Dance with me? (Nanaba X FRea...

By Yoke94

403 31 127

Attack on Titan (Idol AU) ♥️Fic request by _Michesslave_♥️ If you were in love, wouldn't the dream be to liv... More



23 3 3
By Yoke94

You felt Eren stiffen up from beside you. "I wouldn't lay a hand on her. I'd never do that to any woman."

The girl asking the question only tilted her head. "So a man is fair game? What if that man was handicapped? What if he wasn't mentally well? What if it was an accident on his part?"

Christ they were tearing Eren a new one today. But not only him.. Your head was also on the chopping block.

Looks like not everyone was approving of the production companies stunt... Some saw right through it. And others.. well...

A grown ass man with thick glasses and a beer gut was next. Your audience usually ranged from ages 11-20 but you did get a few older ones here and there. A mom/dad or an aunt/uncle, a toddler here and there who just loves to dance to the musical beat.. Hell you even met someone's 82 year old grandmother who loved your music and was head over heels for Abel and Conny. (Claimed they both looked like old lovers)

But this guy was one of the delusional ones. The ones that Hange had to make sure there was extra security around for. These types of fans usually bought tickets for the older VIP conferences that were held after shows. Earlier vios were usually for the younger crowd, But it looks like this guy wanted in early...

He cleared his throat. "Miss. Y/n. I find it disrespectful that you started dating this woman beater instead of showing up to our wedding?"

You mentally groaned.

Everyone had done this song and dance before. You could see Moblit and Keiji scoot a little closer. Nifa looked read to tackle a bitch down if she needed to.

This guy wasn't a first... And he won't be the last.

*Stay calm. Try not to feed the delusion but try to be respectful. There will be a lot of eyes on you.. The media will always try to find a way to tear you apart.*

Hange's words rang through your head. How do you stay respectful of this one? Every time it just gets harder to keep them calm.. Every answer looked like it would set this guy over...

You shifted in your seat. "I apologize... But I wasn't aware of a marriage? But thank you for taking your time to plan one.. I'm sure the day you find that special someone they will appreciate everything you've done for them. "

Big mistake... The guys face turned almost a dark red.

He huffed. "You are my fuckin soulmate. The stupid quiz I took said so! I was hoping for Sasha but I got your used ass instead. She would have appreciated it. But that's what I get for matching with the groups whore."

Sasha eyes went wide... No thanks. She tried to step up and come to your rescue but she was studdering over her words. She wasn't the best with confrontation.

But that didn't matter right now. A few gasp and whispers went around the small vip room. There were children in the room and this guy was cussing left and right!

Both Nanaba and Tomas stood up.

(Nanaba) " Don't you dare say that about h-- to a woman!"

(Tomas) " I think you need to leave. This is an all ages VIP. That language is forbidden for our younger audience's protection."

Security also agreed and began to escort the man out. But he made sure to make a huge scene on the way out. Most children covered their little ears but you felt so bad for the parents and those who just wanted a peaceful VIP experience.

But the damage had been done.

The guy ruined the mood a bit. Only a few more questions were answered and thankfully none of them were for you. Conny was asked why his hair was grey. A sweet little boy who wanted to be a cook asked Sasha what her favorite food was. Nanaba was asked about her collab with an upcoming clothing line. Gelgar had a collab also for some hair products so he told a short funny story of how he thought his hair almost fell out...

Everyone got a few pictures and you all signed a few posters, clothes, skin, pictures/drawings. You talked to a fan who sadly couldn't make it due to sickness so you all took a minute to speak to them on their friends phone. All trying your best to make them feel cheerful.

Conny even tried flirt and make the girl blush. But she just shut him down and asked for Eren. Conny's ego will recover!

While everyone was finishing up an autograph or a quick selfie. You managed to sneak away, just a quick breather and you'll be fine. You found a quiet spot backstage and closed your eyes.--

You felt someone standing next to you. 'Please don't be Hange or Miche..'

"You okay?"

You peaked open an eye and fought the urge to smile. Was Nanaba still upset from this morning? You still haven't figured out if it was something you did or  if it was what she was talking to Miche about?

You nodded. "Just needed a minute. Are you okay?"

She sighed but nodded. "I just wanted to apologize. I was in a rotten mood this morning and I don't know.. I guess I got jealous of how you and Eren can just show affection and all that. Even though I understand it's fake.. I--"

Her voice had gotten a little loud so she tried to calm herself down. Judging by your face, she had made you feel lost. "Listen.. I may have brought it up to Miche that I kind of started having feelings for someone. Let's just say he wasn't happy about it especially when I brought up it was another female. He made it clear that in my contract I'm only allowed to be with someone they choose. If I break it, that's automatic termination... I'm out of the group and my pay stops immediately, even incoming money from any collaborations.-++"

Wide eyed you continued to listen to her. What kind of contract was she under?! That had to have been under some form of abuse! Hange would never, so why was Miche..

