Chat/Adrien x reader y/n (flu...

By Averagewritr

8.4K 384 141

You have the bat miraculous, this mainly fluff enjoy! Highest ranking #2 in AdrienAgreste More

| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
Fight scenes?
| Chapter 6 |
| Chapter 7 |
| Chapter 8 |
| Chapter 9 |
| Chapter 10 |
| Chapter 12 |
| Chapter 13 |
| Chapter 14 |
| Chapter 15 |
just something
| Chapter 16 |
| Chapter 17 |

| Chapter 11 |

406 17 23
By Averagewritr

"Oh!" Someone gasps.

"What the, why is he here?" Another voice says.

"Shh don't wake them up yet."

Wow this spot is really warm. I snuggle deeper into the bed. Digging my face into the pillow and holding it closer.

A click of a camera.

"Is that- is that a cat?"

"Let's let her keep it, he probably brought it."

"Oh they're so cute!" The second voice gushes. I open my eyes and yawn. I look up and see Tom and Sabine standing near my bed.

"Good morning." I greet with a yawn.

"Good morning." Sabine smirks a bit.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up a bit.
As soon as I sit up slightly I'm pulled back down. I look up to see Chat sleeping peacefully.

Oh. That's what's wrong.

"A-Chat wake up." I hiss nudging him.

He slowly opens his eyes looking down at me.

"Hmm?" He hums sleepily.

"You didn't go home." I fume motioning to the Adults.

He looks up and his eyes widen. "Oh uh. Good morning Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Chang." He laughs nervously.

"Good morning Chat noir." Tom greets excitedly.

"What time is it?" Chat asks.

"Pretty early, we just were going to let Y/n know that there's no school today, but we got distracted." Sabine giggles.

I sit up turning to him. "You'd better go home. I didn't know you stayed the whole night." I scold.

"You're right. My bad, that was just a great sleep." He grins getting out of my bed.

"Until next time!" He quickly salutes opening my balcony door and vaulting away.

"Does he normally stay the night?" Tom asks pulling my attention from the balcony doorway.

"Uh, yeah. He normally leaves in the middle of the night so he doesn't get in trouble with his d- parents." I explain.

"And where is this cat from?" Tom asks gesturing to the kitten now in my lap.

"Uh, he bought me it, it already has food water a bed, toys, and a litter box!" I insist trying to persuade them.

Sabine puts a hand up. "It's fine, you can keep the kitten. But you're completely responsible for it."

"Yes ma'am!" I grin grabbing it carefully and bringing it closer.

"You're free today, no school. Do what ever you want." Sabine grins.

"Just don't come downstairs, Marinette is very furious right now." Sabine warns.

"She's pretty mad about you and Adrien, I know you aren't dating, since I saw you give Chat Noir, lots of attention. But she's not convinced." Sabine continues.

"She knows Chat has been here?" I ask wide eyed.

"No, I didn't tell her." She assures.

I let out a quick breath of aid. "Thank you."

"So, are you dating him?" Tom asks suddenly.

"What? No, he's a really good friend though." I choke out.

"So you know who he is?" Tom persists.

"Uh- yeah. I do. But I'm not telling you, it's kinda important it stays a secret." I cross my arms.

"We don't expect you to tell us." Sabine promises shooting a glare at Tom.

"But please be, uh safe." Tom grins.
"We wouldn't want more kittens running around here."

I feel my face getting red and I cover it. "No way! We are just friends I swear." I mumble.

This is embarrassing.

"If you say so. We'll be working downstairs." Sabine says pulling Tom out of the room.

I groan and fall back onto the bed and my kitten snuggles up to my face.

"What should I name you?" I ask him absentmindedly. "Winston? Oliver, Leonardo?" I ask seeing if he responds to anything.

"Romeo?" No response. "Felix?" He pops his head up looking at me.

"Felix! That name feels familiar. But I like it." I giggle as he licks my nose.

"Goodnight Felix." I say as I drift back to sleep.


"Pst! You've got a message from Luka." Nixx says dropping my phone on my chest.

"Ow!" I exclaim sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Luka? " I ask picking up my phone.

Luka: Come to the boat? We are performing soon.


"Alright Nixx. It's time for a concert!" I grin getting out of bed.

"Finally, can we bring Felix?" He asks excitedly.

