look after you × winterwidow...

By eretein

82.6K 3.1K 607

Where Natasha didn't escape from the Red Room alone, but accompanied by a child, one she swore to protect no... More

few words of introduction
1. take on the world
I. zvezdochka
II. you stole a kid
IV. earth to natasha
V. thank you for your cooperation
VI. guilt
VII. love is for children
2. empty space
I. how's my favourite agent?
II. natalia
3. this is me trying
I. bucharest
II. you are real
III. do you remember her?
IV. i'm a comedian
V. liho
VI. wake up
VII. trust
4. power over me
I. soldat
II. ekaterina
III. clint
IV. james
5. silhouette
I. the joke's on you
II. sputnik
III. naivnyy pauchok
IV. i owe you a lot
V. siberia
VI. is this love, agent romanoff?
6. control
I. fanny longbottom
II. you're grounded
III. dreykov's dead
IV. that is not my story
V. the cool bad influence aunt
VI. you like me
VII. why her?
VIII. you weren't abandoned
IX. you were even younger
X. a daughter for a daughter
XI. you're my mission
XII. just close your eyes
7. turning page
I. can I see him?
II. get a grip, romanova
III. burden
IV. open sesame
V. you're free
VI. i do
VII. long time no see, boys
VIII. so dramatic
IX. a man can dream
X. supernova
XI. you're fierce, little one
XII. what about the kid?
8. visiting hours
I. i'm so sorry
II. american dream
III. victim or a villain?
IV. change of scenery
V. jamie
VI. touché, captain
VII. don't give me hope
VIII. see you in a minute
IX. assemble
X. a new beginning
quick info

III. liar

2.7K 92 16
By eretein

all translations can be found at the end of the chapter.

all languages come from google translate so there might be and most likely are mistakes.

Natasha pushed her chair back with a loud creak and stood up. She went to the door, opened it, and stepped out to the porch. She waited for Katya to shoot her last arrow and then called out to her. The girl handed the bow to Cooper and took off running toward the house. Natasha went back inside and started looking around until she found a small notebook on one of the kitchen counters.

"Can you hand me that pen?" she asked Steve when she sat back down in her chair. Katya came inside at the same moment as Rogers leaned over the table to hand Natasha a black ballpoint pen.

"Is it time?" she asked, eyes glimmering with excitement. She suddenly seemed so much like herself.

That sight warmed Natasha's heart. She still remembered when not so long ago, Katya was scared of her own abilities. Her own mind, which was picked apart too many times, was playing tricks on her, convincing her she was bad and that her powers are evil and only meant to use to hurt other people. With time she got more comfortable and kept finding more ways to use them for good which completely changed her point of view.

"It is. Come on, sit down." Natasha invited her closer.

The girl sat down on the empty chair on her mom's left, so she was between her and the wall. Romanoff passed the notebook and the pen to the girl and proceeded to introduce the man to her.

"So this is Tony-"

"Iron Man." Katya interrupted.

"Well, I'm flattered," Tony said and Natasha chuckled.

"This is Steve."

"Captain America. You are in Cooper's school book."

"And this is Bruce." Romanoff finished the introductions "You can call them by their first names, I'm sure they won't mind." she said while giving Tony a stern look "What should we start with?"

Katya took a moment to think. She bit her lip and then spoke up.

"I want to start with numbers."

"Good idea," Natasha replied and unlocked her phone, and then turned to Tony, Steve, and Bruce. "Each of you is going to say any operation and a random number. I'll count it on a calculator so we can make sure she's right. Steve, start with a number."

"Any? There's no limit?" he made sure and Katya nodded her head. "746."

"Multiply by -29" Tony added with a shrug.

"Divide by 127.3," said Bruce.

"Make it a little harder for her. Let's do another round."

"To the power of –1/12"

"Subtract cube root of 37"

"Add half of 12.8267"

"Alright, I think that's enough." Natasha decided. "What's the result, Katya?"

"How many digits after the decimal should I say?" she asked. "Um, Tony?"

"Nine?" he suggested.

"It's 2.428171420," she said confidently and crossed her arms on the table in front of her.

