••••《 2 - Cobra Kai Never Dies 》

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Ember Keene Episode Two - This takes place season 1, episode 4

Characters in scenes (in order of appearance): Ember, Robby, and Johnny


☆ Scene One – Meeting up with Robby after Robby's computer store scene: ☆

I unlock the front door, groceries in hand. As I open up the door, I see Robby, waiting for me in the kitchen. I smile at him as he runs over to me and grabs a few of the heavier bags from my hands. Robby sets the bags down onto the table and pulls out a chair for me. 

"Sit." He says, sternly. 

"I'm fine." I let out a sigh. "You know, I'm not completely useless." 

"Why did you go out to get groceries? You know I can do that." Robby says, rushing through his words in a panic. I can't help but roll my eyes. 
"You don't have to do everything." I cross my arms. "I'm not the one running off to go hang out with my junkie friends!" Robby lets out a sigh. "Seriously, do you not think it gets lonely here sometimes? Do you not think I need exercise and to make myself stronger? I'm not trying to get you mad or riled up, but Robby, you're rarely here anymore. I mean, what were you even doing today that you were gone for so long?" 

"I-" He stops himself as he gets choked up on his words. 

"That's the only reason I went to the store. You were gone for what felt like forever. I got restless, I was bored." I explain to Robby, as he reverts his eyes from me and looks towards the ground. 

"I'm sorry." He sighs. "I don't mean to get so upset with you. I just worry about something happening to you." 
"I know, but I have all the things I need in case of an emergency." I take a step closer to Robby, placing my hand onto his arm. "I swear, I'm fine." I smile. "And if you don't feel comfortable having me out by myself all the time, I wouldn't mind you coming with me." Robby looks up at me, a sudden smile appearing onto his face. He nods in agreement. 
"Yeah, I'd like that." He smiles. There's a sudden pause and Robby looks like he's thinking. "And, uh, I'll try to be more open about what I'm doing when I'm not around. I swear." 

Scene Two – When Johnny shows up at Robby's: ☆ 
"Sorry to interrupt whatever the hell you're doing!" I hear someone yell from our living room. Robby's music suddenly comes from a halt. 
"What the hell? Don't you knock?" I hear Robby exclaim as I get up from my bed and begin walking towards my door. I take a quick pump of my inhaler. 
"I've been knocking! For five minutes straight, actually, but apparently you couldn't hear me over whatever the hell you were playing on that boom box." The man shouts. "You know, I got a call from your principal today. I loved hearing about our trip to Colorado." I slowly grab onto the doorknob and begin to gently turn in. 
"Well, sorry, I didn't know what people actually do on father-son bonding trips." Robby scoffs. "Don't worry though, I'll let you pick where we don't go next time!" My door opens as Robby finishes his sentence. Robby and the man, who I now realize is his dad, turn their heads towards me and stare. "Ember, go back to your room." Robby's dad stares at me for a moment. 
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that your mom got knocked up pretty quickly after she had you." His dad chuckles. Robby looks at me, his expression instantly getting angry. He marches towards his dad and gets in his dad's face. 
"Shut your mouth. You don't get to speak to our mom like that jack-ass." Robby lightly pushes his dad. "And don't pull Ember into this." Robby looks back towards me, his expression softening. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I nod. 
"I just suddenly heard yelling and got worried." I mumble. I suddenly feel a bit shy around Robby's dad. 
"Shit, sorry." Robby mutters. He looks towards his dad. "You should really leave." 
"Listen, the reason I came here is to tell you that you have to go back to school." Robby's dad lets out a sigh. "Is your mom here?" There's a pause. "What am I saying? It's three o'clock in the afternoon. There has to be a happy hour somewhere." 
"Don't." Robby says, sternly. I slowly walk towards Robby. I don't like seeing him this tense. I grab his hand and lightly squeeze it.  
"You need to go to school!" His dad suddenly blurts out. Then his dad points to me. "You, do you go to school? Do you know about him skipping?" 
"Don't drag her into this!" Robby shouts. I look towards Robby and nod. 
"It's okay." I smile at Robby and then look at his dad. "I can't go to school, I'm not enrolled since we're still trying to get my health in order, and yes, I know about Robby." I squeeze Robby's hand tighter. "It's because he's here helping me, like the good person he is." His dad shakes his head and looks back towards Robby. 
"Look, I know school can be a drag and I know you're busy, but you got your whole life ahead of you." His dad explains. I can't believe I agree with this guy. 
"What? So I can grow up and own a strip-mall karate school?" Robby chuckles. There's a tense silence in the room. There's an off feeling that I've never actually felt before. It's sickening and painful.  
"Listen, this isn't about me. You can make something of yourself." His dad sighs and shrugs a bit. 
"Like your old pal Daniel LaRusso? Must be nice to be a winner." Robby groans. His dad begins shaking his head. 
"Whatever. Go to school, don't, I don't care." His dad glares at us. 
"That's the thing, you don't care, or it wouldn't have taken you sixteen years to do this." I've never seen Robby this angry.  
"Please leave." I butt in. I don't want to see Robby like this, I want his dad to go. Robby's dad pulls his eyes over to me. His dad nods slightly, turns, and leaves. The door shuts lightly behind him, and as soon as it does, Robby suddenly falls apart. I try my hardest to comfort him and make him feel better. 
I feel so bad for Robby. I wish I could do more for him. I wish I wasn't just pulling him back from doing everything he's capable of. 

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