Into You

By NyxSmols

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It's the last weekend before they have to return to Nevermore. Yoko invites Enid, Bianca, Divina, and Wednesd... More

Chapter 1: It's only a text away
Chapter 2: Nero's Legacy
Chapter 3: Flight, feels, and Torture
Chapter 4: The Vampier's Lair
Chapter 5: Choking
Chapter 6: Realizations Pt. 1
Chapter 7: Realizations Pt. 2
Chapter 8: Pancakes and something new...
Chapter 9: The Panic in your eyes
Chapter 10: The Power of Music
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: The Shovel Talk

Chapter 13: Movies, Cuddles, and The Start of Something New

622 14 9
By NyxSmols

They headed back to the kitchen, loud teasing and laughs were heard coming from inside. As they walked in, everyone went quiet and stared at them... Enid rushed towards Wednesday and hugged her tightly, Wednesday reciprocating fully, taking Enid in and not wanting to let go...ever...

"It's been...10 minutes..." Bianca whispered to Divina, "Can you imagine these two the whole school year..." She rolled her eyes and giggled..

"It's gonna be an interesting year B." Divina giggled back.

They eventually let go and Enid said, "You must be starving! I've saved you some pasta." She served some on a plate for Wednesday while she went to get a water bottle out of the fridge.

They all sat down and fell into light conversations, Wednesday enjoying her meal as Enid rubbed soft patterns on her hand. "Maybe this curse is not so bad after all..." she thought.

"So, I was night!" Cheered Yoko.

"YES!!!" Enid jumped out of her seat.

Divina and Bianca high-fived.

Wednesday wasn't too sure about this; she had never taken part in a movie night. She whispered to Enid, "What does night consist of?"

Enid held both her hands and smiled, "Well, we'll choose 1 or 2 movies to watch, eat some snacks and enjoy our company, my love." She kissed her nose.

Wednesday scrunched her nose and smiled as well, God, was she doomed...

They got up and went to the living room, Yoko set everything up with Divina, while Bianca looked for some movies with Enid. Wednesday was sitting with her back against an armchair, staring at Enid, everything she did was so alluring and evoked a smile on her usually stoic face...for once, after many moons, she felt...happy...

"Ok! What should we watch first, we've got 2 classics...The Others and Pitch Perfect? Bianca asked.

Divina jumped from the floor, "OMG both of them are great!"

Enid shuffled in her seat next to Wednesday, she really didn't want to see The Others but Bianca had insisted Wednesday would like it.

"Are you ok, mi vida?" Wednesday touched Enid's hand lightly.

"Mmm...The Others is a bit scary for me..." Enid whimpered like a puppy.

Wednesday lifted Enid's hand to her lips, kissing it softly. "I shall be by your side, mi amor. I have no idea what it is about...also, it is all fiction after all."

"Can you...cuddle me while we watch?" Enid questioned.

"Anything for you, cariño." Wednesday opened her arms and let Enid rest her head on her shoulder, wrapping her arms around her, kissing the top of her head. Enid melted into Wednesday's embrace.

Yoko played The Others first...

Enid jumped at certain scenes, like when Mrs. Mills shows up in the bedroom... Wednesday held her closer in such scenes, especially since Enid buried her face in Wednesday's chest, making her ears and face burn...

Wednesday particularly enjoyed the seance part, yet she did tell Enid how fake it seemed and what they should have done better to make it more realistic. At this, Enid giggled and pulled Wednesday in for a kiss. They were so in love with each other... they both smiled into the kiss...

Bianca found it curious that this movie would lead them to kiss... "Who knew a Thriller would be "romantic" for these two..." she told Divina and they both laughed softly.

"Their concept of romance is very...unconventional, yet pure..." Yoko told them, smiling.

The attic revelation was mind-bending for all of them. "What an interesting concept..." said Wednesday. "I must ask my father if anything like this has happened ever before..." Enid laughed, "Please tell me your house isn't haunted..."

"Oh, it is! We have our own set of family ghosts but they are nothing like these in the movie...Would you like to meet them?" Wednesday asked stoically.

Enid thought for a moment and answered, "I'd...if they're not scary...I'd love to." She gave Wednesday a soft smile.

"Weirdos" Yoko teased.

Enid stuck her tongue out at her and laughed feigning offense..."Just put on Pitch Perfect! I need to sing along!"

"Ok, ok..." Yoko brushed it off.

The intro to the movie started playing. Enid, Yoko, Divina, and Bianca all followed along to it loudly, then giggling... Wednesday stared at them glaring slightly, apparently, this was one of Enid's favorite movies of all time, as she put it, so she was determined to pay attention to it even if it wasn't really up her alley.

Enid was sitting next to Wednesday, bouncing happily as the movie progressed, "Wends, look! She reminds me a little of you!" She said pointing at Beca.

Wednesday frowned, "I am nothing like...her..." a slight offense in her voice.

Divina laughed at this and said, "I meaaaaan, kinda Addams...and if so, that would make Enid...Chole!" They all chimed, putting their hands in the air.

"I'm not like Chole! Come on!" Enid giggled, throwing a cushion at the girls.

As the movie progressed, Wednesday noted the slight similarities and scowled.

The girls all sang every song in the movie, Wednesday had never heard of any of them...She was however enjoying the torture the haunting melodies brought. One of the sounds she would never get tired of hearing was Enid's was music to her ears and she would kill anyone who'd dare to diminish it ever...

The credits started rolling and the girls were giddy. Wednesday not so much yet she'd never admit the movie wasn't that terrible...

"I'm still pissed that Beca and Chole aren't canon!" Enid yelled at the tv.

"They were sooooo gay for each other, it was as clear as day...cowards!" Yoko added.

Wednesday nodded, "I could see the attraction in their eyes and interactions, tell me again, why are they, not a couple?"

"Because they're homophobic!" Yoko said emphatically.

"Agreed..." Added Wednesday.

Bianca smirked, "Luckily you guys got together, otherwise you would've left us all pissed just like BeChole..."

"Heeeeeeey! Y'all need a ship name!" Divina said pointing.

"OH, MY GOD! You're right! We don't have one!" Enid said clutching her chest.

"You actually do...Yoko and I use it sometimes to refer to both of you...since you're tied at the hip most of the time..." Bianca snickered.

"Really?! What is it?! Questioned Enid excitingly.

" it exactly? A ship name I mean..." Asked Wednesday with true curiosity.

"Shipping is when fans of a show or something like a pair of people together and they wish they were romantically involved, so you ship them..." Explained Enid happily.

"How does that make any sense?" Wednesday questioned frowning.

"Just go with it..." Winked Divina.

Enid narrowed her eyes at Div, her upper lip slightly trembling, flashing her fangs a bit...A low growl, threatening to escape... Wednesday noticed and placed her hand over Enid's thigh, squeezing lightly, "Is everything ok, amor mio?" She questioned as she looked at her. As Enid felt the squeeze, all the blood in her face drained directly to her stomach... She turned slowly to Wednesday, her mouth slightly agape, "Mhm...I...Y...yes cariño...I'm ok, just got a little distracted...sorry..." She said sheepishly.

"Anyways...the ship's name usually comes from the mix of both of the people's names, last names or name and last name, whatever works best!" Finished Bianca.

"Yeah, so you guys are...WenClair..." Yoko finished with jazz hands.

Enid and Wednesday stared, thinking, "...Wednesday and Sinclair...very original..." Wednesday said narrowing her eyes and smirking.

Enid jumped up in the air in excitement, if she had her tail right now, it would be waging, "I absoultlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTT!!!"

She was adorable, her puppy, Wednesday smiled, her dimples on full display for everyone to see...a slip... Everybody watching her but she only had eyes for Enid...

"Did you know she could do THAT?!" whispered Divina to Yoko.

"No clue..." Yoko answered fully smiling as well.

Bianca facepalmed, "These two will be the end of me...They're way too cute..." she whispered.

After a while, it was getting late and Wednesday was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the night's events and being more sociable than she had ever been... She stood up to excuse herself and Enid ran up to her blushing with excitement, "Sleep with me tonight?" She whispered in her ear. Wednesday shivered, her eyes widening. "I'll be up in a bit, ok?" Enid announced. Wednesday just nodded. She said her good night's to all of them and headed to her room to get ready...for bed...

Wednesday was feeling a bit nervous, she went into the bathroom for a quick shower and changed into her pajamas. She got a book, closed her bedroom door, and went to Enid's room. It was empty, she was still downstairs so she took the time to change the sheets and make Enid's...their... bed fresh for a good night's...sleep... She laid in bed reading her book while she waited for Enid. Not even 30 minutes went by when she walked in and flashed Wednesday a toothy smile. "Hey babycakes!" She chimed happily as she skipped to her bed and kissed Wednesday softly...Wednesday melted into her kiss, feeling the warmth of it flow through her body. "Hey mi vida..." she answered faintly. "You changed the sheets..." Enid said quizzically. "Yes, I figured we could go with...plain white for tonight? I...would like to avoid activating my allergy..." Wednesday said sheepishly. "Good idea!" Enid was bubbling with energy. "I'm going to have a shower and I'll be right back, ok?" Wednesday nodded, giving Enid one chaste kiss before she left.

Enid returned, the smell of vanilla filled the room and Wednesday scooted over to let Enid slide into bed with her. "Missed me?" Enid questioned, giggling. "Forever so" Answered Wednesday with a soft smile.

Enid looked into Wednesday's eyes, cupping her face, "How did I get so lucky?" she said in a whisper.

Wednesday looked back at her, "I am the lucky one...How did such a beautiful, pure soul choose me?"

Enid's wolf was jumping in her chest, filling it with pride and love.

Wednesday kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, and her lips softly, enjoying every moment of it.

Enid wrapped her arms around Wednesday, deepening the kiss, then kissing her jaw, and nibbling on her earlobe... "I love you, Wends."

Wednesday pulled away slowly, looking into Enid's eyes once more, "I love you too, mi amor."

They hugged tightly, taking in each other's scent. When they pulled away Enid questioned, "What...made you choose me?"

Wednesday looked serious yet soft, "Cariño, I will always be thankful to who or whatever made us meet...To this curse I am grateful because I will get to see you happy, blushing, whiny, grumpy, sleepy, curious, surprised, and in love, for the rest of our days..." With each word said, planting a kiss on Enid's face, at this Enid was slightly tearing up. "Please know that only one of your smiles can turn my whole day around and make me feel like I am the luckiest Addams in the world...I love your laugh which tug the strings of my blackened heart, playing the most beautiful melodies I have ever heard..." Wednesday smiled fully at Enid and Enid hugged Wednesday tightly.

"Wends...I...I love you so much...your beautiful brown eyes hold the universe and I would gladly get lost in them forever, exploring each corner of the galaxy within...All your likes, fears, secrets, anything you're willing to share with me, I would gratefully accept...always with consent..." She added, stared deep into Wednesday's eyes, and continued, "I love how they sparkle when you talk about what you're passionate about, like digging graves..." They both giggled. "I want to hold your hand forever, grow old and gray together..." Enid smiled genuinely.

"Until we turn into stardust and go back into the universe..." Wednesday added, kissing Enid softly.

They fell asleep staring into each other's eyes, cuddling, secret words shared amongst themselves.

Sunday came around faster than they expected. Wednesday got up early, as usual, only this time she stayed in bed holding onto Enid's sleeping self. She admired her relaxed face, light snores leaving her lips, she brushed a strand of hair that covered her beautiful face away, which apparently tickled because Enid made a scrunchy face as she opened her eyes...and smiled...

"Good morning, love," Enid said, pecking her lips softly. Wednesday could get used to this, "Good morning, mi amor. Did you sleep well?" She asked Enid. "The best sleep of my life!" She chirped. Wednesday giggled, "It truly was...even better than sleeping in a coffin..." Enid grabbed her face with both hands, "You...your's...the most amazing sound I've heard you make!" she kissed her with passion. "I wonder, what other sounds you can make..." She smirked wiggling her eyebrows. Wednesday scowled and pushed Enid lightly. "You would not dare..." she said playfully smiling.

They eventually had to get up and start packing as they were heading back to Nevermore that afternoon.

"I'll miss you..." Enid said with a slight pout.

"Mi amor, I am just down the hall packing." Wednesday snickered.

"Still...pack fast..." Enid whined jokingly.

"Si, mi vida..." Wednesday nodded and went off to pack.

Enid went into her room to pack as well.

They all met back on the first floor, putting all their luggage into Yoko's huge Hummer limo..."Don't ask..." She said with a smirk.

The new school year brought new feelings, promises, friendships, and love, and for once Wednesday was excited about returning to Nevermore, hand in hand with her soulmate...little miss sunshine herself, Enid Sinclair.

Enid kissed their jointed hands sensing the mix of Wednesday's jasmines and her vanilla. It was going to be the start of a great life with her, Wednesday Addams.

The End

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