Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

355K 7.8K 758

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


4.2K 87 18
By tonysnarky

July 12, 2020

Mon Ange, I've been trying to reach you, but no response. 
I saw that article. 
I'm worried about you.

July 17, 2020

Lexi, I really hope you're alright. 
You can talk to me. 
I'm here for you.

July 20, 2020

Lexi, it's been a few days, and still no word from you. 
Please let me know if you're safe. 
I'm really concerned.

July 25, 2020

Please, just a simple message to let me know you're okay.
I care about you, Mon Ange.
I don't want you to go through this alone. 
I'm here. 

July 30, 2020

Lexi, I know you might need some space, but I can't help worrying about you. 
Please, just give me a sign that you're alright.

August 19, 2020

Mon Ange, please, I'm really getting scared now. 
It's been weeks since you last replied. 
Please, reach out and let me know you're safe.
I know you haven't spoken to the others either. 
We're all worried about you. 


As Alexandra Heroux's plane touched down at the F1 grid in Hungary, she could feel her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Stepping out of the aircraft, her eyes immediately locked on Lewis, who was waiting for her with a comforting smile.

Without hesitation, she rushed towards him, tears streaming down her cheeks, and collapsed into his comforting embrace.

Lewis wrapped his arms around her fragile frame and said, "Hey, it's okay, I'm here for you."  For a moment, he was taken aback by how thin she'd become since the last time he'd seen her. Her oversized jumper failed to hide the toll that stress and emotional turmoil had taken on her body. A pang of worry shot through him, and he made a mental note to keep an eye on her eating over the next three days. 

Crying into his shoulder, Alexandra managed to say, "I don't think I can survive this, Lewis. The media won't leave me alone, and it feels like the whole world is against me."

Lewis held her tighter, reassuringly, "You're not alone, Alexandra. You're loved by so many people. We're all here to support you, no matter what. You've got to stand back up and prove everyone wrong."

Amidst her tears, she nodded, finding comfort in his words. "It's just so overwhelming, Lew. I tried to hide my past for so long, and now it's all out there, and I feel so exposed. I can't get away from it."

Lewis tilted her chin up gently, meeting her gaze. "Alexandra, you are beautiful inside and out, and there is not a day that goes by where I don't think about all the happiness that you deserve to find. You are by far the strongest person I've ever met, and the fact that you kept it bottled up inside of you for so long is incredible. But, you don't have to hide away anymore."


"Stop running from it Lex, if you keep hiding from it, it's always going to be behind you. You'll always be looking over your shoulder, searching for the next time it might appear. You owe it to yourself to move on from this." 

Lewis carefully helped Lexi to the car, making sure she was comfortable before loading her bags from the private jet into his brand-new Mercedes. As they settled into the car, Lexi pulled her legs to her chest, her hands trembling with nerves. Lewis looked at her with concern, trying to reassure her, "You don't have to face everyone at once. We'll take it step by step, okay? You'll be okay."

Lexi nodded, but the fear in her eyes remained. "I'm scared of seeing everyone, Lewis, and the cameras... It's all just too much."

Thinking quickly, Lewis suggested an idea, "How about we get all the drivers together first, somewhere private, so you can see them? We'll arrange a meeting at the FIA building on site. You'll see, everything will be fine."

She nodded again, finding some comfort in the plan, but she remained silent, still grappling with her emotions.

Using the car's Bluetooth, Lewis called Daniel, who picked up almost immediately. Lexi could hear the other drivers in the background, all hushing each other to listen in. Daniel asked with genuine concern, "Lewis, is Alexandra okay?"

 Lewis reassured him, "She's with me, and we're taking it step by step."

Lewis explained the plan to meet privately in a room at the FIA building on-site, and the drivers all agreed. As he was about to end the call, the phone was handed to someone else, and Lexi's heart clenched when she recognized Charles's broken and husky voice, as if he had been crying.

"Is she okay, Lewis?" Charles asked, his concern evident.

