Oshi No Ko: PHOENIX [OC x Osh...

By SecondRound

15.1K 402 245

"I will hunt you down and kill you... Gorou Amamiya!" Fenix Katayose is the star male idol of Kamiki Producti... More

Ch.4 - FANDOM:
Ch.9 - ANGER:
Ch.10 - SUICIDE:
Ch.12 - BABY:
Ch.16 - WORSHIP:
Ch.18 - LOVE:
Ch.20 - FATHER:
Ch.23 - REGRET:
Ch.24 - STAR ROAD:
Ch.28 - THANK YOU...:
Ch.29 - ...AND GOODBYE.
Ch.30 - DEBUT:


583 20 3
By SecondRound

After that, we spent some time getting to know each other over the next hour.

One hour turned into a day.

One day turned into a week.

One day turned into a month.

One month turned into a year.

One year turned into a decade.

Before we knew it, we were practically inseparable. As close of friends as we could be. I used to hate going to my then-father's mundane meetings... After I met Sarina, I started to love going to them. Kira was surprised when I started to beg him to meet up with Marina Tendouji more often.

Because they were busy focusing on their own things, Sarina and I were able to have more fantastic playdates together!

Those days were truly wonderful.

Looking back on our first meeting, nobody would have ever guessed that she was such a vibrant and happy girl. Our time together brought out her bright, cheerful nature and helped her forget her fleeting mortality, making her feel truly alive.

In all honesty, I don't believe that Sarina or I had truly lived until we met each other. Once we were old enough to explore without supervision, we spent even more time together than we had before.

While I was dedicated to honing my karate skills, Sarina took up ice skating lessons.

She always spoke with boundless enthusiasm and a bright smile about how she wanted to follow her mother's footsteps and reach the Winter Olympics one day.

That was the type of girl that Sarina Tendouji was, you couldn't help but have complete faith in her abilities.

Her vibrant smiles and determined tone of voice as she told you about her ambitions and goals left you in awe, making you believe that anything was truly possible.

In support of each other, we made it a habit to attend each other's lessons to watch.

It was thanks to this constant encouragement that we both became stronger than we could have ever imagined.

As new challengers approached me in the dojo, I refused to back down.

"Sarina's watching me!" I would think to myself. "I can't lose!"

It seemed as though Sarina held a certain type of magic inside her, for every time she watched me fight, I never lost. Meanwhile, her ice skating skills grew rapidly. Her instructor claimed to have never seen a better prodigy in her age range before. It was as if she possessed some sort of hidden potential that was always waiting to be unleashed.

We were destined for greatness. We were unbreakable. And together, we could take on the world. Our friendship was unshakeable and our appreciation for each other knew no bounds. We made each other happier, stronger, and more motivated than we ever could've alone. Together, we were truly a happy team.

Best friends.

Childhood friends.

However... Nothing works out in life the way you want it to.

When we were 10, I attended another one of Sarina's ice skating lessons, just as I did every other day. Determined to support her with all I had, I cheered her on with every fiber of my being. She had been practicing hard for this particular day, as she was going to attempt her first axel jump.

An axel jump is a figure skating element where the skater leaps into the air from the ice, performs a 360° rotation, and then lands back on their skating foot. It is a difficult jump to perform and requires great strength, balance, and technical skill. The axel is one of the six basic jumps in figure skating, and is often a requirement to advance to higher levels of competition.

Sarina's smile was contagious, and she had a certain type of magic that made me believe that anything was possible. She would always tell me that she was going to achieve her goals, and she made me believe her with every single word that left her lips. Her belief in herself was so strong and pure, and she made me believe in her too.

"I'm going to make the jump!" she told me before taking to the ice. "Please, keep your eyes on me, Kisuke!"

Sarina was ready to take the ice, and with a determined heart and a radiant smile, she began her axel jump. Her technique was flawless, her form was graceful. Her presence demanded attention and made everyone in the room stop and watch. She started by bending her knees to take off, extending, and then leaping into the air like a bird taking flight. She was so elegant and graceful, and it was incredible to watch.

Time seemed to stand still, and it felt as though Sarina was floating in the air for an eternity. Her smile was a radiant beacon, shining brighter than the sun. Her technique was perfect, and her rotation was flawless. It was as if she had wings and was descending onto the ice like an angel. We were all so captivated by her grace and beauty, it was truly a sight to behold...

