Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

375K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


3.1K 76 2
By tonysnarky

In Charles's arms, Alexandra trembled, her tears soaking his shirt as she poured out her painful memories. The weight of her past seemed unbearable, the scars on her heart visible through her eyes. His embrace tightened, offering her the solace she desperately needed.

 Alexandra found the courage to share the fragmented pieces of her past. "Charles, it's my fault," she whispered, her voice cracking, tears flowing. "If only I had realized she was drinking that night... maybe she would still be alive."

Charles cupped her face tenderly, his gaze unwavering. "No, Lex, it's not your fault," he insisted, his words a lifeline amidst her turmoil. "You couldn't have known. It was a tragic accident."

But the guilt clung to her, a heavy burden she carried. "I should've seen the car coming," she choked out, "but I was so focused on leaving, I-,"

Charles held her close, the strength of his arms reassuring. "We can't change the past, Lexi," he said gently. "It's not your fault Mon Ange."

She paused, her breathing uneven. "After the accident, I woke up in that hospital bed, but I couldn't remember much. Pieces of my life before the crash were missing, like someone had erased them. It's still a blur." Amnesia had turned her own life into a mystery she had to solve. Charles absorbed her words, understanding the confusion she had faced. Her vulnerability made his heartache, and he held her even tighter, his warmth a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions. 

He nodded, understanding the frustration of those missing pieces. "That must have been incredibly tough," he empathized. "But you've come so far, and you're still pushing forward."

Lexi found comfort in his words, the weight of her experiences lightening ever so slightly. "Lewis and Tom," she continued, "they were there for me after the accident. They helped me piece things together, fill in some of the gaps."

Charles acknowledged their importance. "They're good friends," he said, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "It's important to have people who stand by you in tough times."

Charles listened intently as Alexandra recounted the aftermath of the accident. The weight of her words hung heavy in the room, carrying the pain and sorrow of those difficult times.

"He blamed himself," Alexandra's voice trembled slightly as she spoke about her father, "drank himself into a hospital bed. He was broken, Charles, and I couldn't do anything to help him."

Charles held her hand, his grip offering comfort as she shared her family's heartache. "It's not your fault, Lexi. You were just a teenager. You couldn't have predicted what would happen."

Alexandra's expression grew somber, revealing the depth of her brother's pain. "James was traumatized," she explained. "He confided in me later, saying he knew something was wrong that night. He knew Mum was drunk, and he decided not to go with us. He thought she needed to sleep it off and leave the next morning. When he heard her start the car..."

The pain in her voice was palpable, and Charles felt a lump forming in his throat. "I'm so sorry,"

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she continued. "We had to plan the funeral with Lewis and Tom. I don't even remember it, Charles. It's like I was a ghost, watching it all happen. I couldn't tell you where it was, or who came. I just remember watching them lower her casket into that grave, and feeling like I was going to follow her."

Alexandra's voice wavered as she continued sharing her life's chapters with Charles. "After the funeral, my father fell apart. He blamed me for Mum's death. He said he hated me, that I reminded him too much of her."

Charles's brows furrowed with empathy, his grip on her hand tightening. "I can't imagine how painful that must have been, Lexi."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she nodded, sniffing softly. "I packed a bag and moved in with Tom. James, though... he stayed behind, tried to help Dad through his alcohol issues, and to get him sober."

"Your brother must have carried an enormous burden," Charles remarked softly, his heart aching for both of them.

A bittersweet smile appeared on her face as she wiped away a tear. "That's the last time I saw my father until I came back to Brexton a few days ago to confront him."

James's name seemed to hang in the air, and Charles sensed a hesitation. "And James?" he inquired gently. A mixture of emotions danced in her eyes as she looked at Charles. 

"James is another story, for another time," she said, her smile growing more genuine.

They held each other close, the weight of their shared experiences and the promise of their future together mingling in the quiet room. Alexandra's tears flowed, and Charles held her with unwavering support. In that intimate moment, their connection deepened, and the unspoken understanding between them grew stronger.


