Desperate Affairs

By georgiapeach_30513

5.2K 200 133

Engaged to Andy Barber, and deeming him too safe, and only wanting to be intimate to get you pregnant, you st... More

Is That How Good Girls Answer?
Makes Perfect Sense
Don't Walk Away From Me
And The Father Is...?
I Want the Truth
Meeting The Thrombey's
Andy's Phone Call
Go Strategies
Which One?
Start From the Beginning
Jake Jensen
Safe Place
What Exactly Are My Options?
Dr. Barnes
New Beginnings
Girl Talk
Daddy's Good Girl
Favors With a Price
Her Eyes
That Night
I Think you Know Why
Two Most Important Men in Your Life
Mrs. Barber
That Bad, Huh?
Just Friends
You Might Be Surprised
I Heard That
His Good Girl
You're Prepared
What Did You Do?
I'll Get What I Want
Things Are Going To Change
Need Your Assisstance
I Love Her
Be A Good Girl
I'm Not
Three Days
I've Waited Long Enough
I'm the Lucky One
I'm Not Wearing That
Begging You to Let Me Take You Out
Because of You
I Know All Too Well
It's Been A Long Day
You Have A Deal
Before Christmas
It's Time
It Was All Worth It
We'll See

Only If You Want To

80 2 2
By georgiapeach_30513

Summary: Painting and Wine with the girls, has you going off with Curtis

Pairings: Curtis Everett X Reader

Rating: Explict

Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of PTSD, therapy dog, jealous Ransom, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.1K

You sip your sparkling grape juice giggling at Becca's pitiful joke. Picking up your paint brush you let the brush and paint glide over the canvas. Sarah and Bucky had suggested a daytime girls' day with wine and painting, but of course, you're still refusing to drink. Nat drops her brush, taking a sip of her red wine, and she leans back watching you. You're so caught up in the way that the paint flows and mixes together, a mess that somehow makes something beautiful.

When you reach to take a sip of your drink you catch her blue eyes watching you, "What?"

"You seem calmer than usual."

You give her a small smirk returning to your canvas, "The painting helps," once the other women realize where she's going with this conversation they stop, looking over at you. "What?" you ask smiling over your glass.

"Sure, it has nothing to do with long legged cop?" Becca gives you a wink.

Wanda leans over you, "You don't have to answer that."

"I'm not," you return to your painting but none of the others do. With a sigh, your shoulders sag. "Okay, what is it now?"

Nat's eyes never leave you when she takes a sip of her wine, "How many dates has it been now?"

"A few. He has a weird schedule."

"I think it's at six now?" when you look up at her, surprised that not only is he keeping count but letting his sister know. "Don't look so shocked. He and I are close. So how is it?"

"Natasha!" Sarah hits at her shoulder. "You definitely don't need to answer that," she turns to give her a look, "That's your brother," but Nat only shrugs still looking at you.

"Not that it's appropriate to discuss your brother's sex life with you, but I can safely say, I wouldn't know."

"So, you don't want to?" you ignore the question, returning to your painting. "Or is it because you're still hung up on the pretty boy? He still comes over to spend time with his daughters?"

"Don't try to explain complicated situations. They don't always make sense. How about we continue painting," Sarah tries to the move the conversation along.

"He knows. Why do you think he's not pushed you into sex," she begins painting again, and now you're the one that is staring at her, and calmly she ignores you. "He's a good guy. If it makes you feel better a lifelong committed relationship scares him. He enjoys women, clearly, but with his job he's never wanted something too serious. He doesn't want to leave someone behind," her eyes finally look at you. "That's why he likes you. Your heart belongs to someone else. So, should something happen, he's not left you behind alone, broken hearted and mourning him."

"I'm not..."

"You very much are in love with Ransom. Has Curtis got to spend time with the girls?" you shake your head no. "Have you spent less time letting all these men at your house? Don't know why I'm asking. I know you have. They babysit at one of their houses now. He had thought you would let him stay."

"I don't need Aster and Iris to get attached."

"And you're afraid that they would?" Becca leans over her canvas to look at her.

"He's not unhappy. He likes things being a bit more casual with you," You get another quick smile from Nat.

"Don't you dare say it," Wanda warns her with a laugh.

"But you could reward him."

