The Dragon Master

By EfronAllard

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[HTTYD Fanfiction] Hiccup Haddock never knew why he was born, especially among a tribe of dragon-hating Vikin... More

Chapter 1 - Life in Berk
Chapter 2 - A Boy Who Harbors Pain
Chapter 3 - The Night Fury
Chapter 4 - New Heir
Chapter 5 - Guilty Feelings
Chapter 6 - Flight, Nest, and Caught
Chapter 7 - Banishment
Chapter 8 - 10 years in Exile
Chapter 10 - Karalyn and Celare
Chapter 11 - Council Convocation
Chapter 12 - Introspection and Diplomacy
Chapter 13 - Peace Plan

Chapter 9 - 10 years later at Berk

2K 33 31
By EfronAllard

A/N: Hi, thank you for reading this story. Happy reading guys!

Astrid woke up from her sleep. Morning sunlight streamed in through the open window of her room. Astrid slowly got up from her bed and sat up, staring blankly at the wooden wall of her room. She again felt the sadness that he always felt every day when she woke up. Guilt. Never in her life had she thought that she would become such a heartbroken and pathetic girl. The image of a strong and proud shield girl, seemed to belittle her current state.

Astrid looked around the village from her window, while inhaling the morning air which ended with a heavy sigh. She saw that the villagers were starting to come out of their houses, stretching to get ready for work. The men went into the forest to cut wood and hunt, some were hauling goods, some were going to the wharf to fish. The women carrying trays went to the great hall to prepare food, the children went somewhere to play. Like it or not, the image of Astrid and Hiccup when they were little running around the village, came to Astrid's mind.

This year marks 10 years of Hiccup's exile. Not much has changed from the residents at first, they were actually happy when Useless Hiccup was banished from the Berkian tribe. They laughed, smiling with relief when Hiccup was banished and would never come back. However, all that changed when Gobber loudly told the Berkian Vikings that every weapon they held was the work of Hiccup. The people didn't believe it at first, but their eyes widened to the size of saucers when they saw the mark on the bottom of their weapon hilts. It said HHH III. Hiccup even made Astrid's axe.

Every Berkian fell silent as it absorbed the fact that a boy who they all thought was useless, had actually made all of their weapons. Amazing weapons, they think Gobber made. Gobber nonchalantly explains that his old age has made him no longer capable of making weapons, only able to repair weapons, so Hiccup is the one who makes weapons for everyone. The weapons were strong, sturdy, and beautiful, making everyone fall in love first without knowing the identity on the underside of their weapon hilt.

After that, everyone started to feel guilty. But some say that Hiccup is still a cursed boy, for befriending a dragon, Berk's enemesis. Some agree but some others still feel guilty. As guilty as they are, it doesn't make their guilt as big as Astrid Hofferson's.

Berk has undergone many changes. The houses are increasing because the population is increasing. Berk Island is indeed quite large, but with the increase in population, it is feared that Berk will not be able to accommodate all Berk residents. The Great Hall is now being renovated to accommodate residents to attend meetings or eat, or shelter from storms and attacks. Many trees in the forest are now cut down for development needs and other things.

Many children were born, boys and girls, during these 10 years, it's like a very popular trend. Children who have not been born since Hiccup's exile, are told by their parents about the incident. Children who should be scared and angry, are amazed and like what he does. At first, their parents thought that because they were still children, but as they got older, they increasingly idolized Hiccup and his Night Fury. The children heard Gobber tell the stories of his students with passion. Gobber clearly likes and respects Hiccup very much, especially regarding his desperate act of befriending a dragon, Berk's enemy.

Astrid also changed. She became taller and stronger. Her beauty is growing, judging from the response of the men in Berk who instantly fall in love with her. Astrid wore increasingly intricate braids from her teens, because somehow a bit of her feminism came through. She also changed her dressing style, just like everyone else. Astrid is still tending to her axe, because it's the only thing left to remember Hiccup. After using it to practice on the edge of the forest, a habit that never changed, she asked Gobber to sharpen it to keep it maintained. Gobber makes a slight scowl at Astrid, but keeps sharpening Astrid's axe, presumably out of respect for Hiccup. The axe, a beautiful ax that was beautifully carved and lavish, seemed to imitate a Valkyrie's exquisite weapon.

Astrid slowly walked to her wardrobe to put on her clothes, then braided her hair, all the while contemplating. A loud voice from below snapped her out of her thoughts.


"YES, MOM!" Astrd replied, shouting, for her mother to hear her response from upstairs.

