A bath of blood and wakfu

By catscancook

4.5K 238 76

After the brotherhood of the tofu beat Oropo they prepare for at least a short break, before they have to sav... More

Chapter 1 | Aftermath
Chapter 2 | Home
Chapter 3 | Determination
Chapter 4 | Dread
Chapter 5 | Fallen
Chapter 6 | Hopeless
Chapter 7 | Balance
Chapter 8 | Struck
Chapter 9 | Puzzled
Chapter 11 | Back
Chapter 12 | Brotherhood
Chapter 13 | Conversation
Chapter 14 | Alliance
Chapter 15 | Ally
Chapter 16 | Bonta
Chapter 17 | Purple
Chapter 18 | Rearrangements
Chapter 19 | Qilby
Chapter 20 | Needed
Chapter 21 | Advice
Chapter 22 | Confession

Chapter 10 | Progress

147 10 0
By catscancook

- The White Dimension -

The backlash Yugo felt when he tried to balance the two energies had been worse than before. So what if instead of forcing a tight balance, he would do the opposite? Separate them entirely, almost like he would separate the egg white from the egg yolk when cooking certain dishes. It was the last idea he had, so this would better work out.

Unfortunately, though, it was not quite as easy as that. While at first, he had tried to separate the energies within each hand respectively, he soon figured out, that it was a lot easier to keep the Wakfu in one half of his body, while directing the Stasis to another one. As he made that discovery, it finally started to feel possible.

He must've sat there for hours, taking an interest in watching how the two different energies interacted, fought, and separated within the realm of his palms. When he was sure, that he could differentiate and keep them apart from each other, he took a deep, long breath. The eliatrope braced himself for another explosion.

Instead though, he was greeted by his Wakfu sword, and a wave of happiness flooded his body. All of the muscles relaxed at once, as he let out laughter. Next, he extended his other hand, again praying to whoever was listening, that his theory would hold up. Then, when he saw the purple sword, made from Stasis form in his other hand, he felt like all of the pain had been worth it.

Yugo had no way of telling, how destructive Stasis was, but now he had an anchor point to leap off of. He now spent most of his time in the white dimension obsessing over the purple energy, trying to keep up his sword for longer every time, or switch between Wakfu and Stasis as fast as he could, - this sometimes backfired and left him injured, but now that he had tasted blood, he was determined to go all the way.

The eliatrope soon figured out, that he could not form a portal out of stasis, although he could not pin down a reason for this. While he assumed, that it might lie in the nature of stasis, - the energy of stability -, to defy the art of teleporting matter, he had no way of knowing for sure.

Having something to focus on in this white sea of nothing went a long way when it came to keeping him sane, although, with every passing second, it got harder to not give in to all of his thoughts of despair. He was so unbelievably tired, that all he wanted to do is rest. With every time he swung his swords, his spirit died a little, yet he refused to cave in.

- The Sadida Kingdom -

Adamai ran straight towards his room, grabbing the Eliacube, before sprinting into the dining hall, where the brotherhood spent most of their time. It was a room large enough to fit a hundred people with ease, and therefore it was the perfect place for Flopine and Elely to play and fight without breaking anything. And on top of that, that way, Evangeline and Percedal could have an eye on them at all times.

Ruel, who had arrived a few days ago, after receiving the news, was the first to scold the dragon:"You don't scare an old man like that Adamai, slow down!" But Adamai did not even give him an ounce of attention, and instead walked toward Chibi and Grugal:"I want us to try again."

Neither of them hesitated for even a second, knowing what was on the line. The duo ran over to Adamai, sitting down beside him, just as they had in their room earlier that day. "What do we have to do?", Chibi asked, his forehead in wrinkles, ready to soak up all of the dragon's words. Even his twin had been paying the closest attention for the last few days. For the first time in his life, he had not focused on testing everyone's nerves, being fully aware of the situation. He wanted Yugo back as well after all.

"Amalia gave me an idea, but I don't know if it will work.", Adamai explained, before continuing:"I want you to make one portal, just one, and when I tell you to, you will try to make the second one, okay?" The eliatrope was confused, furrowing his brows even more than he already had:"How is that different from what we tried before?" He was more confused and curious about his idea, rather than criticizing it.

The dragon put his hand on his temple, trying to convey the idea in a way the boy would understand:"Well, you know that Eliatropes can open portals in the distance, with enough practice and experience, right? So that's what we tried to do for the past few days. But that won't work, because you neither have enough practice, nor experience." The kid was ashamed. Although his age was by no means anything he was at fault for, his gaze found the floor.

"This time though, we are going to pretend that you are creating two portals close by. And instead of you opening the other side of the portal in a different dimension, you will place it nowhere, and I will try to direct the destination through the flow of my Wakfu.", this was the simplest he could put it, hoping it would be enough to satisfy Chibi's question.

The boy's eyes lit up:"So by not fixing a location, I don't need to actually know how to do it, and can leave that part to you, since you have done something like this before?" Adamai nodded, not correcting him on the specifics of it. The dragon was always surprised though, at how much Chibi was able to pick up and remember.

Then the eliatropes twin took the word:"And what do I do?" "You will do the same thing as before. If we want this to work, we will need a lot of Wakfu, yours included." The little dragon seemed satisfied with Adamai's response, preparing himself to start.

All three of them sat down on the floor, cross-legged, as the rest of the brotherhood grouped up at a safe distance behind them. The Eliacube was placed in the middle of the triangle the two dragons and the eliatrope formed. When Adamai started to fuel the technology with his Wakfu, it started to hover above the floor, glowing vividly.

The young eliatrope and his twin copied the dragon, this being something they had done time and time before over the last few days. Then Adamai looked over to Chibi, whose eyes were closed, allowing him to focus better on his Wakfu:"Start with one portal." As the dragon had asked, Chibi formed a portal. This was something the eliatrope started to feel confident in.

"For this to work it's important, that you don't think about where you want to place the second portal, can you do that?" The kid nodded, trying to empty out all of his thoughts, trying to let loose of all the places that littered his mind, now only focussing on Yugo instead:"Okay." That was all he said, as soon as he was sure, that his mind was cleared.

Adamai too, was now entirely focused on the path his thoughts took trying to direct all of them onto Yugo, and the white dimension he was trapped in. He placed his hand on Chbis's shoulder, carefully giving him some of his Wakfu:"Now the second portal." With all of his focus, the eliatrope opened another portal.

Then he opened one of his eyes, too curious to be patient. A blinding white jumped into his vision, as he screamed in excitement, not expecting to hit the other dimension on the first try. This though, caused the portal to immediately collapse. "No!", all of them screamed in unison.

And while Adamai wanted to be mad, for just a second he paused to reconsider, reassuring the little boy instead:"It's okay. You did well. Now we know you can do it. Let's try it again, and this time stay focussed."

Adamai was agitated. They were so close. He did not want to be over joyous just yet, after all, Yugo was still on the other side. But they did it, they made a portal to the white dimension. They could do it, and they would do it. His hands started shaking, just the slightest bit, as all three of them prepared to go for another run.

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