••••《 3 - Esqueleto 》

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Brooke Lawrence Episode Three - This takes place in season one, episode three

Characters in scene (in order of appearance): Brooke, Johnny, Miguel, Eli, Demetri, Kyler


☆ Scene One – Talking to Johnny at the dojo: ☆

“I just feel really bad for this kid, you know?” I sit down on my dad’s desk as he begins opening up envelopes from the mail.

“And what’s this kids name and why is he made fun of?” My dad asks, scanning his eyes through the first letter.

“His name’s Eli Moskowitz, he has a cleft lip.” I explain.

“Cleft lip?” My dad looks up from what he’s reading and stares at me.

“Yeah, basically there’s a scar from the top of his upper lip to his nose. It’s because when he was born, there wasn’t any skin there because it wasn’t full developed, so the doctors have to try and fix it.” I explain, my dad makes a face.

“That sounds disgusting.” My dad opens up another envelope.

“Dad, it’s not even that bad, and yet everyone still makes fun of him for it.” I sigh and lie down on his desk. “And he has this really annoying friend, Demetri. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad for Demetri, but he acts like he has full control over Eli sometimes.” I grumble as my dad taps my arm.

“You, get off my desk, and if you’re that mad about it, go take it out on the dummy or maybe even Miguel.” My dad sighs and sits in his chair, still flipping through the envelopes. I get off of the desk and walk out into the dojo, Miguel is hitting the dummy. He suddenly pauses and takes a breath.

“Hey, Brooke?” He says as I approach him. “When do you think your dad will teach me some cool kicks?”

“What, you mean cool one’s like this?” I quickly spin and do a round house kick onto the dummy. Miguel nods. “I don’t know, whenever he feels like it, but he better do it soon. I want to learn something new, but I have to wait until you learn a few more things I already know.”

“Well, I got most of the punching down.” Miguel sighs as my dad exits his office.

“Hey, any of you got any friends who want to learn karate?” My dad looks towards me. “What about the lip kid?”

“Eli!” I exclaim. “Use his name! And also, no, Demetri already told him he couldn’t.”

“Why don’t you promote at the Halloween party?” Miguel suggests.

“Halloween party?” My dad raises an eyebrow.

“There’s one at the school on Friday.” I shrug.

“Yeah, you could hang posters around the school!” Miguel exclaims.

“We don’t have costumes though and it’s two days until the party. I mean, I wasn’t even planning on going.” I mutter.

“My mom’s making me a costume.” Miguel mumbles.

“I hate to tell you this Miguel, but your costume is a piece of cloth with two eye-holes on it. We’ll look like bigger fools then we actually are.” I let out a sigh as my dad walks closer to us.

“Then, we just need to make you look cooler then everyone else.” My dad smirks and begins walking towards the dojo exit. Miguel and I look at each other in confusion.

“Dad? Where are you going?” I ask.

“Well, you guys need costumes.” He says as he continues walking.

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