Nanaba continued. "You understand right?"

Shit... Why weren't you paying attention?! You began to panic but quickly tried to get your mind back together.

You've been through this.. a break up? Well, never a real one because you've never had a real relationship until now but... Wow it hurted.

You could feel a burning in your chest, your stomach felt sour, you could feel the tears stinging your waterline...

You swallowed the hurt and nodded. "I understand. It was fun right? The one secret date we had and all the late night calls/texts... Just know I really did enjoy my time with you.."

Now Nanaba was confused? Were you not paying attention? She could feel her voice began to squeak. "Are you breaking up with me?"

If anyone were to come around and find the two of you in the dark corner... Well they'd probably laugh. You both just looked at one another with a lost face. Your eyes were beginning to water. Nanaba looked like she wanted to either faint or beat a bitch.

You furrowed your brows. "Is that what you just did to me? I mean I understand, really. I don't want to but I'm not taking away anything you worked so hard on. I'm not worth it and--"

She grabbed your jaw and turned you into a fish. Her soft lips landing on your puckered up ones... Your heart was falling out of your ass...

"I'm not breaking up with you idiot."

You were still in shock and she laughed. Still holding onto your face while her own eyes began to water.

"I care about you... A lot! Did you not hear the rest of my little speech?"

You shook your head no. Unable to speak since she still held your face. "ICAjdhrREABOwTjYOUyTOow."

She rolled her eyes and finally let go, both thumbs wiping away the tears that were able to escape. Nanaba's smile never left while doing so.

Again her lips met yours. Sweet and slow. It wasn't needy but damn did it take your breath away. When she pulled away her forehead was against yours. To her you looked the cutest after she kissed you. Your chest was always falling and rising as if you just got done running after your bus again, pretty e/c eyes half lidded, lips shiny and swollen-- all from her.. "Gods I think I'm going to fall in love with you."

Your heart just flat lined... You died huh?-- that crazy fan killed you and this is just heaven right? Is this what they mean by knees feeling weak?

The moment was ruined-- You both pulled apart when footsteps came closer. Both relaxing when it was just one of the staff members for the venue.

The both of you should really head back to your groups before they notice. (Everyone did-- but everyone shipped it and would cover for the both of you if needed. Miche and Hange thankfully weren't around yet.)

"We should head back?-- Maybe we can talk about it more when we actually get private time? I think we're sleeping at a hotel tonight because of the interview me and Eren have. I think it's radio or some sort of podcast?" You grabbed her hand and kissed it before letting her go. You were still a bit awkward with finding your comfort zone for something real..

Nanaba stopped you. "We'll talk more but... I need to warn you. Because I brought it up to Miche, he'll be keeping a close eye on me. It'll be hard but we need to act as if we're just starting our friendship. Keep our emotions in check and be really sneaky when it comes to us being together.."

She couldn't help herself. "Even though I don't want to hide it.."

You both were hopeless...

You leaned in and so did she. Like lovestruck teenagers who couldn't keep your mouths to yourselves.

"Psst! Nanaba? Y/n? Please tell me your back here?"

You both groaned and turned to see Lynne walking up. She looked stressed? Scared?

Before you could ask-- Nanaba beat you to it. "You alright Lynne? It looks like you saw a ghost."

Lynne shook her head. "No, but something scarier. Miche and Hange are here. He's upset that you aren't with he group."

You must be soulmates because both of your faces dropped. Fear flashed in both your eyes-- Miche wasn't even your manager and you were scared of him! He'd turn your skin into a Versace belt...

Lynne could see the panic. Shit  she didn't blame you, even she was panicking-- "It's cool we covered for you both a bit but you both need to hurry. He seems impatient to talk about something before we have to do a sound check."

She faced Nanaba. "You had a wardrobe malfunction during the signing."

Then she faced you-- with an apologetic face-- why did she look like that?

Oh no....

Lynne sighed. "I'm sorry Y/n but Conny made up and excuse for you... He said you have diarrhea so now Hange is worried about you. He has some stomach medicine being delivered ASAP."

Fucking Conny............




Sorry it's been a while! 😭

Always let me know if I'm taking too long to update.

I'm all up in my dark fic era but I want this one to have more fluff and stuff since Nanaba deserves it. But feel free to let me know of anything you want added? ♥️

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