𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 | 𝐝...

Від naiithewriterr

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Widening the door I seen him holding another bag, with flowers in his hand and a blunt behind his ear "really... Більше



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Від naiithewriterr

It was now time to wake up for my trial day, I heard my alarm go off multiple times but I was beginning to think that it was in my dream until I realised it wasn't.

Groaning, I sat up to stop the loud ass alarm, tapping on the screen I seen that my battery was a bit low cause I never let my phone charge as I sleep so I charge it to a sufficient amount then let it fully charge whilst I get ready.

Since I don't be on my phone in the morning it really don't be bothering me.

I took the duvet off my body the draft of cold air that be coming from the vents, hit my legs and arms like a ton of bricks.

I would've thought I would be able to adapt to the cold air but for some reason it feel like this the first time it's ever happened to me.

I didn't need to go far since my suitcase right next to my bed I thought it was best to find something to wear before I get in the shower so I wouldn't be standing in my towel exposing myself to get ill.

I flipped through the different items, eventually finding this black two piece set I had but Ion about that weather I still went ahead to place it on my bed making sure I don't forget to go check that weather app before continuing with my plans.

The app told me that it is going to be somewhat sunny with a cool breeze so I choose to stick with what I planned as I can still put on my long, thick cardigan especially with my low iron it's like a Guinness World Record on how easily I get cold.

I put my phone back on the bedside table then took myself to the bathroom to now get myself ready as I brushed my teeth I thought about what hairstyle Imma rock today.

I was thinking of just wearing my hair down since I couldn't think of anything else but a ponytail or letting it down.

I could curl my hair but I ain't got time for allat today, I rinsed the toothbrush out my mouth then put the toothbrush back in the case before I moved on to wash my face, I squeezed the cleanser on my fingers then lazily rubbed it all over my face.

I'm so tired and I got about ten hours of sleep.

Getting out the shower I tightened the towel around my body, and quickly got out so I could go lather my body oil on my skin. I make sure to rub in real good so my clothes don't feel weird on my body, or make me sweat from the littlest movements.

After rubbing in the oil, I went ahead to put my clothes on, I checked on my appearance just incase I didn't like how the clothes sat on my body.

I fixed the leggings by pulling them so it doesn't give that saggy look cause when I be seeing that shit on other girls it really be blowing me.

I picked up my cardigan and slipped my arms through the sleeves so I don't mess up my hair once I've brushed and flattened it out, this morning I just feel real low on my energy so I'm wanna keep everything limited and simple as I possibly can.

I sat down at the vanity desk, untying the knot off the headscarf, I let my hair loosen itself from the wrap I did last night, I lightly shook my head so it could fall on my shoulders then went ahead brushed to out the hair.

Once I was satisfied, I used a rat tail comb to go over the roots and remove any flyaways, I put the comb on the desk then used my palms to flatten out the top.

I put the hair behind my ears allowing me to do my 'makeup' without the hair being all up in my face.

I really wanna get into makeup but I'm too lazy to sit there and really learn how to do it so I keep it cute and simple with eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss.

Hearing my phone ping with a notification I got up off the chair and went over to where it was charging, tapping on the screen I seen that my phone was finally at a hundred percent, unplugging the cable I clicked on the iMessage notification.


you going to that training shit
he was talking about???


girl stop acting like you don't want him,
and lemme know if he got any fine friends🤭

you something else😭

i've been single for way too long
don't forget to call me when you're done!

Liking her message I switched off my phone and put it in my purse at the end of my bed, I made sure to put a couple hair ties in my purse with a clip, I'm already knowing my hair will start to irritate me throughout the day.

Sighing, I looked in my purse to double check if I got everything I need, I went ahead to list everything in my head, seeing that all the items I need were in the bag, I opened up the door to the room and made my exit.

As I walked out the building I felt a gush of wind hit the back of neck, I did check the weather app but I ain't realise how bad I underestimated the 'cool breeze' since time was catching up on me; I fought the urge to go put something else on.

I usually don't allow myself to rush because I stress myself out as well as the whole experience being too overwhelming for me, I always make sure to wake up earlier so I don't put myself in those type of situations.

As I don't find any importance in this I chose to wake fifteen minutes later than I originally planned.

