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That was a close one...

You sat between Abel and Moblit and looked over a map you found in the glove compartment. Did you need it? No but it was something quiet to do.

During the first half of the journey Hange wouldn't be with you. It gave everyone a little freedom... Emphasis on the little.


He trusted all of you but not a lot. Still young and reckless so that's why Levi always traveled with you. And right now was his quiet time.

You all tried to understand. Judging from the bags under his eyes he was stressed and cranky. Then again you would be too if you had to start a few dance routines over from scratch.

Levi had been getting along with AfterShocks choreographer Erwin Smith but when They're Devil's had decided to join last minute. The two had to then work with their own Zeke Yeager. For some reason he and Levi never saw eye to eye..

Levi let out a small sigh as he propped his legs up and closed his eyes. A nice warm towel given to him by Sasha covered his forehead to help with his migraine. A lack of caffeine would do that to you when you lived off of black tea like he did.

Moblit nudged you. "Please y/n."

Abel did the same. "Yeah, please. I'll buy you something.. anything."

You shook your head and made a small noise of 'Fuck you.' . Everyone's eyes were all on you, big and puppy dog like. "No.. Tell Sasha to do it. She's the one who put the idea in your heads."

Sasha made a small whine. "But he likes you more out of all of us. Please Y/n, I'll owe you sooo much!"

You all jumped forward to cover her mouth. Conny beat your all to it by smothering her with his pillow.  In a whispered yell he held her down."Shut up big mouth! Don't make me knock you out."

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Fine. If he gives us all extra workouts I don't want to hear shit about it."

Sasha pushed Conny off and pouted out her lips. "I love you sooo much."


You sucked in a breath as you walked up (slowly!) to Levi. Like he was some rabid animal... 

You cleared your throat. "Um.. Le--"

A annoyed sigh cut you off. "What do you want brat?" He sat up and gave you a bored look. He already knew you all would want something..

Damn why was he so scary?

"Uh, so we- I was wondering if maybe.. Can we stop somewhere? Like at a store maybe? Hange forgot a few things and--"

Levi cut you off. "You know the drill. We find a store that's open 24/7 and let you shop during the dead of night. Wait till then.."

He laid back and put the rag over his face. "Now go away."

You celebrated in your head and quickly tried to make it back to the others. But the mean man caught you by the back of your shirt.

Levi raised his voice. "Whatever shit you put into your mouths, you will be working it off.. Do you hear me Sasha?!"

She let out a little noise from her hiding spot in her bunk. "Yes! I promise!"

Levi needed slippers anyways. He had to pack in a hurry so, win-win in his book..


It was nearly 3:12 am and he rolled his eyes at how excited you all got just to go into a shopping center. Then again, he has more freedom and doesn't usually have cameras following him around.

Dance with me? (Nanaba X FReader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora