Forbidden Affairs - Emily Pre...

By emprentissismywife

132K 3.4K 1.6K

Y/n is about to join the FBI Behavioural Analysis Training Programme led by Section Chief Emily Prentiss. The... More

blowing off steam
my good girl*
first day nerves
don't rush*
a proper goodbye
home visit
crime scene
you can go
in your head
tired of this
four days
secrets weigh heavy
gold star

take me to church

2.3K 70 12
By emprentissismywife

last chapter folks 😭

gonna add a little authors note after this chapter so please make sure to read that too.

sentences in italics are your thoughts

I suggest pressing play to the YouTube song when you get to the part where y/n says they love this song. I've left time in the song for you to get back to where you were reading from the top.

enjoy x

(3156 words)

6 months later

'Do I look okay?' You asked Emily from the opposite end of the table in your favourite restaurant; the one you've always come to.

'Are you kidding me?' Emily remarked. 'You look stunning!'

You rolled your eyes, unable to take the compliment as usual.

'I love that of all the places we could go now, we still always choose here.' You said.

Emily looked around her at the busy restaurant.

'There's just something about this place.' She replied, before picking up her glass of red wine and taking a sip.

'It's like... you're just a nobody here.' You said. 'It's always so busy. You look around and everybody's in their own little world.'

'Nobody even bats an eyelid at us.' Emily continued for you. 'We're not Section Chief Emily Prentiss and FBI Trainee Y/n Y/l/n, we're just two people having dinner.'

'Exactly.' You agreed. 'And it's nice we have our own little place here.'

'Definitely.' Emily agreed.

'Oh, they're here!' You said, standing up from the table as Emily looked behind her and then did the same.

'Hi, you two!' You exclaimed, smiling widely.

'Heyyy!' Nurse Jenkins jogged towards you to meet you in a hug. 'How have you been?'

'Good thanks, how about you two?' You asked, flicking your eyes over to Doctor Spiers before greeting him with a hug too.

'We've been good!' Luke replied, pulling out a chair and sitting himself down.

'How's that heart of yours doing?' Spiers asked, as Emily sat down next to you opposite them both.

'Ben, they don't want reminding of that!' Luke tapped him on the arm teasingly.

'It's okay!' You laughed. 'It's still all good, thank you.'

'And Emily!' Luke said. 'How are things with you? Is work going okay?'

'Work's... good, actually.' She replied, looking across at you to check you agreed. 'After a lot of persuading I managed to get my team back together, so we're just working on cases as usual and waiting on Y/n joining us in a few months.'

'Really?' Luke said, his wide eyes flicking to you.

'Yeah, just a couple of months left of my training now and...' you twisted your forefinger around your middle finger, '...fingers crossed I'll be on the team.'

'Wow, that's amazing that you get to work together!' Ben exclaimed.

'Yeah.' Emily looked at you. 'It's not quite what the powers above wanted, but we're quite convincing when we want to be.' Emily winked at you.

'Is that so?' Ben said with a raised eyebrow, causing you all to laugh.

'Well, we actually have some news for you both.' Luke said, pressing his fingertips onto the table in front of him.

'Oh?' You remarked, putting the wine glass down that you'd just taken a sip from.

'Luke!' Ben shook his head. 'I thought we were going to wait a little?'

'Babe, you know that's not my style!' Luke replied.

'Oh come on, tell us! I'm dying to know now!' Emily said.

Luke grinned as Ben's face softened. Luke quickly flicked his head across to the both of you and lifted his left hand in the air.

'Oh my god!' You and Emily exclaimed at the same time, noticing a gold engagement band on his ring finger.

You immediately lifted your left hand up too, and watched as Luke and Ben's eyes widened with shock.

'Oh my god!' They both exclaimed.

'Congratulations!' Emily exclaimed, standing from her seat with you as you all met in a hug with each other over the table.

'Congratulations to you both, too!' Ben replied.

'As if!' Ben remarked as you all laughed together.

'We're so happy for you!' You said as you all sat back down.

'We are for you!' Luke replied.

'It's been a long time coming for us.' Ben laughed.

'And whose fault is that?' Luke looked at Ben accusingly.

'And, Luke?' You caught his attention. 'Any second thoughts about taking Ben's last name?'