"Sure." I grin as I grab deep green cargo jeans, a black long sleeve crop, and black shoes.

"Woah, fully Chat Noir huh?" Nixx smirks.

"Huh?" I look at my outfit. "Oops." I shrug grabbing my backpack. I grab a basket bug enough to fit 2 small animals and place my chat noir hoodie in it. And put it inside my backpack.

"Let's go." I say to Nixx as he flies into my backpack. I carefully pick up Felix and put him in my backpack on my chat noir sweater.

"Make sure he's good and safe." I say to Nixx who nods and snuggles up the kitten.

I zip up the backpack and carefully put it on my back.

I go downstairs to the bakery. Marinette is working the counter. We make eye contact and she buffs looking away. I go behind the counter and grab a bag of snacks. I wrap them up as I walk out and head to the Seine.

"Hey Y/n!" Luka greets as I reach the boat.

"Hey!" I say stepping onto the boat.

"There's a chair over there." He motions to a big box on the floor.

I shoot him a thumbs up and sit down.
"Hey girl!" Alya greets sitting next to me.

"Hi Alya." I grin opening the bag.

"Woah. You brought snacks? Awesome dudette." Nino says toting next to Alya.

"Yup!" I open the bag and hold it out to them.

"Do you have more in your bag?" Nino asks as he grabs one.

"No, but I have something else!" I grin taking my backpack off carefully and unzipping it.

I reach in and slowly take Felix out setting the backpack on the ground in front of me.

"Aww!" Rose shouts from nearby.

"Shh! I don't know how he's going to react yet." I warn her as everyone crowds.

She backs up. "Sorry!"

"Hey guys!" Someone greets from the walkway.

"Adrien!" Nino greets running up to him giving him a side hug.

"Your old man let you out?" He asks

"Yep! He doesn't have anything planned for me today! What are we looking at?" He asks looking around.

"Y/n got a kitten!" Rose exclaims pulling him over.

"Really?" He asks walking over sitting on my other side.

"What's his name?" He smirks.

"Felix!" I grin holding him closer. Adriens face falls.

"You didn't." His lip is lifted and he looks like he's going to puke.

I raise an eyebrow. "I did. Is that a problem?"
He looks at everyone staring at us.

"Of course not." He says through his teeth.

"Good!" I grin nuzzling it closer.

"Can I hold him?" Alya asks.

"Of course." I hold him out to her.


An hour or two later, the band finishes their mini-concert. And everyone had held Felix.

"Do you wanna get ice cream?" Adrien asks as I put Felix in my backpack next to Nixx and Plagg who was eating some bread.

"Sure." I grin putting my back pack on and walking with him.

"Bye guys! Thanks for inviting me." I say waving.

The girls look at me grinning madly.

"Bye lovebirds!" Alya calls.

I sigh as Adrien waves.
"They aren't ever going to think we aren't dating." I groan wiping my face with my hand.

"Nope." He chuckles throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"We need to talk about that cats name." He says lowly.

"What about it?"

"You can't name him that, that's my cousins name." He looks me dead in the eye.

I shrug, "We like it. It reminds me of someone."

He sorta growls under his breath. "I guess." He turns away and crosses his arms.

"Oh come on kitty." I nudge him. "It's not that bad."

"Yes it i-" he's cut off by a large boom.

"Finally!" I shriek finding a spot to hide.

"What about your cat?" Adrien asks as he transforms.

"Ugh, I don't know. Who's house is closer?" I ask.

"Mine, we can take the backpack there." He says grabbing it from me carefully as I transform.

"Okay." I take it back holding it to my chest as I flap the fan.

We reach his house and we sneak to his bedroom window.

He opens it and I land carefully inside setting the backpack down. I open it up and Felix jumps out.

"He'll be fine." Chat promises.

"Okay." I nod giving him one last pet.

"I'll be back for you." I promise him and follow Chat out of the room.

"It's been so long since there was an Akuma. J hope it's nothing too bad." I grin flapping my fan next to Chat as he vaults.

"Yeah. And I haven't seen Ladybug in awhile."

"Yeah, I can't believe you've lasted this long without seeing your lovebug." I tease.

He shrugs and continues.

We reach the spot and there's a big crater in the ground. Ladybug is already there.

"Took you guys long enough." She scolds rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, I had a cat to take care of." I shrug.

