Red Garden: The Supreme Warri...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N): "Henshin!!!!!!" (Y/N) (L/N) Nguyen was the chosen one for Kuuga ...after the second of legend Kuuga wh... More

Introduction: Third Kuuga
Villain & Teaser
Prologue: The Legend Has Return
Chapter 1: Mysterious Killer
Chapter 2: The Rebirth Of Kuuga
Chapter 3: The Rider Kick of Kuuga
Chapter 4: The Truth History Of Kuuga & Grongi
Chapter 5: Kuuga's Appearance
Chapter 6: The Vigilante
Chapter 7: Lancer/Summon Servant
Chapter 8: Lancer V.S Dragon Rod
Chapter 9: The 3rd Holy Grail War
Chapter 10: Archer V.S Kuuga Part 1
Chapter 11: Archer V.S Kuuga Part 2
Chapter 12: Summon More Servants?!?
Chapter 13: Kuuga Isn't Mess Around
Chapter 14: Kuuga Is Avenger
Chapter 15: Tsundere Girl
Chapter 16: Kuuga V.S Rider
Chapter 17: The White Hair Girl
Chapter 19: Relaxation
Chapter 20: Shirou Emiya & Sakura Matou
Chapter 21: Caster
Chapter 22: Shinji's Death
Chapter 23: Illya Meeting/Encounter Grongi
Chapter 24: Ally Fight Grongis
Chapter 25: How Many Servants Have?!?
Chapter 26: Kuuga Meet Archer
Chapter 27: Kuuga & Daguva
Chapter 28: Save Lise
Chapter 29: Daguva V.S Kuuga
Chapter 30: Rising Ultimate Kuuga V.S Archer

Chapter 18: Berserker V.S Ultimate Dark Kuuga

315 14 2
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Illya was got here because she use a power to teleporting herself to where (Y/N) really was and make him was stood right there and he just finish the Grongi with his own finisher move and then (Y/N) just transform back to his own human form and he was leaving right away and then she was excited and she saw him....Kuuga has return back to her and she was amaze to see him is finally return right away.

Illya: "*OH MY GOSH!!!! OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT IS HIM!!!! IT IS REALLY HIM!!!!!!*" She thought herself.

Illya: "*I knew it! I KNEW IT! He's really him!!!!!!!!*" She thought herself had to use everything at her disposal to squash the need to squeal like a girlish.

Illya: "*Just the thought of those words is enough to make me physically ill!!!!!*" She thought herself and she was really excited to seen superhero Unidentified Lifeform 04 Kuuga that was beating the shit out of the Grongi creature and it was blown up like nothing. 

Illya: "*So #04 Oni-chan is a Master to this War. This is going to be so much fun!!!!!" She thought happily, even more so at the thought of possibly getting to team up with him.

Illya: "*We'd be unstoppable! He has an unknown Servant, coupled that with his own abilities and power!!!!!!*" She thought herself.

Time Skip Later.

At Night.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was driving his bike was going home right away and he was doing good back there and he was fighting at the monster that Grongi was using an explosive missiles hit at (Y/N) and make him felt like unstoppable and he know that one when he saw the Kuuga TV series and he saw how strong of that thing but only Titan form that he can defeat him. Then (Y/N) drove his bike to there right away and make him was made it to outside of his apartment building.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Well looks like I did something for protection." He said to himself and make him was about to stop the engine of his bike right away and then he heard sounds of footsteps and make him heard the voice of little girl.

Illya: "Oni-Chaaan!!!!" She shout out and make (Y/N) was surprise and he turn around to look at her who was stood right there and make him was looking at her who just stood right there and then (Y/N) wasn't know how is she doing here.

(Y/N): "What the....Illya?!?" He asked her and make her giggling and she said.

Illya: "It seems we both meet again, (Y/N)-nichan! Or should I said...Kuuga." She said to (Y/N) and make him surprise and the servants were surprise for what they were looking at the mysterious girl who was figure it out about his form of Kuuga.

(Y/N): "Wait what? What are you talking about? Who's Kuuga?" He asked her and pretend to be funny.

Illya: "Oh Oni-san, you're so funny." She said to (Y/N) and she was walking closer to him and she said.

Illya: "I was never in any danger, but it was great seeing your 'Henshin', those forms that was from the newspaper clippings were nothing compared to that." She said to (Y/N) and make him was surprise even more and then (Y/N) wasn't know how this girl knows much about (Y/N) and she definitely know who is Yuusuke Goudai that was the second Kuuga.

Arturia: "Master, who is this child?" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I have no idea, Saber....but this girl must be a master." He said to her and then he shook his head and he was stepped out of his bike and make him was stood right there and he was looking at her and he walk toward to where she is standing and he asked her.

(Y/N): "Okay, just who are you?" He asked her.

She was stepping a little ways in front of the young man, Illya smiled with her eyes closed and she said.

Illya: "I didn't lie to you, (Y/N)-oni-chan." She said and her eyes opening out and they were revealed to have become somewhat harder to be a killer. 

Illya: "What I didn't tell you is that the reason I came here tonight was to meet Unidentified Lifeform #4." She said.

(Y/N): "*What?!? She know Yuusuke?!?*" He thought himself felt a lump begin to form in his throat. Yes, she alluded to the fact that she knew about him and she definitely knew lot of him and she saw how (Y/N) was transform into Kuuga right away. But when she called him by the designation that the police had given to Yuusuke and he was remembered about the newspaper and it drove the point of information of Kuuga...but not him.