Hours later, Alexandra sat with a local police officer, recounting the events that had unfolded earlier. Her voice was shaky as she explained the panic attack, her father's attempt to assist her, and the unfortunate fall that followed. The room was filled with tension, the weight of the situation evident on the faces of those present: Lewis, Charles, and Sebastian.

Sebastian, his head adorned with an ice pack to soothe his throbbing black eye, listened intently to Alexandra's words, concern etched into his features. Lewis, nursing his injured knuckles with an ice pack, maintained a solemn expression, his gaze fixed on the floor. Each of them grappled with the gravity of their actions and the potential repercussions.

The police officer, attentively taking in Alexandra's statement, turned to address Sebastian and Lewis. "Mr. Vettel, Mr. Hamilton," he began, "Mr. Jenkins has decided not to press charges against you both. He's expected to make a full recovery." His words seemed to bring a semblance of relief, a release of the tension that had gripped the room.

Sebastian's shoulders eased slightly, and Lewis let out a sigh, his tension visibly dissipating. The officer, his expression stern, shot a disapproving look at Sebastian and Lewis, conveying his disapproval of the earlier altercation. With a nod, he turned his attention back to Alexandra.

"I appreciate your cooperation, Miss Jenkins," the officer said, his tone softer now. 

"It's Heroux," She corrected him softly. 

"Of course, my apologies, Miss Heroux. I hope you're feeling better. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out." With those parting words, he left, leaving behind a room fraught with complex emotions and unresolved issues. The events of the day had left everyone rattled, their relationships and feelings now inextricably entwined in the aftermath of a tumultuous encounter.

After the police officer's departure, Lewis turned to Charles, a solemn expression on his face. He extended a sincere apology for his earlier aggression. Charles, being the understanding person he was, shrugged it off, recognizing the tension of the situation. However, Alexandra wasn't as quick to let Lewis off the hook.

"You acted like an asshole," she firmly stated, her eyes showing a mixture of frustration and concern. She believed Lewis had overstepped in his protective zeal.

Lewis defended himself, his voice laden with emotion. "I was trying to protect you, Lex. Seeing you in that hospital bed... it brought back some bad memories."

Realizing that her reaction was driven by worry and a genuine desire to keep her safe, Alexandra softened a bit. "I know, Lew," she said, her voice tinged with understanding."

"I'm sorry, Lexa." Sebastian sighed. "I should have told you when I saw you again. I just-,"

"It's okay Seb." Alexandra smiled sadly. "I understand. I promise. It's okay."

"What happened?" Lewis asked. Alexandra let out a hollow laugh. 

"My mother was having an affair with Christian Horner."

Lewis sat there in stunned silence, trying to comprehend the implications of this revelation.

Intrigued and hungry for the whole truth, Alexandra turned her gaze to Sebastian, her determination evident. "Tell us everything you know, Sebastian. I need to understand," she insisted, her voice firm despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her.

Sebastian looked concerned, his brows furrowing. He wanted to spare Alexandra from more pain, but he understood her need for closure. "Are you absolutely sure you want to hear it all?" he asked cautiously, wanting to be sure she was prepared for what he was about to reveal.

Alexandra nodded, a sense of resolve in her expression. "Yes, Sebastian. I've been living in the dark for too long. It's time to know the truth."

Sebastian took a deep breath and began to recount the unfolding of events from his perspective. "From what I could gather," he began, "Christian Horner entered Camille's life at a NASCAR event shortly after James was born." He paused, searching for the right words. "Their friendship grew over time, eventually turning into a romantic relationship."

Sebastian continued, revealing how Camille used her friendship with him and the emerging interest James had in karting as excuses to attend F1 events with the children when they were younger. "But it wasn't until much later," he explained, "that I stumbled upon a conversation between Camille and Christian in the paddock. Their intimacy was undeniable, and it shattered the illusion of Camille's fidelity."

The weight of the truth hung in the air as everyone in the room grappled with the implications of this revelation. The past was unraveled, revealing a web of secrets that had been hidden for far too long.