Astrid with quickly walked out of her room, picked up her favorite ax that was lying on the table. She quickly stepped down from the stairs, then walked towards their dining room. Her mother was putting soup on the table while her father was sitting quietly at the dinner table.

"Morning dad, morning mom," Astrid greeted her parents, while sitting in one of the chairs at the dining table.

"Morning Astrid," her mother answered with a gentle smile. "How was your sleep?"

"That, uh," Astrid said hesitantly, rubbing one arm. "It is good."

Ingrid Hofferson looked sadly at her only daughter. Astrid was sleepless after Hiccup Haddock's banishment. Ingrid doesn't really understand why her daughter is so affected mentally by what happened to their former chief's son. However, one thing he does know is that her daughter has personal issues with Hiccup. If one thing was visible on Astrid's face, it was regret. She always saw that her daughter didn't have the spirit she used to have. Ingrid always felt that Astrid had a crush on Hiccup. But now that doesn't matter anymore, because Hiccup has been banished from the tribe. Ingrid often regrets agreeing to her husband's plan to separate Astrid and Hiccup's friendship to preserve her reputation.

Astrid took the soup prepared by her mother. As she sipped the broth slowly, she felt warmth coursing through her body. The cold weather outside can be overcome by eating warm soup in the morning. While taking his soup, Harold said to Astrid.

"Ah Astrid, Stoick wants you to meet him at his house," said Harold. "He wants to talk about something important."

"Okay." Astrid answered, looking up slightly at her father.

Astrid wondered what the chief wanted to talk about. It had been 10 years that she had received training with Chief Stoick about being chief. The learning is very heavy. Have to listen to lectures for hours, listen to complaints from residents, arrange various things and many other things.

Astrid came under pressure from the high expectations of the Berkians who said that Astrid would make an extraordinary leader. She often feels anxious, afraid that she will fail to be someone the Berkians expect. What would people say if she messed up? What would people say if she wasn't good enough to lead? What would people say if she accidentally started a war? What would people say if she destroyed Berk's future? She was never free from that thought. The pressure, the demands, the high expectations of the residents of Berk overwhelmed her. Astrid never knew how Hiccup would deal with demands from the residents. Often imagined by Astrid, when she made a mess that was exactly like Hiccup, which in the end made her bullied and ridiculed. Astrid never thought that she would be strong enough to take all of that.

After finishing her soup, Astrid got up from her chair, picked up her ax and said goodbye to her parents. Her parents haven't changed much after 10 years, apart from increasing age and clothing. Harold Hofferson, is still a Berkian warrior who is respected by all. He becomes a board member of Berk who is always on Stoick's side. There was not a day for him without making Astrid proud of others. Like anyone else, Astrid's father had high expectations of Astrid. Ingrid Hofferson, still a cook in the Great Hall, came up with new recipes that everyone thought were extraordinary. Ingrid didn't demand much from Astrid in becoming an heir to Berk, but she was very proud of what Astrid had achieved.

Astrid opened the door of her house, feeling the cold air on the island of Berk. Several people passed by from the Hofferson residence, greeting the young heir. Astrid returned the greeting as she walked towards the Haddock house. It couldn't be called a family home, considering that only Stoick Haddock lived in the house. Valka Haddock who was kidnapped by a dragon, and Hiccup Haddock who was banished from the tribe, leaving the head of the family.

Astrid stared at Haddock's house. This house is getting bleaker from time to time. Often several people heard grunting and sobbing from inside the house. Some people claim to hear muffled mumbling throughout the night. Bucket argues that Haddock's house is now haunted, only to be smacked on the head by Mulch who says it is the voice of Chief Stoick. The house was clearly unkempt, some dust stuck to the windows and the wood had been eaten by termites. Astrid thought that Chief Stoick didn't have time to look after the house.

Astrid knocked on Haddock's door, with a few soft knocks, out of politeness. A few seconds later, a man the size of a mountain, with a bushy red beard, opened the door. Stoick the Vast, or now could be called Stoick the Recluse, greeting Astrid.

"Ah Astrid, I was just wondering when you were coming," Stoick said, smiling weakly at his heir. "Come in, make yourself at home."

Astrid just nodded politely as she walked into the house. It was very cold inside, the fire was dead, and she smelled of strong alcohol. Astrid was slightly surprised to see piles of mead scattered across the floor of the house, suggesting that the Chief Stoick had been drinking all night. Stoick told Astrid to sit in a chair in the living room, while Stoick himself sat in his private chair. Astrid slowly sat up, careful not to step on the glass of mead.