You laugh at her, trying to ignore what she said. Everyone returning to their painting. Conversation much lighter, the other girls giggling once the wine goes through their system. Almost losing sight of the discussion from earlier, when you begin cleaning up. Bucky already walking through the doors, "I heard you guys might have had too much to drink."

"Buck, you didn't have to. I haven't drunk," with a smile he tilts his head towards the door, and you notice the towering presence of Curtis in the doorway giving you a slight wave with his hand.

"You were going to be unavailable to drive everyone. I'll make sure they all get home safely. Enjoy yourself," he leans in a bit closer, and you finally look back at Bucky, "He means well. Don't take things too seriously, and just have fun."

Giving him a big smile, you walk towards Curtis, "What are you doing here?"

"I had today off, and you blew me off for a couple of hours for painting and wine. Thought I would pick you up, if you had drunk."

"I didn't."

"I see that. But since I'm here..."

"I can spend time with you. Aster and Iris are with Ransom at the Thrombey's."

Turning around he casually grabs a hold of your hand to walk you to his truck. "Does that mean I get you the rest of the day?" when you nod your head, he gives you a genuine smile. "Good. I have an idea, I talked with Bucky about it. Checked with your landlord, and it's okay," he laughs when you give him a look, "I'm not creepy. I just have experience in PTSD."

"I don't..."

"It's okay. You and your daughters were kidnapped. Not to mention everything else. It's just a suggestion. We don't have to do anything..." with the talk with Nat you're unsure of what he's referring to, especially knowing no one is at your apartment. Sensing your unease he laughs, "It's not that. Not that I'm opposed to that, but you don't really think Bucky would suggest sex, or even that I would be discussing that with your landlord. Just, trust me. And if you think it's going to be too much, I won't be offended."

You choose to trust him. He's never given you a reason to before then, so you relax. His eyes on the road, but he sees your body soften, your arm relaxed on the arm rest, and he sets his beside yours. His pinky wiggling around on your hand until you take his in yours, and he gives you a quick squeeze, hearing your soft singing to the music, until you pull up to a house. "What are we doing?"

"Going to introduce you to some...well, come on," you follow him out of the car, and he doesn't hesitate to grab your hand. "Again, open mind. Even if you choose not to take a souvenir today, I think you'll enjoy it."

This just gives you more questions than answers. You highly doubt that there's souvenirs at this house. The closer you get the tighter his grip gets, and then you hear the barking. The dogs outside excited about new people. "A puppy?" you excitedly ask.

"I wasn't thinking puppy. You do have small children, they have some trained older dogs," he opens up the gate, and the site of all the happy dogs running towards you make you giggle. Puppies and dogs of different sizes and color rushes up to you two, and Curtis gives a wave to the owners. "This is my friend, Y/N. She's the one I had mentioned."

"Well, enjoy the dogs, if you're interested let me know. They're good therapy dogs," he walks away and you smile up at Curtis, releasing your hand you walk around letting all the dogs follow you. All but one, a bit shy, but his whole body shakes when you walk closer to him, waiting on you before he lets you pet him. "Border collies," Curtis tells you. "They're good herders so will be great with the twins, they're loyal, protective, easy to train, smart, and they sense changes in their owner's mood."

Your gaze leaves the little guy who refuses to go come to you, to look at Curtis. Smiling at him, "You really thought about this?"

"I have a lot of free time at work sometimes," his head flicks to the dog you've been eyeing. "I think that one is waiting on you to tell him you're ready," you take a gulp looking back at the white and red merle border collie. Leaning down on his shoulders, his tail wags fast at you, and he opens his mouth for a tongue to flop out.

Giving a quick pat to your thigh, and "Come 'ere, boy," the dog bounds towards you. Standing up on his hind legs to hold on to your hips. You cannot handle how beautiful his near clear blue eyes shine at you. Dropping down to sit on the grass, the other dogs go back to Curtis, giving you time alone with this little guy. "Who's a good boy?" you ask and his tongue licks all over your face. His body bouncing all over you in excitement, and you just know you can't leave this little guy behind.

