Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

361K 8K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


4.6K 97 31
By tonysnarky

After reading the blog posts about Lexi not being able to race due to her significant weight loss, Charles's heart sank. Without a second thought, he ran through the paddock, determined to find her. He searched for her, feeling anxious until he finally spotted Christian Horner, who called him over.

Reluctantly, Charles approached Horner, wondering what he wanted. Horner looked concerned as he said, "I heard you were looking for Lexi. She's in Max's trailer, and she's okay."

Grateful for the information, Charles thanked Horner and rushed towards Max's trailer. As he entered, he found Lexi inside, looking a bit lost. The jealous feeling he had when he saw her with Max crossed his mind, but he quickly pushed it aside, knowing that their friendship was strong.

Ignoring any assumptions made by the media about their relationship, Charles put on a brave face and told Lexi to get up. She looked confused, but he reassured her, "We're going on a track walk, just you and me."

Lexi seemed hesitant, her anxiety about the cameras evident. Charles held her hand gently, looking into her eyes. "I promise you, as long as I'm with you, the cameras won't be in your face. They'll keep their distance, and it won't be anything out of the ordinary."

Eventually, Lexi agreed, and Charles secretly grabbed some snacks from Max's trailer. He saw her raise an eyebrow, and he quickly came up with a lie, "I'm hungry, that's all."

In truth, Charles had planned on eating while they walked, hoping that seeing him eat might encourage Lexi to do the same. He knew how difficult it was for her to take care of herself lately, and he wanted to support her in any way he could.

As they embarked on the track walk, Charles kept his promise, shielding Lexi from the cameras and making sure they maintained a comfortable distance. 

"I've missed you, Lexi. And I've been really worried about you."

Her gaze softened as she listened to his words, and she reached out to hold his hand, finding comfort in his presence. Charles continued, his voice filled with concern, "Please promise me that you won't do that again. I care about you, and I want to be there for you."

Lexi nodded, squeezing his hand gently, "I promise, Charles. I won't shut you out again."

She hesitated for a moment before opening up, "Charles, I'm just so exhausted. It feels like I'm losing this mental battle with myself, and I don't know how to keep fighting against my family and the gossip blog. The world seems to be against me, and it's like no one believes my side of the story. I'm terrified to leave my house because I know the cameras are waiting for me. They're just waiting to twist every little thing I do."

Charles listened intently, his heart aching for her. He wanted to ease her pain, to shield her from the harsh world that seemed to be closing in on her.

"I just feel like maybe I deserve all of this, Charles. I don't think I'm a good person. Maybe all this pain is what I deserve. Maybe I don't deserve to be happy."

Charles listened attentively, his heart breaking with each word she uttered. He wanted to take away her pain, to shield her from the world's judgments, and protect her from the relentless media intrusion. He couldn't bear to see her suffering like this.

It wasn't fair.

She deserved the world.

And the world didn't deserve her.

"Please, mon ange, don't talk about yourself like that." He sighed, stopped walking, and forced her to stand still beside him as he cupped her cheek with his hand gently, forcing her to look him in the eye. With a pang of guilt, she realized he looked close to tears.

"You are beautiful, and kind, and caring and practically perfect with the exception of one think too low of yourself. You are the most amazing person I have ever met Lexi, and you deserve all the happiness in the world."

Silently, she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek, her face burning red. It took Charles every ounce of self control to not pull her in for a kiss, but he knew now wasn't the moment.

"When my Dad died, I started going to therapy." He admitted. "It really helped me. After you left...I started going again."

"Oh Charles-,"

"I started going again, because I knew you were in pain, and I wanted to be able to help you through it." He finished. "But Lex, I think you should speak to someone...I think it'll help." He whispered.

She nodded softly. "Okay," she murmured. "Okay." He replied, taking her hand as they began to walk again.

As they walked along the track, Charles subtly pulled out the snacks he had managed to grab from Max's trailer. He glanced at Lexi and saw her eyeing the breakfast bar with hesitation.

"Here, have this," Charles offered, holding out the small breakfast bar, gesturing to one he'd picked up for himself.

Lexi tried to shake her head and decline, but Charles gave her a stern look, speaking firmly but with concern in his voice.

"I'm not blind, Lexi. Everyone can see that you've stopped taking care of yourself. The first step to getting better is to eat," he said gently.