"Sorry if my house is a little messy," Stoick said weakly. Astrid swore she felt her eyes widen. A little messy? It's incredibly messy. Her mother would start a world war if she found her house like this. "You must be wondering why I called you here, right?"

Astrid only nodded in response. Stoick put on a serious face, his eyebrows knit together. He slightly bowed towards the front, then continued his speech.

"This way," he said. "As we all already know, that a few months ago, Merchant Johann told a story about a nation living with dragons. They not only befriended the demonic beast, but also rode on it. Like, like, what he did."

Astrid winced slightly at the head of Stoick avoiding mentioning his former child's name. She glanced sadly at the slightly stiffened chief Stoick. It really hurts when a child is disowned by their father, but she also understands the feelings of Stoick, who as a father was betrayed by his son. However, did Hiccup really betray? Or is he just pointing out the truth? Astrid honestly already knew the answer.

"A strange nation, they call themselves the Dragon Utopia, a nation of dragon lovers," continued Stoick, holding back his anger as he spoke of the treacherous nation. "They are widespread, having many islands that are their territories. Each island is inhabited by many kinds of strange dragons."

"They are obviously very dangerous," Stoick said very seriously. "I feel that they are gathering strength to attack us. However I doubt that we will contain their current strength. They are clearly very threatening. I also feel that they have something to do with the disappearance of some of the Viking tribes, which is where I feel that the dragon nation attacked the Viking tribes."

Astrid, without having to hear from Chief Stoick, also already knew about the Dragon Utopia nation. Trader Johann gleefully told them about his experience on the island full of dragons, from which he left completely unharmed, alive and well. Many people in Berk assumed that Johann was rambling or seeking attention. Humans and dragons, unite? That's so crazy. Trader Johann, despite any negative response from the Berkians, continues his story as if he were retelling a biography. However, many people still do not believe it. Positive responses only came from a few people, such as Fishlegs Ingerman who was jumping up and down excitedly, forcing Johann to explain the details of every dragon in Dragon Utopia, then a girl named Karalyn, whose face was full of hope when Johann told a figure called Dragon Master. However, she became slightly gloomy when she heard the Dragon Master's physical characteristics. What did the girl expect?

The Berkians, including Stoick, are now very worried when more and more traders come to Berk, telling them that they once traded in an area full of dragons, where they say that the area is the Dragon Kingdom of Utopia. The people were getting worried, afraid that they would be invaded by that nation.

Later, some people speculated that Dragon Utopia had something to do with the disappearance of several tribes in the archipelago, such as the Meatheads and Bog-Burglars. Several years ago, the tribes mysteriously disappeared. No news, no sign of them. Until one day when Stoick decided to visit Meathead and Bog-Burglar, he found that their island was burnt. There were no signs of life and destruction everywhere. Stoick suspects they were attacked by the Utopian Dragons. However, the merchants denied the accusations, because Dragon Utopia was a nation that would not attack other nations first.

"It seems they also have something to do with the dead dragon at the Helheim Gate," Stoick said, interrupting Astrid's reverie. "There's no way the Vikings could do such crazy work."

Correct. In addition to the 10 years of Hiccup's exile, this year also marks the 10 years that the raids mysteriously stopped. Dragons no longer attack, in fact it's very rare for people to find dragons in Berk. The Berkians remained alert, thinking that the dragons were gathering strength to defeat them in large numbers, but it never came. Intrigued, Stoick and his pick of Vikings set sail for the center of the raiding dragons, the Helheim Gate. The Berkians expected a dragon to appear in the mist, but what confused them was the conditions in the Helheim Gate area. It wasn't like before, where the dragon's roar was heard so frequently, it became desolate and quiet. There was no sign of a dragon up close. The fog at the Helheim Gate was thicker than they had last remembered. When they set foot on the island, the Berkian were shocked, frightened and amazed by what they saw. A gigantic dragon, long and huge, the size of Berk, lay lifeless on the ground. The dragon's head is barely intact, explaining that it was hit by an explosion. The club tail is large and strong. Its scales are also very tough. The Berkians are grateful they never faced this dragon, because they will die in one hit.

The return of the Vikings who went to the Helheim Gate, received a welcome from residents on the island of Berk, thinking that they had won the battle. However, stories of Vikings going on expeditions became a nightmare for people, telling of monsters the size of mountains. Astrid who was not part of the expedition was also very surprised. She couldn't help but remember about Hiccup's words, where he told Stoick that dragons were forced to go on raids and they were the victims in this.

