Homesick | Charles Leclerc

Galing kay tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Higit pa

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


2.8K 73 6
Galing kay tonysnarky

Charles and Lewis stood at the airfield, a private jet waiting to take them to London after the race. As they chatted about the day's events and their plans, Lewis's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID, puzzled by the unexpected call from Sebastian.

Answering the call, Lewis could immediately sense the panic in Sebastian's voice. "Seb, what's wrong?" Lewis asked, concern evident in his tone.

Sebastian's words came out in a rush, "Where's Alexandra? I've been trying to reach her, and I can't find her anywhere."

Realization struck Lewis like a lightning bolt. They hadn't realized that Sebastian, not having joined them for dinner the previous night, was unaware of Alexandra's whereabouts. Taking a deep breath, Lewis confirmed the news that had been circulating on the gossip blog. "Seb, the blog is right. Lexi's back in Brexton. She went to confront her father."

Sebastian's voice trembled as he processed the information. "She's in danger," he said urgently. "Her father can't be trusted. I need to be there with you guys."

Lewis and Charles exchanged worried glances, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "We'll wait for you," Lewis assured, sensing the urgency in Sebastian's voice. "But you need to explain what's going on, Seb."

Sebastian's voice was firm, determined. "I can't fully explain over the phone, but you have to trust me. I'll be at the airfield in twenty minutes. Just wait for me. Please."

The call ended, and Lewis looked at Charles, concern etched on his face. "We need to get to Brexton," Lewis said, his voice filled with worry. "We have to make sure she's okay."

Charles nodded, panic settling in. He immediately dialed Alexandra's number, but there was no answer. Fear gnawed at him as he realized that Sebastian's urgency was grounded in something serious. They needed to get to Alexandra as quickly as possible, with Sebastian's help.

"Somethings wrong."


As the weight of the truth settled in, Alexandra's world shattered. The revelation that her mother had an affair with Christian Horner was like a sledgehammer to the fragile foundation she had built her memories upon. The memories of her childhood, the ideals she had held dear, all crumbled into pieces around her, leaving her feeling lost and overwhelmed.

She couldn't contain the surge of emotions that crashed over her like a tidal wave. She stood, and with blurry eyes ran from the house.

Overwhelmed by the weight of the truth, Alexandra's body betrayed her, succumbing to a powerful panic attack that ripped through her, leaving her trembling and gasping for air. The grass beneath her seemed to spin as her vision blurred, and her stomach churned with a mixture of nausea and despair.

As she doubled over on the ground, the truth seemed to suffocate her, threatening to consume her entirely. She vomited, the physical manifestation of the turmoil that was tearing her apart from the inside out. The panic, the grief, the anger - it all mixed together into a storm that raged within her.

The reality of her mother's affair with Christian Horner hit her like a freight train. It wasn't just a revelation; it was a seismic shift that redefined her understanding of her past and the people she had loved. The famous fight between Jacob and Christian all those years ago, the tension that had always existed between them, suddenly made sense. The pieces of the puzzle that had been scattered around her life were finally coming together, forming a picture that was both painful and heart-wrenching.

In her haze of panic and distress, Alexandra's mind raced through the memories, the moments that suddenly took on new significance.

Why Christian had stayed away, yet made sure AlphaTauri offered her a seat.

Why Sebastian and Kimi had tried so hard to keep her away from him.

The truth was like a thread weaving through her entire life, connecting the dots that had remained hidden for so long.

As she struggled to regain her composure, the world around her seemed to blur, and the weight of her reality was almost too much to bear.

The world around Alexandra was a whirlwind of chaos, her senses overwhelmed by the flood of emotions and memories crashing over her. She barely registered Jacob's presence as he grabbed her by the arms and lifted her from the ground. It was as if her instincts had been triggered, a primal response to the distress she was experiencing. Panic took hold, and she fought against him, her body trembling with fear and confusion.

She could see him, his lips moving, but his words were distant, obscured by the dissonant white noise that filled her ears. It was as if the world had turned into a blur of shapes and sounds that she couldn't comprehend. Breathing became a struggle, each inhalation feeling like a desperate gasp for air.

As Jacob tried to soothe her, attempting to calm the storm of emotions that raged within her, Alexandra's panic escalated once more. She felt trapped, a prisoner of her own distress, and in a moment of desperation, she lashed out.

Her fist connected with Jacob's face, a sudden and forceful blow that echoed the turmoil that surged within her.

The impact was a tangible release of her pent-up frustration, but it also marked a culmination of the pain that had plagued their family for so long.

The chaotic scene had taken a sudden turn for the worse. As Alexandra stumbled backward on the porch, her panic-stricken state hindered her awareness of her surroundings. Her vision blurred, and in her disoriented state, she failed to notice the looming stairs.

