Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader...

Da fayebailie1864

11.3K 317 118

You've always been alone, year after year. But that changed when you moved to Forks, Washington. A certain pa... Altro

Chapter 1: As the leaves turn golden
Chapter 2: Jacob Black
Chapter 3: Phone calls and unexpected visits
Chapter 4: Leaving me behind
Chapter 5: Secrets and lies
Chapter 6: I guess the wolf's outta the bag
Chapter 7: The Cullens
Chapter 8: Wishing this could last forever
Chapter 9: Compromise
Chapter 10: Living in both worlds
Chapter 11: A promise
Chapter 12: Morning glow/ Making a deal
Chapter 13: Normal life huh?
Chapter 14: Family
Chapter 16: As white as snow
Chapter 17: The smell of fresh firewood
Chapter 18: Trip away from home

Chapter 15: Reckoning

211 9 3
Da fayebailie1864

Possible SMUT warning at the end of this chapter! So please read with caution. 

It had been two weeks since Alice had the vision and even then only Edward knew what was to happen. But neither of them could say anything, this left Jasper frustrated and a little bit angry. For why would Alice not want him to know this? Especially since it involved Y/n. Apart from that the Cullen's house was it's usual calm atmosphere, everyone busy doing something. Even Edward was here, upstairs with Bella.

Jasper would have invited Y/n but she was at Emily's, apparently having a little get together. It did make him feel a little jealous. She would never leave her side, if he had the choice. But in the deal, they had to learn to share. However hard that must be. It was quite windy outside, the branches creaking ever so slightly against the glass windows. It was comforting for them. And although they couldn't sleep, sometimes they wish they could.

'Why can't they tell me Carlise, all I want is to protect her..' said Jasper, watching the trees move violently outside. Carlise and Esme looked at each other, Esme holding onto his arm gently.

'I'm sorry Jasper but I promise it's for the best, besides I have a feeling tonight's going to be a good night' said Carlise, with a smile. Jasper turned around to face him and Esme gave him a warm smile.

Jasper walked forward and Esme held him in his arms. It felt like a long time since he had one of Esme's warm mum hugs. Hardly any other hug could compare. Apart from Y/n's of course.

'It'll be alright dear' said Esme, gently. Jasper slowly pulled away. 'Thank you' said Jasper, kindly. It was sometimes hard for him to how affection and his soft side to his family. But that hug meant a lot to him. And Carlisle's kind words. He left the house for some fresh air and to hunt so he could control his lust for blood more. The wind blew through his blond wavy hair and he felt free. Feeling every element of nature around him, he opened up his senses. Feeling at once, at ease.

It was late once Y/n and Jacob returned home after being at a get together at Emily's. Jake was smiling crookedly and had his arm around her. Until they got inside and she locked the door.

'Did you enjoy tonight?' Asked Jacob, taking his shoes off.

'Yes it was perfect, it was nice being around everyone's good vibes' said Y/n, happily.

Jake smiled happily in return.

'I still can't believe it though!' Exclaimed Y/n.

'Well I've been reading Sam's thought's lately so I kinda knew it was going to happen sooner or later' said Jake.

'I was so happy when she told me she was pregnant, her face was glowing' said Y/n happily.

'It was a lovely reaction to see. Your face lit up. I know that Emily appreciated that too' said Jake.

'Do you know when they're getting married?' Asked Y/n, now curious to see how good the wolf telepathy could be.

Jake smirked, he knew what she was doing. 'I don't know but I know it'll be soon' said Jake.

Y/n smiled and nodded. They both yawned in synchronicity. And then giggled at each other.

'I think it's time we get some sleep now my love' said Jake, kissing her forehead.

'I agree babe' said Y/n, kissing his cheek.

As tradition he carried her up the stairs and into their bedroom. It had been something he'd done ever since he started staying with her. But then it soon turned into routine. She smiled with her eyes closed as he gently lay her down.

'Goodnight Y/n, I love you' said Jake, cuddling into the bed with her.

