Learn to Live (Vigilante)

By landaho

150K 6.1K 2.2K

Izuku was kidnapped by a Mad Doctor who experimented on quirkless kids. Being a complete failure Izuku was s... More

A Day Too Late
Circus Training
The Masked Slave
Coffee Boy
After Math (Chapter 8)
I have to (Chapter 9)
Again (Chapter 10)
Ren Suzuki
Home? (chapter something)
Two in one (Chapter 13)
Faking it (Chapter 14)
What does he know? (Chapter 15)
There is no more trust
Crutches (Chapter 19)
The Other side.
Training, Fighting, Plotting
Beginning of the sports Festival
Sports Festival, Part 1
Sports Festival Part 3.
A Night Out
A Simple Movie
19 or 20?
A Meeting of old Friends.
Done With Doing Nothing
Tears and Flames

Information and a Rat

769 47 11
By landaho




The Detective left leaving a guard on post. It was annoying. "Can you leave me alone for point five seconds?"

The guard was on edge, he had been informed that this was a Vigilante who, in fact, helped take down the Hero Killer. The guard isn't dumb; trust Brava he has already put two and two together and knows that she knows The Phantom.

He didn't end up responding to Brava. She yawned lifting a hand to her mouth only for it to stop from the handcuff holding it to the hospital bed. Her stab wound was healing nicely. Not enough that she could try to escape, but enough. All the quirked doctors were great at this hospital, but time is what really heals anything. Time ,and maybe revenge.

It still feels wrong. Wrong that it feels so good to put a man in the hospital. I don't even care, except for the fact that I feel like I should be sadder.

"What If I have to go to the bathroom?"

The guard sighed, "Do you?" He asked with the hope Brava was joking.


"I don't believe you."

"I wouldn't either, but nature is calling."

There was a knock on the door.

Thoughts ran across Brava's mind. It must be another guard posted outside of the room.

She wasn't strong, her quirk only affected other people so right here she was trapped. She had never been the muscle behind anything it has always been Izuku, or Gentle. She's the brains, and, right now, that's doing nothing for her.

The guard whom Brava had named in her head, Plainky, short for plain-looking, opened the door. The small hope she had for it being Gentle was squished. It was another guard. Before Plainky let the other man say anything he gave him a password.

"Did you dye your hair?"

The officer responded, "Yesterday, I dyed it blue." The hair on his head that Brava could see was anything but blue. Must be a say yes give a time, then any color that your hair is not, Brava thought.

Both men relaxed. The one with nothing like blue hair spoke, "Man you're a stickler for the rules. We've known each other for how long?"

"Too long."

The other officer laughed. "Well, too bad for you I got bored. Wanna talk or something?"

They kept talking and Brava halfheartedly listened. What imbeciles, both are clearly old friends. Brava couldn't believe they got scheduled for the same shift. How anything wrong could be stopped with these too on the job she doesn't know. It only makes it more urgent to get the crap out of here.

"No, I am not leaving this post!"

"I know, I know I was joking." He then proceeded to whisper under his breath. "Not like anything will happen."

"Yeah, no. We are both on watch. I can't believe we got scheduled together. They should know better." Brava's mind screamed in agreement.

"They do, so it's probably destiny!"

"You're stupid."

"So are you!"

Brava couldn't help but laugh under her breath. It was a nervous laugh, but it reminded her of Izuku talking to, about, anyone. When she thought about it the password was probably their own secret thing.

How is it possible she felt the oldest in the room? She cleared her throat gaining the attention of the two friends. "Bathroom Please?"

They both gave each other the look of, 'I have no idea what to do.'

Did Brava have to go to the bathroom? She didn't know she was still trying to decide. It would just be nice to walk around for a little bit instead of government-watched hospital healing. She sighed knowing that these two's brains were dead. "Fine, then can you at least turn on the TV? I'm bored."

The man, seeing a better alternative than that awkward situation grabbed the remote and turned on the news.


"Yeah," The man said slowly with suspicion, "No problem."

Brava knew the bathroom was a long shot. They have scheduled nurses that come in every half hour to check up on her, and she had decided she doesn't have to use the restroom

Brava was weary. If she didn't know Izuku personally she would be in a criminal hospital just one step away from jail. They want her to find him.

Two days ago, Brava had watched the News of the aftermath of the fire. She laughed, gasped, and cried. Through the live footage, she could feel Ren's, no Izuku's, passion. He just hopped everyone else saw it and stopped their ridiculous accusations of villainy. It is IZUKU.

Tonight, the news switched over to actions of the Vigilante. It showcased the Pro's chasing him in good light, well all the shots of the Phantom were hidden in shadows. Brava was proud. Seeing him do what he loved was enough to lower her worries. In her mind, he will always have trouble following him, but he will always find a way to handle it.

