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You remember you always made fun of those break up scenes in the movies.

When the lovestruck characters suddenly break up and one OR both get depressed?

They'd cry and basically turn into ice cream eating zombies.

You always laughed because it couldn't hurt that bad... Right?

Oh how wrong you were..

Only, you didn't get the pleasure of wasting away in your pajamas in front of the TV all day. No-- you had to pretend like everything was fine.

"Y/n! What the fuck are you doing?!"


Did I forget to mention you were bad at pretending?

You moved the wrong way and ended up slamming into Moblit. You both slipped on the freshly waxed floor and fell onto your asses.

What happened? You were repeating all the right steps in your head. What were you doing wrong?

Oh it was the right steps alright, but to the wrong song.

Moblit tried to quickly get up and drag you up with him. But Levi was already blocking you and using his shoe to keep your ass on the floor.

How were his midget legs so damn strong?!

Levi leaned in. "What's your deal Y/n? You've been fucking up all week. Eren even has a black eye from your latest fuck up during practice. Just be happy it wasn't on stage in front of thousands."

Conny mumbled under his breath. "Can't stop Eren from looking like a freak with all that makeup on."

Conny shut up once you gave him the death glare. You already felt so bad about it.. Again you were distracted and ended up head butting Eren. He said it was cool but the dude looked half Panda..

You let out a tired huff. Sleeping wasn't coming easy. "Sorry Levi. I'll do better."

For some odd reason the little demon felt bad. Maybe it was because he remembers you coming into his life all wide eyed and excited.. But slowly he watched at the industry changed you but still forced you to smile for your fans and their image.

He's watched all of you change.

Or maybe it was the fact that he knew about your little breakup with Nanaba. That light you had was coming back when you were "dating".

Now it was just completely gone. And word from Erwin was-- Nanaba was struggling just the same.

Levi huffed he wanted to be nice. But nice didn't pay the bills. "Listen. I know your going through it right now but you leave that shit at the door. --"

You tuned the rest of him out. Levi was being as nice as Levi could.. which isn't much but he was trying.

And he was right. You knew better... You knew better than to fall for someone you couldn't be with. You knew that a relationship you had to hide wouldn't last.

But that whole cliche about love making you do stupid things was true. And it made you so happy.. she made you happy.

Levi ran a hand down his face. Your ass wasn't listening, too stuck on that "poor me" shit.

He motioned for everyone to leave. Practice was about to turn into a workout.

"Get you ass up Y/n."

He sounded so serious.. More serious than he already is? Is that possible?

Sure is! And it was scary.

You never moved so fast. Though you just wanted to curl up and die from a broken heart. You stood up and waited for Levi to tell you what to do.

Dance with me? (Nanaba X FReader) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat