
doggo__uno द्वारा

1.3K 58 6

μοναξιά • (monaxiá) (plural μοναξιές) loneliness, lonesomeness (feeling of depression resulting from being a... अधिक

Part one - cold
Part two - plane
Part three - dad
Part four - scars
Part five - a good day.?
Part six - games and good news
Part seven - Kate..??
Part eight - therapy
Part nine - more, more and more.
Part eleven - codes and calculations...
Part twelve - names and numbers
Part thirteen - the backpack
Part fourteen - football

Part ten - N.O. Spells NO.

52 3 0
doggo__uno द्वारा

Anthony's POV:

"Ella: I got the pictures of the dogs you wanted :)" -yesterday 13:06pm-

"Becky: ooh!! That's great honey ☺️ can I see?" -yesterday 13:12pm-

"Ella -4 images-
-yesterday 13:17-

"Becky: aww they're all so cute! You planning on doing anything today? Xx" -yesterday 13:20-

"Ella: not really"

"-Anthony would you mind passing me the salt?" Emily asks as I jump and look up to her, laughing at my small fright she motions to the salt next to me before I pass it over.

"You took some nice pictures of the dogs yesterday.?" I say to ella as she rests her head on my shoulder, nodding she tiredly sits up, "..what you thinking of doing today?" I ask and she only stays still as Emily places breakfast In front of me, Ella and dad and begins eating hers across from us.

"Maybe we can go back outside? It's supposed to be nice and sunny again today," she says taking a bite of her avocado sandwich thing before continuing, "this week is supposed to be the last bit of sun before it gets snowy."

"Yeah, maybe we can go see the garden?" I ask and Ella glances at me for shrugging. Hearing footsteps behind us me, Ella and dad turn round to see who it is- well me and dad do Ella tries before wincing and giving up.

Quickly looking to check if she's okay Charlie also reaches us with a small concerned smile, "you okay?" He asks and she nods while eating a small spoon of cereal, "okay. What are you lot planning to do today?" He asks the room as we all listen, "probably go outside and see the garden and all of the flowers before they all get snowed over, ..then we can watch a film?"

"Sounds amazing." Dad says eating his breakfast emotionless while charlie glances at him amused, "you seem happy." Charlie laughs softly,
"I'm always happy." Dad sighs and looks to Ella as she holds back a small giggle making him smile softly.

"And these are some more roses- just pink roses this time." Emily says as I carry Ella through Emily's flower garden, I only watch blankly with my brain only emitting white noise as Emily shows Ella each flower, it's name and why we have it.

Emily would've carried Ella but she had a hip surgery last year and doesn't want to drop Ella or something as she's worried she wouldn't be able to carry her- even tho Ella's basically as light as a feather. Dad carried her yesterday for the first time and said that I need to start making her eat more as he's worried about how light she is.

Probably the first time he's ever come to me worried about something.

-The thing that's annoying is that I am, I do airplanes and trains and other silly things to get her to eat at least a couple more bites of the food from the diet plan the lady gave to us, but she just throws it all up. Obviously it's not her fault and it's horrible to see her go though it almost multiple times a day and thankfully Charlie's been giving me some special fruit shake thing that I've been calling 'magic juice' so Ella won't faint or lack any nutritional thingys that she needs.

I just hope it tastes nice for her.

"Here's some carnations, these are my favourites!" Emily says clasping her hands together happily as Ella looks at the pink flowers, "pretty." My thoughts cut to silence as I quickly turn my head from staring blankly at the flowers to Ella's happy face looking at the pinks and purples.

"What was that honey?" Emily asks just as shocked as I am as Ella glances between us, blush growing on her cheeks as we stare at her amazed she quickly hides her face in my neck as Emily smiles widely at me, "she thinks they're pretty." She says to me smugly and walking further into the mass of colour and weirdly styled bushes.

Todays been mostly relaxing, we've watched a couple films and went outside for a bit before me and Ella had dinner in our room before now going to bed.

I finish brushing my teeth and walk out the bathroom to see Ella watching the Barbie film playing on the tv, getting into bed and checking my phone I see a text from Nick.

"Nick: I know it's late but I was wondering if you had asked Ella about the code? You don't need to do it now if you haven't already but just let me know soon as I'm leaving for the meeting early tomorrow." -23:14pm-

Sighing I look to Ella who's already looking to me, sending me a small smile I automatically smile back and check back at my phone.

Is now the best time?

"Anthony: hey Charlie sorry if you're asleep but I was wondering how I could ask Ella about the code as Nick wants to know about it" -23:20pm-

"Charlie: nah I'm awake got some paperwork to finish but maybe we can both ask her tomorrow morning? Or just whenever it's best for Ella"

"Anthony: maybe it's best to leave it for tomorrow, see you then"

The next morning I wake up to Ella awake yet again, "how much did you sleep last night?" I ask looking at her bloodshot eyes wich are accompanied with dark circles, shrugging she goes back to brushing her hair at the desk as I put some socks on,

"Baby?" I ask and Ella looks back to me, her hands start picking at each other before I roll onto my stomach and take her hands in mine, "i.. I just have a question that you don't have to answer right now okay?" I ask trying to make this easier for her.

