••••《 1 - Ace Degenerate 》

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Brooke Lawrence Episode One - This takes place in season one, episode one.

Characters in scenes (in order of appearance): Brooke, Miguel, Sid, Johnny


Scene One - The beginning of the show after Johnny's opening scene: ☆

 I wake up to an empty house, not surprising, that's for sure. My dad is usually at work by now, and I often have the whole day to myself. I'm not complaining, that's for sure, I love my dad and I know he works hard for me. In fact, if I weren't around, I'm sure he'd be in a worse condition then he is now. I mean, sometimes it feels lonely. I have to think of things to do. I don't have a phone or a laptop, so I usually go out instead.

After dragging myself out of bed, dressing myself, and eating an under-seasoned egg, I throw on my cheap, off brand converse and head out the door. I'm not entirely sure what the plan is, but I'll make it up as I go. With a sigh I shut and lock the door behind me. The sun beats down powerfully from above. I turn around away from the door and look at our sad porch. It has a lawn chair, two bottles of beer, and a dead plant. My faces scrunches up at how unappealing our home is. I shake my head and turn around, but I'm quickly stopped by the distracting face of a young boy. He's standing at the door of the apartment across from mine, and he's getting off of his bike, but he's staring at me. I think he's trying to get my attention? He waves.

"Hey! Hey you!" He exclaims. I raise an eyebrow and watch him struggle to get off of his bike. It falls as he hops off, but instead of fixing it he runs over to me. He suddenly puts his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Miguel Diaz! You're new neighbor! I met your dad earlier I think! You look just like him!" He exclaims. He seems awkward, but with enthusiasm. I stare at him awkwardly and slowly place my hand into his to shake.

"I'm Brooke, and yeah, you probably met my dad earlier. Johnny?" I ask. "That's his name. Did he tell you?" Miguel shrugs and makes a confused face.

"He didn't seem to want to talk to me." Miguel stammers. "He actually called me an immigrant." Miguel points out. I feel my eyebrows raise and a quick up rise in my heartbeat. I instantly begin apologizing.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I let out a sigh, following a grumble. "Him and I have talked about this! He's not supposed to do that. He knows it's not right." I roll my eyes. "I apologize, he's really set in his ways, but I swear he's learning."

"Wow. Are you his parent, or is he yours?" Miguel let's out a chuckle. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit from embarrassment. "And even if, it's okay. I've heard worse." Miguel shrugs a bit. "So, what are you up to?" Miguel instantly changes the subject and continues to ask me questions instead of shutting up.

"I'm not entirely sure." I respond. "My dad will be at work for a while, so I have the day to myself. I was just going to go on a walk or something." Miguel's face instantly lights up.

"Oh! Nice! I'm free too! You want to hang out or something?" Miguel exclaims. I stand in silence for a moment. What I kind of want to say is something along the lines of, 'You really want to hang out with me?' or maybe something like, 'Yeah, no. I would really rather not. Super happy people kind of annoy me. You know?' But instead, I say something very differently.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds cool." So instead of having a quiet day, I spend it with Miguel, showing him around the beat-up neighborhood.


☆ Scene Two - Later that night when Johnny goes to jail: ☆

Why isn't he home? Why isn't he back? Is he dead? Did he go missing? Is he drunk again? Thoughts whirl through my head about my dad. I haven't seen him all day, and he should be off of work by now.

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