Curtis sits beside you on the grass, but the dog never pays him any mind, until he gets closer to you. His movements freeze when he looks at Curtis, and then back at you. "He's okay. If he didn't bring me here, I wouldn't have met you," leaning closer to you slowly, the little guy still pauses, his body tensing up when Curtis's arm wraps around you. You turn to give him a quick kiss, allowing Curtis to deepen it a bit before you pull away, "See. He's a friend," the dog eases up to Curtis, his eyes checking out the man that dared get too close. Sneezing on him, before he looks back at you, tail wagging. "Do I get to keep him?"

Curtis laughs, "Yes. He's yours. When you name him."

You check to make sure he is in fact a boy, giving the dog a quick kiss to his forehead before booping his snoot, "Your name is Axel."


You shrug your shoulder on Curtis, "Seems appropriate, creepy axe man."

"I'm just glad that Ransom made sure your apartment has the fenced in back yard. This boy is going to have a lot of energy, little one. I'm sure that the twins will keep him busy. I'll just have to come over more to help him burn some energy," you aren't missing what he's implying. He wants to be around more. He wants to insert himself in your odd family as much as possible. "I'll even put up with all these men that are always at your apartment. Even if Jake decides to sleep on the couch," he leans to nip at your neck, "If I get to sleep in your bed."

"Curtis!" you squeak, leaning away from him. "Axel sensing your unease, sits still your lap, his crystal eyes looking up at someone he's seeing as the enemy.

"Uncomfortable?" you shake your head no. "Would you prefer Jake sleeping in your bed?" he gets another shake of no. "I don't want to share the couch with him. We could put Axel in between us."

"Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?" he leans forward to softly kiss you.

"What about dessert?" he asks giving you another slow peck. "At least a nightcap. Axel in between us."


Making an easy supper you watch Curtis set up Axel's new things. Walking him around just to make sure he knows where everything is. Even adding a bed into yours and the twin's room. When the reality of having Curtis eat dinner with Jake, Steve, Ransom, and possibly Frank makes you hesitate for a moment, Axel trots into the kitchen, his eyes looking up at you, "It's okay boy, just nervous," Curtis's thick arms snake around your body, and his lips kiss at your neck, and pressing his chest into your back.

"If you want me to leave, I will."

"You're fine," your voice whispers, surrendering to his lips on you. "It's just new. They're intense."

"I'm used to intense. Not worried about it. Or are you worried about Ransom seeing us together?" after flipping the chicken in the pan, you spin your body to look up at him, Axel's eyes still stare up at you. "I don't care that you're not fully mine."

"That's not fair."

He shrugs his shoulders, "It's okay. I usually end up finding unavailable women to date," wrapping your hands around his neck you pull him down to you for a kiss. Pressing your lips against his, you don't waver, and lick along his lips, and thrilled at the intrusion he returns the motion, finally tasting you. His body slides the two of you away from the stove before he's lifting you up to the counter, yelping in surprise Axel barks up at Curtis and you two laugh in your embrace.

"He's fine, buddy," you coo down at him. "Such a good boy."

"He's not the only one being good," Curtis moans kissing along your neck, but you push him off you. "What?"

"I asked you not to say that to me."

"I'm sorry. I forgot about that," when he leans back to look at you, you know he's not just saying the words. "Kinda ruined this moment, didn't I?" but you lean forward to gently kiss his nose, before you tilt his chin up to kiss his lips.

"Nope. But I do need to get dinner finished before everyone gets here. Ransom is on his ways with Aster and Iris."

He helps you down, and leaning over you give Axel behind the ear scratches before washing your hands to finish supper. Curtis throws a ball down the hallway for Axel, his eyes constantly looking at you while you finish supper and set the table. Waiting for Ransom just to walk in with Jake and Steve usually shortly behind, but when the door knocks, you know it isn't Ransom. "I'll get it," Curtis answers since you're still busy, and it's Jake.

"Steve's with Ransom, creepy axe man."

"I have a name," Jake shrugs and gasps when he sees the dog.

"You got a puppy?!"

"He's fully grown."

Jake's eyes narrow at Curtis, but he drops to his knees and Axel's tongue licks all over Jake. "They're all puppies axe man."

"Jake! Quit calling him axe man, his name is Curtis," you yell walking into the living room now that everything is settled for the moment.

"And who is this good boy? Oh my gosh, he's precious."

"This is Axel. Curtis thought a dog would be a good therapy for my PTSD that I apparently have."

