Meant To Be

By Romantic_Storiesz

1.6K 8 0

In 1945 Claire comes back from the war and finds out about some terrible things. Again and again she sees it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

87 0 0
By Romantic_Storiesz

Chapter title- Battles

•Claire's Pov•
~Day Of First Battle, Prestonpans~
"Jamie," I whisper.
We're still in bed and my head is on Jamie's chest.
"What is it, Mo Graidh?"
"Promise me you'll be safe..."
He lifts my chin and stroked my hair.
"I'm going to war Sassenach, I canna make that promise,"
I feel the tears coming in my eyes.
"Just don't take any unnecessary risks,"
He kisses my head and holds me close.
"Promise me Jamie. Promise me I won't lose you, not now not ever,"
I look at him and I can see he has trouble with the promise.
"I promise,"
I nod and close my eyes again.
He strokes my back gently and after a few minutes he sits up.
"Kiss me Claire. I won't to go the battle wi'out yer kisses on me,"
I kiss his lips and he softly moans.
I continue to his neck, chest and end on his stomach.
"I should get dressed," he whispers and gets out of bed.
He grabs his shirt and kilt and puts them on.
I get out to and put on my surgery clothes.
"You look bonnie in those clothes," he says and kisses me.
I pick up Faith and put her in her Fraser dress.
"You too are bonnie, a leannan," he says and I hand her to him.
He gives her a small kiss on her head and she giggles.
"Da..." she mumbles softly.
"Aye, I'm here and I'll come back,"
We go down and walk to the field hospital.
"Get some rest Jamie, you won't get any tonight," I say putting my hands on his cheek.
He nods and he lies down on one of the beds.
I place Faith by him and they both fall sleep, Faith in Jamie's arms.
The other men sit in a circle and they sharpen their weapons.
I clean everything and place everything neat on the middle of the table.
"Mistress, is there anything we can do?" One of the starting healers asks.
"Clean the ground and the beds, we can't risk any infection,"
They all go to work and before I know it the day is over and the men are getting ready.
Jamie stands up and hugs me from behind.
I turn around and he holds me for a minute.
"You should say bye to Faith," I whisper in his shoulder and I can feel him nod.
He walks to Faith and picks her up and holds her against his chest.
"Listen to me Mo Chridhe. Promise me you'll take care of yer Mama, be sweet and let her do her thing. And I'll come back to ye, I promise,"
"Mama... Da...." She mumbles and smiles sweetly.
He kisses her forehead and she giggles, he puts her back on the bed.
I say goodbye to Angus and Rupert.
"Look after Jamie," I tell Murtagh. "I need him to come back, not only for me but for Faith too,"
"Always, we will win the day Aye?"
I nod. "Yes, we will win this day,"
"So we shall," he says and reassures me by putting his hand on my arm.
I give him a hug. "You too be safe,"
He smiles and nods, and he goes outside with the rest of the men.
"Jamie, come back to me,"
"I will," he says and kisses me passionately.
I don't let go for at least ten seconds.
I hug him tightly and I feel the tears in my eyes.
"On your way soldier," I say softly and he nods.
He walks off and I immediately feel scared knowing he's going to the battle field without me.
I pick up Faith and hold her on my lap until I hear gunshots and yelling men.
Faith starts crying and I look for Fergus.
"Ah there you are, can you take care of Faith? Soldier are coming in soon I think and if Faith is crying I can't concentrate,"
He nods and I hand Faith to him and he walks to the separate room.
"Mistress the first soldiers are here!"
I walk back quickly and start working on the wounds.
After an hour it's very busy and everyone is working hard.
"Mistress! Rupert's hurt!" Angus yells and I take him.
"Grab a big needle and treat!" I yell to one of the women.
She hands them to me and I mend the wound.
"He will survive right?"
"As long as he breathes, there is hope," I say and I walk away to mend more.
Another fifteen minutes pass and everyone is treated and we're handing out food and water.
The door bursts open and I quickly turn around.
Jamie's standing this covered in mud and blood.
I look at him and he shows a small smile.
"The day is ours Sassenach," Jamie drops his sword and hugs me.
I can see Murtagh grinning behind him.
I kiss Jamie and when I let go he looks shocked.
"Faith? Is she okay?" He asks looking around.
I nod and walk to be room, I can hear Jamie follow me.
"Da!" She says excited.
"Faith, Mo Chridhe," he runs to her and hugs her tight.
She puts her hand on his face trying to brush away the blood.
"I ken, I should wash," he smiles and she giggles.
He stands up. "Fergus lad, are ye alright?"
"Yes Milord,"
Jamie looks back at me. "Are ye alright, Mo Nighean Donn?"
"Yes, now that you're back," I kiss him and he picks up Faith.
"My wee family all safe," he smiles faintly.
"Mistress! Help!"
I run out and see Angus laying on the floor.
I kneel beside him and hold his head.
Blood spills from his mouth and he's shaking uncontrollably.
Dougal looks at him and he knows its bad.
Jamie lays his hand on my shoulder but shake my head, he knows what I mean and holds Faith close.
"It's okay.. you can let go.. it's okay," I whisper to reassure him.
It's seems to work and he calms down a bit.
I hold his head and hand until he stops and I know he's gone.
I close his eyes and stand up.
Jamie looks worried at me and pulls me close to him.
I hug him and Faith smiles at me.
"Okay. Mama?" She asks softly.
"I'm okay, you okay?"
She nods and I take her and Jamie puts his hand on my shoulder.
We hear Rupert groan loudly while he stands up.
He walks to Angus. "Ye couldn't die on me," he whispers.
He grabs his knife. "I will use this wi' honor,"
I give Faith back to Jamie and help Rupert go back to the bed.
I disinfect his wound and he goes back to sleep.
He snores quickly and I give a weak smile.
I walk past everyone ignoring every question and walk to my room.
I sit in the bed and tears stream down my face.
A minute later Jamie opens the door and he comes in.
Softly he closes the door and he takes me hand and lets me stand up.
"Sassenach..." he says softly and he pulls me to him.
I fall in his embrace and cry for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry," I whisper softly.
"Dinna fash, I ken it must've been hard to lose him,"
"It's not specifically him. I mean yes, I'm going to miss him. But I-I realized it could've been you,"
He kisses my head. "I'm alright, everyone else is okay, it isna yer fault if ye think that."
I shake my head. "I just need some sleep,"
He nods and leads me to our bed.
"I will take care of Faith, ye need some rest, my love,"
I make a ball of myself and drift to sleep slowly.