A moment later, she was falling, the world spinning around her in a dizzying whirlwind, until darkness enveloped her, and she lost consciousness.

Jacob's heart seemed to shatter as he witnessed his daughter's fall, a gasp of terror escaping him as he rushed to the stairs. Panic surged anew as he found her lying motionless on the cobbled stone below. The sound of her hitting the ground echoed in his ears, a haunting reminder of the turmoil that had engulfed their lives.

Tears streamed down Jacob's face as he knelt beside his unconscious daughter, checking her pulse, praying that she was okay. He felt a crushing weight of guilt, as if every decision, every mistake he had made was bearing down on him in that agonizing moment. The look of terror she had given him when he had tried to comfort her was etched in his mind, haunting him as he grappled with the consequences of his actions.

Emily, responding to Jacob's frantic call for help, rushed out of the house, her face etched with concern and fear. She came to a halt as she saw the situation before her, and without uttering a word, pulled out her phone.

"I need an ambulance."


Alexandra Heroux Found Unconscious at Father's Home

In a surprising and concerning turn of events, the talented actress Alexandra Heroux was recently found unconscious at the home of her father, Jacob Jenkins. Reports suggest that this incident took place over the weekend, leading to her immediate hospitalization.

Sources close to the situation reveal that Alexandra had apparently been at her father's residence for a visit when the incident occurred. Details regarding what transpired leading up to her being found unconscious remain unclear at this time. The nature of her condition and the circumstances surrounding her sudden illness have left fans and media outlets speculating about the cause.

Those who know Alexandra well are deeply concerned about her well-being, especially given the events leading up to her disappearance from the public eye in the past months. The actress's absence from public life had sparked questions and rumors, but the recent incident at her father's home adds another layer of mystery and concern.

The medical team attending to Alexandra is reportedly working diligently to determine the cause of her condition and provide the necessary care. As of now, no official statement has been released by her representatives or family regarding the specifics of what led to this distressing incident.

The outpouring of support and well wishes from fans, friends, and colleagues in the entertainment and racing communities has been immense. Many are anxiously awaiting updates on her condition and hoping for a swift recovery.

Given the delicate nature of this situation, it is crucial to respect Alexandra's privacy and allow her to focus on her recovery without additional media intrusion. As more information becomes available, we will keep our readers updated on her progress and any official statements from her representatives.

The thoughts and prayers of the entire entertainment world are with Alexandra Heroux during this challenging time. Her contributions to both Hollywood and the racing world have made her a beloved figure, and her well-being remains a top priority for all who know and admire her.


Guys, we've got a problem.

Max Verstappen sent a link


Charles and Lewis are on a plane, but they won't see this until they land.

WTF happened

I'm going to kill Jenkins.

Guys! What do we do?

I don't think there's anything we can do.
At least, not until Charles and Lewis land.

@Sebastian are you okay?

He left.
He's gone with them.
He's on the plane.


Lewis Hamilton, Charles Leclerc, and Sebastian Vettel Land Near Brexton to Support Alexandra Heroux

As the news of Alexandra Heroux's sudden hospitalization continues to ripple through the entertainment and racing worlds, a heartening development has captured the attention of fans and media alike. A trio of racing superstars, Lewis Hamilton, Charles Leclerc, and Sebastian Vettel, have reportedly been spotted landing at an airfield near Brexton, where Alexandra is currently undergoing medical care.

The show of support from these Formula 1 champions is both touching and inspiring, reflecting the deep bonds and camaraderie within the racing community. Their swift arrival in the vicinity of the hospital where Alexandra is being treated demonstrates the close friendships that often develop among drivers on and off the track.

While the exact reason for their visit remains private, the presence of Hamilton, Leclerc, and Vettel speaks volumes about their concern for their friend. All three drivers have previously expressed admiration for Alexandra's talent and resilience, making it clear that they value her not just as an actress but as an individual.

As fans anxiously await updates on Alexandra's condition and well-being, the sight of these iconic drivers standing united sends a powerful message of hope. The racing world is a close-knit community, and the compassion shown by these remarkable athletes reminds us all that, beyond the racing circuits, there is a shared bond that transcends sport.

Our thoughts and prayers remain with Alexandra Heroux as she continues her recovery. May the support of her friends, both within the entertainment industry and the racing world, provide the strength she needs to overcome this challenging time.


We just landed.
Heading straight to the hospital.
We'll keep you updated.

Let us know if you need anything.

We're on the next flight out.
We're coming.


The hospital waiting area was tense, filled with a mixture of worry and impatience, as Charles, Lewis, and Sebastian arrived. Anxious to see Alexandra, they approached the front desk, their concern evident in their expressions. They asked the nurse for information on Lexi's condition, only to be met with a surprising hurdle.