Jake looks at Curtis with a soft smile and then back at you, "Well yeah. You were kidnapped with your daughters, kept in a windowless building with two men that you had never met. One of those men followed you around when you were married and... I'm going to shut up," he finishes looking at Curtis. "So, how's the dating going?"

"She's hesitant to fully give herself to me. But I got in for family dinner."

"Wow, you two talk, while I take Axel outside."

"I'll go with you," Curtis answers, but you push him back. "I'll stay here then," when you leave Jake and Curtis mostly stare at one another.

"Not fully given herself to you?" he nods his head. "You hurt her. I hurt you."

"Can't hurt someone who's heart isn't in it."

Narrowing his eyes at Curtis he circles his body, "You can still hurt her, but that doesn't bother you?"

"Did it bother you?"

"Touche, axe man."

The two of them sit on the couch mostly in silence. Jake flicking through the channels, and Curtis watching how comfortable he is in your apartment. "How often you stay here?" Jake just smiles, not looking at him.

"Not that often. I usually only stay when she's having a hard day. When she's on edge, I don't like leaving her. She has nightmares, and doesn't sleep much. She checks on the twins throughout the night, still."

"That's why the dog. He's already bonded with her."

"You mean well, Curtis," Jake gives him a wink. "But she's in love with Ransom."

"I know. He just doesn't want to do anything about it. She shouldn't have to sit and wait on him."

Jake turns off the tv to look at him. "What if she was just using you to make Ransom jealous?"

"I thought of that," he shrugs. "I've never dated someone that was available. Whether physically or emotionally. A true committed relationship is scary."

"She wants that."

"With him."

"Should she want that with you?"

This isn't something that Curtis hasn't thought about. Every date seems to knock more of your walls down, but you still don't fully give him all your emotions. "I doubt I could give that to her. I enjoy our time together, but a family isn't something I want."

"She has kids."

"With him. I watched her ex take his last breath. He deserved everything he got and more. Don't regret it. Men like him disgust me. He didn't deserve the life she gave him. Ransom should adopt Iris. Those are his daughters. I don't want that."

Jake scowls at him. "But she has kids. She has a family."

"But the responsibility lies with Ransom."

"But you're involved. She's a package deal."

"We're not going to be serious. I know that our relationship is only a few pages in her life story."

"You bought her a dog. You are wanting to have dinner where her daughters will be there. You're in. You realize that right?" Curtis doesn't get to respond; he mostly ponders this when Ransom and Steve walk in. Ransom holding onto the hands of his daughters when he walks in. His eyes scanning the room and not seeing you when he views Curtis. "We have company tonight," Jake smiles, giving Ransom a silent warning to be nice. "She also has a surprise."

"If you're here to tell me she's pregnant, I'll kill you," Ransom glares at Curtis who looks away.

"She's fine. She just got her shot a week ago. She told you that when you questioned her," Steve reminds him.

"We're not having sex."

Breathlessly you walk through the door, holding tight to Axel's leash and the girls turn around squealing. Aster repeatedly says dog and points. "You got a dog?" Ransom asks, walking back from the dog, still holding both the girls' hands.

"Yeah," you watch him walking away, and Axel pulls harder on the leash to get to Ransom and the twins. "Are you scared?"

"It looks wild."

"He's not wild. Axel is just excited about Aster and Iris being excited."

Ransom gives you an annoyed look when you say his name. The girls pull at his hands to go see the dog, but he holds tighter until you tilt your head. They waddle over to Axel and give him mostly gentle pats, his tongue licks all over their faces, until his attention is back on Ransom. His tail wagging so hard it shakes his body. "He wants to see you, Ran."

"I don't do dogs."

Even with him saying that, he wants to get to Ransom. "Ran, just let him smell you."

"He's very protective of her," Curtis assures him. "He just wants to make sure you mean her no harm."

"He can go check Steve. I don't do dogs," with those bright blue eyes that shine at him, Ransom's stance softens a bit, and he squeezes his eyes shut, extending a hand. Still holding onto his leash, you walk over to Ransom, Axel sniffs around his hand, sneezing on it, before he sits down staring up at Ransom. Disgusted at the sneeze Ransom crinkles his nose, holding his hand up, he walks to the sink to wash his hands, "Now, go check Steve out," Axel still stares up at him calmly. "If you're like that you're not bad. Just stay. Sit."