She looked torn, and he could see the battle raging inside her. She seemed nauseous at the idea of eating, but Charles gave her sad eyes, hoping to appeal to her emotions.

"Please, Lexi? Just a few bites for me?" he implored.

Lexi hesitated for a moment before giving in. She took the breakfast bar from his hand and after a few moments of an internal struggle, she took a few small bites, swallowing with effort.

Charles heart hurt as he watched her eyes fill with tears, as she fought back the urge to throw up. It felt wrong for her to eat, as if her body was working against her.

They walked in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Charles could see the internal struggle Lexi was facing, and it pained him to witness her battling with herself.

He reminded himself to talk to the others later, just to ensure that everyone is keeping an eye on her and making sure she eats.

Lexi's anger with herself was evident as she stopped eating the breakfast bar after finishing only half of it. Charles gently wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. He kissed her forehead affectionately, trying to reassure her.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself," Charles said soothingly. "Progress is progress, no matter how small. You took a step, and that's something to be proud of."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Lexi's lips as she looked at him.

God, I've missed you.

"I'm proud of you, amor," Charles said with sincerity, his gaze soft and caring.

As they walked, Charles playfully snatched the remaining half of the breakfast bar from her hand and grinned mischievously.

"And I need my energy for the race," he declared, taking a bite of the bar. "Can't have Lando beating me on the track, can I?"

Lexi laughed softly, grateful for his lightheartedness, even in the midst of their struggles. She appreciated how he tried to make things easier for her, bringing a touch of positivity to their walk.

"Thank you, Charles." She smiled at him.

"For what?"

"For being you."

Charles grinned and kissed her forehead once more, laughing as she faked pulling a face of disgust.

"Anything for you, mon ange."


Unveiling the Romance? Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Heroux Spotted Strolling Arm-in-Arm!

The F1 paddock has been buzzing with rumors lately, and this time, it's not about races or points, but about a potential budding romance! Our paparazzi have captured a series of heartwarming moments between two beloved personalities - Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Heroux.

During a break from the race weekend in Hungary, the pair was spotted walking along the track together, seemingly engrossed in each other's company. Fans couldn't help but notice the undeniable chemistry between the two, as they strolled arm-in-arm.

As they shared glances and exchanged laughter, onlookers couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their friendship than meets the eye. The atmosphere was filled with an air of intimacy, leaving everyone curious about the true nature of their relationship.

The duo seemed completely at ease with each other, their connection evident as they engaged in what looked like a heartfelt conversation. But could this be a romantic rendezvous or just a close bond forged through mutual support?

Despite the romantic speculations, sources close to Charles and Alexandra emphasize that they have always been good friends and share a deep bond. Their friendship has been a source of comfort for Alexandra during her recent turbulent times, and Charles has been a pillar of strength in supporting her.

And let's not forget the interview held between Alexandra and Charles with Sky Sports, in which they admitted to helping each other with strategies for upcoming races.

Nonetheless, with the undeniable closeness they showcased during their stroll, it's hard not to wonder if there's more to their story. Could they be keeping their budding romance under wraps? Or are they simply cherishing their strong bond as friends?

With fans and the media on high alert, only time will reveal the true nature of their relationship. Until then, we'll be keeping a keen eye on this duo as they continue to create heartwarming moments together.

Whether it's love or friendship, one thing is certain - Charles and Alexandra are two incredible personalities who bring light to the F1 paddock in their unique ways. Let's celebrate the genuine connection they share and support them, no matter where their paths lead!


As the day wound down, Lexi and Carlos found themselves sitting in the Ferrari garage, sharing a moment of laughter as they read the absurd blog speculating about Lexi and Charles's supposed romance.

"Can you believe this?" Lexi chuckled, shaking her head as she held her phone up for Carlos to see. "They really love to spin stories, don't they?"

Carlos burst into laughter, taking the phone from her to read the article. "Oh, they never disappoint. Although at last, I see an article with some truth. You and Charles would make a good couple." he said, a grin spreading across his face.

The stunt race was now over, and all the stunt drivers had their share of struggles, leaving the media longing for Lexi's dynamic presence on the grid. However, Lexi and Carlos found humor in the whole situation, finding solace in each other's company.

Feeling more upbeat, Carlos took the opportunity to catch Lexi up on all the juicy gossip from the F1 paddock. He leaned in, his voice conspiratorial as he began sharing key pieces of each GPs event.

