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(I don't really like the names for the groups. Might change them later)


The beat of "Greedy" vibrated through the dance studio. It was the latest single from the music group you were proudly a part of. (7Sins)

Lungs on the verge of collapsing as your skin was coated with a thin sheet of sweat. Your feet have gone numb hours ago but your legs were still on fire.

"Keep up Y/n! You're starting to fall behind!"

You would have thrown your shoe at your bossy dance choreographer, if you weren't so damn scared of him.

Levi Ackerman was a ruthless one. Working you all to the bone and dealing out the worst punishments when you all didn't meet his standards.

(Standards so high that God himself couldn't meet them. But it was Levi's high standards that made your group #1 on the charts)

You were all being punished. Small breaks with the AC cut off. He wasn't in a good mood today..

All it took today was for Nifa and Moblit to show up 3 minutes late. It wasn't even their fault that their drivers ended up getting stuck behind an accident on the freeway.

"That's more like it! Put more power into your movements! None of these dainty ass steps!"

The same dance has been rehearsed so many times today that you'd probably end up doing it in your sleep.

The song ended and everyone stopped perfectly onto their assigned spots. Not one toe out of line. Levi's cold eyes looked everyone up and down as you all tried to control your breathing. He hated loud breathing..

A small nod was all you needed to let your body fall. A few thuds could be heard in back of you as the others copied.

"Five minutes then we start again."

With that his small body left out of the double doors. Probably going to curse all of you while he had his daily sacrifice. (You all had no clue where he went. Moblit had came up with the idea of sacrificing virgin's to keep himself looking young... Everyone went with it.)

Nifa and Able handed out water bottles after they chugged theirs. By now you let your body fall back onto the cold wooden floor. It sent a shiver up your spine once it started to cool your heated skin.

"You okay Y/n?"

You looked up to see Conny sitting down next to you. A extra water bottle to cool your drying throat.

"I'm good.. Levi's really on us today huh."

Conny gulped his water and used a towel he had slung around his neck to clean up his dripping sweat.

"Hell yeah he is. I can feel my heartbeat in my toes."

Another body plopped themselves down and laid with you on the floor. Sasha groaned. "I heard him and Hange talking this morning. Something big is going to happen. That's why they made us all clear out our schedules for the next few months."

"What do you guys think it is?"

Keiji, Nifa, Able, and Moblit finally joined you three from your spot. Everyone just shrugged to Keiji's question. No one really knew a thing until a meeting was called by Hange.

(Moblit) "I do know one thing though.. If Levi's pushing us this hard, it's either a lot of money to be made or it's good for our image."

Conny huffed. "Man.. Do you guys ever feel like this life we live now isn't real? I mean, I was working at GameStop 3 years ago when Hange found me."

Dance with me? (Nanaba X FReader) Where stories live. Discover now