My body wasn't really cold since this cardigan thick enough to keep me warm, the only issue I had was my hands and neck being cold the only places the cardigan wasn't covering.

Sighing I decided to repeatedly affirm 'the quicker I get there, the quicker I come back'.

I reached the tattoo studio not expecting to see so much people in there at once, I pushed the door open with their eyes falling on me.

"You here for a tattoo Miss?"

"No" I shook my head not knowing whether I should go sit down or what "I'm the new receptionist, I was told to come here for training" I told him.

I also didn't even know where to put my eyes cause why was homeboy so fine?

He didn't have that much tattoos on his body, except both of his arms being a full tattoo sleeve, he had his dreads in two stranded twists that passed his shoulders, he had a goatee with a moustache and full thick eyebrows.

"Brooklyn Samuels?" He asked reading my name from his phone.

I muttered a slight "yeah" feeling myself want to leave cause why are they all watching me like they ain't seen a human a day in their lives.

"Aight, follow me" he brought me to the reception desk, I walked through the gap and sat down on the chair "I'm sure my nigga East told you about me and your role?"

"You Iman right?" He nodded his head and leaned himself against the desk "your friend did mention something about the role".

"Bet. So for today Imma keep it simple, there are some permissions slips I need you to make, the template already there you just need to change it so the questions and shit make sense.

Once that's done, you needa print them all them people sitting ain't signed the form so Imma need you to get them do that, any other person who walk in to sign they need to sign it before they get the tattoo.

Ion know if you know but nobody under 18 can a tattoo without ID and parental consent.

If people call, you don't got a script printed out for you, so stay professional and ask them what time they want the appointment scheduled for and shit like that.

"I gave you a username and password so you don't lose anything" I looked down to see a post-it note with the information written down in some nice ass handwriting.
"If you having any troubles let me know".

Now let me be completely honest.. I wasn't really listening to a word coming out his mouth, the way he speaks had me mesmerised with my eyes not skipping the dimple on his cheek whenever he say certain words.

"I got you" I said with a lil smile to seem confident enough to do everything he just said without having to disturb him.

"Aight" he licked his lips subtly looking me up and down before he left.

I moved myself closer to the desk, they had that iMac computer the screen was about big as hell, I put in the username and password he had given me in the system.

For the minute Imma keep the password the same then I'll change it.
I just wanna get this done before I move onto anything else.

In seconds the screen fully loaded with the tab already open I scrolled down the template to see they have given me to work with, it had all the boxes they gotta fill out but since he don't want it to look like this.

Imma switch up a couple things so before I make my moves to print out anything Imma ask him if it's cool so we don't waste any unnecessary ink.

"Wasgood mami?" I heard a random ass voice say from in front of me, looking up to see who it was all of a sudden it felt like I was back in Louisiana with all the weird looking niggas that be tryna talk to you.

Whenever you reject they cuss your ass out anyway.

"How may I help you?"

"You ain't gotta do all that professional shit wimme, but I seen you walk in and I wanna know if you got a man".

"With all due respect I'm working right now so I can't answer that" I put my eyes back on my screen cause what made him think it was okay to try flirt wimme like I ain't got work to do.

I could've let it slide if he was cute.

"I did say you ain't gotta do allat professional shit" he repeated like I ain't hear him the first time "that mean you can answer my question".

"We in somebody business establishment, so Ion know why you find the need to want to flirt with me" I switched out a question and reworded it so it correlates with the permission slip.

"Oh so you got an attitude now?"

"You ain't hear her say she working nigga?" Recognising the voice of my future husband I looked up to find them having a staring contest but I know it was anything but that.

I know homeboy was thinking whether he wanted to say some slick or walk off.

And he chose exactly what I thought he was gonna do, he sucked his teeth and walked away mumbling random shit under his breath.

He watched him leave the building before he put his attention on me his mean mug disappearing within seconds.

"What's good witchu though?" As soon as that came out his mouth I put my eyes back on the screen ready to give him the same energy as the other boy.

I know I said he's my future husband and all but it's all jokes.. and Ion want him to think I'm easy like all these other girls he be messing around with.

Sometimes niggas need that chase so they know the meaning of being humble, "I'm working" I mumbled.

"Damn so you can't talk a nigga now?"

"I ain't say allat, but I'm doing something important so that mean I gotta focus and I can't do that when I'm talking" this permission was about two seconds away from being finished but now he got me moving extra slow.