'Well...' Luke screwed his face down shyly. 'I suppose Spiers isn't so bad, after all.'

You all laughed together, Ben looking extremely happy with himself.

'And what about you, Y/n?' Luke asked.

'I've had my heart set on Prentiss since the day we met!' You exclaimed, causing Emily to smile proudly.

'Y/n Prentiss.' Luke said.

'It's got a good ring to it.' Ben complimented.

'Well... I think this calls for champagne, don't you?' Emily asked.

'Definitely!' Ben and Luke agreed as Emily waved down the waiter.


'You're drunk!' Ben laughed at Luke.

'I'm not drunk!' Luke slurred. 'Just tipsy!'

You and Emily laughed as you watched Luke take his final swig of champagne.

'God, I'm sorry.' Ben apologised. 'I ought to get him home.'

'I am sat here, you know!' Luke remarked. 'And what if I don't want to go home yet?'

'Well, we're actually heading to our local bar to meet some friends from work.' Emily told them.

'Yeah, you should join us!' You offered.

'Oh no... we wouldn't want to intrude.' Ben said.

'You wouldn't be!' You assured him. 'We'd love to have you there.'

'I'm in!' Luke said enthusiastically, looking sideways at Ben afterwards. 'Oh come on, Grandpa. Live a little!'

Ben rolled his eyes.

'Fine!' He gave in. 'But I'm not drinking much more. One of us has to get us home safely.'


You walked into the bar to find it heaving with people, music blaring and crowds of people dancing.

You could tell by the look on Ben's face that hot shot doctors weren't used to drinking in places like this.

'There they are!' You said, point towards the team who were huddled by the bar.

'Hey, you!' Emily merrily greeted Garcia.

'Heyyy!' Garcia replied, pulling Emily in for a hug despite having seen her the day before.

'We brought some friends with us.' You said, stepping aside so Luke and Ben could join the group. 'You remember Nurse Jenkins?'

'We do!' Rossi immediately stepped forwards and shook Luke's hand.

'And this is his fiancé, Ben.' You indicated towards him. 'He's a doctor at the hospital, too.'

'Good to meet you, Ben.' Rossi greeted him. 'It seems like love is in the air for you four!' He winked at you.

'I still can't get over the fact that you two are going to be married soon!' JJ exclaimed, the shot of vodka in her hand clearly not her first.

'Steady on, JJ.' Emily replied. 'We've not even thought about planning the wedding yet.'

'We've got all the magazines to help with that!' Luke joked.

'What are you all drinking?' Tara asked.

Emily immediately turned to let you say first.

'Tequila, please.' You said. 'Silver.'

Emily smiled at you, remembering how the last time you drank tequila in a bar together was the first night you met.

'I'll have the same.' She said.

'Make that four!' Luke shouted over the music.

'You'll be drinking the fourth one, Luke!' Ben warned.

'Oh, don't be such a spoilsport!' Luke jokingly tapped him on the arm.

'Here we are.' Tara said, passing the various shots around. Once everybody had one in their hand, she raised hers up in the air. 'To love!'

'To love!' You all said back, tapping your shot glasses in the middle of the circle and throwing them back.

As you brought your head back down you noticed Luke coaxing Ben to take his too.

You leant past Emily towards the bar to put your shot glass down when you heard the song change.

'Oh my god!' You exclaimed. 'I fucking love this song!'

'Oh my god!' Luke exclaimed.

'Me too!' Garcia joined in.

'Come on!' You grabbed Emily's arm and coaxed her away from the bar.

'What are we doing?' She asked.

'Dancing!' You exclaimed, as everybody rushed to join you in the middle of the room.

'We were born sick! You heard them say it!' You sang at Emily, who stood smiling at you.

'My church offers no absolutes...' you grabbed Emily's hands between you to dance with her. 'She tells me worship in the bedroom.'

'The only heaven I'll be sent to,' Emily joined in, pulling you closer to her, 'is when I'm alone with you.'

'I was born sick...' you sang.

'But I love it!' Emily pressed her head against yours.

🎵command me to be well🎵

'A-,' the whole group sang, everyone reaching their arms into the air, 'Amen! Amen! Amen!'

You all moved your heads as the music built up.

'Take me to church and I'll worship like a dog!' You held your hands together as if you were praying.