The news switched over to conspiracy, one of them being the Heroes had captured one of the Vigilante's team members. Brava bolted up in bed. "Turn that up!" The guards interested as well, did so.

It was only for about three minutes, but it was enough to be scared. Brava was now scared. What if more people came after her? The news doesn't know her name, where, or who caught her, but something was leaked.

Plainky swore under his breath. "Did someone leak something?"

His friend swore too. "Some douchebag's getting fired."

They were both fuming.

Brava had to get out. She's not safe with Heroes when there are leaks. What can I do, she thought in panic.

Gentle will find her. There is hope. The Heroes aren't going to take her away. He has too. She trusts him that's all that matters, he will pull through.

Another day passed and Brava was getting nervous. The entire time she had watched the News. It hasn't been good for her health. The more she sees the more it looks like the heroes are about to catch The Phantom and it's only been one day.

She had to keep reminding herself that the News will always lie. People want views and to do just that they will embellish. She's seen it a million times. People lie, but it doesn't stop your mind from tricking you, especially La Bravas.

How can she go help him if she's stuck in here? What in the world is Izuku thinking about her? What if he goes after the Heroes to save her?

She has to get out before that happens. Izuku can't go after Heroes.

Brava knows the detective is coming back anytime; when he gets here, he will want answers, or she goes to jail. Jail, She thought. She will go to jail. She laughed in her head. If it came down to it, she couldn't stop Izuku from breaking her out. Brava's proud she has Izuku's trust so much that he would go to those lengths. She had no doubt.

"Intruder!" The gaud on the other side of the door yelled. Bava's heart jumped. "He ran past! Going for the upper floor!" He? Brava thought! "I'm going to pursue!"

"Okay! Be safe!" The guard, Plainky, yelled back.

This was her chance! The guard was on guard. His mind looking for threats, not an attack from Brava.

Brava took a sharp breath in, If Izuku can do it, so can I. She looked down at her thumb, She's watched videos on how to do it, but it still made her queasy. She yanked on her thumb, holding in a yell. She swore under her breath. She just pulled it. It's not dislocated yet. She pulled again, she felt the pain. Her thumb became cricked.

Now she only had a few minutes before her thumb became too swollen to pull out of the handcuff. She yanked hard, some skin scrapping off in the process.

She had done it.

Hand out of the handcuff she looked back at Plainky, he hadn't heard or seen anything. Now this would be the hard part. Brava isn't strong and she knows it, but she has to try.

With a throbbing thumb, she charged off her bed thumping into Plainky. Her mind screamed an apology at him, but she also knew one hit wasn't going to take him down.

"What how!" He yelled. His eye's drifted down to her hand his face morphing into horror.

Brava gritted her teeth. Of course, it hurts, but guess what, she's already been stabbed what's a dislocated thumb? Or at least that's what she was trying to tell herself to lower the pain she was in.

The man grabbed her arm holding her down. There was no other intention other than to keep her restrained. Plainky is a good man and Brava respects that. Though just respect wasn't enough for her to withhold from kicking the man.

The man doubled over in pain. He gasped, "That was a low blow."

Brava in a panic blurts out, "I know!"

She rushed to the door opening it. "Brava?" a man from the door yelled in surprise.

"Gentle!" Brava's eyes went wide. Without meaning to she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to rescue you?"

Braves heart leaped. She had never lost trust in him. She just got a little impatient. "Well, what are you doing! Rescue me!" With adrenaline making her thumb and other wounds hurt less, she was more than willing to do something crazy.

Gentle scooped her up, then ran. "Is Ren okay," she asked.

"He hasn't contacted me. I've been trying to reach him but I can't. The news seems like they have him cornered, don't believe it, he's too slippery. Brava!" he stopped running almost dropping her in the process. "I saw him use his wings! It wasn't the most graceful, but he used them!"

Brava yelled, "I SAW THAT TOO!"

"I'm so proud of him. Even if it means he's running away from the law," there was a short pause, "again."

"Me too." Though in the back of Brava's mind, she knew with time Izuku would have been able to have a happy life with Eraserhead. She is conflicted and it was troubling her.

"There!" A guard yelled from down the hall. He ran towards them but Gentle turned the air into an elastic force, the man bouncing off, landing on the ground in confusion.

Brava laughed, until the man gasped, "You're the other one! In, in the video!"

"Time's up. Time to get out." Brava laughed nervously.

They ran.

"Brava." Gentle said out of breath, "I'm sorry I was so late. If I were you I would be disappointed or even let down."

Brava felt ashamed that she had felt that way for this last day, but she had never lost hope. "Let's just get out of here. And sorry to disappoint you, but I still love you."

