four days

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it's my 21st birthday todayyyyy
(pls appreciate my dedication to this story)

another long chapter just to do a bit of a time jump. as always, sentences in italics are thoughts.

enjoy x
(5387 words)

your pov:

'I don't understand where this is coming from, Y/n.' Emily said.

'I just want this all to be over.' You replied, and despite your evident attempt at convincing Emily to drop it after your conversation with Davis, you really meant it.

I'm so fucking tired.

Emily reached up and brushed the back of her bent fingers against your cheek.

'I know, sweetheart.' She said. 'But a few months down the line you'll feel differently. You'll want those bastards in jail.'

'It doesn't matter anymore, Emily.' You stressed. 'Please, just promise me you'll leave it alone?'

'I don't want to leave it alone, Y/n.' Emily exclaimed. 'I want Bailey and Voit to be punished for what they did to you.'

'That's not up to you anymore.' You reminded her.

'But it will be if I can just get our case back...' Emily started.

'No, Emily!' You shouted. 'Please.'

Emily looked at you, her face resembling both shock at your outburst and concern for you.

'I'm sorry baby.' She said eventually. 'This is probably the wrong time to be talking about it.'

'It's not.' You responded. 'Whether I've just had heart surgery or not, I'm not going to change my mind. I just need you to promise me you'll leave it.'

'But I don't trust that the Attorney General isn't taking over the case to try and brush her Deputy Director's actions under the carpet.' She explained. 'I'm so worried he's just going to get away with this.'

'He already has.' You blurted out, immediately regretting it.

'What does that mean?' Emily questioned you.

'Bailey and Voit have been released on bail.' You admitted.

'What?!' Emily exclaimed.

'It's over!' You stressed.

'No way!' Emily argued. 'They can't just get away with this!'

'They have.' You replied. 'There's nothing we can do.'

'Is that what Davis came in here to tell you?' Emily questioned you. 'She came in here to drop that news right after you'd come out of heart surgery?' Emily scoffed, her anger apparent in her voice.

'Emily, it's fine.' You tried to reassure her. 'They can't touch me anymore.'

'And you're taking Davis' word for that, are you?' Emily asked. 'I imagine she told you they'd have eyes on Bailey and Voit, right?'

You nodded slowly.

'And what about the rest of the network Voit has built up?' She questioned you. 'I doubt they've managed to catch every killer that works for Voit, have they?'

You looked at Emily concerned.

Shit, I hadn't thought about that.

'Y/n, you need to let me do something about this.' Emily demanded.

'I can't!' You stressed.

'Why not?' Emily asked. 'What did Davis threaten you with?'

You looked at Emily confused at how she seemed to know what you were thinking all the time.

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