Cobra Kai Fan-Fics - Four Sep...


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Hello and welcome to my story! - Currently this has slow updates because I've been busy and haven't had much... Еще

▪︎ Welcome ▪︎
☆ Brooke Lawrence ☆
• { Season 1 }
••••《 1 - Ace Degenerate 》
••••《 2 - Strike First 》
••••《 3 - Esqueleto 》
••••《 4 - Cobra Kai Never Dies 》
••••《 5 - Counterbalance 》
♡ Robin LaRusso ♡
• {Season 1}
••••《 1 - Strike First 》
••••《 2 - Esqueleto 》
••••《 4 - Counterbalance 》
••••《 5 - Quiver 》
♧ Rosey Williams ♧
• {Season 1}
••••《 1 - Ace Degenerate 》
••••《 2 - Strike First 》
••••《 3 - Esqueleto 》
••••《 4 - Cobra Kai Never Dies 》
••••《 5 - Counterbalance 》
♤ Ember Keene ♤
• {Season 1}
••••《 1 - Esqueleto 》
••••《 2 - Cobra Kai Never Dies 》
••••《 3 - Counterbalance 》
••••《 4 - Quiver 》

•••• 《 3 - Cobra Kai Never Dies 》

44 3 0

Robin LaRusso Episode Three - This takes place in season one, episode four.

Characters in scenes (in order of appearance): Robin, Daniel, Anthony, Sam, Aisha, Amanda


☆ Scene One - Breakfast at the LaRusso house: ☆

"Sam!" My dad calls out. "Breakfast time! I made banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes! Your favorite!" I roll my eyes as I sit down and begin eating. Of course he's trying to suck up to her. "Make sure you save some for your sister." My dad says, turning to me... I haven't even put a singular pancake on my plate.

"Don't worry, I won't eat the entire platter of pancakes. Just thought I'd eat something." I sigh, then adding in another quite comment. "Not everything is for Sam." I grumble, still mad about what happened at the Halloween party. The fact that no one came to check on me. Sam blamed me, but my dad could've cared less. My dad looks at me funny.

"What's your problem?" He asks. "Did I do something?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine." I sigh as I take a singular pancake from the platter and eat it plain. Minutes later, Anthony sits down, iPad in hand, and begins making what he calls a 'pancake taco.'

"Sam!" My dad calls out again. Sam comes speed-walking out of her room, averting her eyes from everyone. "Sam, wait!" My dad exclaims as Sam walks out the door. With a sigh, my dad turns around and sits at the table. Breakfast is silent, no one talks to anyone. What a great start to the day.


☆ Scene Two - At school: ☆

"I'm so sorry Yasmine did that, I had no idea." I mumble to Aisha as she explains the video Yasmine shared online at the Halloween party. "I can't imagine how that feels."

"People keep calling me Miss Piggy." She sighs and then looks down at me. "What happened to you? Why did you disappear?"

"Sam got mad at me, I ended up just waiting by the car until her and my dad showed up." I let out a sigh. "But, let's not worry about me." I shake my head as we walk up to Aisha's locker, Sam's waiting there. "Shit." I mutter as I see her.

"Please, dear God, wait with me." Aisha mumbles as we approach Sam. I nod, hesitantly, trying to remind myself that it's for Aisha.

"Aisha!" Sam exclaims, trying to act completely normal. "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened."

"Yeah, what your friends did." Aisha groans, opening up her locker. Someone walks by and calls out to Aisha, making a pig sound.

"Don't worry, they forget things quickly. This will pass soon." Sam smiles at Aisha.

"Yeah, but I won't forget." Aisha pulls out her last binder and begins walking off. "Come on, Robin." I begin walking with Aisha.

"Robin, wait." Sam calls out. I turn back, glaring.

"What?" I let out a sigh. "I don't want to talk right now." Sam takes a step closer.

"I just wanted to say sorry. You were right, I shouldn't be mad at you. It isn't your responsibility to watch dad." Sam explains.