'At the shrine of your lies!' Luke shouted.

'I'll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife!' Tara pressed her hand to her chest.

'Offer me that...' Garcia lifted her hands into the air suddenly, '...deathless death!'

'Oh, good God, let me give you my life!' Alvez moved towards her.

'Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies...' JJ sang to Tara.

'I'll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife!' You and Emily shouted together.

'Offer me that deathless death,' Ben held Luke's face close to his, 'oh, good God, let me give you my life!'

You all met each other in a circle, your arms around one another.

🎵If I'm a pagan of the good times🎵

'My lover's the sunlight.' Emily looked at you.

🎵To keep the goddess on my side, she demands a sacrifice🎵

'Drain the whole sea, get something shiny.' You all sang, as you let go of each other to dance to the lyrics.

'Something meaty for the main course.' Alvez winked at Garcia.

'That's a fine looking high horse!' Garcia sang back at him accusingly.

Rossi clearly didn't know the lyrics as well as the rest of you, but he clicked his finger and jutted his hips as he danced.

🎵What you got in the stable?🎵

'We've a lot of starving faithful.' Tara drunkenly pointed at all the queer people in the group.

'That looks tasty!' You leant into the circle.

'That looks plenty!' Everybody copied your movements.

'This is hungry work!' You all shouted over the other people in the bar.

'Take me to church!' You all threw your hands up.

🎵I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies🎵

'I'll tell you my sins,' you turned to Emily, 'so you can sharpen your knife!'

'Offer me my...' she pulled your face to hers, '...deathless death!'

'Oh, good God...' you bent your knees as you felt yourself drunkenly melt into Emily's grip, 'let me give you my life!'

'Take me to church,' Luke held his left hand out of Ben, showing off his ring.

'I'll worship like a dog!' Ben sang, taking Luke's hand.

'At the shrine of your lies!' Garcia sang dramatically.

'I'll tell you my sins,' Tara stepped in time with the music.

'So you can sharpen your knife!' JJ danced with her eyes closed and her hands in the air.

'Offer me my deathless death!' Alvez sang, punching his fist in the air.

''Oh, good God, let me give you my life!' Rossi sang towards the ceiling as if he was singing to Krystall.

'No masters or kings,' you looked across at JJ, 'when the ritual begins!'

'There is no sweeter innocence,' she held her hand out to you, 'than our gentle sin!'

'In the madness and soil,' Emily turned to Rossi, 'of that sad, earthly scene!'

'Only then, I am human!' Tara moved towards you and JJ.

'Only then, I am clean!' Garcia sang at you all.

🎵oh, oh🎵

'Amen!' You all lifted your arms into the air again.

'Amen!' You held yours out to bring Emily towards you with Rossi.

'Amen!' Luke, Ben and Alvez joined you all as a group.

'Take me to church and I'll worship like a dog!' You all sang, pushing your heads back and forth in time with the music.

🎵At the shrine of your lies,
I'll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife 🎵

You took turns moving around the group, singing with them all.

🎵Offer me that deathless death
Oh, good God, let me give you my life🎵

'Take me to church,' you sang with Garcia, 'I'll worship like a dog!'

'At the shrine of your lies,' you moved onto JJ and Tara.

'I'll tell you my sins,' Rossi and Alvez joined in with you, 'so you can sharpen your knife!'

'Offer me that deathless death,' you turned to Ben and Luke.

'Oh, good God,' you all shouted into the air, 'let me give you my life!'

As the song ended, you pulled Emily into you for a quick kiss without the rest of the group noticing.

'More drinks anyone?' JJ shouted as the next song started to play.

'Yes, please!' Luke exclaimed, losing grip of Ben's hands to help her get them.

You began dancing with the rest of the team to the next song when you spotted Tara wander away from the group and towards the opposite end of the bar to JJ and Luke.

Emily noticed you watching and turned around to see what had caught your attention. She turned back round to find your face pulled into a concerned look.

She beckoned you to follow her towards the bar.

'Hey.' You greeted Tara.

'Oh, hey.' She said, taken by surprise.

'You okay?' You asked over the music.

'Yeah, yeah, fine.' She replied.

You pulled your eyebrows in and tilted your head questioningly.

'Okay, you got me.' She admitted.

