.

A primal growl resonated from deep within him as he delved his tongue into my mouth. His body pressed insistently against mine, a persistent grinding motion as if seeking some kind of friction.

My lungs felt devoid of air, as if he was drawing the very breath from me. A whimper escaped me, a plea for him to cease, tears pooling at the corners of my eyes. As if sensing my distress, his tongue swept over my lips one final time before he released me.

I gasped for air, greedily inhaling as much oxygen as I could. He too breathed heavily, drawing ragged breaths from my neck, although his weren't as erratic as mine.

He trailed his nose along my neck, planting soft kisses over the bandaged mark. His actions sent a wave of weakness through my knees, nearly causing me to buckle.

"I couldn't keep my distance, mate," he confessed, his words a mixture of vulnerability and desire. "You're like a drug to me, and I crave you like nothing else." His words encircled me, casting an entrancing spell that drew me perilously close to the edge of danger.

I tried to remind myself that it was the mate bond at work, fueling these overwhelming emotions.

I struggled, straining against his unyielding grip, "Let me go!" I shouted; my voice laced with panic.

His hold only tightened, pressing the air out of my lungs. I was ensnared, utterly helpless within his clutches. His face hovered mere inches from mine as he hissed, "We're tied together," the intensity in his voice nearly tangible. "Whether you want it or not."

His words hung in the air with a heavy weight that demanded my attention. "So, let me ask you," he began, his voice edged with an unsettling calmness, "are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

Confusion knitted my brows together as I regarded him. "Do what?" I queried, my tone reflecting the befuddlement swirling within me.

"Accompany me," he stated, as though he was simply discussing the weather.

For a moment, I was convinced he must have lost his sanity. Was he playing a twisted game, or had he truly ventured into a realm of unreality? "Why on earth," I began, my incredulity apparent, "would I ever want to go anywhere with you?"

He maintained his intense gaze on me, not a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "So, the hard way it is, then?" he replied, as if the course of action had been predetermined.

The gravity of his words settled around me, a heavy fog that I struggled to navigate. Before I could even attempt to wrap my mind around the unfolding situation, his hand moved with a calculated swiftness, slipping to the side of my neck and applying precise pressure.

In an instant, the darkness consumed me, an inky abyss that swallowed my consciousness whole.


So, I decided to continue the story like some of you wanted me to.

Please vote and comment to show me that you guys really want to read this story.

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