"Thanks for the apology." I try my best to smile, but I see Kyler coming up behind Sam. "I'll see you later." I finish up the conversation and turn back to Aisha so her and I don't have to talk to Kyler. "Have fun with your so called 'friends.'"


☆ Scene Three - Sam comes back from the movies: ☆

It's late, everyone is in bed. The only reason I'm up is because I was hungry and couldn't sleep without getting something in my stomach. I tiptoe through the dark house, turning on the kitchen lights as I enter it. I open up the fridge and pull out a container of pineapple. I open it and begin eating. As I begin chewing on my third piece, I hear the back door open up. With a raised eyebrow, I wait to see who it is. It sounds as though someone is crying as they walk down the hall. Suddenly, Sam appears from around the corner. Her head jerks in my direction and we stare at each other for a few moments awkwardly. My eyes filled with worry, her eyes filled with fear.

"Are you okay?" I ask, awkwardly swallowing the piece of pineapple in my mouth. With a sigh and shake of the head, Sam begins crying.

"No, I'm not." She sighs. Without hesitation, I get up and walk over to Sam pulling her into a hug. I'm still mad at her - insanely mad at her - and I don't think I'll never not be jealous of her, but she's my sister and I still care about her.

"It's going to be fine. You can talk to me." I mutter. I feel Sam cry into my shoulder. I don't think we've ever really hugged like this, especially when Sam is crying. "What happened?"

"It's Kyler. I saw him bullying some kids, and at the movies, he tried to put his hand under my skirt." She mumbles into my shoulder. I feel my eyes widen, I mean, how desperate is Kyler? And what kind of person does he think Sam is?

"What did you do about it?" I ask, pulling her out of the hug and looking at her, ready to knock Kyler's teeth in. 

"I used what I remember from our karate training." She explains.

"Good. At least you stopped him." I nod a bit. We stand in silence for a moment. "Sam, you're so much better than him. He's always been a bully, and honestly, you're better off without him. He'd just hold you back. He's a bad person, but you aren't." Sam nods.

"It's not just him, I'm just so mad at myself. I let him and the popularity get to me. I've been so mean to you and dad and Aisha." Sam mutters.

"Then do better. Don't be a snob." I exclaim. "I don't mean to sound rude, but you're letting Yasmine get to you. Change your mindset and do better. Start it off tomorrow, you know?" I smile at her. "Wake up in the morning and be nice to dad, I know he'd like that." Sam nods and tries to smile, wiping away her tears.

"Yeah, okay, thanks." Sam mutters. "I'm going to go clean up and go to bed, but again, thank you." We stand, continuing to stare for another moment - as if we feel bad walking away. After a few moments, Sam suddenly begins turning around and shuffling down to her room. I go back over to my container of pineapple and continue munching on it, thinking about these crazy past couple of weeks.


☆ Scene Four - The next morning: ☆

In the morning, as normal, I'm the first LaRusso kid at the dinner table. All the energy is sucked out of my dad. He's so mad at himself between all the drama with the car dealership and everything with Sam. I can't help but silently hope Sam takes my advice from the night before as I eat my sad, buttered English muffin.

"Morning guys." I hear a happy voice call in the distance. I look up and see Sam. "No banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes!?" Sam exclaims. "Just buttered English muffins? I'm disappointed, dad. You know they're the best!" Sam chuckles. "Robin, need any coffee? I can make you some." My dad looks shocked, and as do I. She's never been this nice. My dad suddenly gets excited, practically jumping from his seat.

"Hang on! Let me get the pancake ingredients!" My dad smiles as he looks between me, my mom, Sam, and Anthony. "Banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes for everyone!" I smile and laugh.

"Yeah, I could use a coffee." I chuckle and Sam gives me a happy nod, heading over to the coffee machine. I look at Anthony and take his iPad. "Be apart of this family, Anthony." I grin, turning off his game. My mom sits down across from me and I hand her the iPad.

Maybe things could be going up for this family.

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