"Okay, you won't believe this," Carlos started, trying to suppress a chuckle. "Max got caught kissing Kelly behind the paddock tents!"

Lexi's eyes widened, and she playfully nudged Carlos. "Well, well, well, I guess he's not shit at flirting after all," she teased.

Carlos chuckled, continuing with the gossip. "Oh, and Toto and Christian had a heated argument about "The future of Motorsport". "

Lexi frowned at this one and gestured for Carlos to elaborate. "Toto said in a press conference that he'd give you a seat." He smirked at her shocked face. "Christian said you'd have to earn it, like everyone else, and Toto agreed, but then said you'd already earnt it. He told BBC news that you'd beaten Lewis' track record at Silverstone in an old engine."

Lexi was speechless. So everyone knew about that now?

Carlos continued to regale Lexi with tales of the months events - from Daniel's cheeky flirting with a Sky presenter to Pierre's accidental mishap that made a little girl cry. The duo found joy in sharing these lighter moments, providing a much-needed break from the serious dramas surrounding them.

As they were laughing, Lewis entered the room, followed by a familiar silhouette.

"Tom!" Lexi exclaimed, jumping towards her friend and engulfing him in a hug.

"And Flo!" A voice emerged behind Lewis, and Lexi squealed, tackling the blonde into a hug too.

Lewis asked if they could have a serious talk. Carlos offered to leave, but Lexi insisted he stay, telling him he was her friend too, which made him smile.

As they all sat down, Lewis hugged Alexandra tightly, concern etched on his face. "How are you feeling now?" he asked in a gentle tone.

Alexandra took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering. "I'm feeling better," she admitted, glancing at Carlos briefly.

Carlos playfully teased, "Ah, must be because you've been spending time with Charles," causing a lighthearted chuckle to ripple through the room.

But the atmosphere shifted when Florence's demeanor turned cold. She looked straight at Alexandra, her eyes filled with emotion. "What were you playing at, Lexi?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Not telling anyone you were okay, leaving us all worried sick. After everything that happened after your mom's death and your brother's accident, I thought you wouldn't do this again."

Alexandra was taken aback by Florence's reaction, her heart sinking with the weight of Florence's words. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, overwhelmed by the emotions in the room.

"I'm so sorry," Alexandra managed to say, her voice choked with tears. "I didn't mean to worry any of you. I just... I didn't know how to face everything, and I thought I could handle it on my own."

Florence's facade began to crumble, and tears streamed down her cheeks. "But you don't have to handle everything on your own," she said, her voice quivering. "We're your friends, Lexi, and we care about you. We've been through so much together, and we're here for you, no matter what."

Alexandra's tears flowed freely now, and Carlos immediately wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug. "Florence is right," he said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "I know you're probably sick of hearing us say it, but we're here."

Lewis nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting the concern he felt for his dear friend. "We love you, Lexi," he said, his voice unwavering. "And we missed you."

"Can I have a hug?" Lexi asked, motioning to her friends. With a laugh they all gathered around, having a group hug.

"Do you want me to get Charles, or-," Tom began, pausing as he heard her laugh for the first time in almost two months.

"Shut up!"


The day of the Hungarian F1 GP arrived, and Lexi showed up in the morning with Florence by her side, the two of them having spent the night having a much-needed girls' sleepover. They parted ways halfway through the paddock, and as Lexi continued on her own, she was joined by Max.

He walked alongside her, explaining that the drivers had all agreed to take shifts to keep the cameras away from her as much as possible. Lexi expressed her gratitude, and Max simply shrugged it off, acting like it was no big deal.

"How did you sleep?" Max asked, genuinely concerned.

Lexi sighed, not wanting to worry Florence, and replied, "Not very well, to be honest. I usually struggle to sleep when others are around."

Max's eyes softened, and he asked quietly, "Except Charles?"

She looked at him, surprised that he knew, but decided to be honest, "Yeah, except Charles. Somehow, his presence always makes me feel at ease."

Max smiled knowingly, "You two are so obvious, you know? When are you going to finally admit your feelings for each other?"

Lexi laughed it off, trying to dismiss his words, "There's nothing to admit. We're just friends."

Max raised an eyebrow, teasingly saying, "Oh, come on! You're both blind if you can't see it."

As they continued walking towards the Mercedes paddock, a group of paparazzi suddenly appeared from behind the McLaren garage. They swarmed around Lexi, harassing her with cameras and questions, completely disregarding her personal space.

