
By Elijahtheshagger

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After being disowned by her parents, fifteen year old Serena Verlice finds herself in a toxic relationship wi... More

End of the line
Girl's girl
Hour glass
Trouble in paradise
Separate ways
Cat and mouse
Two truths and a lie
As it was
Red herring
Lead up
Drunk actions, sober thoughts
Running out of time
Truths and revelations
Past lives
Slip up
Out at sea
The question
Cause, effect
The concert
Dead man walking
Domino effect
Soul ties


8.4K 182 119
By Elijahtheshagger

"Would you pick up your shit," I roll my eyes, chucking a pile of dirty laundry in Tyler's room. 

"Ugh why are you yelling this early," He groans, rubbing his eyes. "It's three pm you lazy shit," I reply, shutting his door before heading down the hall in the direction of the sound of talking in the living room.

I enter the large open floor kitchen, wincing as the bright sun shines through the floor to ceiling windows.

"I thought we agreed to keep the curtains shut today," I mumble, still reeling from the worst hangover I've ever experience.

I turn, wondering why nobodies replying only to see Lucien on the sofa with his tongue down Harper's throat.

"Uh hum," I clear my throat loudly, causing Harper to pull away from Lucian who doesn't seem too pleased with my presence.

He glares at me before attempting to resume kissing Harper, only to be swatted away. "Stop," She giggles. "Sorry Emilio," She apologies, smiling at me as I walk to the fridge. 

"Don't listen to him, he's just mad he can't keep a girl," He snorts, causing Harper to scold him quietly.

I recently just got out of a seven month relationship with this girl back in England. I loved her, or I thought I did.

I gave her everything, all my time and attention as well as buying her literally anything she could wish for but It wasn't enough.

She was the artistic type, always drawing or journaling and one day whilst I was waiting for her to get out of the shower I spotted her journal, open and laying out on her pillow.

I know I shouldn't have but the curiosity was killing me so I read the open page. Imagine my surprise when I read page after page of her declaring her love for my brother.

Her journal was an homage to Lucian, with in depth paragraphs admiring every aspect of him as well as a detailed log tracking his every movement and pages of her brainstorming ideas of how to get rid of his girlfriend, Harper.

Let's just say the relationship ended pretty quickly after that.

When I told Lucien he thought it was the funniest shit he's ever heard, laughing hysterically and still joking about it till this day.

I would never admit it but it hurts much more than I've ever let on which is why over the past few months our relationship has been strained to say the least.

The more rational side of me realises that it's not his fault but I still hold a lot of resentment towards him which is why when we moved here my dad insisted on us living in the same villa, hoping we'd work out our differences.

I agreed to help my dad with his business solely because I wanted to get out of London and escape any memories of her. Besides I didn't have any purpose over there, I had no reason to get a job and it was getting boring sitting around doing nothing all day.

Lucian however was very defiant about involving himself in the mafia, not wanting to leave the life he made with Harper in London. But after my uncle Dante was killed in an ambush it became apparent that they needed the extra hand around here.

With the rise of independent cartels in the area who all want to take down us; their most powerful competition, it's become more and more dangerous by the day.

"Dad wants to see us," Lucian calls out, one arm wrapped around Harper as he scrolls through his phone. "When?" I ask absentmindedly, making myself a sandwich.

"About ten minutes," He yawns, causing me to snap my head in his direction. "Ten minutes?" I question angrily. "You couldn't have told me this earlier?" I ask, my voice slightly raised. 

He just shrugs, ignoring me. "We should probably get going," He tells Harper, kissing her on the cheek before stranding up.

I roll my eyes, ditching my half made sandwich and heading towards the door. 

"I'm driving," I state, palming the keys of my Lamborghini as we walk towards the garage. "Nah I wanna take the Jag," He replies, already texting Harper even though we only left like thirty seconds ago.

He heads towards his car, expecting me to follow him but I don't, instead heading towards mine. "It doesn't make sense for us to take two cars," He snorts, standing at his door after finally noticing I wasn't behind him.

"Come on," He says, nodding his head in the direction of his passenger seat. 

See the problem with Lucian is that he thinks he's the 'leader', he always has. Even when we were little it was him in charge and me following but fuck that, I'm tired of him thinking he has any type of authority over me.

I ignore him, climbing into my car and sitting down on the leather seat. I'm already driving out of the garage before Lucian even has time to start his up.

I speed down the narrow streets of Italy, weaving in and out of traffic as Lucian follows behind me. He attempts to overpass me and I laugh when he's unable to do so.

He may be better than me in England but things are different over here, I'm more efficient in training, shooting and racing.

I pull up in front of my parent's massive mansion, the large pillars towering over me as I ring the doorbell.

"Emi," My mum greets, pulling me into a hug. "I've missed you," She smiles, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I saw you two days ago," I laugh before kissing her cheek and pushing my way into the foyer. "Where's Lucian?" She asks, closing the front door.

"He's on his way," I snort, heading up the granite staircase and in the direction of my dad's office. 

"Dad?" I call out, knocking on the large mahogany door. "Come in," He replies.

I enter the office, slightly taken aback by the thick cloud of smoke in the air. "Chain smoking?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the dozens of cigarettes discarded across his ash tray.

"Are you okay?" I ask, noticing his dishevelled look and prominent eye bags. "Yes yes," He nods. "Sit down," He orders, motioning towards the armchair in front of his desk.

'Where's your brother," He sighs, just now noticing that there's only one of us here. "I'm right here," Lucian replies before I get the chance, looking pissed as he storms into the office.

"Could you try and not be late next time son," Dad says, running a stressed hand through his hair before reaching into his desk to pull out a file.

"Sorry the police got reports of two cars racing in the streets and I got pulled over," He glares at me before collapsing down into the chair.

My dad hums in understanding but it's obvious he's not even listening. Normally he'd scold for driving recklessly but I guess he's too stressed to care right now. 

"Right," He clears his throat. "I need you boys to command a group of men to eliminate this cartel's warehouse where they're currently storing all their drugs," He reveals, chucking the file in our direction.

"No survivors," He clarifies reluctantly.

I can tell having us involved with this is really effecting him because him and mum have tried their hardest to keep us out of it our entire lives. But since there's so many moles in the mafia right now we're apart of the select few he can trust with this.

"Alright when do you want it done?" Lucian asks, leaning over to light himself a cig.


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