Gentle laughed, but it was cut off by power pooling off of him as Brava's quirk activated. Gentle took off making everything he touched elastic. When they found a window it was quickly broken. He jumped out onto a lamp post using his quirk to turn it elastic, making it into a catapult, sending them back to Musutafu. They aren't about to let down the newfound trust they've got from Izuku. After all, they are a powerful team.


Right now I'm trying to make it to my informant but Hawks is out here looking for me. Stupid bird brain. I thought he was doing an undercover mission that was going to last months, why the heck is he out patrolling?

I ducked under a fire escape. He flew over. I waited for a couple of minutes then keep going. The man was yelling, "Phantom come out! We need to talk!" Every time he was close enough for me to hear, which sucks because my hearing is great.

I'm not that worried because he's flying in the diction of a KFC. Hawks eat chickens after all, though he's more of a chicken in my mind. He's probably going to eat dinner.

I ran into an ally that was a prim spot for rats. "Psst! Rat are you there? A bird told me you wanted to talk." Nothing came out, "Come on I brought cheese!" I whisper yelled.

Little pitter-patters came running out. Of course, food is what got him to come out. The little whiskers went up and down as he sniffed.

My thoughts went back to all the food I'd bought but never eaten. It's why I was so poor. Animals are most persuaded when you give them food. Although I have noticed his past week that they are helping me without anything in return. But the bird told me this rat is scared. He needs a bribe to spill what he knows.

I bent down giving him a small piece of cheese. I waited as the rat ate it. I couldn't read the facial expression, but his attitude seems like a rat. "What do you know?"

In the same squeaky voice of all rodents, it spoke, "My blabby fourth cousin ninth removed is the one that saw it. He came running and ran into me. He told me all about it."

"I want the information from him. Where is he?"

"Dead. Got too hungry, went for some Havarti cheese too bad it was a rat trap."

This was frustrating. I want it from the source. "Tell me what you know."

The rat blinked up at me. I sighed and gave it more cheese. Then the rat spilled everything.

"Okay, my fourth cousin ninth removed, Jerry, said there is something big going on. He's scared out of his skin. I mean he was. Dead now. Anyways, he was talking about some bar, and how he always goes there because people always flip the table and food always gets on the ground."

"But, Jerry was talking about how they were talking about going after some kids at a camp. And then before that, he mentioned something about a kid named Izuku, and also before that there was a man who was sizing up the boss, and then Jerry said the weaker-looking one won. The strong burly man was angry."

I couldn't interrupt otherwise the rat might stop and ask for more cheese. I wanted the rest of the cheese.

How many people? Who was who. Shigaraki? Was he there? I know he broke out of jail, but he's not burly he's fat.

"At one point something turned into dust, but I clearly remember him telling me a camp them wanting to take two people and quote, "Don't worry. He'll be there, just as we planned in the beginning. Everything is going according to plan."

"What camp?" I asked.

Just as I thought the rat needed more cheese to speak, "All I know is what Jerry put together was it was a group of kids with quirks going to a camp and those people want to take away two people going there at least."

I sighed and then ran scattered up onto my hand stealing the rest of the cheese. "Hey!"

It snickered, running away.

"Well, that rat is a jerk," I spoke out loud.

Four hours later I was able to hear here and there information about the LOV. It was frightening how little information there was. On anything else, I could have had a full document about it and a plan on how to solve it.

Everything I've heard is never from the source. It's frustrating. To take out that frustration I hit a man over the head, left a note for the police, then kept doing the same.

Oh! I do have a source. BLACKY! Has it been long enough for her to pick up information?

I ran across the rooftops dropping down onto the top of Eraserhead's apartment. "Pssttttt. Blacky!" I whispered.

I felt a twinge of hate. Unlike when I was there a couple of windows were open.

"Vivi?" I heard Hitoshi, "Where're you going?" The cat meowed, "Okay, just come back." Vivi meowed.

She clawed up and I lifted her the rest of the way. I was glad to see how happy she was. She looks a bit more healthy. She ran around me yelling in happiness.

"Calm down, " I laughed. "I need to know if the camp coming up is for UA?"

For the next ten minutes, she told me everything, down to the food they have been feeding her. My heart panicked when she told me the information I had gathered was correct. Class 1A and 1B were going down to a training camp, and they had no idea they could be attacked by villains.

"Vivi?" Eraserhead called from the window, "Where are you?"Vivi gladly ran off my lap and jumped onto the ledge of the window. Eraserhead jumped. I stayed still. He let out a laugh. "I'll get you dinner. It's been a long day out on patrol." Vivi meowed in response.