The nurse inquired if they were family, and Charles's confusion was palpable. He questioned her, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over, so unless you're a blood relative, I can't let you see her."

Charles's anger flared, his voice rising as he began to shout his protest. "Lexi!" he yelled.

Sebastian and Lewis shared a concerned glance at his outburst, watching as the Monegasque's anger exploded across the waiting room, something neither had seen before. This anger was different from the type of anger they'd seen when he'd lost a race. This anger was fuelled by terror.

"Alexandra Jenkins is her legal name, but she answers to Lexi, Lex, Lexa, or Alex, depending on who she's talking to. She doesn't go by Jenkins, only Heroux," he emphasized, his urgency clear. He continued, listing off her achievements and characteristics as if each word was a declaration of her identity, proving that he knew her well enough to see her.

"She's won 2 Oscars, and she's one of the best actresses of our generation. She's going to be an F1 driver next season, driving for AlphaTauri." His words were a testament to his unwavering belief in her.

He painted a vivid picture of her appearance and personality, his voice filled with both affection and determination. "She's got long, wavy brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes, and her birthday is October 31st. She loves Halloween but hates Christmas, and she loves the rain, but summer's her favorite season." His voice softened as he spoke about the impact she had on those around her. "And she cares about her loved ones so much more than she cares about herself, and she lights up every room that she walks into," he added, his voice tinged with awe and admiration.

His frustration reached its peak as he confronted the hospital's rules that seemed to disregard the complex reality of her life. "Which is crazy, considering her mother died, and her father's an abusive alcoholic." The pain in his words was raw, a reflection of the harsh realities that had shaped her life.

"And no, I'm not related to her," Charles admitted, his voice unwavering. "But I fucking love her, and I'm all she's got. So let me see her." His words were a plea, a demand for understanding and empathy in the face of bureaucracy. He was determined to break through the barriers that separated them, to be there for her in a time of need.

The tension in the waiting area seemed to hang in the air as Charles's impassioned words echoed. The nurse, caught in the current of his conviction, seemed to pause for a moment before nodding. The power of his emotion and the strength of his connection with Alexandra had broken through the barriers that had initially held them back. As they were led to her, Charles' terrified shaking body left concern for Sebastian and Lewis, who seemed shaken to the core by the Monegasque's outburst.

He admitted her loved her.

As they stepped into the hospital room, their footsteps seemed to carry the weight of their concern. The sight of Alexandra lying unconscious, her injuries evident, struck them all in different ways. A patch covered the side of her head, and her arm was secured in a sling, a stark reminder of the incident that had led them here. The room felt somber, the air thick with a mixture of emotions.

The nurse attending to Alexandra paused in her tasks, turning to face the newcomers with a kind yet cautious expression. "Please, keep your voices down," she whispered, her tone conveying both a need for quiet and a sense of empathy. "She needs her rest, and we're monitoring her closely."

Sebastian's voice wavered as he addressed the nurse, a hint of desperation in his words. "Can you tell us what happened?" His eyes were filled with a mixture of worry and uncertainty, his emotions barely contained.

The nurse responded with a calm yet measured tone. "She fell down some stairs outside a house," she explained, her words simple yet tinged with a knowingness that mirrored their own doubts.

Sebastian exchanged a knowing glance with Lewis, their unspoken suspicions hanging in the air. It was hard for them to believe that such a significant fall had been purely accidental, given the complexity of Alexandra's recent revelations and the emotional turmoil she had been going through.

Amidst the tension, Charles moved forward, drawn to Alexandra's side. He gently took her hand in his, his touch both comforting and supportive. "I'm here, Mon Coeur," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing presence amidst the uncertainty. He held onto her hand, a silent promise that he would stand by her no matter what.

As they gathered around her, the hospital room felt like a refuge from the outside world, a space where their concern and care for Alexandra was palpable. For a few minutes, none of them dared to talk. Instead, they surrounded their friend as she slept, watching the shallow breaths that escaped her chest.

At first, they didn't notice the door open, but as Lewis turned to see who had entered, the temperature in the room dropped significantly. Sebastian looked up from her sleeping form to find Jacob Jenkins standing at the door, tear stricken.

Within the next several seconds, three things happened.

1. Lewis and Sebastian shared a dark look.

2. Sebastian launched himself at Jacob, the two older men falling to the floor as they fought, Sebastian ignored Jacob's pleas and cries as he attacked Alexandra's father, with Lewis not far behind.

3. Charles ignored the altercation, his eyes instead focused on Alexandra, who had jolted awake at the shouts, and was now staring directly into Charles' eyes.

"I'm here, Lex. I'm here."

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