Why Her?

By seeyara

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(Ongpauco Series #5) Lake Ongpauco is back... but he's not here to stay. After staying away for almost a dec... More

Chapter 1: The Morning After
Chapter 2: Lipstick Stain
Chapter 4: Lake's Pumpkins
Chapter 5: Rebuilding Relationships

Chapter 3: Boys Club

1K 58 12
By seeyara

Chapter 3: Boys Club

I didn't hear from Selene after sending that text. Instead, I got a call from my father's EA, asking me to meet him at the Tatlonghari Golf Course, and before I could send a reply to her, my brothers made a group chat for us, the Ongpauco boys: me, Kade, River, and Storm.

Turns out, the three of them received the same message from Dad's EA. He wanted to meet us all today. No ifs or buts. Apparently, it was important to him to meet the four of us together. Even Kade had to take a few hours off his honeymoon, for fuck sakes.

"Are we really going to do this?" Storm asked as he drove past the huge archway of the golf course. "And why are we going to a golf course?"

"He says he wants to meet with us boys first. Before he talks to the kids," Kade replied, sitting at the front passenger seat.

"But why here?" I pushed. I'm also curious why here of all places. I can't remember the last time we went to a golf course. We're all focused now on different things.

"He said he's getting us memberships," Kade answered again. He probably called the old man and asked many questions on our behalf. "Apparently, we're legacies of some sort."

"Are we going to meet River there?" Storm asked absentmindedly, his eyes focused on the road.

From the backseat, I could see all the pristine greenery around us. We've never been here, as it was made within the 8 years I was gone. And as far as I know, my brothers haven't come here as well.

"Yeah. He's going with Selene since they had a meeting somewhere close."

My head whipped towards my eldest brother hearing him say her name. "He's coming with Selene?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, me and my big fucking mouth.

Our eyes met through the rearview mirror. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing," I said, quickly. Knowing I already said too fucking much. Great, Lake. Great.

"Do I need to know anything?" Kade asked, his eyes still on my reflection and a single brow raised at me. "Do you need to tell us something?"

I looked away as I shook my head. "Nah."

Let's just act dumb. I'm great at that, anyway.

After we dropped off our golf bags at the bag drop-off area, Storm cleared his throat as he parked his car at our designated spot. "So... Selene, huh?" he asked, his laughing eyes are on me, too.

I rolled my eyes and jumped out of his car. "Fuck off, guys."

"I was gonna keep my mouth shut," Storm said, following me towards the Pro Shop where our caddies, golf bags, and golf cart keys are waiting for us. "But Asher and I saw you at the hotel's parking area before you guys went up and left Kade's wedding."

Kade caught up with us and was wide-eyed upon hearing Storm's revelation. "Wait—You and Selene hooked up at my wedding?!"

I found myself shaking my head. "I don't want to talk about it."

My brothers eyed each other. "Ohh, so there's really something to talk about."

"Shut up," I said to Kade. "I said I don't want to talk about it, so please drop it."

"Fine, geez," he said laughing at my snappy reaction. "Let's talk about Dad again, I guess. What do you think he wants from us?"

Storm asked after receiving the key to his golf cart and thanking the guy at the registration area. "What does he even want to meet us four?"

Kade showed us his phone with an annoyed expression on his face. "Well, his executive assistant just texted, he's already waiting for us at Hole 1's tee box. I guess we'll find out soon enough."


"Any idea why we're here today?" River, our youngest brother, asked as soon as he reached us in our golf carts.

I shrugged at him. "I don't talk to him, so no." My eyes focused on the stunning woman sitting on his golf cart. Selene.

Unlike the last time I saw her, she's not wearing a dress. She's now sporting a white, flowy satin top under a black blazer, and matched with high-waisted black slacks and black heels.

And of course, her face is immaculate and her lips are dark red.

I wanted to catch her eyes. But it looks like she's determined not to acknowledge me. She wasn't even looking our way, she was busy tapping on her phone before putting it against her ear. Looks like she's still going to work while she's here.

"Selene, can you please text Jamie I'll be going home earlier."

She pressed her phone to her chest as she answered my brother. "You have a commencement speech rehearsal after this," she said, her eyes still not going in my direction. "We'll meet her there with the kids."

"Got it. Thanks, Selene."

"Busy day?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. And the old man's whims are not helping either."

"This has to stop."

"Let's just talk to him so we can get this over with."

But our asshole dad wouldn't tell us yet. He wants us to go through at least half of the 18 Holes since he wants to play and spend time with us. It made me want to roll my eyes. We're way past that. I don't know what he got into his head thinking that we'll just go with his wishes. I'm not even putting any effort into my backswings and follow-throughs since I'm too pissed to golf properly.

We were at Hole 5 when I heard Selene's voice. "Keep your head down, look at the ball as you swing."

Huh. She thinks I don't know how to play golf... and she's giving me advice.

I looked back at her and she motioned for me to try again. I did, lamely. And sure enough, she commented on it. "Too much follow-through."

As someone who's thirsty for her attention, I made my next swings even worse. "Too much backswing."

"Nice aim, sir," my caddie said. I just gave him a nod. I don't need him to praise or correct me, I only want Selene to comment on my form and swing.

"Nice!" Selene said when I hit the golf ball a little better. "You're getting the hang of it."