Lewis hesitated for a moment, shooting a look toward Lexi, who seemed frozen in shock by the emotion in Charles' voice. Of course, she'd not spoken to any of them, so she'd have no idea how badly they'd all taken it when they saw her struggling. Of course, nobody struggled more than Charles.

"Lewis, is she okay?" Charles snapped, before sighing, a sad tone emerging instead. "Please, man. I need to know."

Panicking, Lexi finally replied, "I'm here." she caught her breath in her throat for a minute as she heard complete silence on the other end of the line. "I'm here. I'm okay. I'm sorry." she repeated, her anxiety taking over.

There was a moment of silence, the emotions heavy in the air, before Daniel intervened to end the call, saying goodbye on behalf of everyone. 

Almost immediately, Lexi span to face Lewis, who was trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the road. "Lewis, what's wrong with Charles?"

Lewis let out a sigh, contemplating how to put his feelings into words. "Charles is just as concerned about you as the rest of the drivers. You cutting off contact with all of them hurt them, but they all understand why you needed some space. I think Charles just took it the hardest."

Confused, Lexi furrowed her brow and urged Lewis to elaborate. "What do you mean, Lewis?"

Lewis looked at her with empathy in his eyes. "Lexi, a month is a long time to go no contact with people who care about you deeply. Charles, in particular. He told me the last time he saw you, you were both driving to the airport for you to go to the Met Gala. You were singing songs in the car, laughing, and then all of a sudden you vanished."

Lexi's heart sank as she recalled that moment. It seemed like a lifetime ago, and the weight of her actions hit her like a ton of bricks. "I didn't mean to hurt him," she said softly, her voice tinged with regret. "Or you, or anyone else."

Lewis reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know you didn't, Lexi. But seeing those paparazzi pictures of you crying outside the airport, it broke him. He felt like he couldn't do anything to help you, and it hurt him to see you in such pain."

Lexi felt a mix of emotions welling up inside her. Guilt, regret, and gratitude for the care and concern Charles and the other drivers had shown her. She knew she needed to explain her side of the story, to let them know that she valued their friendship and that she hadn't meant to shut them out completely.

As they drove towards the FIA building for their private meeting, Lexi knew that facing the drivers again wouldn't be easy. But somehow, she had a feeling that seeing Charles again would be much, much worse. 


As Lexi and Lewis entered the FIA building, the drivers gathered around, their expressions reflecting sadness and concern as they saw Lexi in person. Each of them noticed specific changes in her appearance that had been brought on by the weight loss, stress, and exhaustion she had endured over the past month.

Carlos noticed how her once radiant eyes seemed dull and tired, lacking the usual spark that defined her vibrant personality. He embraced her into a tight hug, terrified he'd break her if he held on too tightly.

Pierre gently touched her trembling hands as he hugged her, noticing how frail they felt compared to the usual strength they exuded.

Lando observed how her shoulders seemed burdened as if she had been carrying the weight of the world on her back. 

Sergio noticed the paleness of her complexion, contrasting starkly with her normally healthy and radiant glow.

As Lexi went around the room, hugging each driver, she began to silently cry, apologizing over and over again for shutting them out. But the drivers quickly embraced her with warmth and understanding.

When she reached George, he pulled her into a tight hug, whispering softly, "I've got you, love." Those simple words were all it took for Lexi to break down into sobs, finding comfort in his embrace. George held her upright as she collapsed into his chest, providing the support she needed, as the rest of the drivers watched on in confusion and concern.

As she clung to George, Lexi felt a mix of emotions flooding over her. She was grateful for the care and support the drivers were showing her, but at the same time, she felt guilty for pushing them away and worried about how they must have felt during her time of isolation.

"I'm sorry," she cried. "I'm so fucking sorry."

As Lexi tearfully apologized for cutting contact with them, Carlos stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Lexi, there's no need to apologize," he said with a gentle smile. "We understand why you needed some time to yourself. But you don't have to keep doing this alone. We're here for you, no matter what."