...until the landing.

Sarina's feet hit the ground with a hard thud, causing her to lose her balance and fall forward.
The cold, unforgiving surface felt like a concrete wall as she slammed down, landing with a resounding thud.

It was a sound that no one in the room was prepared for, and we all cringed in anticipation of what was to come. Everyone in the room was frozen in shock, waiting for her to get up.

She wasn't moving.

As soon as Sarina hit the ground, there was an immediate sense of panic in the air. Everyone knew that something was wrong, and paramedics were called to take her to the hospital at the top of the hill. The ambulance sirens blared like a siren song, and the ambulance sped off as quickly as it could, leaving the rest of us behind with a sense of helplessness.

As I watched her being taken to the hospital, tears streamed down my face and I couldn't help but feel like I had failed her. The memory of her falling and hitting the ground was seared into my mind, and I knew that I would never forget it.

It was at the hospital that Sarina received the devastating news.

Her previously low-grade Diffuse Astrocytoma had progressed to a high-grade stage 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma. The news was almost incomprehensible. The reality of her diagnosis set in, and suddenly everything changed. There was a shift in the air, and it was as if time itself stood still. The mood was melancholy, but I was determined to rally with Sarina and fight alongside her, no matter what.

Stage 1 and 2 brain tumors are often considered curable, with a high likelihood of survival after surgical resection (removal of the tumor) and treatment with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy. However, if a brain tumor has progressed to a stage 3, known as anaplastic astrocytoma, then the odds of survival drastically decrease. At this point, the tumor is considered incurable, and patients must depend on various forms of treatment such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and clinical trials in order to extend their life expectancy. The goal is to stop the progression of the tumor and prevent it from metastasizing (spreading) to other parts of the body, which can cause further damage and potentially be fatal.

Grade 3 astrocytoma is a type of tumor that is very aggressive and fast-growing. This means that patients with this type of tumor must undergo constant treatment in order to extend their life expectancy. Treatment may include surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The goal is not just to eliminate the tumor, but also to prevent it from spreading, as it has a high likelihood of metastasizing and causing further damage. Therefore, patients with this type of tumor must be followed closely by a team of medical professionals who will monitor their condition and adjust their treatment plan as needed.

The median life expectancy of patients with high-grade stage 3 anaplastic astrocytoma is three years. Even with intensive treatment, the tumor remains a malignant, cancerous growth that can return later in life. High-grade stage 3 anaplastic astrocytoma is characterized by high cell division rates and aggressive growth, which makes it very hard to treat and difficult to control. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this type of brain tumor, and patients must undergo lifelong treatment in order to maintain their quality of life for as long as possible.


It's not fair.

She didn't deserve that.

I regretfully admit that I was too naïve and immature to fully understand the seriousness of Sarina's situation at the time. My childish optimism and lack of life experience had convinced me that everything would turn out okay, but the truth is that we were facing a devastating reality. I now realize that life isn't always fair, and sometimes we face terrible hardships that we can't control. But in the face of adversity, Sarina's strength and determination inspired me to become a better person, and to always aim for the stars, no matter what.

Even in the face of such a painful and difficult situation, Sarina's resilience and spirit never wavered. Despite all of the challenges and struggles she faced, she always maintained a positive outlook and pushed forward with a smile on her face. She refused to give up and continued to show everyone that nothing could keep her down. Her steadfastness and determination were a true inspiration, and she taught me an important lesson about living life to the fullest, no matter what hand we're dealt.

No matter how difficult the situation may have been, Sarina always had the ability to maintain a positive outlook and exude optimism. Even when the challenges she was facing seemed almost insurmountable, she would always assure me with that familiar smile on her face and tell me, "It's going to be okay!" The unwavering belief in her words and the warmth of her smile gave me the strength to push through the hard times, and I will always be grateful for the example she set for me.

Sarina had a way of making me feel reassured and confident about any situation. She always had this optimistic spirit and her words carried a lot of weight. No matter what was going on, if Sarina said it would be okay, then I felt like it truly would be. I trusted her opinions and wisdom more than anyone else, because she had a strong moral compass and always seemed to know what was right. Her optimism and positivity were infectious, and I always felt a sense of hope when I was around her.

"We're in this together!" I would tell her, remaining by her side.