Sebastian's voice carried a mixture of sorrow and frustration as he recounted the years of deceit and pain. "Whenever Cami, whenever she needed someone to turn to, it was always Christian," he explained, his voice tinged with a sense of bitterness. "I'd seen them together on countless occasions around the paddock, and it was painful to witness. Michael Schumacher and I hated seeing the impact it had on you and James."

He turned his gaze to Alexandra, a wistful look in his eyes. "Do you remember playing with Michael's children?" he asked, his voice softening. When Alexandra shook her head, he continued, "Well, that's understandable. Those memories were overshadowed by the chaos you were living through."

Sebastian took a deep breath and continued, "Over the years, others in the paddock began to catch wind of Jacob's abuse and the affair. People like Michael and Kimi, they found out. The three of us, we all agreed to protect you and James. We knew you deserved better than the toxic environment you were trapped in."

He clenched his jaw, his eyes reflecting the countless arguments and struggles he had endured to shield the two siblings from the harsh reality. "We fought with your mum, time and again, urging her to make a change, to prioritize you and James over her own desires."

Sebastian's narrative was a painful unraveling of the complex web of relationships, betrayal, and turmoil that had enveloped their lives. "Camille always went back to Jacob, no matter what," he lamented, the frustration evident in his voice. "But she still kept cheating with Christian, creating this twisted triangle that tore everyone apart."

He leaned in slightly, searching Alexandra's eyes for a glimmer of recognition. "Do you remember the fight between Christian and Jacob?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of hope and dread. Alexandra hesitated for a moment before confessing that she did remember the fight itself, but nothing else surrounding it.

Sebastian nodded as if confirming something within himself. "That was a pivotal moment," he continued, "Christian had asked Camille to choose him, to finally leave Jacob behind. Cami even approached Jacob with divorce papers, taunting him with the life she could have with Christian. She told Jacob that Christian had bought a house for them to live in and had gone as far as finding a school for you and James nearby."

The image of Jacob's violent outburst at the paddock began to take shape in Alexandra's mind. "And the fight?" she prompted, trying to piece together the aftermath.

Sebastian's voice grew somber as he revealed the rest. "Jacob didn't take her taunts well. He couldn't handle the thought of losing you and James. That day, he stormed into the paddock, lost control, and attacked Christian. Toto and some of the others intervened, pulling them apart, but the damage was done."

Lewis leaned forward, his brows furrowing in earnest curiosity. "And what happened after that fight?" he pressed, eager to fill in the missing pieces of the story.

Sebastian took a deep breath, his gaze distant for a moment as he recounted the aftermath. "Well, as you might have guessed, Camille went back to Jacob," he admitted with a hint of frustration. "She always did, no matter what."

Alexandra nodded slowly, absorbing the revelation. "So, the affair ended, but they stayed in touch secretly?" she clarified, her mind racing to comprehend the intricate dynamics of the relationships involved.

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Christian wanted to make sure Camille had a way to reach out if she ever felt threatened or unsafe. But Jacob made it clear he wanted Christian out of your lives, especially away from you and James. It created a lot of tension at the paddock for a while."

The room seemed to hang in a collective moment of realization, each person grappling with their own thoughts and emotions. Alexandra's mind was swirling with newfound knowledge, but she needed to know more. "So, what happened next?" she inquired, trying to understand the course of events that had brought them all to this point.

Sebastian's voice grew solemn as he explained the subsequent chapter. "Well, after that fight, things settled back into the same toxic pattern. Camille always chose Jacob, no matter how much Christian cared for her. The affair officially ended, but there was always this unspoken connection."

Alexandra took a deep breath, her heart heavy with the weight of the revelations. "Then why did Christian end things with her? Why not fight for her if he cared?" she questioned, a mixture of empathy and confusion in her voice.

Sebastian's gaze held a complex mix of sympathy and understanding. "Camille was torn, and she thought the right choice was to be with Jacob for you and James. Christian respected that, even though it broke his heart. He saw that Camille couldn't fully commit to him, and he didn't want to force her into a decision she wasn't ready to make."

Sebastian leaned forward, his expression earnest as he continued to unravel the layers of their shared history. "After the affair ended, Christian eventually met Geri," he revealed, glancing at the others to make sure they were following along. "She knows everything about what happened with Camille and Christian, the whole complicated mess. And she's been supportive, even though it's a lot to handle."