"Ya ass going so hard over training you ain't even wanna come to?" He chuckled.

"Okay so what do you wanna talk about?" I took my hands off the keyboard and sat back in the seat cause I felt like he was too close and it was making me nervous.

He staring me like he trying to seduce me.

"Shit" he scratched on his beard as he thought of something "Ion know tell me something about you" he shrugged.

"Why don't you start since you ain't even give me your name" this nigga acting like he mysterious or some.


"East?" I repeated "you for real?"

"Ion gotta lie to you" he shrugged "you ain't give me answer though".

"There isn't anything to know" and I wasn't lying ain't shit interesting about me. "Can you do me a favour and get your friend for me?"

His eyebrows furrowed a lil bit "for what?"

"You ask too much questions" I muttered.

I stood up and decided to go look for Iman myself, I know he not doing tattoos since none of the permission form been filled out.

It didn't take me too long to find him since he not hard to miss "you need help?"

"No the forms are done so I want you to look at them before I go ahead and print it" he nodded his head so I turned around and walked back towards the reception desk.

I stood out the way and allowed him to read whatever I had put down "yeah you can start printing them out" he fixed his posture so he was standing up straight.

I sat back down to quickly print off the forms as that was going on I took my opportunity to update Desiree.


so he's got a friend& the friend is mad cute🤭

don't make me pull up😭
describe him to meee

okay so he's tall, handsome with long dreads
he got a dimple, straight white teeth, big lips,
goatee and that lil moustache
girl he's so fineeeee

ugh he sounds it😫
so what about homeboy?

he's lowk irritating me

damn what happened?

i told him to see me after this lil shift,
so imma ft to you after

bet bet bet

I put my phone back in my purse then put the purse back under the desk, I stood up and picked up the forms, I leaned over to pick up the clipboard and put the papers under the clip.

I left the reception desk and went up to the people sitting down it wasn't a lot of them but they shouldn't have let them sit down without getting shit ready cause now it looks mad unprofessional.

Niggas don't be organised anyway.

"Sorry for the wait" I started off even if they haven't been here for that long "I got these consent forms I need you to sign" I gave the first three a clipboard since that's all I had.

"Please read everything thoroughly, once you're done please take the paper you have written out and hold onto it with your ID.

Remember to give the next person the clipboard and stand at the front" I pointed at the reception so they know what I'm talking about.

As this was happening I went to go find Iman for the second time, I currently don't know to do once they've done all that. I finally found him sitting in one of the tattoo booths, I knocked on the door to get his attention.

"They currently signing the consent forms but what should I tell them once I've checked their ID?"

"Imma send my artist out there so don't worry bout that, the artist handles their client so all ya pretty ass do is take their details, re read the forms so everything filled out correctly, and check their ID. Aight?"

"Mhm got you" he got me feeling weak in the knees.

I turned around and walked back towards the front of the shop, I seen a couple of them standing by the reception desk holding their form and ID.

I went behind the desk and held out my hand so they can place their ID in my hand alongside the form.

I sat down to make sure their details match whatever they got on their ID, "your artist needs to sign the bottom so make sure you give them this" I gave them that their things and did the same thing for the next person standing in the line.

From my peripheral I seen people which I assume is the tattoo artist come from their booths to take their client.

It was now the end of my lil training day but that felt like a whole twelve hour shift.

After all the checks, they left with their tattoo artist so it was real mad quiet the phone phone rang about three, four times with people wanting to schedule their appointments.

Iman got me something to eat, when had left for his break, it thankfully wasn't busy for nearly two hours when it was nearing the times of 2, 3 o'clock everyone and their momma was in their in the tattoo studio.

I hated the fact that it was all men, they should've just put me in a barber shop.

I think they all knew Iman and East cause they were all chopping it up like they've known it other for a while.

I packed up stuff and put all the forms in this lil drawer, I turned off the computer and put my cardigan back on, "East outside waiting on you" Micah, one of the tattoo artist told me.

I nodded my head even though I wanted to throw a whole tantrum cause I just wanna go straight to sleep after I get something to eat and homeboy still wanna talk to me.

I ain't even mean what I said I just didn't want to continue talking to him, after that whole thing he left and never came back.