•Jamie's pov•
I can see the battle and dead, is hard on her.
When she is finally asleep I go back to the field hospital.
"Thank you Murtagh, for looking after her," I say while taking Faith in my arms.
"Nae bother, she did try to get blood of my face,"
I smile. "Aye she tried that with me too,"
She smiles sweetly.
"How's Claire? Is she okay?" Murtagh asks and I know he saw the look on her face.
"It's all much for her. She said she though I could've been me dying,"
"Poor lass, maybe ye should take her back to Lallybroch,"
I nod. "Perhaps, I'll talk to her when she's feeling better,"
Murtagh nods and Faith mumbles a bit.
"What is it A Leannan?"
"Mama okay?"
I nod. "Aye, Mama is okay. She's a bit tired,"
"Da okay? Blood." She says and points at a red spot.
"Aye I'm okay. It isna my blood,"
"Aye, come we'll grab a towel and some water,"
I grab a bucket of water and some clean cloth, Faith softly brushes the towel against my face but falls asleep quickly.
I continue cleaning my face and then go back to Claire.
With Faith in my arms I walk in the room.
Claire is sitting at the window. "Sassenach? Are ye okay?"
"Yes, just looking outside," she stands up and walks to us.
"I see you cleaned yerself a bit," she brushes her hands over my face.
"Aye, Faith even helped me a bit till she fell asleep,"
She takes Faith from my arms and puts her in her little bed, she's still asleep.
"Are you all cleaned up?"
"Aye, did ye have something in mind?" I grin and she smiles.
"Not now, tonight,"
"Looking forward to tonight then," I pull her close and she hugs me.
"I love you, I'm glad you're okay,"
"I love ye too Sassenach,"
We go down again and bury Angus.
The next day we keep training the men.
"Turn left!" Murtagh yells and I watch them.
"Redcoats one meter ahead! Knife or gun?"
"No! Both," he grins and the men sigh.
I walk to Claire who's sitting with Faith on a bench.
"Ah, there is our sweet soldier!" She says to Faith.
I make a fun run. "Come to Da, A Leannan,"
Faith giggles and I take her from Claire's hands.
"She's very happy today," Claire says kissing my cheek.
I give her small kisses and Claire a big one.
"She starting to look like ye, her hair and cheeks,"
"No, she's the female version of ye, she has my curls. But she has your red hair, your eyes, your nose and lips,"
I smile and hug Claire.
"I should go back, otherwise Murtagh is going to accuse me of all these things,"
She takes Faith again and kisses me quickly.
~Day of the battle of Falkirk~
"Mo Graidh, I have to leave," I whisper in Claire's ear.
"Noo... not already," she says reaching my hand.
I grin and take her out of bed.
She's still very sleepy but she hugs me tight.
"I love you Jamie," she says softly and she kisses my neck.
"I love ye to Sassenach," I whisper and I let her go.
I'm about to leave when she stops me.
"Don't leave without a kiss,"
She walks to me and kisses me.
"Go... but come back to me,"
I nod and walk out and close the door.
We again win the battle but this time I feel less good.
"Jamie, lad are ye okay?" Murtagh asks worried.
I stretch out my arm and fall unconscious but I can feel that Murtagh catches me.
I can head Murtagh yell my name a few times.