"No, I already got her dinner!" Hitoshi yelled.

Vivi meowed in anger.

They laughed.

My heart saded. I have always known they would do better without me. They just needed me to leave to realize.

It doesn't matter. It's my fault they are going to be in danger. I need to fix it. One of those people they are targeting has to be Eraserhead. They have already done it once. They are going to try to capture him to get to me. The second person I don't know, but I can't let them.

I jumped off the roof, this time not completely falling.

Two hours later my phone buzzed. I looked down to see that Brava sent me a location. My worry that something wrong had happened went away. It's Brava she's too smart for anything bad to happen to her. Gentle is always there to help her too.

I had nothing to worry about. I was just being a worry wart.

I ran to the location. It took me about thirty minutes to get there. I busted the door down. "Brava!"

"Ren!" Gentle yelled.

"Izuku!" Brava yelled at the same time.

They rushed to me hugging me. "Not again!" I yelled.

"Accepted the love!" Brava yelled back.

"Never!" I hugged them back. After a while I added, "I thought I would be the last one to contact you guys not the other way around."

"Well, life happens." Gentle added.

They must have seen the worry on my face, because Brava said, "Don't worry. I was just healing. I checked the number I gave Gentle for your contact and it was wrong. I might have put the wrong one in your phone too. Sorry..."

I pulled back. "What! I've contacted a stranger!" I held in a laugh. "Don't worry the second time I called they said I got the wrong number. What happened to your phone?"

"Nezu. I had to turn it off."

"Rat." I spat.

"He's not that bad." Gentle spoke. "Just creepy and has no social skills."

Like most rats. With that on my mind I interrupted. "I need to get to the Beast's Forest, you know the Wild, Wild Pussycats domain, like by tomorrow, or tonight. I have to fix some loose ends in my life."

They didn't respond.

"Hm. Sorry. I mean I could find a way myself."

"No." Brava said with comical tears streaming down her face, "You just asked for help."

"Wait no! All I asked for was a ride or directions I don't know where it is."

"My boy!" Gentle whipped away his own tear, "We are happy to accompany you.

Brava turned to Gentle, "I never thought this day would come." A paused and sniffled, "Our little bird is finally asking for help besides something other than us bandaging his wounds."

"Hey, this is not the first time!" I wracked my brain, "You know that one time, with the-"

"With the?" Brava question.

"The bad guy!"

"It has to be other than Stain because Brava asked for your help that time."

I was stumped. "No the other bad buy."

"Uh-uh. Oh yeah, the one with the banana quirk!"

"Yeah, that one!"

"I just made that up."

Darn it! They can't come with me. They can't get hurt again. The people around me will always get hurt. I voiced my concerns. "You guys can't come it's going to be dangerous. You can't get hurt again."

"Too bad. You're family, little bro." Brava smiled, "What like you thought the fight with Stain wasn't going to change anything? We've got more than friendship! We've got a trauma bond!"

Gentle snorted.

I protested again but to no avail. Both of them were going to follow me.

"Now," Gentle ending the carefree attitude, "Tell us what you know."

Brava pulled out her computer ready to share her information as well.

"We had to get to the camp before the Heroes and Villains. It seems like everyone is done doing nothing-"

"Oh!" before I forget. "Are you injured?" Brava looked me over.

I moved my back and looked at my arms and legs where I got burned. "Not anymore. Had some bad burns but they went away." It feels like it was a month ago. "Good to go."

"Glad to know it wasn't too bad. Smart to jump into that line of water, though I'm surprised you came out with burns that healed so fast."

"I was lucky." My tone soured, "I'm guessing you already put it together, it was Endeavour. He started that fire, but thought I ran a different direction and left every one in that building to burn."

Gentle gasped, "Monster."

"First we got to get to that mountain, then we can deal with him after. Actually, Brava do you have that video you took with the drones of Stain?"

"Yeah, here." She pulled it up. "Why?"

"Well, I've always wanted to learn how to use a sword. Thought I would be able to learn something about it. I also thought that if he tried to run during the fight you could track him with the drones."

"Oh good. It crossed my mind that you might have wanted to post it."

I looked at her gobsmacked. "I would never." I gasped. "All I give them is fake leads as to where I am and a bunch of crimes that people need to know about. And I'm glad to say crime is down 5% from when I started up again."

"Congratulations." Gentle said sarcastically, "Next is becoming the number one Hero."

Brava snickered and turned her computer to me again. "Well let's go get ready, our ride's coming tomorrow morning." She looked at me then Gentle, "Food?"

We both nodded, "Food."

I haven't been this hungry in a while. Must have been the three meals I got a day. Doesn't matter. I'll get use to it.


Welcome  to the start of  The Training Camp arch. 

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