Alexandra nodded, sensing the importance of Geri being in the loop. "And what about my role in all this?" she asked, wanting to know how she fit into the conversations between Sebastian, Kimi, Toto, and Christian.

Sebastian's gaze softened as he met her eyes. "When we found out that you'd be filming Champion this year, I wanted to make sure you were safe," he admitted, the concern for her evident in his voice. "So I had a private chat with Kimi, Toto, and Christian. We all agreed that, just in case Jacob was still around or things got complicated, Christian should stay away from you."

Lewis raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "But why? I mean, I get it, but why would Jacob take it out on Alexandra?"

Sebastian exhaled, his tone carrying a mix of worry and frustration. "We were concerned that Jacob might direct his anger at you, Lex, as you look so much like your Mother. We didn't know if it would make him think of the affair and set him off again. We didn't want any confrontation that could potentially put you in danger, Alexandra, especially considering we don't know what they argued over the night Cami died."

Alexandra felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. She was grateful for the lengths Sebastian and the others had gone to protect her, but it was also overwhelming to think about the extent of their concern. "I appreciate you all looking out for me," she said, her voice tinged with both gratitude and a hint of melancholy. "But it's so much to take in."

Sebastian nodded, empathetic to her feelings. "I know, Lex. It's a lot to process, and I'm sorry you had to find out all of this the way you did. But you're not alone in this, and we'll do our best to support you, just like we always have."

The room seemed to hold an unspoken understanding, a shared commitment to navigate the challenges they faced as a newfound family in each other's lives. The weight of their collective experiences weighed heavily on them, but it also strengthened the bonds that had formed through adversity, shared secrets, and the desire to protect one another from the shadows of their past.

Alexandra's heart warmed as she felt the sincerity in Sebastian's words. She hugged him back tightly, feeling the weight of his affection and the depth of their connection. "Thank you, Sebastian," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and emotion. "You've always been like a big brother to me, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

Sebastian's eyes glistened with genuine emotion. "You're not just lucky, Lexi," he replied, his voice tender. "You're family. And we take care of our own." He glanced at Lewis and Charles, who both nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting the unwavering support they had for Alexandra.

Sebastian grinned back at her, appreciating her words. "You know, out of all the paddock kids, you were my favorite, Lexi."

"Oh stop it, Seb,"

"I'm being serious." he laughed. "I knew you were my favorite the day we met. You kicked Michael in the shin because he said he was your favorite driver, and then you told him that I was your favorite." Sebastian sighed, pulling Alexandra into a comforting hug. "You know, Lexi," he said with a soft tone, "despite everything that happened, you found yourself a great family that truly cares for you. We love you, and we're there to support you, no matter what." 

She felt the sincerity in his words and the warmth of his embrace. "Thank you, Seb," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "For everything."

Sebastian smiled, his eyes holding genuine affection. "I'll always be there for you, just like you're my own daughter. I love you, Lexa."

Tears welled up in Alexandra's eyes as she felt the depth of his love and support. "I love you too, Seb."


❤️ by LexiHeroux, CharlesLeclerc, RobertDowneyJr and 19m others

@LewisHamilton: Thank you everyone for your concern. Alexandra has asked me to just let everyone know that she is fine, she just had a little accident. (She tripped over and fell.) She's absolutely fine but is totally milking this so that Charles spends every second giving her whatever she wants. 

FlorencePugh: Cutest couple ever

TomHolland: I bet they didn't ask you to post this pic tho LOL

PierreGasly: Why is Charles sitting like that omg


Thanks for the concern guys, Lexi's gonna be okay. 

Thank God
What happened

She tripped and fell

Clumsy Bitch

Glad she's okay. 

Thanks, guys
@Lewis, while you're out, can you get Seb some painkillers, please?
He's crying that his face hurts

why does his face hurt

We got into a fight with Lexi's dad

Woah, what? 

Her Dad's in the hospital.


Is Seb okay?

I won

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