•Claire's pov•
I'm getting ready to welcome Jamie back, Faith is sitting in the surgery room and I'm in our bedroom.
The bed is pretty much a mess so I make it again.
The dressoir is a mess to, I open the drawers and see a small bracelet, I've never seen before.
I leave it there and continue cleaning.
"Claire!" I hear Murtagh yell and I speed downstairs.
"Da?..." Faith asks softly.
Immediately my heart starts racing and I see Murtagh placing Jamie on a bed.
"Jamie!" I run to him
"Jamie, sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask panicked.
"I dinna ken what happend, he was standing there and he fell and didn't wake up anymore. I immediately took him here,"
"Thank you," I whisper.
I check his body and see a big scar at his arm.
"Bloody bastard, Murtagh fetch me some needle and treat quickly! And some alcohol!"
He hands me the things and I pour a little water in the wound and mend it.
When I'm done I pour some whiskey in the wound and Jamie slowly wakes up.
"Jamie!" I grab his hand and kiss it carefully.
"Am I dead?" He asks confused.
"No.. you had a wound on your arm and you passed out,"
I kiss his cheek. "You scared me Jamie,"
A few seconds I hear Faith crying. "Hold on,"
I walk to her and pick her up. "Mama... is Da okay?"
"Yes he's okay, come we'll go see him,"
She wipes away her tears and I take her to Jamie.
"Da!" She says happily seeing Jamie.
I lay her next to him and she hugs him.
"Oh Mo Chridhe," he says hugging her.
She stays by his side all day long even when she's supposed to be in bed.
"Sweetheart, your tired and your father has to go to bed, come I'll take you to yours,"
She shakes her head and stays with Jamie.
"Go with yer mother, A Leannan."
I pick her up and put her in her bed.
"Goodnight darling," I say kissing her head.
"Is da die?"
"No sweety, da isn't going to die, he needs to recover, but he'll be fine," I say reassuring her.
She nods and goes to sleep.
I walk back to Jamie and take him to our bed.
"Come on love," I say supporting him.
I put him on the bed and lay beside him
"Thank ye Claire, ye take rest to," he kisses the side of my head and I lay my head on his shoulder.
~A Few Days Later~
"How are ye feeling today?" I ask Jamie when I wake up. He's already sitting up in bed reading something.
"I'm feeling better, but read this," he says handing me a letter.
I open it and quickly scan trough.
"Culloden is really happening isn't it?"
I sigh. "What will we do Jamie?"
"What do ye mean?"
"I mean, will we go back to Lallybroch or will we stay here? And what about Faith she can't be on a battlefield,"
"If ye want to go to Lallybroch with Faith, I'll bring ye myself."
"But that's the thing Jamie! I'm not going to leave you alone on a battlefield! But yet I can't let Faith be here, she to young to see all these horrible things. I don't know what to do anymore," I get stressed and start walking around in the room.
He slowly stands up. "Sassenach, my love. Dinna fash yerself too much about me,"
He pulls me close but I push him away.
"Don't you see in what for position I'm in? Or I have to leave my husband on a battlefield without tending to get out daughter safe. Or I have to stay to take care of you, which I love, but I would endanger our daughter,"
He steps closer again. "Ye ken, that if it really comes to that, ye have to choose Faith above me, always."
"But how can I leave you? Alone, without a doctor? Not knowing if you survived,"
"I'm a strong man Sassenach, and they sent word may ye be killed in the aftermath. And if I get killed you ken it because I'm no' coming back," he smiles faintly.
"I don't want my child to grow up wi'out a father," I protest.
"Then I shall try not to die," he grins and kisses me softly.
I stay in his embrace for a few minutes until Faith wakes up.
"My darling, how are you today?"
Jamie smiles and I dress up Faith in quick clothes.
"Jamie, there is no battle anymore until Culloden, you should send your man home, to rest, eat good and spend time with family,"
"Aye, perhaps that will do 'em some good," he agrees and grabs his coat.
"Wait Jamie. We too should go to Lallybroch for the winter and such? Its good for Faith to have family around and if we die on Culloden it's good for us to have happy memories and for your family,"
"But I-" Jamie tried but I interrupt him.
"I know you want to stay here and prepare but it's better for us. I know it is,"
"Aye, perhaps yer right. I'll tell the men," he opens the door and walks off.
"Faith guess what?" I say excited.
She just looks at me but I can see curiosity in her eyes.
"We're going to Grandma and Grandda!"
She smiles bright knowing who I mean and claps her hands.