Two days had passed and winter had arrived. It was cold and damp but Y/n kept warm with some fuzzy jumpers and plenty of hot chocolates. Alice was finally ready to tell them what she had been keeping. Y/n was also staying over there too. Today she was wearing an emerald green jumper with moon patterns all over it. Jake was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and some blue jeans. No jacket of course, since he didn't need one. 

Yesterday Y/n decided to get a car, so she drove over to the Cullen's house. The car was small and her favourite colour. (imagine whatever you like). 

Lots of the trees didn't have leaves on anymore, making it more of an empty atmosphere. Thankfully the pines stood tall, the dark green colour glowing against the pale shades of colour. Her mind became lost from the events that happened last night. Her and Jacob made passionate love. She smiled at the memory and Jake caught her smiling. 

'I know, I'm still thinking about last night too' said Jake with a proud smile. 

'You know I am a little worried..' said Y/n. 

'About what?' asked Jake, putting a hand through his hair. 

'You know... last night..' said Y/n, biting her lip. 

'Oh don't worry, we were safe' said Jacob, gently. He put his warm hand on her arm. 

'I know but I just have a strange feeling' said Y/n, worrying a little. 

Jacob kissed her cheek sweetly. 

'I love you. Please don't let it worry you baby' said Jake, sweetly. 

'I love you too and I won't' said Y/n, gently.

Once they were past some ancient pine trees and the road became smaller, they knew they were getting closer to the house. It started gently snowing, creating little snowflakes that melted on the ground. They pulled up on the familiar driveway. Carlise, Esme and Jasper waiting outside the door for them. Jasper had a smirk on his lips. 

Y/n smiled with glee and felt such happiness that with her gift she created a beautiful bright rainbow over the house. Everyone smiled at her. 'Jasper' said Y/n, running into his arms. He held her tightly but gently, not wanting to use much of his vampire strength. 'I'm so glad your here' whispered Jasper, kissing her lips passionately. For a moment they forgot they weren't alone. 

Carlise coughed so that they'd stop. They pulled away Y/n a little embarrassed. 'Sorry' said Y/n.

'It's fine dear, thank you for coming' said Esme, being the next one to hug her. Esme smelt and looked amazing as always. She gently pulled away. 

'It's nice to have the family back together' said Carlise, hugging her too. 

Y/n felt extremely happy when she heard this and realised how much she loved them all. Emmett, Rosalie, Edward and Bella joined them outside. Emmett ran up to her and gave her a massive bear hug. 

He chuckled as he picked her up and hugged her. 'Ahha! I knew you were here' said Emmett.

Y/n chuckled back and returned the hug. 'Thanks for the warm welcome Emmett' said Y/n with a smile. 

'Anytime! I'm glad your here' said Emmett, happily. Rosalie approached her. At first Y/n didn't know what to do but Rosalie seemed quite calm. 

She kissed her on both cheeks and held her hands gently. 'You look well. It's nice to see you Y/n' said Rosalie, her eyes soft and filled with love. 

Y/n was taken aback and didn't know what to say. Everyone watched them intensely. 

'Is this real?' asked Y/n, laughing slightly. 

'Very. I'm truly sorry for being so cold to you before. I want us to start again' said Rosalie, with a small smile. 

'Uhh.. of course' said Y/n, still in shock. Rosalie smiled and nodded before stepping back. 

Edward and Bella just smiled warmly at her, not wanting to say much. She too returned the smile but realised someone was missing. 

'Wait, where's Alice?' asked Y/n, slightly panicking. 

'Don't worry' said a chiming voice behind them. 

'I wouldn't abandon my sister' said Alice, warmly. 

Once Y/n turned around she jumped in Alice's arms and breathed in her scent. She had missed her so much these past few weeks and couldn't wait to spend time with her. 

'Jacob, thank you for also coming' said Carlise, happily. 

'Of course, I'd do anything for Y/n' said Jake, proudly. 

'I know that and I appreciate that' said Carlise. 

'Come on, let's get out of the cold' said Jasper, in his thick accent. 

Emmett smirked and they all followed each other in, getting settled in the living room. Esme had redesigned it recently as they had new furniture and much more of it too. 