Just as I continue to ask a knock sounds from the door, "hold on sweetie." I say as I make my way to the door as Ella hobbles away and almost collapses onto her side of the bed before sitting up and waiting for me to open to who's outside.

Opening the door I see Nick in a suit with a small smile on his face. That's unusual to see- especially at this time of the day.

"Hi, was just wondering if you had asked Ella?" He asks glancing back and probably seeing her sat waiting on the bed, "oh, I was just about to-" I'm cut off as Charlie turns the corner down the hallway, seeing me and Nick he hurry's over, "have you asked?"

"No was just about to." I say as they both nod.

Turning back to Ella I shut the door behind me as I walk up to her and crouch to her level, taking her hands in mine I hold her hands for a couple seconds before looking up to her big, beautiful but tired eyes who only stare back at me.

"Baby, I have a question," I say before hesitating, giving me a small nod and squeezing my hands softly she encourages me to continue, "you know.. when.. you were.. taken." I start and continue to closely watch her facial expressions of any discomfort as a sign to stop immediately- not seeing anything other than her slightly tensing I continue on, "they.. gave you a code to I-.. identify you? Right?" I ask and she nods he face not changing or showing any more signs of discomfort as she quickly nods trying to speed up the problem very uncomfortable situation.

"I was wondering if you could tell me what.. what it was.?" I ask while biting my lip anxiously. Her eyes leave mine as watch our hands for a couple seconds before before sniffing quietly, reaching for my phone she opens the notes app and types out one word 'why?' As she shows me the word my heart jumps and I quickly adjust myself so I can see her face better, reaching my right hand out to hold her face I see her teary eyes as I feel my heart almost break.

"Uh- it's for some security stuff as the people who took you used- uh.. y-yours and Viktors and graysons codes for a password for something and- a- uh.. a business partner, is interested in finding out what it's for and he's asked.. is to ask you for the number you were.. given so he can try open whatever the passwords for." Finally looking at Ella once again after stumbling over my word I only see her now fully terrified eyes staring back at me.


"Viktor?" My blood freezes as I realise I mentioned their names, "uh ..yeah.." I say with a quiet and shaky voice as tears well up in my daughters eyes and her chin wobbles as she holds back tears while she pushes my hands away.

"No." She says as she begins breathing faster and faster as we both stand, "Ella I'm sorry can I just ex-"

"No!" She sobs as I try to explain while her hands push against my chest. I see the door open from the corner of my eye as Ella continues to push me away.

As she cries I slowly back out trying to think of what to do, she stays crying by the bedside as Nick gestures for me to come to him, as I quickly exit and the door closes behind me I can hear Ella crying in the room alone, my heart aches and my hands sweat as Nick asks me what just happened.

"I-I don't know, she was mostly okay until I mentioned Viktor." I say holding back tears as Alex and dad now appear from their rooms, "why did you mention him?" Dad asks, "she asked why I wanted to know the number and I said that hers and his and graysons numbers made a password- but she just said no and I-I don't know-"

"Okay come here," Alex says grabbing my wrist and dragging me further down the hallway as the three continue to talk about what to do, as Alex stops and pushes me softly against the wall he pushes the hair from my forehead and wipes the tears from my cheeks as I try to calm myself down.

"It's okay Anthony, calm down okay? Im sure after she calms down we can talk about this and we can all understand what's happened." He says now wiping his tear stained hands on his suit trousers, "Anthony? Can you listen to me okay?" Grabbing my face in both of his hands my older brother sighs as I try to look away and hide my face, embarrassed that he's just seen me crying- again.

Eventually having enough of me mumbling and watching my sad attempts at acting okay he huffs as he brings me into a hug, my head rests on his shoulder as he attempts to stop me from panicking about Ella.

"She'll be okay. The rooms safe she can't hurt herself, she will calm down and then we can talk to her about this okay?"

Ella's POV:

I watch as my toes wiggle as I tiredly sit alone, tears still stream down my face- yet now only silently as I think about what's happened.

Hiccuping as I cry, I struggle to sit up as my whole body aches once again. I thought I was just getting used to the pain but I guess Charlie just gave me stronger pain killers. Sniffling I eventually find myself sat up finally and able to look over the bedside over to the door, I feel really sick.

I can't remember what I did but I know I was crying and shouting- it all started to blur together after dad mentioned- him. I can't believe they know each other. I can't believe they all talk and interact and know each other.

I don't care who they know. Only that if they knew him then they likely knew where I was after he used me to escape.

I can't believe it. I really don't believe it- maybe I over reacted and thought Into it too much.. maybe he didn't tell them we're I was.. but he shouldn't have a reason to not try save me after he used me to escape... but he also shouldn't have a reason to use me the way he did.

I don't know- I don't understand- why would he leave me? What did I do wrong? If I did anything to him it was saving him-

I don't understand. Maybe I should've talked to them first... they only wanted the know the identification number thing they gave me. They might've never even met him before..

...maybe- "Ella?" A voice calls out into the very dark room as light creep along the door from the lit hallway.

How long has it been? What time is it?

"Ella?" I hear the voice again, now looking over to the door I see Stefano standing still with the door handle still in his hand as he now finds my mostly hidden figure hiding behind the bed.

"Can we talk.?" He asks softly in a tone I haven't heard from him before, he watches as I stiffly nod before he closes the door behind him and walks more into the room. Eventually getting to my side of the bed he slowly sits at the end a couple feet from where I sit towards the top of the bed.

What if he does know him and knew where I was and just didn't want to save me? What if dad knew? What if-

"Ella I know you're upset- I don't know what about, and I can guess you don't want to speak about what happened with you and- ...him. -but I can assure you that we really all do love you and I'm hoping maybe me and you can talk through this so we can have more of an understanding of why you're upset.
...maybe I can clear up a misunderstanding..?" He asks his voice soft but confident as he looks at me watching me as best he can in the dim light.

I nod once again and shuffle slightly to adjust myself before he nods and clears his throat, taking out his phone he opens the notes app and hands it to me, "you don't have to say anything you don't want- I would just like to know why you're upset and maybe we can clear somethings up.."

Clearing my own throat and sniffling slightly I take his phone from his hands before hesitating on what to say... "did you know where I was?" I type out and place the phone facing Stefano on the floor as he reads it, "where you were- ..when you were taken.?" He asks looking over to me as I nod.

He almost freezes, furrowing his eyebrows and swallowing harshly he speaks, "No. not until you were found and the Russians- who are related to- ..Viktor, told us where you were as they knew." He says anger growing in his voice.

I stare blankly at the floor while dads dad asks me if I'm okay, forcing myself to nod I swallow down the sick rising in my throat before picking the phone back up, "what did they know? What did he tell them?" I show dads dad the phone again and he clears his throat, "he told them the location of where they had you- nothing else as he- uh.. I guess he's not comfortable telling anyone anything yet like you but.. nothing else that I know, only where you were.. they sent out men to save you but you had escaped before that."

"That's when they told us about what they knew and then a couple days later you were found." I nod as he falls silent, we sit still for a couple seconds maybe even minutes before he shuffles closer to me, "Ella?" He asks making me look to him, his eyes are soft and warm surrounded by faint wrinkles framing his face and his small frown as his hand reaches slowly to me, wrapping around my waist his hand pulls me to his side as we again fall silent.

Picking up the phone again I type out another question, "what time is it?" Stefanos arm rests around my shoulder as he leans in and softly kisses the crown of my head. Since I got back I haven't been comfortable with anyone touching me or even looking at me yet now with my dads dad- my grandad I don't feel that sickly feeling anymore.

"19:45." He says resting his head back onto the bed as I curl further into him, accidentally letting out a small wince his head shoots to me worried, "are you okay?" He asks concerned, "-shit you haven't had your medicine today." Before I can try to stop him he gently lifts me up and sets me on the bed, "I will be right back," he says before heading to the toilet and returning with all of my medicines and the book me and dad fill out each day.

Stefano sits on the edge of the bed beside me while placing the pill bottles on the bedside table before opening the book on the empty page of today, "what day is it baby?" He asks holding the pencil above the date, "3rd." I say quietly as he writes in, "10/3/23"
Firstly I'm confused on why he wrote the month before the day before I remember Americans write it mm/dd/yy and not dd/mm/yy.


Soon after me and dads dad Finnish taking all of the medicines I slowly start to feel better the more time me and Stefano spend sat out in silence on his balcony, Emily brought up some food just as we finished the medicine thingys and asked if we were hungry and if I was okay. Obviously I tried to decline the food as I'm really not hungry much anymore but Stefano gave me a stern look and said that I had to eat.

The stars are already out and the woods that spread across the horizon look spooky as the only thing illuminating them is the house and moon. It's not that late but it is getting darker earlier I realise which is a bit sad as I am excited to experience summer in America and I don't know if I can make it that far.

"What's your favourite colour?" Stefano asks suddenly making me jump under my many blankets and pillows that he basically threw at me once we stepped outside, I take a deep breath building myself up to speak as he continues to watch me closely. He finished his food ages ago but is insistent I eat at least half of my much smaller sized plate.

