So I'm A Divine Monster, So W...

By GrayTs0

30.2K 968 162

Sophie Sasaki was an ordinary high school student with dreams and aspirations before tragedy struck. One day... More

Part 1: A Friend and A Name
Part. 2: Evolution and Goodbye
Pt. 3 : New Skills and Hero
Part. 4: My First Subordinate and Bottom Stratum
Part 5: A Duel
Part 6: Kingdom of Analeit and Renxandt Empire
Part 7: The Encounter
Part 8: Finally Out!
Part 9: The Goblin Village
Part 11: Naming the Goblins and Direwolves
Part 12: The Vampire Progenitor
Part 13: Dwarves
Part 14: The Kingdom of Dwarves
Part 15: Kaijin and the Three Dwarf Brothers
Part 16: Mother and Arachne
Part 17: Potimas and Demon Lord Ariel
Part 18: New Friends and Rimuru's Return
Part 19: The Conqueror of Flames
Part 20: Greater Spirit of Fire, Ifrit

Part 10: Battle in the Goblin Village

1.1K 46 14
By GrayTs0

' ' - Thinking
" " - Talking
< > - Skills
{ } - Skills Talking
[ ] - Telepathically
<< >> - Voice of the World
Okay, I'm sorry it took awhile to update since I am busy with another book of mine, please read my other books if you are interested and thank you for all the support in this book ♥️. It means a lot. Now onto the story.


{Ж --ቿ--ЖㄖЖ--ቿ--Ж}

In the Goblin Village...

Rimuru, Shiraori and her subordinates are standing infront of the goblins, looking at them and planning on how to defend against the direwolves.

'Hmm.. Doesn't seem I can expect them to put up much of a fight against the direwolves.' Shiraori thought, looking at the goblins and their skinny figure.

'They're pretty scrawny, and their gear's all in tatters.'

'I know for sure that Terraria and Tyrant can easily win against the direwolves but I want them to be independent and won't be dependent on us.' She continue.

The goblins are looking at their two new masters, expectantly with hope and admiration in their eyes which made Rimuru sweatdrop while Shiraori was used to this kind of stare.

'Talk about high pressure.' Rimuru thought.

[There's more to come, you'll get used to it.] Shiraori said to him.

Shiraori coughed to get everyone's attention as she starts speaking.

"Everyone, do you understand the situation?" Shiraori asked as the goblin chief's son answerwed with a salute, followed by a small goblin trying to imitate him.

"Yes! We're prepared to fight with our lives on the line!" The goblins straighten up hearing their captain.

"You don't need to get so worked up, relax a little." Rimuru said trying to ease the gonlins, he knows that they're nervous and he would have too is he was in their situation.

"Just focus on doing your best." Shiraori said which made the goblins look at them with admiration and was praised as Rimuru got embarrassed with all the attention.

'Ugh, I never even said anything cool.' He thought with a small pink tint on his cheeks.

"Well, first, lead us to your injured." Shiraori said and they were guided infront a big hut.

Inside many goblins are laying down with injuries and bandages in their head, torso, arms, chest and legs.

The two masters looked at the goblins in pity, the wounds looked so deep and serious.

Shiraori went close to a goblin as she observes his wounds.

'His wounds looked so deep and it looks like a claw and fang marks.' Shiraori thought looking at the unconscious goblins' chest that was wrapped in bandage but blood was seen on it.

The elder goblin started syaing, "We've treated them as best as we can."

Rimuru went beside Shiraori as he also took a look at the goblins' injuries.

'These cuts are deeper than I expected. Their claws and fangs can do this?' Rimuru thought.

"Well, we better helped them then."
Shiraori said as she activated her skill, <Divine Healing> as the goblin infront of them was absorbed in a pink fog before disappearing and healing the goblins' injuries, completely.

The healed goblin woke up frantically and started checking his body for any signs of injuries but there was none.

"Oh! Yo-Your wounds-!" The elder exclaimed shocked and stunned.

"They're healed!"

Everyone was surprised and amazed at Shiraori's skill, even her subordinates were amazed since they didn't know that Shiraori has a skill like that but they knew that Shiraori can do anything.

The goblins were relieved and happy that they chose the right masters to serve.

"I wanna try something too." Rimuru went beside another goblin as he swallowed the goblin whole making everyone surprised but Shiraori was curious on what he is doing.

"Rimuru-sama, what are you-" The elder wasn't able to finish his sentence as Rimuru spits out the goblin who now has all of injuries healed.

'Wow, I guess its that easy. It's surprisingly effective to just ingest him and toss a bunch of the potions in my body at him! These potions are really potent!' Rimuru thought as starts healing the other goblins with Shiraori.

Terraria also decided to help out as she doesn't want her master to do all the work.

A couple of vines came out of the ground beside some of the injured goblins and the goblins were surprised and was ready to attack but Tyrant told them to watch.

The vines then wrapped the injured goblins into a cocoon before they start glowing and disappearing, revealing the goblins with no injuries.

"Yo-you truly are great and powerful." The elder, his son and the other goblins bowed to the ground towards them, showing their appreciation.

'That's it for their injured now. Then...'

"Build a fence! We're gonna strengthen the village's defenses!" Shiraori ordered with authority and conviction and the goblins nodded.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Tyrant if you have time, can you please help train the goblins to be more suited for combat? And Terraria please help the goblins build the fence around the village." Shiraori asked her two subordinates which they kindly obeyed.

Soon, it was nighttime and the village is now surrounded by a fence, it might look weak but it was enchanted by Terraria's magicules.

Rimuru, Shiraori and her subordinates are outside the fence while the goblins are behind the fence with their weapons ready to attack.

Shiraori looked back at the goblins seeing them ready with their bows and arrows and is ready to shoot some wolves.

"You did a great job training them Tyrant they looked like they're ready to face the direwolves without us and also thanks Terraria for helping them with the fence and their weapons." Shiraori thanked her two subordinates.

"It was nothing Shiraori-sama, anything for you." Tyrant said and Terraria nodded.

Somewhere in the Great Forest of Jura...

A wolf is standing on top of a rock with a scar on his left eye.

"What a fine evening." He said looking at the moon.

"The village has lost Veldora's protection. There's nothing left to fear." The wolf look ahead of them and then to his pack with a smirk.

"Tonight, were going to destroy the goblins' village and create a foothold in Jura Forest!" The wolves howl at what their alpha said.

"Our claws will tear through any monsters that gets in our way! Our fangs will devour an opposition!" The wolves once again howl and the boss jumps off the rock quickly followed by two direwolves. One with a bluish-silver fur and his neck, his snout, and the ends of his limbs and tail are white, unlike the purely dark-periwinkle coat of the other direwolves.

While the other wolf was purely white except for his neck, about, the ends of his limbs and tail. Also, they have a noticable and star mark on their forehead formed by a darker color of fur.

They other wolves followed their alpha towards the goblin villgae.

They soon arrived but stopped as the alpha was surprised to see a fence surrounding the village.

The alpha smirked, "What use do they expect such a meager fence to be?"

Just then the white wolf stepped up beside the leader, "Father." He tried gaining his father's attention but he simply ignored him, which made the white wolf a bit sad but did not show it.

This time the other wolf stepped up on the other side of the leader, "Father." The alpha looked at him as the wolf points towards the front of the fence with his snout.

"A spider and a slime?" He questioned but then look towards the two figures standing behind the two.

He can tell that just by a glance they are strong, probably enough to wipe them all out but his pride and ego is bigger than that.

"If you turn back now, no harm will come to you. So you'd better go now!" Rimuru wanted to try and avoid fighting if possible.

"What impudence! A mere slime and spider can't order us direwolves around!" The alpha wolf was sure that they're gonna win this battle. After all, a mere and weak spider and slime cant beat them can't they?

"Tear down that fence! We'll slaughter those goblins!" He ordered as the wolves howl before rushing towards the village.

The alpha smirked before noticing the goblins started firing arrows at the direwolves and even killing some.

The alpha then noticed something.

'Threads?' He observe the threads that was soaked in blood before noticing that some of the direwolves started to get on fire, some completely frozen, some paralyzed and cannot move and some was poisoned and are slowly dying.

"Damn your skill is so strong." Rimuru said to Shiraori observing the chaos the direwolves are in.

"Yep, my <Elemental Thread Manipulation> is kinda OP if you think about it." Shiraori agreed.

"This are your doings?" The alpha asked the two monsters infront of the fence.

"It is!" Rimuru happily said.

The alpha was furious, "That's some nerve for such weak monsters! I'll see you dead after this!"

The alpha then rushed towards the village as his two son's tried to stop him but it was too late.

The alpha swoop past most of the threads and cutting them off with his fangs and claws. He pounce towards Shiraori and Rimuru, ready to kill them.

"Rimuru-sama! Shiraori-sama!" The goblins called out worriedly for their masters but Terraria and Tyrant remained calm.

Just when the alpha was about to slash Shiraori and Rimuru with his claws, he can feel a brush of wind hit his fur and was stopped mid-air by Shiraori's threads.

"And those are <Sticky Threads>." Shiraori casually said as he looked up at the alpha that is being held up in the air with her threads.

"You had another trick?" The alpha struggled to get out of the threads as Shiraori smirks.

"I have more but I don't want to show it yet." Shiraori said as she glanced at Tyrant.

Tyrant seeing her master's glance at him nodded as he swiftly took out his battle axe and in one swing, cuts off the head of the alpha.

Blood spurts out of the alpha's neck before his head falls to the ground. The direwolves and goblins were shocked.

Rimuru moves towards the head of the alpha as the rest of his body was released by Shiraori and his body falls to the ground.

The direwolves looked angry and in disbelief, their alpha had died so easily.

"Listen up direwolves! Your boss is dead! Now I offer you a choice, serve us or death?!" Rimuru offered them a choice but the direwolves did not show any signs of moving.

'That was risky. What if they went all "death before dishonor" and attacked all at once? It doesn't look like they're gonna run.' He thought before an idea came up to him.

He swallowed the alpha's dead body making everyone surprised and the wolves angry.

{Survey Completed. Ability to mimic direwolf acquired. Direwolf Species Skills: <Supreme Sense of Smell>, <Thougt Communication> and <Menace> acquired.} Great Sage informed.

"Alright!" Rimuru then activated his skill <Mimicry> and turns into a direwolf which impressed and shocked everyone except Shiraori.

"Alright! Listen up! I'll let you go just this once! If you refuse to serve us, you may leave!" Rimuru said shortly followed by a howl with the skill <Menace>.

The howl was so loud that it nearly made some goblins fall while the direwolves struggle to fight back.

'C'mon hurry up and leave already!' Rimuru thought as he looks at the direwolves that had not yet leave but instead is slowly going towards him.

'No dice? They still want to fight?' Rimuru sweatdrop as the direwolves get closer and closer until.

All direwolves bowed down to him, "We all pledge our loyalty to you!"

Rimuru stopped howling as soon as the direwolves bowed down to him he then thought, 'Really? You could've just run.'

"Um...does this mean we've won?" The elder goblin said and Rimuru turned back into a slime but still has the wolf ears and tail for a second before it disappears which Shiraori found adorable.

"Ah yes it seems we did win." Shiraori answered as she looks at the bowing direwolves.

"We don't have any more reason to fight so that's a win for us." Terraria spoke up for the first time since arriving at the goblin village.

'Terraria surely doesn't talk much huh?' Shiraori thought to herself.

The goblins cheered for their victory, happy to be alive and still together.

"Yup peace is surely the best." Shiraori jumps towards Terraria's arms which she gladly caught her master.

Shiraori looked ahead to see the sun already rising, 'And so the battle of the goblin village ended rather quickly but now...'

{Ж --ቿ--ЖㄖЖ--ቿ--Ж}
{Ж --ቿ--ЖㄖЖ--ቿ--Ж}

So I'm done with this chapter and I think I will also be uploading the next one on Tuesday or Wednesday but that depends on my schedule but thank you for the support you all have given this book! ♥️.

If you want or have time please check out my other books if you interested. Also I need help for the ship in this story.

At first I was thinking of a Shiraori x Rimuru but I also wanted a Shiraori x Wrath ship and I'm honestly stuck between the two, so please tell me your suggestions on the ships. It would be helpful.

Also please correct me if you found any grammar mistakes, I don't re-read my chapter and I just depend on auto-correct.

That is all until next time~

{Published: August 13, 2023}

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