'Wow nice design Esme!' said Y/n, with a smile. 

'Thank you dear, I thought we could use a more cosy environment' said Esme. 

'Even I have to say that it's nice' said Jacob, holding Y/n's hand. 

Esme and Carlise smiled at this. 

'So Alice, are you ready to tell us?' asked Y/n. Jasper took a seat next to her and kissed her other hand, Jake didn't seem to mind much. 

'The Volturi are coming...' said Alice, getting straight to the point. 

'What, why?' asked Carlise, being the first one to speak. 

Alice looked around concern all over her face. 'They wants to meet the two humans that we've tamed..' said Alice, certainly not liking the words they had chosen. 

Carlise and Esme went into deep thought. 

'We could run' said Emmett, randomly. 

'Bad idea, they'd kill us if we ran from them' said Carlise.

'Hide?' asked Edward, scanning through everyone's thoughts. 

'They'd be able to track Y/n and Bella's scent wherever they went. Hiding is useless' said Carlise, still thinking. 

'So we don't have a choice?' questioned Rosalie, standing up. 

'No there must be a choice' whispered Jasper. 

'Our best bet is to face them and remain calm' said Carlise, coming slightly out of his thoughts. 

Y/n looked at both Jake and Jasper. Both their faces made her realise that nothing bad would happen because she was protected. 

'When will they arrive?' asked Bella, crossing her legs. 

'In three days time, when the snow starts sticking to the ground. That's when they'll come' said Alice. 

'Did you see which one's Alice?' asked Y/n. 

'Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane, Alec, Felix and a few guards' said Alice. 

'But why would so many of them come here at once?' asked Esme, reaching out to hold Carlisle's hand. 

'It must be important if they all want to attend' said Carlise. 

'They all think it's a special occasion. They want us to turn Y/n and Bella. Otherwise they'll do it themselves' said Alice, her eyes glowing. 

Suddenly lots of fog covered the windows and a cold breeze entered the room. Y/n gripped both Jake's and Jasper's hand's tightly. 

Carlise realised instantly. 'It's alright Y/n, I promise' said Carlise, gently. 

Y/n looked around and realised it was her doing, she relaxed and the fog faded away. 

'Neat trick' said Rosalie with a smile. Y/n returned the smile, starting to warm up to her much more now that they'd started fresh. 

'So we have three days?' asked Jake. 

'Yes and I suggest we all use them wisely' said Alice, a hint of warning in her voice. 

A cold breeze hit them all again as they realised it must be a big change for Alice to announce a meeting like this. Despite Y/n being worried and a little frightened. She took what Alice said very well but she couldn't help but feel she was missing something out. After a while, they family disassembled and went into separate.  

'I don't want you worrying about anything, so I've arranged for it to be just you and Jasper in the house tonight' said Alice, with a smile. 

'What about Jacob?' asked Y/n. 

'He'll be busy, trust me' said Alice, still smiling. 

Y/n smiled and nodded. 'Thanks Alice' said Y/n, kindly. 

'I know when a girl needs some alone time with her lover' said Alice, with a smirk. 

'Are we that bad?' asked Y/n, a little embarrassed. 

Alice laughed. 'Well your both quite loud with vamp hearing' chimed Alice. 

Y/n laughed and covered her face, going a little red. 'I'm really sorry' said Y/n.

'It's fine Y/n, I know you love each other' said Alice. 

Y/n nodded and that's when someone knocked on the door. 

'Sorry I don't mean to interrupted' said Jasper, with a smirk. 

'It's fine Jaz, what's going on?' asked Alice, a little too causally. 

'Esme's made you dinner' said Jasper, gently. 

'Oh I thought I could smell food!! Yay!' exclaimed Y/n, happily. 

Jasper smirked, hearing every word of their conversation before. The two vamps followed her into the Kitchen where Bella already sat eating. 'I hope you like a roast dinner' said Esme, with a smile. 'It looks amazing' said Y/n, sitting down. 

