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this chapter switches between Emily's pov and yours but it reads the same as usual.

i've finally handed all my assignments in so i'm hoping to start writing more regularly again soon!

italics are your thoughts
enjoy x
(3129 words)

Emily's pov:

'So what have we got so far?' Emily asked, walking into the briefing. She was met with JJ with her head in her hands and everyone else sat back in their chairs as if they'd given up. 'Well this doesn't look so good.' Emily remarked.

'We can't find any evidence of Y/n being followed from any CCTV and none of the tenants in their building look good for it.' JJ said, rubbing her temples as if steam was about to shoot out of her ears.

'And it doesn't help that there are gaps in Y/n's whereabouts, either.' Tara added.

'Gaps?' Emily asked, sitting down now.

'Times when they've told us they were at home but there's no CCTV footage from their building confirming it.' Tara explained.

'Okay, but more importantly...' Emily tried to steer Tara off yours and her trail by changing the subject, '...if there's CCTV footage outside their building why haven't we caught the bastard?'

'There's a time jump. Well, sort of...' Garcia added, standing next to the large TV screen and pressing a few buttons on her iPad until the screen lit up. 'It's not a time jump exactly... the feed continues, but it's frozen. It shows nobody coming in and out of the building when we know they were.'

'How does that even happen?' Emily asked, suddenly realising it was only a matter of time until they found CCTV footage of her at your apartment.

'The Unsub must have messed with the feed.' Garcia suggested.

'And how would they do that?' JJ asked.

'Well it would either have to be someone in the building with access to the security, or someone with some mad computer skills.' Garcia theorised.

'Okay... so, is there not a chance that Y/n was at their apartment when they said they were and the footage was frozen at that time too?' Emily asked, trying to cover your backs. 'Maybe the Unsub was following them then too and didn't want us to see?'

'It's definitely a possibility.' Garcia replied.

'I don't know... something's off about all this.' Tara wondered out loud. 'I just feel like there's something Y/n isn't telling us.'

'Okay, let's not go round accusing victims.' Emily warned coldly. 'Garcia, how much footage have you guys managed to get through so far?'

'All of it.' Garcia replied quickly. 'From a week ago to now, anyway.'

Emily couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as she realised that whatever this Unsub had done to the footage, they'd somehow managed to keep hers and your relationship in the dark from the team.

'Did anything come through with the reception staff in Y/n's building?' Emily asked.

'We can't seem to trace the woman who was on shift the night the necklace got dropped off...' Rossi replied.

'Her number rings out and nobody seemed to be home when we visited the address she gave her employers.' Luke clarified.

'That's... odd.' Emily remarked.

'Other than that we've spoken to everyone else who works that desk and none of them have seen anything suspicious.' JJ continued.

Emily paused, trying to come up with another line of enquiry to investigate.

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