•Jamie's pov•
"Are all the men gathered?" I ask Murtagh when he comes back.
"Aye, but why did we need all the men?"
"You'll find out when I hold my bonnie speech," I grin and Murtagh groans.
"Here we go, yer becoming a speech man,"
"Aye," I mumble and notice all the men are growing quiet.
"Alright, you're all gathered here because I have something to tell y'all. I ken everyone is eager to fight again to get over wi' it. But we canna just yet. So everyone go home for winter! Go eat, sleep and spend time wi' yer family. Ye will all get a letter when it's time to fight again," I tell the men and I can see the disappointment.
"But if we go back we might not be in form anymore," someone yells.
"Aye, yer smart. But that canna happen, so keep working hard, keep stabbing the grass, and shooting animals,"
They sigh but everyone goes back to their tents and start packing stuff.
"And we? What are we going to do?" Murtagh asks.
"I'm going to Lallybroch wi' Claire and Faith. Ye can come too, we're just going to spend time together as a family," I say walking back to the inn.
"Aye, I'll come," he says.
Murtagh gathers some stuff and I walk back to our room.
Claire's walking around the room with Faith and looks at me when I open the door.
"And?" She asks walking to me.
"Da!" Faith says happily stretching her little arms to me.
I take her from Claire. "They weren't happy, they'd rather fight now, but it's better like ye said,"
"Murtagh will be coming to Lallybroch with us right?"
"Aye, he's packing his stuff, just like we should,"
She smiles. "Yes,"
I place Faith and the bed and tickle her.
She giggles but falls asleep quickly.
"Here put them in this crate," I had her a big wooden crate and she places it on the ground.
I grab my reserve clothes and some weapons and place them on the bottom.
Claire fills the rest of the space with her and Faith's stuff.
"We'll leave tomorrow," I say and she nods.
"How's your arm? Does the wound hurt?" She asks checking it.
"Only if I apply pressure,"
"Good," she says and she kisses me.
I have my one of my hands on the back of her head and the other on her back.
"Christ Jamie, why would you that?" She asks smiling.
She smiles. "It's stupid sexy, now kiss me,"
I kiss her passionately and have the urge to take her but Faith is on the bed and Murtagh is downstairs.
"Faith is going to sleep in her own room tonight, the door is going to closed and yer going to be naked in the bed," I whisper in her ear.
She rounds her mouth. "Ooh, I'd love that,"
I kiss her again and then let go of her.
She goes downstairs and Fergus runs in.
"Milady! There are redcoats here to make arrests!" He yells in a panic.
I can hear him and I sign everyone to come with me.
"Here in this room, it doesn't look suspicious,"
Everyone goes in except Claire.
"Sassenach, what are you doing? Go in!" I whisper.
She shakes her head. "I could get them away, by letting them take me,"
"No, Claire don't! I willna let ye," I say grabbing her arm.
She pulls her arm away and kisses my fiercely.
I don't want to let her go but she manages to slip away.
"Help! Is there someone?" She asks opening the door and takes a step out.
"Claire don't...." I whisper and grab her arm again.
"Don't worry Jamie, I'll return to you, trust in that my love," she gives me a small kiss and manages one's again to slip out of my grip.
"Man get in! If they look here you're getting arrested!" Murtagh says quietly and I get in.
Immediately I start to panic. "Bloody bastards. They have Claire! We need to get her!"
"I ken Jamie and we will. We just have to wait."
I calm down and I hug Faith.
"Mama...?" She asks.
"I ken, I'm getting her back, I promise," I kiss her forehead.
"Fine, let the men go and take the women, we'll bring her to safety," we can hear a redcoat yell.
My heart starts beating faster and I open the door.
I walk to the window and I see the redcoats take Claire away.
My heart sinks to my stomach seeing her carried away.
Those bastards. I'll kill them for taking Claire away.
"We'll find her lad, we willna give up on her," Murtagh says resting a hand on my shoulder.
I nod and turn around.
Murtagh is holding Faith and I walk down.
On the floor I see Claire's ring.
"Bloody hell," I whisper and I pick it up.
"Is that her ring?" Murtagh asks confused.
"Aye, they ripped it off," I say, my blood boiling with anger.
We prepare some horses and I hold Faith to me like Claire always does, with a scarf.
I get on the horse and so does everyone else.
We ride towards the closest village.