"You sure?" Natasha asked, teasing her. And then she turned her phone for everyone to see the screen. It showed a much longer number but the first ten numbers Katya was asked to say were correct.

"Alright, so she can count fast. Many people can do that." Tony said.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're an ass?" Natasha shook her head at him.

"Not today, you are the first."

"Can we do another one?" Katya asked, clinging to Romanoff's arm with her little hands. "The big one!"

"Do you want to explain it to them or should I?" Natasha asked.

"I want to." the girl decided. "Okay, so I need a color, an animal, and a city. Don't tell me, just think about it. You'll tell me when I'm finished. Um... Bruce, pick a color or two, Steve, you choose an animal, it can be a specific breed or species. And Tony, you pick a city."

She gave them a minute to think and in the meantime, she stood up and picked up colored pencils one of the kids must have left on the coffee table. When they all confirmed they had their picks she picked up her notebook and turned the page to a clear one. She closed her eyes and went completely still for a few seconds, aside from the rapid movements of her eyes they could notice by looking at her closed eyelids.

When she opened them, she immediately started drawing. Natasha shushed Tony when he opened his mouth, she wouldn't let her interrupt while she was drawing. Her movements were fast, and chaotic even as she added one stroke after another. She covered the page with her arm when Steve leaned in to get a better look. Natasha laughed at his attempts. Katya would never let anyone see her work before it was finished.

"And... I'm done!" she announced after not even five minutes and closed the notebook. "Before I show you, now it's time to say what you thought about."

"A moose," Steve said first.

"Seriously? You could have thought about a specific breed of anything and you chose a moose?" Tony teased.

"Tony shush." Natasha scolded

"Did you just-"

"Yes, I just shushed you so don't make me repeat myself and zip it."

Katya let out a giggle and then looked at Bruce.

"What colors did you pick?"

"Red and yellow" he replied.

"Berlin," Stark said as soon as the girl shifted her gaze to him.

"Liar." Katya accused Tony.

"Excuse me?" he arched an eyebrow at her.

"You thought about a different city at first. You picked that one now, that's cheating."

"You sure she isn't related to you?" Tony pointed at Natasha and she shrugged. "Okay, fine. I picked Sydney."

A huge toothy grin showed on Katya's face and she reached for her notebook. She opened it and turned it so everyone could see what she drew. It wasn't a hyper-realistic drawing, some may have even called it a bit abstract and her drawing style was for sure unique. It wasn't precise, and without many details, the lines seemed chaotic, but the picture was clear.

Katya drew a moose, and behind it was the famous Opera House in Sydney, all drawn with only red and yellow crayons.

"So she reads minds?" Tony asked with a puzzled expression.

"Do you?" Natasha asked Katya with a slight tilt of her head.

The girl shook her head.

"I see the future," she said. And she said it like it was the most normal thing in the whole world. "I saw what you were about to say before you did."

"So the math thing was she counting, or did she just see the result in her head?" Tony asked.

"I was counting," Katya assured.

"And we know you're not lying because?"

"First, because I'm not like you-" she didn't manage to finish her sentence when Natasha put a hand over her mouth.

She wouldn't mind seeing her daughter telling Tony off and giving him a taste of his own medicine but she also wanted Katya to be kind and polite and rather well-behaved, despite her sassy side that was showing up much more often recently. Clint started to joke that 'she gets that from her mother'.

"And second, she spaces out when she's seeing something, like before that drawing." Natasha finished.

"Do you always draw what you see?" Steve questioned, quickly going back to the previous subject, ignoring Tony's furrowed brows.

"No. But I like to draw and I don't always know how to explain it so drawing is easier. Sometimes I just see it, it's like..." She bit her lip having a hard time explaining her power. "Oh, it's like a movie in my head. Or more like I got locked in an empty, dark room and there's a screen and on it, it's that thing that's about to happen. And it doesn't always look real, not like a real movie. Sometimes it's like a bunch of these weird old paintings. And then it just disappears." she shrugged, like she was just talking about her homework, not having visions "But that's only about the things I don't try to see. If I want to see something then I have to focus and it helps when I close my eyes."

"So you can't control it?" Bruce wondered.

