Together Till the End (Short...

By 1Derfullyyou

2.2K 53 5

A life story about a Girl named Samantha. Growing up in Ireland is hard enough, but what happens when Samanth... More

Together Till the End
1. My life is over
2. Missing practice
3. Haven't seen you in a while Bob
4. Finally Xfactor
5. Birthdays
7. Death wish
8. Carlos and Action Man
10. Peanut butter and bananas
11. Teddy
12. Mission Siall
13. Fall
14. Mom and Dad
New story?

9. Salami

94 3 0
By 1Derfullyyou

Old habits die hard

Thats probably why I am writing this chapter at 11:00 at night and it's the first day back to school after a week tomorrow. Yah I'm going to be tired.

Well hope you enjoy :D


*Sam's POV*

"Ugg I'm so full." I say pushing my plate away from me.

"You should be you just had 3 hotdogs and at least 2 plates of salad." Harry says laughing at how much I can actually eat.

What I just really like food ok. Don't judge. I bet you like something really weird and I would never judge you for that. I may laugh at you a little but never judge you.

"I take it you like my salad?" Niall says smirking.

I cross my arms over my chest and look away.

"It was ok. Not as good as usual." I say making sure that I don't look back at him.

I can see Niall cringe a little out of the corner of my eye. He knows I love his food and I usually praise him when he makes his salad. Like I said before I like food. I could tell that hurt him a little.

I look at my watch "You boys should all get ready the limo is coming to pick us up in 45 minutes to take us to the interview. And you boys all need to look spiffy."

"Oh? And how do we look right now?" Zayn questions me.

"Uuuuuuuumm uuuuuuuuuuum thank you boys so much for taking me with you to the interview!" I say grinning real big trying to avoid the question.

To tell you the truth they all did look really sweaty from the football game except for Harry and Louis they showered but they really do need to change. They can't go to an interview in sweats.

"Well I better change too. Wouldn't want to look like a bum hanging out with THE One Direction." I say stretching out the word The. Before I quickly run up the stairs.

I can hear the other boys walking up the stairs as i enter my room closing the door. Wouldn't want any of them seeing my change now would we. Well maybe Niall but- wait on second thought no not Niall either.

I walk into my closet and look at all the things I have hanging up.

I could wear my grade 8 grad dress. I know right it's sad that I still fit into it. But hey I had my growths Burt when I was in grade 7 when i grew to 5'9" and I was taller than everyone else until like grade nine. Now I'm kinda stuck at that height.

But I can't wear that it's too fancy for an interview. Even though I won't be seen at all unless we're walking in or out of the studio.

Why does this have to be so hard.

I finally decided on a red tanktop with my white coveralls that are shorts with only one buckle done up. For shoes I have the ones that Niall gave me for my birthday (I don't know why but I really feel like wearing them today) and I put on a few red bracelets. I curled my hair after my shower and it still looks good so Ill just leave it like that.

Checking in the mirror one last time I skip down the hall and walk down the stairs to meet Liam, Louis and Niall and Zayn.

I look over at Niall and he's wearing the shoes that match mine and the hat I got him for his birthday and man does he look good. His eyes connect with mine and I look away quickly.

"Where's harry?" I ask looking back up to the stairs.

"He's taking forever. He has to make sure his locks are in perfect place. And people say Im the one who takes forever to get ready I was the first one down here." Zayn says rolling his eyes.

"Harry hurry up were gonna be late." I yell up to him.

"Yah yah ill be down in a minute." Harry calls back.

"I've got this guys." Louis says walking over to me.

"Sam you can't wear that to an interview, your boobs are practically hanging out." He half yells half talks making sure Harry can hear it.

I hear a boom and a crash and out comes Harry running down the stairs as fast as he possibly can.

When he finally get to the bottom he looks me up and down with a disappointed face.

"Louis you lied Sam's boobs aren't hanging out."

"Yah but it sure got you to get down here quickly. Now Lets gohoho guys." Louis points and we all head out the house to the limo waiting for us.

Before I start walking I hit Harry's arm. "Cheeky boy thinking I would let my boobs hang out of my shirt." Before I catch up to the others.

I get into the limo first hoping that I won't have to sit by Niall, it will just be easier to not talk to him if I don't.

But hey even though he was the last one to get in he somehow manages to get the seat beside me. Just my luck.

The limo heads off toward the studio and the boys talk about nonsense that I can't even be bothered to pay attention to.

Niall turns to my and is about to say something to me when I cut him off by putting in my earbuds. I turn up the volume on my music so the boys could probably hear it and I look out my window. Trying to avoid Niall's face.

*Niall's POV*

What was that for? I now Sam knew I was going to say something to her but she just cut me off and put her music on.

What's with her today she's been so short tempered with me. It must be her "time of the month". Oh she'd kill me is she heard me say that.

One time it slipped out of my mouth and she didn't talk to me for 2 days. Man was she mad.

We drive onto the studio lot and the driver parks us near the door that says "the Daisy Beau show. Sam takes out her earbuds as we all get out and walk into the studio to be greeted my workers already prepping us for stage. We must be later than I thought.

Some red head woman leads us to the side of the stage and we can see where daisy (the talk show host) has just walked out and is starting the show.

I don't know when she left but the red head came walking over to us with mics to clip onto our shirts. And she turned to sam.

"Your going to have to wait here until the boys are done the show, but here you can sit in this chair."

Sam thanks her and she sits down.

"You boys are on in 2." The red head says before walking off.

"I'm kinda getting nervous." Liam says and I pat him on the back reassuring him.

"Don't worry you boys will do fine. And good luck." Sam says cheery before we turn around and wait to be called on.

"And now the boys you have been waiting for all day, fresh off the Xfactor show, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis. It One Direction!"

Daisy says and we all run out onto the stage as they play a random song.

The crowd goes crazy as we walk in and it all just feels so surreal.

We all hug daisy and then sit down trying to squeeze onto one small sofa.

I sit closest to daisy then is goes Liam Zayn Louis then harry.

"So boys how are you doing?"

"Great great. How about you?" Harry says chatting her up a bit.

"I'm good. So boys what was it like being on the Xfactor and getting 3rd place?"

"It was an amazing experience and it was just so much fun. I think that I could say for all of the boys that even though we got 3rd being on the Xfactor was one of the best moments of our lives." Zayn says and the whole audience of girls screams like crazy.

"So Liam how did it feel being put together with 4 strangers that you have never met before and then having to perform with them?" Daisy says crossing her legs.

"I've always wanted a brother and now sitting here with these guys I have the four most amazing brothers I could ever ask for." Liam says smiling like crazy.

The whole crowd awes and we all join in hugging Liam.

"Ok boys how about we play a little game?"

"Sounds great." Louis pipes in.

"Ok so yesterday we did this with a bunch of girls where we looked to see what was in their purses. Now I'm guessing you boys don't have purses so why don't we look into your wallets." Daisy says smiling, "how about we start off with Harry and go down the line."

"Ok." Harry whips out his wallet and opens the contents out onto the coffee table in front of him.

"I have £20 a piece of gum some credit cards and that's it." He says smiling.

"Ok well I have £2 a key that I have no clue to where it belongs, a list of pranks that Sam and I are going to pull together... um I better keep that in my pocket so no one sees them. And... that's it" Louis says smiling.

"Louis who's Sam?" Daisy asks.

"Oh she's staying with us at our house." He replays nicely.

"Ok I have £57 in change, some credit cards, keys to our house and a few ticket stubs. A tiny pencil, Oh and a picture of me and my old dog boris." Zayn says dumping it onto the table.

"Um I have ticket stubs as well, a few credit cards, £30 an eraser and a piece of salami?" Liam says holding it out looking kind of grossed out that that was in his wallet. "Louis did you put that in there?" Liam questions.

I look over to Louis to see him pull out the paper with the pranks on it as he takes Zayn's pencil and crosses something off the list nonchalantly. He looks up mid scribble, "What?" He says staring at Liam and I don't know how he can keep a strait face.

I burst out laughing as I take the piece of salami and eat it. I see all the boys staring at me like I'm crazy.

"What you can't waist a perfectly good piece of salami. Someone had to eat it and I knew it wasn't going to be one of you guys. I took one for the team!"

Everyone starts laughing now.

Once everybody calms down I open up my wallet.

"Well I have £1, a guitar pick and oh I forgot I put this in here, it's a picture of me and Sam that I took when we were on the train here." I say smiling.

"Well you boys sure do have some pretty weird thing in your wallets. But if you boys don't mind me asking who is this Sam girl I'm sure all your fans would love to know." Daisy asks crossing her legs and sitting forward in anticipation.

"Sam is my best friend, we grew up together. She's actually the one who convinced me to try out for the Xfactor, since we lived next door to each other I couldn't imagine being away from her ever, so when I was moving here I had to take her with me. The boys didn't mind so now she's our room mate. She's actually back stage right now." I say smiling.

"That's really nice Niall." She said patting my knee.

"So boys who does the food shopping around the house I would imagine it would probably be Sam?"

"Actually no, it's usually one of us four, we never really take Niall or Sam with us food shopping because if we did then we would end up staying forever." Louis says looking at me.

"What I just like food." I say looking down.

"I'm sorry boys but that's all the time we have, thank you so much for coming on the show." Daisy says smiling.

"Thank you for having us." Liam says as we all get up and wave to the cheering fans as we leave.

When we finally get off stage Sam stands up.

"You boys were great!" Sam says smiling at all of us.

"Thanks. Now I don't know about you guys but after that game of football today, eating lunch at like 3:00 and that interview I'm pretty tired. Why don't we head home and sleep." Harry rubs his eye.

"Yes I'm tired too. Plus Niall said this morning I could call it an early night and that's exactly what I'm going to do." Zayn mutters and we all follow him back into the limo.

Now that I hear the boys talking about it I feel the sleepiness hit me.

*Sam's POV*

Again I try and get a seat away from Niall but somehow he always finds a way to sit right next to me.

He looks over at me and smiles. I give him a weak smile as i turn the other way and pretend to get comfy to nap in the car.

I really need to get better at this ignoring thing.


So I hoped you liked this chappie it turned I think it turned out a lot better than I expected.

So tomorrow I head back to school not very happy about that but I really hope you guys enjoy this.

N xx:D

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