I turn to Chat expecting him to make some witty pun. But he didn't he just examined the damage.

"Let's get started." He says after a moment.
He vaults off towards the Akuma.

"What did you do to him?" Ladybug hisses as he leaves

"I didn't do anything, I swear." I put my hands up.

She rolls her eyes. "Let's go." And she takes off.
I flap my fan following her and I see a gargoyle.

(Haha yes its from the movie, fuck off)

Chat sneaks up on it from behind and hits it with hit baton. It turns around and roars swiping an attack at him. Ladybug swoops down and grabs him away from the Akuma.

"Ekko! Use screech!" She says after she calls her lucky charm.

I nod and call it. "Screech!" I yell, sending the villain flying.

Ladybug uses her yoyo to stop him. He falls to the ground in front of him and ladybug drops her luckycharm on him. Which turned out to be a anvil trapping him down and he opened his hand, the akumatized object falling out.

Chat Noir jumped down And Cataclysms it.

"Miraculous, ladybug!" She shouts repairing Paris.

I jump down to them. "Pound it!" I grin holding my fist out.

Chat grins and fist Bumba me then vaults away.

"What did you do to him?" Ladybug shrieks as I hold my fist out to her.

"Nothing! I swear!" I say shocked backing up and she stalks closer.

"Now I don't know what you have that I don't." She starts putting her finger on my chest.

"But you'd better stop seducing my kitty." She whips around and swings away.

I sigh and flap my fan following Chat.

I see him walking on the road and jump down the the light pole.

"Is that a stray kitty?" I ask going upside down on the pole so I'm hanging in front of him.

He turns and grins. "Don't come closer, you'll give me diseases." He teases smirking.

"As if. I'm very clean." I say dolling my eyes. I step further on the pole coming closer to him.

He leans in close. "Don't you have a cat of your own you can bother?" He asks.

"I do but-" I'm cut off as the light pole bends with my weight swinging me close and connecting us by the lips.

I gasp and drop down to the floor landing on my back and I cover my mouth. I stand up quickly.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I swear." I rush out.

He doesn't look at me and just covers his face except for his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, the pole must've broke or something." I continue.

"I-it's okay."He says putting a hand up.

I stop talking and step backwards. I look at him as he puts his hand down. His face is red and he's looking down. A few moments later I hear him take a deep breath.

He looks back up at me and he looks nonchalant. "Let's go get your cat." He says before vaulting away quickly.

Great. Just as we were on good terms again. I went and messed it up.

I sigh and flap myself into the air going after him. I reach his house and gently land inside.

"Thanks for letting me keep him here." I say after I find him and out him in my bag.

"You're welcome." He says looking around warily.

"Are you coming over tonight?" I ask not looking at him.

"No I can't tonight." He says shuffling to hide something.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow than." I say putting my backpack on to leave before I see something behind his legs.

"Is that- oh my gosh." I squeal bending my knees towards it.

The blueish white kitten was poking out from behind him cautiously.

"You didn't tell me you got her too!" I say as she lets me pet her.

"I uh, I forgot." He shrugs looking away.

"What's her name?" I ask picking her up in my arms.

"Prnchs." He mumbles.


He clears his throat. "Princess." He turns red and looks the other direction.

I stand there shocked.

"That's adorable." I say after a second admiring her.


"I should probably go now, I'm supposed to be back soon." I say making up an excuse.

"Alright." He says as I walk up to the window.

"Cya!" I say as I begin to flap my fan.

"Wait!" I stop breathing.

"Uh yeah?" I say turning back around. He walks closer and kisses my forehead.

"Stay safe." He says staring at me intently.

"M-mhm." I nod backing up. "Bye." I flap my fan and carefully leave.

I land in an alleyway by the bakery and detransform.

My face is red as I walk inside. But I'm focused on the floor.

"Welcome back." Marinette snarls.

I finally look up and the heat rushes from my face.

"Thanks!" I grin walking upstairs.

I set down my backpack and open it, letting Felix jump out.

I then collapse on the bed and touch my forehead gently. Three times he had done that. I'm interrupted from my thoughts as Felix jumps on my chest snuggling me.

"Goodnight buddy." I say gently.

"Goodnight Nixx." I grin as he eats some celery.

"Goodnight." He says and finishes the rest.


Lmao idek anymore 😭🤚🏻

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