•Claire's pov•
We ride to a village and they put me on a chair.
"Some ale!" A redcoat yells.
I have a plaid with me and wrap myself in it.
My finger gets my attention when I take a cup of ale.
My ring is missing, I remember the feeling it getting ripped off.
Poor Jamie, he must be worried sick, I think.
After taking a sip of the ale I put it down and fall asleep.
"Ma'am wake up," a redcoats says shaking my shoulder.
I open my eyes and stand up.
"Where are we going? To that meet up place?" I ask.
"No where going to a good English man with a big mansion,"
Fuck, I think. Now Jamie won't be able to find me.
"Is there something wrong Ma'am?"
I shake my head. "No, we can go,"
The redcoat walks off and I follow him.
A beggar comes close to me and the redcoat pushes him away.
I see that it's Hugh Munro.
"Why are you so rude?" I ask in disbelief.
"I though he was going to attack you ma'am,"
I shake my head and stick out my hand to help Hugh.
"Jamie's looking for me at a meet up place," I whisper softly but I see that Hugh heard me.
The redcoats grabs my arm and takes me away.
"I don't know why we're going to the English Mansion instead of the meet up place?"
"That's what is order Ma'am. It's my job to take you there,"
I nod and say bye to Hugh, he nods and knows what he had to do.
He walks to opposite direction and I follow the redcoat.
After a few hours ride we arrive at a huge house and we get in.
"Ah, sir. This is the English women we rescued. Can ye take her in until she's able to find her way back?"
The Duke of Sandringham nods. "My pleasure, what's her name?"
"Mistress Beauchamp,"
"Ah, nice to meet you Miss Beauchamp, I'll take it from here," Sandringham says and pulls my arm.
"Thank you Sir,"
The redcoat leaves the house and Sandringham looks at me.
"Mrs Beauchamp huh?" He say laughing.
"I have to go," I say and I try to leave.
"No no no, not so fast, I am supposed to take you in, so let me show you your room," he grins widely.
I sigh and he takes my arm and walks me to my room.
"Here is your room, but eh, let's eat something first,"
Again he pulls me away again and within a minute I sit at a table.
"Please eat something," he says when I don't touch the food.
I smile annoyed and take a bite.
Sandringham talks happily about some stories and I just laugh on occasionally.
"Well to bed you! It's late and I have some business to tend to," he says and again he takes my arm and leads me back to my room.

