A bath of blood and wakfu

By catscancook

4.5K 238 80

After the brotherhood of the tofu beat Oropo they prepare for at least a short break, before they have to sav... More

Chapter 1 | Aftermath
Chapter 2 | Home
Chapter 3 | Determination
Chapter 4 | Dread
Chapter 5 | Fallen
Chapter 6 | Hopeless
Chapter 7 | Balance
Chapter 8 | Struck
Chapter 9 | Puzzled
Chapter 10 | Progress
Chapter 11 | Back
Chapter 12 | Brotherhood
Chapter 13 | Conversation
Chapter 14 | Alliance
Chapter 15 | Ally
Chapter 16 | Bonta
Chapter 18 | Rearrangements
Chapter 19 | Qilby
Chapter 20 | Needed
Chapter 21 | Advice
Chapter 22 | Confession

Chapter 17 | Purple

145 9 1
By catscancook

"Argh!", Yugo hit another batch of the small, flying beings with his Stasis sword, as they dropped dead to the floor. The smallest ones were barely an issue, they were just about the size of his hand, it was their numbers that made them dangerous.

Unfortunately, though, not all of the mechasms were that small, some of them were almost the size of Yugo, he only had to look down a few inches when standing in front of them, just like he did right now:"Can't you go back to where you came from!?"

The mechasms didn't answer, gesture, or slow down in any way, it simply kept on running toward the Eliatrope, before getting out its metallic blade. Before the tinny creature could close the distance though, Yugo opened up a set of portals, and executed it from behind, using his Stasis sword.

As he figured out quickly, it indeed made a huge difference whether he used Wakfu or Stasis. While it was possible for him to use his portals without any issue, the mechasms could easily absorb his Wakfu blade, leaving no damage on their bodies. Stasis, however, cut through them like butter.

"How are you holding up Yugo?", Amalia asked, as she passed him, standing on one of her vines. "I am doing alright. Their numbers just don't seem to lessen though.", he straightened his back for a moment:"How are you? And have you heard from the rest of the brotherhood?"

She nodded:"I don't know where Ruel is right now, but Adamai is just around the corner from you, and Evangeline and Dally are somewhere further inside of the city. They are all doing well, as far as I've seen." "And you?", he repeated his question from before. "I'm doing good, considering the circumstances.", the princess looked away into the distance, her head fully on the battlefield:"I am trying direct my nation's forces to where they are needed the most, but it's turning out to be a lot harder than expected. Everyone needs help everywhere."

Yugo didn't quite know what he could say to cheer her up, he had no experience when it came to the art of war or battle, he didn't fight in an army, and didn't command one either. But he knew how to be there for Amalia as a friend, probably the only thing he could offer her now:"I know you are doing great Amalia. If you need my help, you know where to find me."

She nodded before they said their, hopefully temporary, goodbyes and Amalia headed down the harbor. As a princess, she had been taught all kinds of subjects. History, battles, wars, diplomacy,  and etiquette are only a few of them. Although with almost all of them, she had hoped she would never in her life have to make use of them, and especially not this soon.

"Maybe I should go and look after Adamai myself.", Yugo mumbled as he dashed off, in search of his brother. But what Yugo did not expect to find, was a gigantic mechanical monster. It was as tall as a house, towering over him, its large tube shaped arms slowly swinging at its side. It was so much taller and rounder than all of the other mechasms, that he doubted if it even was one of them.

Although the second he felt the stasis energy, he was sure, that it was one of them. It simply seemed to be a more important, way stronger member of their race. Right behind the metal gigant, he saw Adamai flying in his direction, and immediately called out for him:"Ad!" The dragon and he locked eyes, understanding each other right away. There was no way either of them could take care of this being on their own. But together they could do it. At least that's what both of them believed.

Even without being able to read each other's thoughts, they were a flawless team. Adamai managed to distract the lifeform and blind him with his flames, so that Yugo was able to easily sneak behind him, trying to look for a weak point in his armor, skin, or whatever it would be called in their case.

The eliatrope landed on the very top of the being, trying to poke his sword into the back of its neck. Unfortunately, his brother's distraction wasn't quite enough, as the moment the house of a robot felt the blade pierce its metal shell, it shook its body and threw Yugo off balance.

To his luck, Yugo was used to being thrown around by his enemies and had no trouble landing safely on his feet, back on the ground again. The twins had a few more attempts, most of them following a similar strategy to the one they had first tried, with Yugo occasionally playing the bait, and trying to gather the mechasm's attention, while Adamai did his best to spot a weakness. Although all of their strategies failed to achieve their goal.

"Looks like you two could use some help from a true knight!" "Dally!", both of the brothers yelled, the second they heard his voice. And where Percedal was, Evangeline wasn't far:"Eva!" "So, how can we help? Looks like you two picked out quite a challenge.", she commented neutrally.

