Drarry/ Two sides of the same...

By _Quibbler_Edits_

17.3K 564 88

My second drarry story. I feel like the other one is getting quite long. It is also and 8th year Drarry but... More

Chapter 1- Back to school
Chapter 2 - Breakfast
Chapter 3 - I can still punch you
Chapter 4 - The breakup
Chapter 5 - Amortentia
Chapter 6 - I could be gay if i wanted Malfoy!
Chapter 7 - Treacle tart
Chapter 7 -Halloween
Chapter 9 - Hungover
Chapter 10 - Nightmares
Chapter 11 -None of Notts bussiness
Chapter 12 - Ron
Chapter 13- Not happening
Chapter 14 - Date, part 1
Chapter 15 - Date, part 2
Chapter 16 - Hagrid
Chapter 7 - Love Potions
Chapter 18 - Pointy- faced Malfoy
Chapter 19 - The Burrow
Chapter 20- Train Ride
Chapter 21 - Malfoy's
Chapter 22 - Posh boy Malfoy
Chapter 23 - Ex-girlfriend
Chapter 24 - Boxing Day
Chapter 25- The Black Sisters
Chapter 26- Apology
Chapter 27- Unforgivable

Chapter 28 - Stinging jinx

322 8 5
By _Quibbler_Edits_

Harry's POV:

"See not so bad," I say flopping onto Dracos large bed making him roll his eyes.
"And I am your dads son-in-law I tease.
"I told you that he likes you. Well he doesn't want to kill at least," Draco laughs taking off his necklaces and rings and putting them in one of his jewellery boxes and unbuttoning his shirt.
"You really did look amazing tonight," I say. I'm glad you were the first person I kissed this year," it really was an amazing feeling to pull him close and kiss him as soon as the clock struck 12.
"And the bloody only person you will kiss," he scolds and I roll my eyes.
"Well the only person I'll ever kiss like this," I say grabbing his hand and pulling him next to me on the bed.
I kiss him passionately running my fingers through his long hair now free of clips.
"You really are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen," I say honestly before kissing him again. I feel him smirk cockily against my lips as I roll over on top of him.
He hasn't quite managed the art of humility, he often tends to just agree with me when I praise him. But I'm glad he is so confident. People can be cruel and I'm glad he knows they are all just ignorant and doesn't let it bring him down.
"You are very lucky to have me," he teases back, wrapping his legs around my waist still in his trousers and boots. He drags the heel of his boot up my calf intentionally as he wraps his arms around my neck.
He pulls me closer to him ghosting my lips with his and running his long fingers though my hair and down my neck.
"My my Mr. Potter. Is that your wand in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" He teases flirtatiously, using his strong thighs to pull me closer to him, looking up at me and feigning innocence through his long lashes.
I push more of my weight onto him trapping him beneath me and smirking us he lets out a small squeak, not so cocky now, I think as I remove his trousers keeping the boots with a click of my fingers.
"Show off," he sneers giving me a characteristic Malfoy lip curl to hide his pink blush.
"Yeah I'm the show off," I tease, "and not you strutting about in these," I sit up planting my knees either side of his waist and running my hand up his boot, across his thigh and up to his hip.
"I don't have to wear them anymore if you think I'm such a show off," he says sweetly still wearing a wicked smirk. Oh he just always has an answer for everything, I draw my eyes on the shocking comparison of his perfectly pale skin and the dark boots. They cling to his legs just right. I don't know why I like them so much. He looks good in everything, I love the oxfords, the brogues, the riding boots, and even the expensive trainers he wears for quidditch. I love all the outfits he wears. The suits, the jumpers, the leather trousers, even the casual clothes which are normally not that casual even his pyjamas are silky and embroidered.
But the boots. The way his legs look in them, the way his muscles move as he walks, the way they come up so high on his legs making them look impossibly long maybe it's not so much about the boots and more about how his legs look in them.
That and I think they just suit him, sexy, powerful a little bit deviant.
"I think I like watching you strut," I say running my hands up his bare chest being extra gentle as I trace the scars, I lean down kissing them gently. His eyelids flutter closed and he gasps as I run my hands up his sides still kissing the scars across his chest and abdomen. I hate that he has a constant reminder of me hurting him but not as much as I hate the fact that I ever hurt him.
"Hey, stop it, stop feeling bad. You know it could have easily have been the other way around. I tried to hurt you too, I don't blame you for anything sweetheart. In a twisted little way I like to think of it as you marking me as yours forever, like cattle," he says teasingly a dark lustful glimmer in his eyes.
"Draco babe, you know that's totally fucked up," I say rolling my eyes and kissing him gently again.
"I do, but guess I'm just a little bit sick," he giggles pulling me close and kissing me more passionately.
"But then you'd know all about that Potter," he sneers teasingly sending a wordless stinging jinx across the back of my thighs and arse.
"Merlin, Malfoy.....fuck," I gasp unable to contain myself as he giggles again pulling me in for another rough kiss.