"Can I take him off his leash?" Ransom nods, sitting down, and Axel walks beside him. Sitting down beside him so close that his body touches his leg, and the girls go and pet along his body, giggling with each lick he gives them. "Watch them, while I get supper out."

Ransom looks at Axel before to Curtis, returning to look back at his daughters. "Frank coming?" he shouts at you.

"No. He's busy, all the winterizing of the boats."

"Want me to keep the twins tonight? You seem busy."

Walking back in you see him and Curtis almost glaring at the other. "I'm not," Ransom huffs. Annoyed and not feeling as at ease as he normally does, but Curtis still just sits sprawled out. His hand rubbing on his thigh, and he looks up at you, too. With it being too close to supper, and not wanting to further irritate Ransom you don't take his bait to sit on his lap. "Would you care to meet me in the dining room to talk?" you ask Ransom.

"No. We can discuss this in front of everyone," with a slap of Iris's hand on his knee, he picks her up, and she snuggles into him. "I don't mind keeping the girls if you need adult time."

"Man, I think you're reading too much..."

"This doesn't concern you," he points at Curtis. "I don't care, I just find it odd that he's here. This is supposed to be our family time. At least allow me more time with them, and you two can do whatever."

"Ran, they're staying here. You had them last night, and then all day today. They need to be at home," he frowns, but drops it. "Dinner is ready," still holding onto Iris he stands, grabbing ahold of Aster's hand that she holds up to him, and Axel follows him "Why is this dog following me?"

"Maybe he likes the twins," you giggle.

Ransom doesn't stay long after dinner, usually he lingers until bedtime, but when he stands to leave, Steve follows so he can get back home. Jake plays around with the twins and Axel who bounces around over Jake laying in the floor. When Aster lets out a long yawn, Jake helps get the two of them in bed, whispering to you while Curtis still waits in the living room. "Is tonight the night?"


"He's staying around, hoping it is."

"No, he's not."

"You're not only an idiot, but you're naïve. At least be safe, just in case, okay?" he gives you a kiss to your temple, handing you a condom packet, but when you start to object, "I know you get the shot. But that just prevents pregnancy. safe,"

"You're ridiculous, but fine," you take the packet as he walks out of their room, you stay behind. Taking a deep breath, you turn on the sound machine before walking out, Curtis still sets on the couch, his legs spread in an inviting way when you walk out.

You stop at the doorway to look at him. "Uncomfortable?" you shake your head no, biting your lip, and he rubs along his thigh. "Axel," he pats on the couch and the dog jumps up beside him. In his own way, he's telling you that Axel will be in between you. "Are you tired?"


"Then come 'ere," you walk closer to him, and he pulls your hand down, so you're sitting on his thigh. "There ya go, little one," his hand wraps around your neck to pull you down to his lips, and you can't help but to mold your body into him. "They sleep all night long?"

"All night?"

"The dog can stay in between us."

"You're sure?" he gives you another quick kiss before whispering yes, and you stand, pulling him up with you.

"Already?" you hold both his hands, walking backwards into the bedroom, Axel right on his heels, and he leans forward to give you another kiss, and when you stop in the hallway, his hands grip around you before picking you up, and holds your legs around his waist, pulling away from your lips, "Uncomfortable?"


Once the two of you get in the room, he holds the door open for Axel, closing in behind him. Axel goes to his bed, and he lays you down, crawling over your body, before fully lowering down on you, continuing to kiss along your lips, moving down your neck, pushing aside your dress to kiss along your chest, lifting up only to ask another, "Uncomfortable?"

"No," you pant, and he returns to ghosting kisses down your body. Your hands smooth over his buzz cut, your thighs spread more, bending your knees beside his thick body, your hands slide under his shirt, carding up his back, pushing back, you look up at him, and he smiles at you. "It's not that I'm uncomfortable."

"You don't want sex?"

"Not yet."

"That's fine. Axel," he calls down at the pillow, "Come on, boy," he pats on the bed, and Axel jumps up, moving beside you, he rests his head on your stomach. "I told you. He would be in between us. Do you mind if I stay the night?"


"Want me gone before the kids wake up?"

"Only if you want to."

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