"Nothing a little force can't handle.", the iop positioned himself, ready to engage in the fight, once given the go-ahead. "You could say that. My flames have gotten us nowhere.", the dragon started before his brother continued:"And while I think I could do some damage on him with my Stasis, he seems to know that too. I can't get close enough to strike him down."

"So the plan is obvious, right?", Eva spoke, leaving the rest in confusion:"Adamai and I will get you the time you need, so you two can do what you need to do to leave him praying he never even stepped a foot on this planet." "That's what I am talking about!", Dally exclaimed enthusiastically.

Yugo and Andamai essentially got back to what they were trying beforehand, only this time with the knowledge, that they had their best friends' support by their side. Although at this moment, Yugo couldn't help but wonder where Amalia was. Usually, she would be right here with them, fighting, but this time she must be occupied somewhere else. All he hoped, was that she would be alright.

"Let's go Dally!", Yugo yelled toward his friend, in an attempt to synchronize their attack.  The mechasm's eyes were fixated on Yugo for the time. But then something else caught its attention, and instead of attacking the eliatrope jumping toward him, it went for the Cra, which was currently aiming an arrow at it.

None of the three friends were close enough to get her out of its line of attack. So Yugo had to do something he was sure she wouldn't like, and pulled her through one of his portals, just in time for her to get away. Just as he had thought, her body did not react well to being dragged through space, and she threw up right in front of him:"Too close for comfort."

"I hate those things.", she said, holding her stomach in anguish:"But thank you Yugo." "Sorry Eva, that was the only thing I could think of." "He's fixed on you.", Adamai said, getting closer to the two of them:"He seems to know that you are trouble." "So they aren't all stupid.", she made a mental note on the mechasm:"He definitely won't let me shoot in peace anymore, but if I can't shoot my arrows, we are gonna have a very hard time taking him down."

"I have an idea, but you are not gonna like it.", Eva gave Yugo a skeptical look, but then realized what he meant:"Oh no..." "Do you have a better plan?" "I really can't stand those things.", unfortunately for her though, she did not have a better plan.

So now Adamai was trying his best to be the sole distraction for their mechanic enemy. And while it somewhat worked, the mechasm hardly let the dragon distract him for longer than a few seconds. Dally then decided, that he too was going to make an effort, running toward the robot, being as loud as he possibly could. Nevertheless, the mechanism still had its eyes fixed on the Cra, watching her bow closely.

He started stepping closer, wanting to reach for her, when Yugo held her by the waist, counting down to the right moment:"Draw your bow." She did as he asked him too, knowing she would only have mere seconds before the nausea would hit her.

Then, when the metallic creature tried to close its hand around the two, Yugo and Eva dropped right through the floor, and reappeared in the middle of the air. The cra had to aim her shot while they were falling. The second she let go of the arrow, Yugo used another portal to get both of them back to the ground, far enough away, for the now half-frozen mechasm to not be able to reach her.

The moment the cra was back on the ground, she inevitably had to throw up. If there was one thing that she thought was worse than going through a portal, it was going through a portal twice in less than a day.

Yugo did not stay with her friend though, he did not waste a second, before heading back ontop of the robot infront of them to drill his sword right into its neck. Once, twice, then three times. His enemy was unable to move, thanks to Evangeline ice arrow, so he had a free playing field.

After a few more hits to the neck, arms, legs, and the back of the mechasms head, from all three of the men, it finally crumbled into pieces. The eliatrope elegantly moved back to his friend to look after her, his dragon brother and Dally doing the same:"How are you feeling Eva?" "Awful. But it will get better in a few minutes.", she said, still holding her stomach.

Dally sat next down beside her, worried, while the twins looked at the corpse in front of them. "Do you think there's more of those gigants like him?", Yugo was the one to ask. His brother crossed his arms in front of his chest, thinking for a moment:"I am scared, that there might be even larger ones." His brother was silent, considering the very real possibility.

From afar, the Eliatrope could see the princess pass them on her vines. "What's the matter?", Yugo called after her, glad to see that she was still alright:"Amalia!" She stopped for a moment, her body urging to keep on moving:"Armand needs my help with sending out our military. They've reached large parts of the world of twelve by now, and we have to distribute our forces to where they are needed the most." Yugo immediately said what was on his mind, not thinking twice about it:"I'm coming with you!"

"No you won't.", she told them straight up:"You would not be of any help." He was perplexed, furrowing his brows. "It's more important for you to be on the battlefield, fighting. Leave the politics up to me.", she cleared his confusion up. And while he did not want to leave her completely on her own with all of that, he knew that she was right, and watched her ride away on top of her vines before he went back to slashing down more of the countless mechasms.

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