Max nodded in agreement, concern evident in his eyes. "Absolutely. Just let us know what you need, and we'll make it happen."

With a deep breath, Lexi expressed her needs to her supportive friends. "I need to stay away from the cameras and stay as lowkey as possible. The constant media attention has been overwhelming, and I can't handle it right now."

As she looked around the room, she noticed that Charles wasn't present, and a flicker of worry crossed her face. Sebastian noticed her gaze and spoke up, "Charles is outside, dealing with the media to give you some space. He'll join us in a few minutes."

Alexandra nodded in understanding. 

As if on cue, the doors opened, and Charles walked into the room his eyes falling upon Lexi. He couldn't help but freeze in his tracks. 

He took in her appearance, noticing the changes that had taken place during her time away - her collar bones more prominent, her body trembling with nerves. But it was her eyes that captured his attention the most - the usual glint that radiated with life and energy had been replaced with a haunting emptiness.

His heart broke at the sight, and without thinking, he whispered her name. 


Lexi nodded in response, ready to speak, but before she could utter a word, Charles rushed forward and pulled her into a tight hug, lifting her off the floor as she tucked her face into his shoulder. He caught the familiar scent of her vanilla perfume, and in a soft, tender voice, he whispered to her in French, "I've missed you so much, my angel. Please don't ever scare me like that again. You broke my heart."

Lexi held on tightly to him, her tears flowing freely, and she whispered back, "I'm sorry, Charles. I never meant to hurt any of you."

He held her even closer, his voice filled with emotion, "You don't have to apologize, Lexi. We're here for you. I lo...We love you and care about you."

Although Lexi didn't notice his words, their friends did, and Pierre looked at Carlos and Max with raised eyebrows.

"I've got you Mon Ange, I've got you."


Later in the paddock, Lexi found herself reuniting with Toto Wolff, who visibly sighed with relief upon seeing her. "Lexi, thank goodness you're okay," he said, pulling her into a gentle hug. "Susie had to convince me not to fly to London and kidnap you."

She managed a smile, "I'm fine, Toto. Just needed some time to sort things out."

Immediately, Toto's concern shifted to her well-being, "You need to eat something, Lexi. It's essential to get your strength back. You're skinnier than a ferret."

Lexi awkwardly chuckled, "I promise, I'm going to eat soon. But I wanted to see you first. I've missed you, you know." she grinned.

Toto's eyes softened with understanding, "I appreciate that, Lexi, but you need to take care of yourself. I want you to go to see Janine in the cafeteria, and ask her for one of Toto's secret favorites." 

Lexi grinned and raised her eyebrows, and the team principal laughed. "What? Susie wanted us to both go on a diet." he shrugged. "I may be getting old, but I'm not getting stupid. She can't take away my chocolate cake."

"I'll go see her, I promise." Alexandra smiled, genuinely and warmly. 

Toto's face fell into a serious gaze.

 "Racing this weekend requires you to meet a certain weight, and if you're too light, you won't be able to drive the car."

She nodded, realizing the implications of her weight loss on her ability to race. "I think I've lost too much weight to race this time." she sighed. "But I'd like to try anyway. Can we get someone to be ready to step in though?" Toto nodded.

"Of course." Feeling grateful for Toto's understanding and support, Lexi knew she was in good hands. Toto and the team were willing to stand by her as she navigated through this difficult period, and she knew she could count on them to guide her out of her dark mindset. "Alexandra. You look exhausted. You need to rest." He sternly told her. 

"I know, Toto, I know."


Lexi sat alone in the back of the Mercedes canteen, away from the prying eyes of cameras, as she toyed with her plate of food. Lost in her thoughts, she was surprised when Max Verstappen appeared in front of her, taking a seat at the table.

She couldn't help but tease him playfully, "What are you doing here in the Mercedes building, Max? Are you trying to infiltrate the enemy territory?"