"She can't, most of her visions are involuntary." Natasha took over the explaining. "And usually totally random. We have no idea what causes them and honestly, I'm not sure if I would want to know."

"Um, and sometimes" Katya cut in. "Sometimes they happen when I touch someone. Then I see something that will happen to that person."

"Did you ever try to stop it?" Bruce asked. "To find a cure or at least get it under control? It can't be easy to see all these things even if you don't want to."

"It would be hard to find a cure without knowing how it works and what caused it." Natasha reminded. "At the beginning, Fury offered to have someone look into it but I said no. It was too early, she was too little. I took her away for a reason and not to be poked, probed, and experimented on ever again."

"But it would be different now," Katya spoke up.

"What?" Natasha was taken by surprise. They never talked about it.

"They were bad people. The ones that did this to me. But if someone wanted to help me it would mean that they're good, right? So it would be different."

"Are you saying you want someone to try and understand how it works?"

"I don't know." she shrugged. "Maybe?"

"Why don't we talk about it later, alright?" Natasha suggested and pulled her closer with one arm. Katya scrunched her nose and smiled, leaning into her.

"Let me know if you decide something, Nat," Bruce said. "Maybe I'll be able to help somehow."

"So do you want to show us anything else?" Steve asked.

Katya nodded in answer.

"All of you speak at least one foreign language, right?" Natasha made sure.

They all confirmed. Bruce and Tony knew more than one, Steve could speak French.

"You already know that she speaks English and Russian." Romanoff stated, "Try to ask her in something any language you know."

"Like what?" Tony asked.

"Anything. What she did today, what she likes to do, whatever comes to your mind."

Tony turned his eyes back to Katya, his interest visibly raised.

"Cosa hai mangiato a colazione?" he asked.

"Cialde con marmellata e panna montata." she replied with the same ease she spoke English or Russian. Tony's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"My turn," said Bruce. "Qué es lo que más te gusta dibujar?"

"Los animales y mi familia," she said without any hesitation.

"E quais são seus animais favoritos?" Banner switched to Portuguese without a warning, but that didn't throw Katya off.

"Lobos e cachorros. As focas também são legais. Eles são como cachorros-do-mar," she answered and giggled. Then looked at Steve, waiting for his question.

"Es-tu heureux ici?" he asked.

"Très." she said after a while. The rest thought that maybe she didn't understand him but it turned out that she just needed a while to think. "J'aime avoir quelqu'un avec qui jouer. Mais j'espère que je vivrai avec ma mère un jour."

"Let's add a few more, shall we?" Natasha asked. She tried her best to blink away the tears after hearing what Katya said. She really wanted that too.

Romanoff asked her daughter a few more questions. In German, Finnish, and Japanese. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw the guy's expression.

"Who taught her that?" asked Steve.

"No one. They put it inside her head. Programmed her." Natasha explained with a wince. "She also speaks Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, and a bunch of other Slavic languages."

"Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Czech," Katya said, beaming with pride. It was her only ability she was never afraid of.

"So she knows sixteen languages without ever learning them?" Tony concluded.

"She knows over twenty, and there's a chance we haven't discovered all of them." Natasha shrugged.

"And I can do different accents!"

"Jesus, a few more years and we'll be out of jobs." Tony chuckled "This kid is all in one."  


"Cosa hai mangiato a colazione?" (it.) - "What do you have for breakfast?"
"Cialde con marmellata e panna montata." (it.) - "Waffles with jam and whipped cream."
"Qué es lo que más te gusta dibujar?" (es.) - "What do you like to draw the most?"
"Los animales y mi familia," (es.) - "Animals and my family."
"E quais são seus animais favoritos?" (pt.) - "And what are your favourite animals?"
"Lobos e cachorros.As focas também são legais. Eles são como cachorros-do-mar." (pt.) - "Wolves and dogs. Seals are cool too. They are like sea dogs."
"Es-tu heureux ici?" (fr.) - "Are you happy here?"
"Tres (...) J'aime avoir quelqu'un avec qui jouer. Mais j'espère que je vivrai avec ma mère un jour." (fr.) - "Very. (...) I like having someone to play with. But I hope I'll get to live with my mom one day."

next chapter in two days :)

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