Since then, Astrid kept wondering, are dragons not what people think they are? They did the raid not because of their will? Dragons enslaved? Often Astrid ignores that curiosity, because her uncle 'The Fearless' Finn Hofferson was killed because of a dragon, but that can't stem her curiosity. With strong determination, she walked into the forest at night, trying to find a dragon. Until she found a blue and yellow Deadly Nadder dragon. The dragon looked wary as Astrid approached her. Astrid, who felt this was stupid, put her ax to the ground as if it meant nothing. Astrid was quite surprised that this Nadder lowered her guard and tilted her head curiously. Trying to gently touch Nadder's muzzle, Astrid found the dragon watching Astrid's hand warily. Instinctively, Astrid turned her head as she stretched out her hand towards the dragon. Half expecting that she would have her hand stumped, all he felt was the dragon's warm scales in her palm. Glancing back at the Nadder in surprise, Astrid discovered a truth about dragons that none of the Vikings before, except for Hiccup, had known.

Astrid and Deadly Nadder have seen each other frequently since then. She named it Stormfly. Stormfly is a female dragon who loves to beautify herself. Like Astrid, Stormfly is tough and high-spirited. Astrid used any free time to go into the woods and meet Stormfly. Of course it wasn't easy to find that time, considering that she had her duties and the heir's learning. People often watched Astrid disappear into the woods. Many people have speculated why the strong and popular Astrid Hofferson chose to retreat to the woods instead of hanging out with other Berkians. Until Snotlout Jorgenson, with a brain the size of a pea, boasted loudly, telling everyone that he and Astrid always spent time in the woods on dates. Of course no one believed him, because Snotlout spent his time training with his father.

"So," Astrid said slowly. "What do you want me to do about all of this?"

Astrid was confused. Indeed, as an heir, it is fitting for her to talk and share solutions with the tribal chiefs on various issues. But this is the problem of a race of dragons who allegedly attacked many Viking tribes and defeated the dragon queen. What did Stoick want from her?

"Well, you see," Stoick replied with a slight bow, lightly stroking his large palms playfully. Astrid could see a hint of discomfort in his eyes. "We can't just sit idly by and watch the Dragon Utopia nation continue to grow,"

Astrid narrowed her eyes slightly while thinking about her chief's actions, her mind traversing to various things. They were Vikings, and if they encountered a threat, they would-

"Wait!" exclaimed Astrid suddenly, making Stoick and Astrid themselves jump. While apologizing quietly, Astrid continued. "You wouldn't think of starting a war with them would you? It's crazy."

"Oh no, no, you misunderstood Astrid," denied Stoick, holding up his palms in front of his chest. "That's not mean like that."

"They are clearly too strong, and following that Viking custom will see us die in one strike," continued Stoick. Astrid was slightly surprised by Chief Stoick's words. The reason is, he always upholds the customs of the Vikings, but this is a serious threat to them. It is only natural that the tribal chief acts carefully. "I plan to go visit that land and ask for peace."

Astrid was surprised after hearing Stoick's words. He was planning to form an alliance with Dragon Utopia? Which also means making peace with the dragons. Astrid knew the chief of the Stoick tribe very well, where the man really hated dragons. The dragons had taken his wife during the raid. However, understandably, this was the best and safest thing to do, but what would the villagers say? Aren't there so many of them who hate dragons, because they killed their families and took their possessions.

"So what do you think Astrid?" Stoick asked quietly. Astrid finally fully understood why she had been summoned by the Stoick chairman. "As a heir, your thoughts and decisions must be honed and developed."

"I think that's the right move, chief," Astrid said slowly. "I mean, they are a strong and advanced nation. Attacking them is not a wise move at all, Berk will have no future. So in my opinion, agreeing to an alliance is the best course of action."

"I see," Stoick said, stroking his bushy red beard, slowly leaning back in the armchair. "I really need your opinion, you know."

"May I ask one thing chief?" Astrid said politely, not wanting to trigger anything unwanted.

"Of course,"

"Are you really sure you want to form an alliance with Dragon Utopia?" she asked. "I mean, it sure is the best course of action, but you know that allying with them means making peace with the dragons?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," Stoick said firmly, but Astrid swore she heard a twinge of hesitation in his words. "Look, last night I spoke to Gobber and Gothi about this issue, they told me to be open-minded and try new things,"

Astrid was surprised again. Everyone on Berk, even the children, knew that Gobber and Gothi refused to have anything to do with Chief Stoick, unless it was a very serious matter. It all started at Hiccup's exile. Gobber and Gothi are openly angry and disappointed at Chief Stoick.

Seeing Astrid's surprised expression, Stoick explained. "Well, as you know, that they have refused to interact with me for years, mostly me trying to strike up a conversation. However, somehow they came to me and said that. So, that's the reason why I plan to form an alliance with them."

"I realized my mistake all this time," Stoick said closing his eyes, Astrid listened curiously to his words. "Seeing the fact that my son befriended a dragon made me blind with rage. I was so angry that the dragon took my wife, that without thinking critically, I threw away my own child."

"I feel like a terrible parent," he continued. "10 years without anyone made me keep thinking, am I a good father? Am I a father who supports his son? What I always remember is, a cold man who doesn't care about his own child. I always demand that Hiccup be who I want him to be, even though it's never going to happen. I realized that I was never by his side when he was going through a tough time. I feel so failed."

Stoick took a deep, heavy breath and bent over, bowing his head with a somber expression. Astrid just sat quietly in her chair. She did not see the strong and gallant Stoick the Vast, who was admired by many, instead he saw a pathetic old man and lamented his failure as a father. Seemingly staying up late and daydreaming every night for the past years, his stone head finally broke.

"I just wish I could see him again," Stoick said sadly. "Although 10 years may be too late. Hel, he was such a thin and weak child, how could he survive this long?! He could have died, been captured or tortured by criminals."

"Oh Gods, what is Valka going to say about this." Stoick said, burying his head in his large hands.

Astrid also just looked down sadly. That's right. It's almost impossible for Hiccup to be out there in 10 years. Hiccup can probably do a lot of things, after everyone knows that Hiccup is multitalented, he can make things, polish weapons, cook, fish, draw and many other things, but fighting is an exception. His small and thin body will be an easy target for vicious criminals. Astrid shuddered at the thought of Hiccup tortured by criminals.

Astrid realized that she really loved Hiccup. He is a man different from other men. Different in a good way. If other men would see her as a trophy to be won and flaunted, like Snotlout, Hiccup always looked up to her with awe and respect. It was actually so long ago that due to the constant loneliness and suffering, it made that gaze become glazed and pitiful.

Astrid just sighed heavily, she was too late. She was too late to be with the love of her life. He has gone. No. It was she herself who pushed him away. Now, Astrid 'the Fearless' Hofferson has become the 'heartbroken' Astrid Hofferson. Together with Stoick, Astrid misses Hiccup, who is very unlikely to be alive out there.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

"So what were you talking to Chief Stoick about?" Ruffnut asked Astrid. They walked around the village while looking around.

"Something important that only the chairman and heirs discuss," Astrid muttered while looking at the ground. "It's confidential, at least for now."

Ruffnut raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious and curious, but decided not to force this answer from her best friend.

Correct. Ruffnut is Astrid's friend, only girl friend, who is the same age as her. Crazy and unreasonable, making Astrid dislike Ruffnut at first. But as time went by, Ruffnut started to be more mature and a little bit feminine. Ruffnut often becomes her confidant to talk about various things. Ruffnut Thorston, now Ingerman, is married to Fishlegs but is currently childless.

Astrid and Ruffnut walked past Gobber's smithy, where they saw a chestnut-haired girl polishing an axe. Karalyn Bellingson. This young girl was recruited by Gobber when she was 10 years old. Gobber suffered 5 years working alone, with several failed apprentices. Everyone finally knows, there is no blacksmith as good and special as Hiccup, even Gobber the blacksmith himself admits that his student has surpassed him. If only everyone could see what Hiccup has been up to if he was still here.

Karalyn turns out to be a talented blacksmith's apprentice. Gobber was delighted to see Karalyn's work. It's a mix of effort, hard work, and determination, accompanied by a talent that needs to be honed. Gobber often raved about how great Karalyn was. He called her as Hiccup's successor. If one paid close attention, Karalyn and Hiccup had a lot in common. Their small bodies in their teens, chestnut hair, emerald green eyes, intelligence, nervous to speak, but very eager to do good. Gobber's workshop has a special room that only he and Karalyn can access. It used to be Hiccup's place for making blueprints and inventions, which now belong to the apprentice girl.

"Hey ladies, what are you guys doing?" said someone behind Astrid and Ruffnut. The voice was flirtatious and seductive. Astrid turned and saw Snotlout Jorgenson who forced himself into a stuttering position. But that only made him more disgusting.