As the camera crew surrounded them, the situation quickly spiraled out of control. Max fiercely told the reporters to back off, trying to protect Lexi from the invasive questions and flashing cameras. But when one reporter crossed the line, making a vile insinuation about Lexi's past, Max's anger boiled over.

"Alexandra, was your father ever abusive with you, too? Or was it just your mother?"

Without hesitation, he threw a punch at the reporter, his fist connecting with the man's face. Lexi gasped, quickly hiding behind Max in panic, feeling a mix of fear and relief at his protective stance.

Suddenly, familiar shouts echoed through the paddock, drawing the attention of the gathered crowd. Lexi's heart skipped a beat as she saw Valtteri, Toto, and Lewis emerging from the Mercedes garage, followed by Kevin, Romain, and Guenther from the Haas garage. They all looked furious, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Toto stepped forward, his voice booming with rage, "You leeches! You have no right to harass her like this!" He grabbed a camera and forcefully smashed it to the ground. "Get out of here! Leave her alone!"

Lexi felt a mix of emotions - relief at the arrival of her friends and colleagues, but also fear and embarrassment as she realized the cameras were capturing her terrified expression. As more drivers, engineers, and team principals appeared on the scene, including her friends and Charles, she felt a comforting hand on her arm, and she turned to see Christian Horner holding her and Max tightly.

"Come on," he whispered, nodding behind them. Lexi saw Daniel and Lando nearby. She nodded to them both, silently letting them know that she was okay and that she appreciated their concern. She caught sight of Charles who was searching for her in the crowd of reporters, security, fans, and drivers as the situation escalated, but relaxed once she saw Daniel run towards him, calling his name. 

Christian led them away from the chaotic scene, guiding them toward a quieter, more secluded area of the paddock. Once they were out of sight from the cameras, he turned to Lexi and Max, concern etched on his face.

"Are you both alright?" he asked gently.

Lexi nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Yes, thank you, Christian. I... I don't know what to say."

Max's anger from earlier had subsided, replaced with a mix of worry and protectiveness. "Shit, I'm sorry Lexi, I just lost my temper when...Fuck...I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." she smiled at Max. "Thanks for having my back." she turned to face Christian, confused that he'd come to her aid. "Both of you."

Christian replied simply, only confusing Alexandra more. 

"You're Camille's little's the least I can do." 


Max Verstappen's Heroic Stand - Protecting Alexandra Heroux From Paparazzi Stalkers

The F1 paddock has been buzzing with rumors and excitement surrounding Hollywood sensation Alexandra Heroux and racing superstar Max Verstappen. Drama unfolded when a group of paparazzi was seen stalking Alexandra through the paddock, but it was Max's heroic actions that captured everyone's attention.

Eyewitnesses reported that the paparazzi were relentless in their pursuit of the talented actress, invading her personal space and disregarding her boundaries. Fortunately, Max Verstappen was there to come to her rescue. Witnesses say that he confronted the paparazzi, insisting that they give Alexandra the space and privacy she deserved.

Tensions escalated as Max engaged in a heated argument with the paparazzi, and the situation took an unexpected turn when he allegedly threw a punch at one of them. Max's protective actions towards Alexandra have only fueled speculation that the two might be more than just friends.

As the commotion caught the attention of others in the paddock, Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff and other drivers and principals rushed to Alexandra and Max's aid. Witnesses say that Toto, in a fit of anger, threatened the camera crew, calling them leeches, and even broke one of the cameras as he demanded they leave Alexandra alone.

The incident has stirred debates about the ethical boundaries of media coverage in the F1 world, especially when it comes to celebrities like Alexandra. The racing community's strong support for the actress is evident, with everyone rallying around her during this challenging time.

The close bond between Alexandra and Max has been a subject of much gossip, and this recent incident has only added fuel to the speculation. Fans and media are now buzzing with excitement over the possibility of a blossoming romance between the two.

Amidst the gossip and drama, it's essential to remember that Alexandra Heroux is not just a Hollywood star but a human being deserving of respect and privacy. The paparazzi's invasive actions have raised concerns about the toll celebrity status can take on an individual's personal life.

As the F1 paddock continues to be a hub of excitement and intrigue, we'll be closely monitoring the situation to bring you the latest updates. Stay tuned for more news on Alexandra Heroux, Max Verstappen, and the drama surrounding their incredible bond.

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