Max smirked and shrugged, "Well, they have better food here, so why not?" he said, trying to lighten the mood, watching with a furrowed eyebrow as she pushed the plate away from her, not being able to stomach the food.

Lexi smiled, appreciating the humor that Max brought with him. "You have a point there," she replied, gesturing for him to join her at the table.

He sat down, his eyes observing her for a moment before he spoke hesitantly, "Can I tell you something, Lexi? Something private?"

Her curiosity piqued, and she nodded, "Of course, Maxie. You can tell me anything."

Max took a deep breath and began opening up about his childhood and his relationship with his father, Jos Verstappen. He shared how their relationship had been troubled, filled with challenges and disagreements. He spoke of the pressure he felt growing up in the racing world, always trying to prove himself and live up to his father's legacy and dreams.

As he shared his struggles and vulnerabilities, Lexi listened intently, realizing the weight of the emotions he was carrying. She could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke, and she felt a sense of connection with him at that moment. They were both carrying their own burdens and traumas, finding solace in each other's understanding.

"I'm sorry, Max," she whispered softly when he finished speaking. "I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you. How difficult it still is for you."

Max sighed, a mix of emotions evident on his face. "It was tough, but I'm learning to navigate it. It helps to have people who understand, like you." he paused. "There's a reason I'm telling you this." he sighed. 

"I know."

"I saw the article about Jacob, Lex. With the picture of him hurting your mother. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry you had to go through that, but that you're not alone. I understand it all too well. And I'm here if you need to talk about it." his voice was barely a whisper now. Lexi reached out instinctively and grasped his hand tightly. 

"Thank you, Max," she whispered. "You're a good person, you know. No matter what he tries to make you out to be. You're a good person, and a good friend." her eyes welled with tears. "I'm here for you too, you know."

He stood up and moved toward her, pulling her from the table and engulfing her in a tight hug. "We've got this Lex," he murmured. "We can do this."


Alexandra Heroux's Emotional Arrival at F1 Grid in Hungary

The F1 grid in Hungary has become the center of attention this weekend as Hollywood starlet Alexandra Heroux made a surprise appearance, bringing with her a rollercoaster of emotions.

Upon her arrival, Alexandra was warmly embraced by her childhood friend and F1 legend, Lewis Hamilton, at the airport. Witnessed by onlookers, they shared an emotional hug, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her presence on the grid certainly caught everyone's attention, leaving fans wondering what brought her to this adrenaline-fueled event.

Later, the paparazzi spotted Alexandra in the paddock, sharing an intimate moment with none other than F1 star Max Verstappen. The two were engrossed in a hushed conversation, sparking speculation that there may be more to their connection than meets the eye. Could romance be blossoming between the two racing enthusiasts?

While Alexandra seemed to be mingling with the drivers, observers noted a certain reservation and quietness among them. Her arrival seemed to have had a profound effect on the F1 community, who are now expressing deep concern for the Hollywood actress.

Sources at the paddock have revealed that the drivers are extremely worried for Alexandra's well-being. They noticed her not eating and looking exhausted, sparking fears that she might not be taking care of herself amidst the ongoing media storm. Witnessing her in person, they were shocked by the significant weight loss and the strain she appeared to be under.

Thankfully, it seems the F1 drivers are rallying around Alexandra, trying to offer her support and help her through this difficult time. The tight-knit racing community is determined to be there for her, proving that sometimes, the strongest bonds are formed in the most unexpected circumstances.

As the F1 race unfolds, our thoughts are with Alexandra Heroux. Let's hope the support and friendship from the racing world will give her the strength she needs to navigate through these challenging times. Stay tuned as we keep you updated on all the latest developments from the F1 grid in Hungary!


❤️ Liked by 8.4M people

@GossipGate: Breaking News: Alexandra Heroux (Jenkins) will not be racing at the F1 this weekend, due to not making the neccesary weight.

Instead, she'll be replaced by another stunt driver.

After the news broke, we spotted her outside her trying to hide in the Paddock, in tears.

Was this the final straw for alexandra?

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