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back in my spicy smut era for this chapter 👀

coming to the end of the book now, this is the third to last chapter :(

sentences in italics are thoughts
enjoy x

(4629 words)

'Y/n? Please say something.' Emily begged as you sat in the corner trying to control your breathing.

'It's okay.' You managed to force out. 'I'm okay.'

'Y/n, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to...' Emily started.

'It's okay.' You rushed to reassure her, still unable to look at her though. 'It's okay.'

'Can I come closer?' Emily asked, as she sat in a heap on the floor halfway across the room.

Part of you wanted so badly to say no. You felt so vulnerable, you just wanted to be alone. But when you looked up and saw the desperation and guilt in Emily's eyes, you couldn't stand the thought of her feeling even worse about it.

'Yeah.' You replied, keeping your body as closed off as possible in the corner though.

Emily shuffled in closer to you, checking you seemed okay with each inch she moved. She stopped just shy of your legs which were still bent up into your chest.

'I'm so sorry.' She said again. 'I just got so...'

'It was my fault.' You decided.

'No.' Emily immediately reacted.

'I teased you.' You ignored her. 'It was my fault.'

'No, Y/n. I should have known it would have triggered you.' Emily rushed to take the blame.

'It's okay, I'm fine now.' You reassured her. You were, to an extent.

Seb's face wasn't engrained in your mind anymore, but your body was still very much in shock.

You wanted to touch your neck, to hide it. But you knew Emily would feel worse if you did.

Get it together, Y/n.

'Y/n, I would never ever do anything on purpose to hurt you.' Emily reassured you.

'I know.' You replied, feeling guilty that Emily felt she had to justify that. 'It's okay.'

'Will you stop saying it's okay?!' Emily snapped, taking you by surprise. 'None of this is okay!' She shouted.

'Emily.' You said, looking up at her properly. It was like something kicked in and you were suddenly back in the room again.

'I don't know what to do!' Emily exclaimed, her frustration evident in her voice. 'I don't feel like I can do anything to... help you. I can't help you, Y/n!'

'Emily you are helping me.' You tried to reassure her, crossing your legs and reaching out for her hand. 'You've been helping me.'

'It's not enough.' Emily shook her head, looking down at the carpet. 'I just want to see you happy again and I can't!'

'Emily, please.' You pleaded with her. 'Stop blaming yourself. You're the only person who's got me through it all.'

'I'm getting it all wrong!' Emily replied.

'You're not!' You argued. 'It was an accident! One accident!'

'This isn't working.' Emily decided.

You watched as her face seemed to turn colder and immediately panicked she was going to leave you.

'What can I do?' You asked. 'Tell me what to do.'

Forbidden Affairs - Emily Prentiss x Reader Where stories live. Discover now