Picking up my purse, I walked towards the door and pushed it open feeling a nice cool breeze the minute I stepped out, he was standing by a brick wall lighting up his blunt, he kept eyes on me as I walked up to him.

"What do you honestly wanna talk about?" At this point I was feeling defeated.

"You ain't realise a nigga wanna get to know you?"

"Don't the feeling gotta be mutual for that to work?" He chuckled at what I said like shit was funny "I'm a comedian or some?"

"Nah I just don't believe you" he shrugged as he inhaled the smoke.

"I was giving you signs? Cause Ion remember doing allat" I pulled the sleeves up to cover my hands feeling them start to run cold.

"Aight so lemme take you out then you can let a nigga know how you really feeling".

"You think you so slick" I chuckled earning a shrug and a smirk from him as he re lit his blunt "if I say yes where you gon take me?"

"That's not for you to worry bout, sweetheart" everything rolled so smoothly off his tongue so him calling me 'sweetheart' wasn't even corny to me.

"I'm a busy person so when you figure out a date and time let me know" I took out my phone ready to leave and walk away.

"Text me when you get to ya crib" his ass gonna be waiting til next week.

"Okay so lemme tell you" I fixed the position of my phone allowing to eat and give Des a lil run down of today.

"So I'm at the reception desk doing what I need to do, and some weird looking ass nigga came up to me saying wasgood mami" I mocked in a deeper voice.

"Ugh I hate when they be saying that shit" she said with a disgusted face.

"I'm telling him that you can't be tryna flirt wimme and I'm working like Ion wanna get fired before I officially start, he told me that his name is East-"

"East?" She interrupted.

"Girl that's what he said so East right came over and was like you ain't hear her say she working" I mimicked using the same deep voice.

"Not him defending you alreadyy" she laughed.

"Then" I stopped quickly putting a couple fries in my mouth before I continued "he was like what's good witchu, I wasn't in the mood to really talk to him cause I'm shit at multitasking.

So he was like damn you can't talk a nigga or some, if there was less people waiting to get tatted I would've entertained him, but there wasn't so I told him Imma see him after.

I went to go see him like I said and he's telling me he's tryna get to know me".

"I told you he's on your body!!" I hid my smile as I chewed on my fries.

"Ion know what it is but whenever I wanna if a nigga serious about me I play hard to get, but not too hard cause then they lose interest so that's what I'm kinda doing with him".

"Nah as you should cause niggas ain't shit".

"Heavy on that" I agreed "so as I'm playing hard to get he telling me he wanna take me out but I said when you find a date and time lemme know".

"Nah he's on you bad so he definitely been planned that shit he just needed to tell you. Nigga had a plan just needed the platform".

"He did, but anyways the nigga I was telling you about his name is Iman, I couldn't even ask him about his relationship status cause he was busy doing tattoos".

"Girl I'm about to dream about him all night" she sighed and rolled over in her bed.

As I finished the last bits of my fries the unknown number texted me "he texting me right now".

"What is he saying" I swiped down to get to my notification centre then tapped on the message.

"He told me to text him when I get to my crib but I forgot so he asking if I'm home".

"It's giving he's in love" she teased.

"Girlaa" I chuckled.


unknown number
why you ain't text me?
unknown number
you safe?

very much so
when i got back all i wanted to do
was eat, that's my bad

unknown number

is that all you wanted?

unknown number

I came off pause and put my phone back in its original position "he was checking to see if I was safe, cause I didn't text him".

"Aww that's so cute, his friend better be like this" she muttered.

"Anyways girl I need to finish eating this and go to sleep" I yawned.

"You got that apartment viewing right?" I nodded my head as I bit down on my burger "I can come witchu?"

I covered my mouth before I spoke "yeah they said I can come between the time of 1-5 so Imma text you tomorrow morning".

"Aight Imma let you go, byeee".

"Byee" I returned with a lil smile, she ended the FaceTime call so I went onto Netflix to find something to watch as I finish this food.

I placed the empty fry box in the bag they gave me and put the empty sauce container in there with the tissues I used to wipe my hands.

Taking the last few bites of my burger I picked up the bag and put it by the door so I don't forget to throw it out sometime tomorrow, I drank the rest of my water and stretched out the bed.

I kept telling myself I was about to go brush my teeth so I can sleep but before I knew it I was already drifting off.



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