"I hate this," I told her, watching my dad take his place and start practicing his swing twice.

"Aww, really?" Selene asked, surprised. "I love golf."

I flashed her a smile. "If I learn to love golf, would you play with me some other time?"

She raised a brow at me. "When? You're leaving soon, right?"

"I could stay for a while," I said with a shrug and reckless grin.

She stared at me for a while before dropping her voice, so others wouldn't hear it. "You said you're not going to call, Lake."

"I didn't," I shot back, remembering the message I sent her last night. "I messaged you, and you didn't reply."

She tilted her head and her eyes squinted a little. "What do you want from me?"

I looked away at her and watched my father finally take his shot. The other people around us were focused on them, and not minding us talking at the golf cart. "I want more of what we had that night," I answered her seriously, my eyes still on my family. "I can't stop thinking about you, Selene."

"We agreed to one night."

I faced her and quietly answered. "Well, you had me addicted."

"Lake, cut it out," River shouted as he walked towards us. "Selene, you don't need to teach him how to play golf, we all know how to play since we were kids." 

I watched Kade and Storm hide their smiles as they rode their golf carts and went after where their shots landed.

"Really now?" she eyed me again with annoyance... and intrigue.

I flashed her a smile. "Sorry, couldn't help it."

Leaning towards me, Selene whispered. "Show me your real swing, Lake. Let's see if that will change my mind."


We finally reached the tee box of Hole 9 and as promised, our dad finally gathered the four of us for whatever the fuck he wanted from us. "I'm so glad you are all here," he said to us four.

"What's going on?" River asked, not wanting to beat around the bush. "Why did you want to talk to us?"

He flashed us a smile, a calculated one if I ever saw one. "Can't I talk to my sons now?"

I shook my head. "Not your illegitimate ones." I'm done with his theatrics. He's wasted too much of our time and I can't stand him dangling whatever information he has in front of our faces the whole afternoon.

Even under the brim of his baseball cap, I can see the smile on his face vanish. "What are you saying, Lake?"

"Cut the bullshit, old man. Just say what you need from us."

Without a preamble, my Dad opened his mouth and dropped a bomb on us. "I'm dying."

I was not expecting that.

Information about his health and condition poured out and we were all just standing there, shocked. "Stage 4 Prostate Cancer. I was diagnosed last month and I was alerted by my doctors that the cancer has already spread to my other organs."

"What?!" Kade asked in disbelief.

"I have at least 6 months to live."

"No," Kade said as he shook his head. "I need to see your medical reports."

Storm took a step closer to our father. "Have you asked for a second opinion?"

"Of course, I have," Dad answered, if not a little irritated. "They only confirmed what my first doctors said to me."

"So what now?" I asked. If he just wanted to inform us about his condition, his cancer, he could've just told us at his home or anywhere else. Not here at a fairway, under the scorching heat of the afternoon sun.

There has to be something. There has to be a catch, there always is with him.

"I am in the process of rewriting my will," Dad responded, his voice devoid of any emotion. As if he didn't just tell us he's literally dying. "River, I want to see your kids more often. As well as your kid, Storm."

Oh, for fuck's sake.

"And if they don't?" Kade asked carefully.

"I might forget to write them in the will."

There it is. He's now dangling the possible inheritance of my nephews and nieces, as well as ours. 

What does he think of us? We never wanted his money! We only wanted to have a regular childhood, but he made it impossible for any of his kids to have that. He singled us out and isolated us from the rest of the Ongpauco clan. He made it his mission to make our lives miserable and his siblings, our adopted parents, were only too happy to indulge him by fucking us up.

We were the outcasts of our families.

The adoptees. The orphans. 

The secret.

"We don't need your money," I hissed at him. "I managed to live my life without you before, we can just go on like nothing happened when you die."

"Lake," Kade grabbed my arm to hold me back, in case I start flipping out.

"I'll be leaving soon, you can give my share to anyone. Shove it up your ass, for all I care," I hissed at him. Then I looked at my brothers. "Storm? Kade?"

Kade shrugged. Storm stared back at Dad as he deadpanned, "I honestly don't care."

"River?" Our father then moved his attention to our youngest brother, his legitimate son. "Will you let the firm you helped build up go somewhere else?"

"I'm not gonna play this game with you, Dad," River said, shaking his head. "You can dangle our inheritance in front of our faces all you want, but I won't bite."

Suddenly, Selene jumped out of their golf cart and walked towards River. "River, we need to get going for Percy's graduation practice. If we don't go, you'll be late for your commencement speech rehearsal."

Right. I forgot Percy will have his nursery graduation this week, the same day as his siblings' moving-up ceremonies.

River gave her a nod and handed the club he was holding to his caddie. "Let's go. We're done here."

We all moved in unison and left our dad in the tee box without looking back. We reached the parking area, all of us quiet with our thoughts. Just trying to leave this damned golf course without making any more scene.

We were all walking towards our cars when River stopped and looked at us, at me. "Lake, can you come with us? We need an extra pair of eyes to look after the kids, that is if you're not doing anything later."

My eyes wavered to Selene, her brows furrowed at her boss in confusion.

I thought about his request for a beat. I have nothing better to do today. Seeing my little pumpkins and my best friend after an awful encounter with our dad? Possibly ending the day with Selene?

How could I say no to that?

I gave my brother a nod. "Sure, I'll go with you, guys."

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