•Jamie's pov•
We arrive at the closets village in the late morning and we just look around.
Someone grabs my arm and I immediately grab my knife and turn around.
Hugh Munro jumps back and almost falls but I grab his arm.
"Hugh? What are ye doing here?"
He makes some signs and mumbles.
"Ye ken where Claire is?" I asks surprised.
He explains to me that she tried to explain to him that I had to go to a rich English mans house to get her.
"You'll come wi' us?"
He nods and we ride there fast.
Halfway here Faith starts crying.
"Dinna weep, A Leannan, everything's okay,"
I try to shush her and after a few minutes she calms down again.
We ride for another few hours and Hugh points at a big house down the road, in the middle of a grass field.
"Is she in there?"
He nods and explains to me that this is where Claire said to be.
It's the only big mansion owned by an English person.
"Go tell her that we're here," I say and Hugh runs to the house.
I sit on a big stone and let out a loud sigh.
"Lad, everything is going to be fine," Murtagh says putting his hand on my shoulder.
I brush it off. "Ye dinna ken that. For all we know she's dead or surely never to return again,"
"If ye want to think like that, be my guest. But I doesna help,"
I sigh and stand up. "I ken, it's just... I don't want to lose her. She my wife and mother of my child. We dinna ken if she's safe, and that's a horrible feeling,"
"I know lad. I feel it too, We just have to be patient,"
I nod and look at Faith who is peacefully sleeping.
"My beautiful lass, I'm going to get yer mother back," I whisper.
We wait for nearly and hour until Hugh comes back.
"Did ye find her? Did ye tell her?" I ask nervously.
He nods and runs off.
O god Claire. Come back to me.

•Claire's pov•
I'm in my room when I see Hugh down at the window trowing small stones.
I quietly open the window. "Hugh?"
He nods and makes weird signs and points at the woods.
I look carefully trough the trees and see 2 men stand there.
"Jamie?" I whisper softly.
He nods and points at the door.
I open the bedroom door and walk to the back door of the house.
"Is Jamie there? Is he coming?"
He nods and runs away when he sees someone behind me.
"Mistress Fraser- excuse me. Beauchamp. What are you doing?" Sandringham asks angry.
"I was giving the poor man some food,"
I turn around and he looks angrier then he sounds.
"Back to your room. Now."
I nod and I'm about to go up the stairs when I notice another pair of stairs in the corner leading up to a tower of the house.
I run for it and climb those stairs as fast as possible.
"No! Don't go there!" Sandringham tells following me but he isn't as fast as I am.
When I stand on the tower I can go nowhere but back into the house.
I hear Sandringham coming closer and I look over the tower to the ground. Water.
I see Sandringham is only 5 steps away from me so I step on the side and let myself fall over.
After a few seconds I feel water the water surrounding me.
I try to get my head above the water and when I do I search for land.
I swim until I reach the shore.
"Did ye hear that?" I hear a soft voice say.
"Jamie.." I whisper hearing his voice.
"Aye, it sounded like something fell in the water," I hear Murtagh say.
"Jamie!" I yell with all my power but it isn't loud.
I wait a minute and I'm still in the water, freezing in the dead of night.
"Jamie! Help!" I try again.
Ten seconds later a can hear movement coming from the woods.
"Claire?" I hear him yell.
"In the water! Jamie!" I say and he looks in the water.
He runs to me and pulls me out of the water.
"Claire, o god!" He say pulling me to him.
"Jamie... I thought I'd never see you again," I say shaking.
"Yer shaking Mo Graidh, why would you jump in the water?" He holds me close to him and wraps his plaid around me.
"I had to... Sandringham was following me, it was the only way out," I lay my head in his shoulder and close my eyes.
"Are ye okay? Claire! Stay wi' me, please," he brushes my hair.
"Faith... is she okay?" I whisper softly in his shoulder.
"Aye, she's okay Sassenach. Sleeping,"
"Are you okay?" She looks at me and I see she's tired.
"Aye, Dinna fash yerself Love. We're alright. You have to warm up a bit,"
I curl up against him feeling safe in his arms.
I close my eyes but open them again when I hear someone come.
"Jamie..." I say softly afraid and lift my head
"Shh, it's Murtagh, don't worry,"
I rest my head on his shoulder again.
"Claire, are ye alright?" Murtagh asks worried.
I nod softly and I see he has faith in his arms.
"Faith! My darling," I say stretching out my arms but Jamie lowers them.
"No Sassenach, yer freezing. Ye have to warm up first," he kisses my hair and Murtagh hands him a plaid.
"Come, stand up." He says helping me up.
I stand up and Jamie wraps his plaids around me.
He grabs my hand and brings me to the horses.
"Give me yer hands, I'll help you up," he says and he lifts me on the horse.
He sits behind me and holds me close.
Murtagh rides wi' Fergus and Faith behind us.
Jamie takes a deep breath. "Did Sandringham hurt or... touch ye?"
"No Jamie, he didn't. He maybe wanted too, but he didn't," I say and I lean back on his body.
"Rest now Mo Graidh, yer exhausted," he says pulling me even closer then I already am.
I feel restless and Jamie lays his head on my shoulder. "Shh, Sassenach. Yer moving a lot. I'm here, I will protect now,"
After that a feel more safe, and after a while I fall asleep too.