'I also helped make dinner' said Rosalie, gently. Y/n starts eating the delicious food. 'It's amazing, thank you Rosalie' said Y/n. Rosalie smiles and strokes her arm kindly. 


It was late at night now and Y/n and Jasper had the house to themselves. Despite such uncertainty ahead, they were both in good mood's right now because they were finally alone. And not just for the physical benefit but because they could speak in confidence now. Knowing that whatever they said would stay between them. Maybe Edward would know a few things since he could read minds but he respected their privacy. 

Jasper had made it all romantic and cosy, lighting candles and making sure there were lots of cosy blankets all around their room. Y/n stood out onto the little balcony that Esme had built for them. Wearing her under-dress, it was long and white as snow. Jasper watched her with loving eyes and a hint of lust behind them. The cool winter breeze flowed through Y/n's beautifully long hair, strangely not making her shiver much. She breathed out happily and admired the wonderful forest outside. Jasper walked up behind her and held her around the waist. 

'Everything's going to change' said Y/n, gently. Jasper kissed her shoulders with love.

'I know princess' said Jasper. 

'What's going to happen?' asked Y/n, uncertainly. 

Jasper took a moment to respond. 'I'm not sure but I know that it'll be okay. We can plea for you to be spared a normal life' said Jasper. 

Y/n turned around instantly. 'Without you?' questioned Y/n, almost hearing his thoughts. 

'I won't live a life without you' cried Y/n, strongly. Jasper turned her gently back around.

Jasper closed his eyes and held her tighter. Making himself extra comfy on her behind. She could feel the difference instantly and her breathing hitched. 

'I don't want to be without you either Y/n' said Jasper, his voice a little deeper. 

His eyes were turning darker and he started kissing Y/n's neck gently. His hands roaming her body all over. Y/n started moaning, getting high of the feeling. She wanted to face him but he wouldn't let her move from this position. 

'Let me take you like this doll..' whispered Jasper. His words burying deep into her core, making her shiver and her honey pot soaking. She moaned loudly and his hand reached for her flower. Feeling how she was reacting to his words and actions. 

'You good girl..' whispered Jasper, his eyes as dark as night. Instinctively Y/n bent over, spreading her legs more. That's when Jasper's fingers went inside her, she tried to hold in her scream. But whimpered more when he went in and out. By this point she was ready for him. 

But he made her wait and edged her on with his hands. Playing with her and getting her all hot and bothered. He was so unbelievably good with his hands. Y/n could hardly breathe by the time he pulled his fingers out. She moaned in protest and Jasper chuckled lowly. He got on his knees like she was his queen and licked her honey pot. 

Y/n moaned with pleasure and begged for more. 'Please' whispered Y/n. He got closer and grabbed her waist tightly before taking all of her in his mouth. He licked her vagina so good that it somehow became even more wet than it was before. She enjoyed every second. Moaning when he reached a good spot. He used his fingers again and she almost had an orgasm but he pulled out before she could finish. 

'No fair baby' groaned Y/n, out of breath. 

Jasper smirked and stood up, kissing her neck once more. 

'Are you ready for me?' asked Jasper, a smirk on his lips. 

Y/n moaned before she could speak. 'Yesss' breathed Y/n, unable to say much. 

He didn't waste much time before he disposed of his trousers and revealed himself. He was erect and ready to go too. He quickly stroked himself, preparing for her beautifully wet honey pot. He went inside her and they both screamed with pleasure. He wasn't sure why he waited this long to go inside her. As it was the best thing he ever felt. Even better than human blood. 

They made passionate love on the balcony, them screaming from the top of their lungs most of the time and holding onto one another. By the time they were done they had already moved to the bed. They lay down exhausted and in each others arms. 

'I love you Jasper Hale' breathed Y/n. 

'I love you more' said Jasper, with a tired smile. 


Authors note: I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry it's been a little while since I last updated but I've been quite busy atm and I've had lack of inspiration too. 

I will hopefully update soon :)

Please Vote and comment on what you loved most about this chapter <3

Thank you so much for reading!! 

Take care my lovely readers,



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