Sarina and I shared the same passion for our respective sports, and both dreamed of achieving Olympic gold medals someday. We would spend countless hours training, practicing, and dreaming of the moment when we would stand on that podium with the gold around our necks. The idea of attaining such a prestigious title was both daunting and exhilarating, and neither of us was willing to settle for anything less than greatness. We supported each other through the ups and downs of our training, pushing each other to be the best version of ourselves. Our friendship was rooted in this shared goal, and it was what kept us motivated and inspired throughout the years.

Even though I pushed myself to the limit in my karate training, eventually reaching the brown belt...

...Sarina never returned to the ice after that fateful day.

She never skated again, and it was a harsh reminder of the reality that life can change in an instant. Our once shared dreams of Olympic glory seemed like a distant memory, as she struggled to come to terms with the realization that her journey on the ice had come to an abrupt end. For me, it was a lesson in the importance of appreciating every moment, and reminding ourselves that life is fragile and unpredictable.

Sarina's physical condition had drastically declined. Despite her best efforts, she was no longer able to keep up with the physical demands of the practice. It was a devastating realization for her, as she was forced to give up on something that she enjoyed and had worked so hard to improve at. Seeing her in such a weakened state broke my heart, as I could only imagine how painful it must have been for her to endure. Her resilience and determination to push through were truly inspiring, and I will always remember her as a hero who never gave up on herself, even in the face of adversity.

The sight of Sarina's defeated, crestfallen look was enough to make my blood boil. Her dreams had been stolen from her in an instant, and it was a tragedy that she had been robbed of her chance to achieve greatness. It was a painful reminder of the harsh and cruel realities of life, and it reminded me that not everyone is blessed with the same opportunities or privileges.

Most devastating of all... It was a revaltation that despite all of Sarina's strengths and determination, sometimes life could just be unfair and unforgiving.

Because the world is just that cruel.

Sarina's fall during practice wasn't just a physical accident--it also left a deeply ingrained fear in her heart. The thought of falling again became a source of anxiety and uncertainty for her, making it difficult for her to continue skating.

Every time she looked at the ice, the fear of falling once again would creep into her heart, making it impossible for her to step onto the rink again. Her passion for ice skating had become tainted by the trauma of her fall, and it was a heartbreaking reminder of how quickly a small moment of fear can completely change our outlook on life.

Those moments when Sarina would lose her balance or stumble slightly were heartbreaking. It was clear that her fall had left a permanent scar on her, and even the smallest imbalance would be enough to trigger her fear of falling once again.

It was during those moments that I would make sure to put an arm around her, providing her with a sense of safety and security. My only wish was to be able to take away her fears and allow her to enjoy the simple pleasures of life without the constant worry of falling down.

Because that's what friends do.

The bond I shared with Sarina was a special one, and I was determined to support her no matter what. Even though she couldn't pursue her dreams as a figure skater anymore, I still wanted to show her that I was there for her in every way possible.

I still wanted to be her biggest supporter.

Whether it was just spending time together or helping her overcome her fears, I knew that I would always be there to lend a hand or a listening ear. I wanted to be a source of strength for her.

After all, she did the same for me...

Sarina was always there for me, never missing one of my karate matches and supporting me every step of the way. She was my biggest fan, and even as I remained undefeated, she was always there, cheering me on, and lifting me up even in my moments of self-doubt. Knowing that I could always count on Sarina to be there for me, no matter what, made me want to be there for her in every way I could. I wanted to be her rock, her protector, and her source of strength. Her resilience and determination were truly inspiring, and I knew that with her by my side, I could face any obstacle that came my way.

Sarina's loss made me determined not to let her down. It gave me the motivation to work twice as hard and accomplish my own dreams. I was now working for the both of us, pushing myself to become the best that I could be. Even though she couldn't pursue her dream of becoming a figure skater anymore, I still wanted to make sure she knew that her sacrifices and support had not gone unnoticed. I knew that she would always be supportive of me, and that thought alone was enough to drive me to succeed.

In my mind, I had made a promise to give Sarina the gold medal if I ever won it at the Olympic games. It was a promise made out of a deep sense of gratitude for all the support that she had shown me throughout the years. She had always been there for me, even during the hardest of times, and I wanted to show her how much I appreciated her by giving her the highest honor that I could possibly earn. I knew that this was a small way to repay her for her love and companionship, and it was a promise that I held close to my heart.

But then... Everything changed.

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