"Red. O-o-or.." blushing at the stutter I just stuttered I sigh as my hands pick at each other, "o-or pin-pink." Biting my lip harshly I can almost taste the blood I pull as he smiles softly at me, "yeah, when you were a baby you always loved pink." He says before we fall silent again.

"W-what's- what's y-yours?" I ask and immediately feel sick as I look away from him, what if he gets mad at me? Why would he get mad at me for asking a simple question? I don't know- but why did I even ask? Do other people even have favourite colours? Am I just weird? Wh- "probably.. green. Like a nice dark forest green." He says smiling at me probably laughing internally at my nervousness.

Nodding I force down another bite of the pasta dish Emily brought up, "what's your favourite school subject?" He asks sipping his drink of whatever he has as I force the pasta down my throat, almost half way.

"Art. O-or German." I say quietly and he smiles, "oh? What languages do you know?" He asks leaning forward, "se- six." I correct myself quickly as I remember I don't want them to know I know italian- I still want to listen into their 'private' conversations.

"Oh, are you leaning a seventh?" Stefano asks as he probably noticed my mess up, nodding he smiles, "and what language is that?" I pause trying to quickly think of a language that's not Italian but I can also play off as learning.

"..Welsh." I say as I remember one of my old friends- Cassie, teaching me some welsh as her mothers from wales.

"Oh that's a tricky one to learn, but it will be cool to show off when you're fluent. I personally know three languages, Italian- my first language and English and Spanish. ...What languages do you know?" He asks as he watches me closely- almost watching for any lie or mistake I say. Or maybe just staring at me.? Maybe he can read my mind.. can people read my mind.? I can't read other people's minds so hopefully he can't read mine but he is staring pretty intensely..

"English, f-French, uh-..German, Chinese, gre-Greek a-and Russian.." I say with my hands shaking nervously as I hide them under my blankets, including the one that Vittoria and Luciano gave me when I first arrived.

"That's an interesting group.. Greek too. That's impressive." He says smiling at me, "are you full?" He asks glancing at the mostly full plate as I quickly nod feeling slightly sick, "good girl," he says before picking up the plate and putting it on the coffee table beside us, "you want to go inside? It's getting colder." He asks and once again I nod and he picks me up with all of the blankets and carries me inside and through his big bedroom and into the hallway we're dads talking to someone.

Hearing his voice I lift my head from resting it on Stefanos shoulder and see dad and Charlie turning to see us, "hey baby, you okay?" Dad asks almost nervously as his hands nervously play around in the pockets of his teenage mutant ninja turtles hoodie. I look to his eyes, filled with worry as he glances to Charlie at my lack of reply. Once he looks back I quickly force a smile before hiding my face in Stefanos neck shyly as he comes up behind me.

"You had dinner with Stefano? Was it nice?" He asks as he softly places a hand on my back before Stefano speaks, "yeah, she ate about half." He says with his hand soothing comforting circles on my lower back as I nod.


Soon I find myself in between dad and dads dad watching Barbie and the diamond castle, well I and dad am, Stefanos reading on a kindle-Tablet thingy with glasses on the end of his nose as he reads whatever book he's reading. Suddenly Stefano clears his throat before closing his tablet.

"It's my bedtime." He says getting up and taking his grandpa glasses off, "uh- maybe I can drive you two to your therapy session tomorrow? 11am." He asks looking between me and dad, "uh yeah okay," dad shrugs looking to me before I look back to Stefano who looks at me intently for a little while before smiling softly, "I just wanna see her face when she sees her surprise." He smiles wider as dad giggles like a school girl next to me only stopping when I glance at him confused.

"'S daddy coming?" I ask slightly concerned if I'm going to be by myself for this surprise before they both nod quickly, "of course, I'm just gonna have to be there to make sure he doesn't tell you before hand." Stefano sends a cheeky smile to me and dad before making his way to the door, "see you two tomorrow."

"Night dad," dad says as I wave before Stefano waves goodnight back before closing the door behind him, "s-surprise?" I ask dad as soon as the door shuts, looking to him excitedly I almost forget about everything as dad begins teasing me about how he's not going to tell me.

Frowning I huff and turn the volume of the film up slightly louder as dad giggles almost manically before shushing and watching with me.


A/n: thank you all so much for all of the reads and votes!!! I hope you all like this new chapter and also the new title and cover.?? Hope it's all cool 🙂 anyways thank you all so much for 400 reads and all of the votes I really appreciate it all! :)))

I'm also sorry for any mistakes as recently my sleep schedule is so messed up and last night I pulled an all nighter so hopefully I can try sort myself out lol :)))

Also I'm sorry for not putting any pictures of the dogs, in books I don't really like it when writers put inspo pictures or reference pictures that don't match what you're like imagining of like a house or character so just let me know if you guys want the pictures of the dogs and I can put them down at the bottom of the chapter :))

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