"Shouldn't you guys be looking at my physical training instead of staring at that dwarf apprentice," Snotlout said kissing his muscle. "This is a rare practice that girls should be watching."

Astrid was very upset. Furious at Snotlout's words. This muttonhead boy never thought he was an adult, at the age of 25 years. How many times did it take for him to realize that Astrid wasn't interested at all let alone just liking this weirdo. Not to mention, Snotlout uses the word dwarf to refer to Karalyn, which makes Astrid's sensitive memories about Hiccup become active again.

"Can you stop flirting with a married woman?" said Tuffnut who suddenly appeared behind him. "You disgust me."

"Hey, but Astrid isn't married yet is she?" said Snotlout casually. "At least, if she gets married, she will always be with me. Right babe?"

Astrid just rolled her eyes, took a deep breath.

"How many times have I told you goat's head," Astrid snapped at Snotlout, threatening him with her axe. "I'm not interested in you! Your stupidity and arrogance disgust me."

With that, Astrid quickly left the place, trying not to attract the attention of the residents who saw their heir peeing the boy Jorgenson.

Snotlout Jorgenson hasn't changed a bit. There is nothing in common that makes him and Hiccup cousins. Hiccup is smart, Snotlout is stupid. Hiccup is skinny, Snotlout is fat. Hiccup is humble, Snotlout is arrogant. No one will know if they are related by blood, unless someone reads their family tree. Snotlout grew very badly into young adulthood. He is the shortest in the group their youth. His short stature is also accompanied by his reckless actions and arrogance that is as broad as Odin's power. Rigorous training with his father, Spitelout, is quite fruitful. He quickly became one of the stronger fighters on Berk. However, his stupidity made him less well-liked in society. The last time he did something really stupid was trying to impress the girls with his fighting skills, where he made Nightmare in the arena escape to the village. Snotlout fights well at first, but the dragon goes wild and attacks other residents instead of Snotlout. As a result, several houses caught fire and pillars collapsed. Snotlout is punished severely and must face Stoick's wrath.

Tuffnut Thorston clearly has reversed progress from Snotlout. Single and deeply in love with his mace, he grew ever kinder and smarter. As if possessed by something, he becomes less crazy and stupid, like his sister. Working randomly with various residents, makes him understand many things. He had grown tall, yet still thin, at least his fighting prowess had not faded. Tuffnut grows a beard, which is actually his long braided hair which he keeps to his chin. He also hangs out with Fishlegs more often than Snotlout.

Speaking of Fishlegs Ingerman, he has grown a lot, big and wide. Working on dragon lore, Fishlegs is excited and amazed when Johann tells him about Dragon Master and Dragon Utopia. His fanaticism about dragon knowledge is very big, even when he is married he will do anything to find out various knowledge about dragons. Fishlegs grew wise and intelligent, but still nervous at the same time. He is the candidate to become Berk's advisor in the future. Like Astrid, this stocky man also misses Hiccup very much. As a friend in the past, he never forgets how cruel he was to break Hiccup's trust. Fishlegs is also very fascinated by the fact that Hiccup rides the legendary Night Fury.

Wandering aimlessly around the village, occasionally seeing villagers working in stables, fields, and building, she decided to head into the forest. She will meet Stormfly at Raven Point. Her Nadder's best friend would be furious if she didn't visit her. Dragons have feelings too, that's how Astrid found out. Raven Point has been the place where Astrid and Stormfly often met, which has also been Hiccup's and the Night Fury's secret location in the past. Astrid didn't have to worry about them being found out. The reason is that only a few people know that place and they won't bother to go there, considering their busy work.

Walking lightly with a sigh, Astrid walked into the forest of Berk. Look, so much has changed on the island of Berk. The atmosphere, the houses, the buildings, the teenagers, Stoick, the people of Berk, what people think about Hiccup, the longing for Hiccup's presence, no more raids, no attacks, and other things. However, if there's one thing that hasn't changed at all, it's Astrid's guilt about Hiccup. The blonde girl only wished she could correct past mistakes.

A/N: I hope this story can entertain you guys. The previous chapter was long and I was exhausted, but that didn't stop me from writing this chapter right away. Criticism, impressions, suggestions and messages are very much appreciated. Lately I've started to lose ideas and enthusiasm for writing, I just try to be better because I always think my work is not good. The next chapter update might not be too long ago, but I can't say for sure. Anyway, hope you like this story!

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