Dracos POV:

"Why does Harry's face look like that? What did you do?" Weasley says sounding a bit too accusatory for my liking.
I glare at him across the table at Florean's before turning to Harry and smiling back at him as he watches me dreamily as he waits for our ice cream.
"He does look kind of weird," Hermione muses, "don't think I've seen that expression before."
I roll my eyes at them folding my arms across my chest. "I thought you wanted to meet to talk about how it went with our families not to accuse me of doing something to my boyfriend," I snap angrily making Hermione flush.
"Well it's obviously to do with you. I mean no offence you went home with him and he keeps waving at us over here like a weirdo even though he's been gone for two minutes."
"So what? What are you accusing me of?" I snap and Weasley shrugs still frowning slightly at me.
"Fine you really want to know? I jinxed him,"
I say casually studying my ringed fingers.
Hermione gasps and Weasley tuts, "what did you do now Malfoy?" He says seeming angry as he glares at me and looks to Harry worriedly.

"I told you. I jinxed him.....over and over. We made good use of George's Christmas gift too, I'm
Surprised Harry can sit down. But then again with how hard Harry got every time he saw me in nothing but those boots, I'm surprised I can sit down either," I snap sassily ignoring Weasleys protests and Hermione's bright pink face. Weasley puts his fingers in his ears telling me to shut up and normally I would. I would scold Harry for saying such things but he really pissed me off. Thinking I would do something bad to Harry. What I said is mostly true anyway. We do tend to swap positions a bit more. Best of both worlds but I was going for shock value and Weasley really seems to hate it. I glare at his disgusted expression deciding to push him further.
"Your lucky we even dragged ourselves out of bed to come here this morning. You know what Harry's like, powerful, passionate, has to do everything to the best of his ability," I pull the neck of my collar down slightly showing the small purple marks I know will stand out against my pale skin. "Satisfied that I haven't done something terrible to your saint of a friend? Or do you want to see the marks he's left on my arse too?" I snap as Weasley groans loudly.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed anything bad. But merlin you don't have to say all that gross stuff," he groans and I just huff crossing my arms and glaring at him.
"Why are we sulking blondie?" Harry coos dropping a plate of waffles with apple crumble ice cream in front of me. I don't bat his hand away as he runs it through my neatly styled hair, levitating the others breakfasts in front of them.
"I know you were torn between your waffle and the strawberry crepe so I got that so you can have both my Princess," he says winking at me as he sits next to me snaking his arm around my waist in the booth. He hasn't really been able to keep his hands off of me since last night. He even followed me into the shower.
"What have you two done to my Draco?" He says narrowing his eyes at his friends.
"Us?" Weasley says defiantly.
"What? don't enjoy being accused Weasley?" I snap teasingly before proceeding to tell Harry all about it.

"As if he'd ever do anything bad to me," Harry says lovingly running his hand up and down my arm, "not unless I asked him too," he adds teasingly as Weasley pretends to gag or maybe he isn't pretending anymore.
Harry's hand doesn't leave my thigh as we eat our breakfast, he rubs my leg squeezing it gently every so often.
He leans his head onto my shoulder offering me a forkful of his own breakfast, I take it and don't comment on the kisses he places on my neck that are definitely far too passionate for the public eye. It seems to annoy Weasley.
"Merlin stop it! Are you trying to get front page of the prophet," Weasley scolds and Harry just turns to him a cheeky glimmer in his eye as he shrugs.
"What would Lucius and narcissa say but especially Lucius?" Hermione adds in her teachers voice.
That is a fair point I think but Harry just scoffs.
"Draco Malfoy doesn't belong to Lucius.....he belongs to me."
It's my turn to scoff but, not taking my hand off of his under the table and pretending not to love his dark, possessive tone of voice.

Harry changes the subject, talking about the previous evening and asking how Weasleys family were after we left. I tell them about my parents too my hand never leaving Harry's as he kisses my temple every so often.

"So your parents didn't say much after?" Harry asks and Weasley shrugs.
"Not much, I think they were surprised at how well you seemed to get on with Lucius Malfoy, mum talked about Narcissa and Andromeda being similar, I think she likes her."
"Mother is easiest to get along with, it's father and I that sometimes have trouble."
"Nonsense, I feel most comfortable talking to Dray, I could tell you anything. Your very friendly really," Harry says teasingly.
"Oh cheers mate," Weasley says sarcastically.
"Well you know what I mean. You probably tell Hermione more personal things than me.
And look how quickly Draco became friends with you all. He is actually very approachable." He kisses my temple again.
"That might just be you who thinks that mate,"
Weasley says as his girlfriend chuckles.
"I might have to agree with Weasley on that one, sorry Potter," I tease but he just smiles squeezing my hand gently under the table.

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