Illya: "But like I said before, I was never in any danger." She said to (Y/N) and make him was heard something was crash down on the ground and it is huge and big as hell and in front of (Y/N) was towering mass of muscle and power that easily rose over him despite middle of crater. His form, while humanoid, was a gunmetal gray that almost absorbed sunlight. His hair was black as night and hung down his back like a twisted mass of brambles from some kind of nightmare. The only thing he wore was some sort or armor that closely resembled a kit of some kind. However, it was what the monstrosity man was carrying in his right hand that was a major cause of concern for the duo. There, being held by just one hand, it was a giant stone weapon which had a jagged edge, making it look like the unholy offspring of an axe and making Kuuga's own sword look like a toothpick in comparison. Finally, the man's features were almost scowl, only made more fierce by a pair of mismatched eyes, one blood red while the other was seemed molten gold.

(Y/N): "Holy shit...." He said in surprise and speechless at the sight of this freaking dude was 13 foot tall compare to the Incredible Hulk!!!!!!! 

Illya: "Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Illyasviel Von Einzbern, a mage of the Einzbern family, and of course as you no doubt can see me, Master of the strongest Servant in Heavens Feel....BERSERKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shout out.

Berserker: "GRRRRUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He was roar out like a wild animal and he was attacking at (Y/N) right away and make him saw this and he was dodge out of the way. When (Y/N) landing down on the ground and he was called the others out immediately and he need their helps to fight this maniac Berserker right here and make them got appeared by themselves.

Arturia was heard the last name of Einzbern and she definitely heard of it before and she knew something about Einzbern was alive and whatever it is....but she can see Illya over there must be Irisviel's daughter. When Irisivel was been killed by Kotomine Kirei and then her body and her soul was gone just like disappeared away from here and (Y/N) knew this situation wasn't good...the servants tried their best to fighting at this Berserker...and this Berserker was strong as hell and make (Y/N) brought his both hands on his waist and he was summon his golden metallic belt right away.

(Y/N) shifted into his position, placing his left palm above the belt, while his right hand crossed over and he had only one thing to said.

(Y/N): "Henshin." He said in his cold voice.

(Y/N) just called out at the top of his lungs as he brought his left hand back into a fist over what look on a lever on the belt. From there he brought his right arm back on top of his left and pressed down, and finally he use his arms out to the sides.

AOANG! AOANG! AOANG! AOANG! AOANG!!!!! AOANG!!!! AOANG!!!! AOANG!!!!!!! AOANG!!!!!!!!!!! AOANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....SHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the transformation was done and make the servants were stopped fighting and then they both turn their heads to look at (Y/N) with his ultimate darkness form of Kuuga and make the servants felt the darkness aura come from (Y/N) and it is very powerful to scare the servants and the girl too. When Illya was felt something off about (Y/N) and she saw him was turn into the Ultimate form of berserker and then here he is...the Ultimate darkness form for what they were witnesses about.

When the transformation is done and (Y/N) becomes looks like the devil and the Satan who was stood right there.

Arturia: "*That must be Ultimate form....for what (Y/N) told us about and it is dangerous and stronger than Berserker and...this Daguva too.*" She thought herself and make him was turn his head to look up at Berserker and he was stood right there like badass and then he was walking toward to Berserker like bad motherfucker.

(Y/N): "Hmmmmm...." He was walking and keep walking.

Illya: "Berserker! Smash him!!!!!" She shout out at her own servant and he tried to crush him with his weapon and make (Y/N) dodge out of the way and he was use his hand grab the sword and he was breaking it into half. Then Berserker was surprise and he was begin to beating the shit out with his dark flames on his both fists and he was beating the shit out of Berserker like brutal with multiple punches hits all over at him...and then (Y/N) was jumped up and he gave him with a rounhouse kick right away and then (Y/N) was beating the crap out of Berserker like wild. Illya with the other girls are surprise for what they both saw (Y/N) who was strong enough to kick this guy's ass right away and make him was begin to beating the shit out of Berserker and finally he kick Berserker to the ground.

(Y/N): "1...2...and 3. Game over!!!!!!!!" He said to himself and make him was turn his head to look up at the Berserker who was let out a growling out and he shout out.

Berserker: "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to (Y/N) and this make him was running and keep running toward to Berserker and then he was keep running and make him start to running toward to Berserker with a flames on his foot. Then the girls are confuse about what they seen him doing then (Y/N) just jump up high and make him goes backflip and he use his right kick and he was gonna kick Berserker in the chest with powerful finisher.

(Y/N): "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out in victory with a powerful kick at Berserker.

His kick finally hit Berserker in the chest and make him was spat blood out of his mouth and he was sent to the wall of the building and blown in half and make him fall down on the ground and then (Y/N) was land his feet down on the ground and make him turn his head to look at Berserker. The mad dog was got up and make him groaning with grunt out and there was a symbol mark on his chest and make him felt there was a pain and lot of pain that he just imagine it is hurt as hell.

Then blowing him up like a nuke all everything around the New York city and make the girls and Illya were take cover by themselves and finally it is stopped and they both turn their ehads to look at (Y/N) who was stood right there.

(Y/N): "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He was roaring out at the sky.

To Be Continued.

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