•Jamie's pov•
Seeing Claire again made my heart feel mended again.
Though I'm worried about her, she looked distant or scared but she doesna tell me.
I decide to wait until she's well rested.
Soon we reach a big cabin and I carry Claire to a bedroom and lay her in the bed, carefully.
"Fergus, ye will share that bedroom wi' Faith, if something's wrong come to the big bedroom," I say kissing Faith goodnight.
He nods and takes her to the room.
"I'll stay here, keep watch," Murtagh says and I nod.
I walk back to the bedroom and see Claire laying restless.
I lay beside her and wrap my arms around her.
She cuddles up against me and slowly I fall asleep too.
When I wake up in the early morning I can't find Claire in bed anymore.
I look around the room and see her standing at the window.
"Claire?" I ask softly standing up from the bed.
She doesn't turn around, I don't even see her move.
I walk to her and wrap my arms around her.
A big golf of fear goes trough her body and she turns around.
"Oh.. it's you," she says softly.
"Are ye alright Sassenach?" I ask worried cupping her head in my hands.
She nods. "Yes. You just never know who's in your, well, cabin,"
I smile and kiss her forehead. "Well, sadly it's just me,"
"It's a blessing that it's just you, just us,"
She grabs my cheek and kisses my passionately.
"What are... ye doing Claire?" I say softly in her face.
She smiles sweetly. "I want you, badly."
"Then you'll have me," I take of her shift and she takes off me clothes.
We're both completely naked and I pick her up.
She has her hands on the back of my head and her legs wrapped around my waist.
"Yer mouth.... tastes like blood," I whisper when she breaks the kiss.
"When you touched me... and I got scared for a moment.... I bit my tongue," she says kissing me in between.
"Let me bite it for ye now then," I say and kiss her again.
I open my mouth and so does she, she sticks her tongue in my mouth and I bite it gently.
She moans a bit and I grin.
"Did that hurt? Or did ye like it?" I ask quietly.
"I loved it,"
I'm still standing and I still have Claire picked up, pressed against my body.
I carry her to the bed and gently lay her down.
She takes my head and presses it on her left breast.
I carefully bite and suck at het nipple.
She moans again but louder now.
"Christ Sassenach, yer the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,"
She smiles modest. "Your not ugly either,"
I smirk and go to her right breast. And again I bite and suck it gently.
"Jamie, are you here to make love to me or to taste and eat my breasts?"
I kiss her lips gently and go into her.
She lets out a small "ahh"
"Use me like a whore Jamie," she whispers in my ear when she pulls me head to her.
"Your not a whore, so I willna use ye like one,"
"Then use me like your whore,"
I smile slightly. "That. I will do wi' pleasure,"
She smiles and I start to move faster.
Going out a bit and then pushing myself in as fast as I can again.
"Christ Jamie," Claire whimpers softly.
I move even faster when she says that.
After a minute Claire turns me over with all her power.
"My turn," she grins.
I nod and she sits on top of me.
She rides me hard and I moan.
"Shh, not to loud Jamie. Everyone is close to us," she says smiling and stopping her movements.
"How can I be 'not loud' when ye ride me like that?" I groan, grabbing her hips and start moving her around again.
After a second she starts moving herself and I moan, more quietly this time.
"Oh god, oh Claire," I whimper.
A few minutes later she surrenders to her tiredness and lets herself fall on me.
Her head is in my neck and I can hear her panting.
I put my hands on her back and I hold her to me.
After a few minutes she sits up again, but she falls the side and I pull the blankets over us.
"You're a great lover Jamie, but your so much more than that,"
I turn my face to her. "Like what?"
"Most important, your a husband, a father, a son and a brother. But your a good friend, warrior and a good lover," she says brushing her hand over my cheek.
"Ye're sweet Sassenach," I say kissing her gently.
She smiles and I pull her close.
"I love you Jamie," she whispers and she closes her eyes.
"I love you too Claire,"
I can see a small smile appear on her mouth.
My beautiful wife

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