'What's going on?' Emily asked, as she perched on a stool next to Tara, pulling you between them so you were leant against the stool between Emily's legs.

'It's... ugh...' she sighed drunkenly, 'Rebecca.'

'You've spoken to her?' You asked.

'Yeah, a few times recently.' She told you. 'I was hoping if I could just get a little closer to her again, she'd be more likely to shed some light on Elias Voit but... I underestimated the feelings I still had for her.'

'Did you?' Emily asked. 'Get close?'

'Yeah we...' Tara shook her head, her eyes aimed at the ceiling, 'slept together.'

'Oh.' You responded.

'And then for dessert, she told me it could never happen again.' She said.

'Oh, Tara.' Emily reached for her hand sympathetically.

'It was my own stupid fault.' She admitted. 'I shouldn't have pursued her again. I know what I'm like.'

'Then you'll know how difficult it would have been for you not to take the opportunity to pursue her again.' You said. 'You have feelings for her, of course you'd have wanted to find a reason to get close to her again.'

'I know, I just wish I'd be stronger.' She replied. 'Now I feel like I'm back at square one trying to get over her.'

Emily pulled her lips in and tilted her head sympathetically.

'You'll get there.' She reassured her. 'You have before and you will again.'

'Yeah, there's somebody out there for you, Tara.' You joined in. 'Somebody that won't make you regret having feelings for them.'

'Thanks guys.' She said with a smile. 'I don't know how you two do it. You just met and fell in love. Whatever secret you're holding back, I want to hear it.'

'No secrets here.' Emily laughed. 'Just pure luck.'

'And a lot of bumps in the road, still.' You reminded her. 'I did almost die for this relationship, remember?'

'You're right.' Tara laughed. 'Maybe I should ask Luke and Ben instead.'

You laughed, all looking sideways to watch as Luke took shots over for himself and Ben, coaxing him to take it.

'I am sorry that happened though, Tara.' You said back to her. 'You deserve to find somebody who's certain they want you.'

'Thanks Y/n.' Tara flashed an appreciative smile at you. 'All the heartbreak wasn't completely wasted, though.'

'Oh yeah?' Emily asked.

'I asked Rebecca if she knew anything about Gold Star.' She told you both.

'And she did?' You asked preemptively.

'I'll say so.' She replied. 'Not that she was interested in telling me.'

'Wait, but...' Tara could see the cogs working in Emily's head, '...didn't Voit say that by his math him and Bailey were the only two that knew about it?'

'That's what I thought.' Tara agreed. 'But he must not know Rebecca does too, or she'd have surely been a target for Voit just like Bailey was.'

'Weird.' You remarked.

'Did she say anything?' Emily asked.

'She just insisted she couldn't, and wouldn't, talk about it.' Tara told you.

'So she's in on it too?' You checked. 'Whatever this Gold Star is?'

'It seems like it.' Tara confirmed. 'But I just can't understand why she seemed so... jumpy about it when I asked her. I think this is bigger than we even realise.'

'I mean... for Bailey to turn into a criminal for it and Voit to murder Bailey... was that not already obvious to us?' You asked.

'Yeah... I don't know.' Tara said, as she started to trace circles around her empty glass.

'All we know right now is that we've been working on this for 6 months and we're still nowhere closer to figuring it out.' Emily said, a hint of defeat evident in her remark.

'What are you doing over here?' Garcia shouted over the music. 'Come and join us!'

She grabbed yours and Tara's arms and started to pull you away from the bar. You immediately turned and grabbed onto Emily, pulling her with you.

As you reached everyone else, JJ rushed to hand out shots to you, Emily and Tara until everyone in the group had one.

'A toast!' Rossi called over the music. 'To Emily and Y/n, and of course to Ben and Luke.' He moved his shot glass out to either couples accordingly.

Everybody held their shot glasses in the air, you and Emily smiling shyly and reaching for each other with your free hands.

'May your hearts be so full of one another, you can never call it your own.' He smiled.

'To Emily and Y/n.' JJ repeated.

'And to Ben and Luke.' You held your shot glass in their direction.

You all clinked your shots together and took your drinks back.

As everybody began cheering through the harshness in their throats afterwards, Emily pulled you in for a kiss.

And in that moment, with her lips pressed against yours, and her hand spread across the side of your cheek...

...everyone else melted away.

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