Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

368K 8.3K 772

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


6.5K 130 23
By tonysnarky

Alexandra stood in front of the mirror in her chic Austrian hotel room, her heart still racing with the excitement of the successful first weekend in Formula 1. While it hadn't been an official F1 race for Lexi, the race had still been exhilarating, and both she and Charles had performed exceptionally well in their individual races.

Charles had secured an impressive second place, and Lexi herself had managed a commendable fourth-place finish - not bad for a trashy actress, as someone in the crowd had called out to her. The afterparty promised to be a night of celebration and revelry, and she wanted to look her best for the occasion.

As Lexi applied the final touches to her makeup, there was a soft knock on the door. She glanced at the clock, wondering who could be visiting at this hour, just before the afterparty was about to kick off. She hurried to the door and swung it open, revealing Charles standing there with a wide grin, holding a bottle of champagne and two elegant glasses.

"Charles!" Lexi exclaimed, pleasantly surprised to see her teammate at her door. His top buttons were undone, and his tie was loosely hanging around his neck, giving him a relaxed and carefree look.

"Hey, Lexi," Charles greeted her warmly, his eyes sparkling with joy. "I brought some champagne to celebrate our fantastic weekend." He didn't need to finish his sentence before Lexi stepped aside, ushering him into her room with a wide grin.

"That's so lovely!" she said with a bright smile. "I was just getting ready for the party, sorry about the mess. Make yourself at home."

Charles stepped inside, and the scent of vanilla filled the air from what he could only have assumed was her perfume. He placed the glasses on the table before moving to pop the bottle. Lexi flinched as he did so, and the two shared a quick laugh. Silently, Charles poured two glasses, and handed one to Lexi, before raising his into the air in a toast.

"To you," he smiled. "The best thing to come out of Hollywood."

Lexi blushed at the praise, feeling a rush of pride and...something else? 

"And to you, Charles, for your incredible race today...and...for being my favourite Ferrari driver."

"I'm so telling Seb you said that," Charles grinned as his eyes lit up in excitement at her compliment.

"Please don't." Lexi laughed.

They clinked their glasses together, the sound of celebration echoing through the room. As they sipped champagne, they reminisced about the thrilling moments of the race and shared stories of their favorite highlights. The tension and pressure of the weekend seemed to dissolve in the warm glow of their achievement.

Quickly, they'd finished their glasses, and Charles stood to leave. "I'd better let you get ready in peace-,"

"No! Stay!" Lexi protested. "I'm almost ready. Let's have another glass. You aren't intruding, I promise." she smiled, and patted the seat beside her. With a small smile, Charles nodded and moved to pour another glass. 

As the night went on, laughter and happiness filled the room as Lexi finished her make-up. The two talked about everything, from racing strategies and Lexi's Hollywood secrets to personal anecdotes, deepening their bond. The stiff formality that sometimes enveloped Charles was absent in this intimate setting, allowing him to relax and truly enjoy Lexi's company.

As the clock ticked, they emptied the champagne bottle and the glasses, their spirits soaring with the celebrations of the day. Lexi couldn't have asked for a better way to cap off the weekend, and she was aware that the party was still to come. Charles' surprise with champagne had filled Lexi's heart with joy, and she thought it was such a kind and sweet thing for him to do. She knew the memories of this night would stay with her for a lifetime.

"I'm ready," Lexi grinned at last, exiting the bathroom after getting dressed. Charles couldn't resist himself as he looked her up and down, his eyes savoring every second he could look at her.

She wore a long strappy black satin dress and paired it with black heels, and a diamond choker. It wasn't an outfit Charles would normally have felt drawn too on a woman, but with the way she was making him feel, he thought this was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on. 

She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

She gave him a little twirl and shot him a smirk. "How do I look?" she asked, her doe eyes staring at him.

"Merde," he whispered, running a hand through his hair. "You look like a fucking angel Alexandra." She couldn't stop herself as she moved closer to him, and their faces were inches apart as she stared into his eyes for a few moments.

Then, much to Charles' disappointment, she stood back and began to fix his tie, her hands slightly shaking. Charles reached up and grasped her hands, helping her steady them. He could smell her perfume stronger now, Vanilla and Cedarwood filling the air. 

She couldn't smell anything other than his Black Peppered aftershave, and between them, the air felt electric. For a few moments neither moved, and then, the hotel room's phone began to ring. The two broke apart suddenly, the champagne suddenly wearing off. 

"That's our driver." Charles chuckled awkwardly. Lexi nodded in agreement, before turning to face Charles with a small smile. 

"This isn't over, Leclerc." she sucked in a deep breath. "But come on, let's go. We're already late."


LexiHeroux added a new photo to her story

Tagged: CharlesLeclerc


TomHolland: Wait, you're with Charles rn?!

LandoNorris: 👀

LewisHamilton: The Betrayal 😭

AndrewGarfield: I thought you hated Champagne?

GeorgeRussell: Cuties


CharlesLeclerc added a new photo to his story

P2 & P4

Tagged: LexiHeroux


CarlosSainz: The parties started, where are you?

DanielRicciardo: Snakes don't hiss, they have secret drinking parties

MaxVerstappen: since when are you friends?


❤️Liked by BlakeLively, CharlesLeclerc, FlorencePugh and 2m others

📍 Austria
📸 Charles Leclerc

@LexiHeroux: Sorry I'm late, I was forcing Charles to take some good pics of me 🫡


RyanReynolds: are you cheating on me and @BlakeLively???

↪️ BlakeLively: we're not turning this throuple into a foursome. Sorry Charles

↪️ LexiHeroux: No need to get so jealous, I've only got eyes for you two ❤️

↪️ BlakeLively: thats our girl 💜


AndrewGarfield: You look amazing!

↪️ RyanReynolds: Back off Spiderman.



The vibrant atmosphere of the afterparty welcomed Charles and Lexi as they entered the exclusive venue. Music pulsated through the air, mingling with the chatter of fellow racers, team members, and VIP guests. The room exuded an aura of celebration, a testament to their remarkable performances in the F1 race.

Upon reaching the sleek counter adorned with an array of sparkling bottles, Charles instinctively reached for the champagne menu. After all, it had become something of a tradition after tonight to toast their victories with bubbly.

As Charles extended his hand to signal the bartender, Lexi cut across him with a sly smile. "Actually, make mine a vodka on the rocks," she said confidently.

Charles' eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, he was taken aback by her choice. He had expected her to order champagne considering she'd seemed to love drinking it earlier on in the evening. However, he quickly recovered and chuckled at her decision. "Vodka, huh? That's a bold choice for a celebration," he teased, still finding her selection amusing.

Lexi laughed, shrugging her shoulders playfully. "What can I say? I love getting so drunk I can't stand up."

"Well, can't argue with that," Charles replied, genuinely intrigued by her preference. "I'll stick to my whiskey, though. Cheers to us!" they clinked glasses once again, before someone appeared beside them, a large grin spread out across his face. 

"Well, well, look who it is." the Australian voice of Daniel Ricciardo spoke, and Alexandra let out a laugh as she sipped her drink. "I can't believe you guys had pre-drinks, and didn't invite the life of the party."

"Max was invited?" Lexi shot back jokingly, watching as Daniel pretended to get shot through the heart. Charles chuckled and ordered Daniel a drink quickly as the Aussie batted his eyelashes at his new friends. 

"Alexandra, you've been here a week and already you're corrupting things," Daniel murmured. "Little boy Charles here is suddenly drinking - mate what the fuck even is that? - and Lando's got his knickers in a twist because he's scared you'll take his seat next year." 

"Take his seat? Why would I do that?"

"What? Are you joking? Alexandra, you're an actress who beat sixteen professional F1 drivers at their own game. If you wanted too, I bet Toto would hire you right now." Daniel sighed. "Don't take my seat though please, I kinda like it where I am." he shrugged. 

Alexandra laughed. "Well, where's Lando, I think I should tell him I don't want his seat." she rolled her eyes. 

The pulsating beats of the music filled the air as Alexandra, Charles, and Daniel made their way through the crowd, seeking out Lando by the DJ booth. The young boy, looked a little lost amidst the partygoers, and there was a visible hint of unease in his eyes.

As they approached him, Alexandra couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the young racer. She knew what it was like to be in the spotlight at a young age, and she understood the pressure it could bring.

"Hey, Lando!" Alexandra called out with a warm smile, trying to put the young boy at ease. "We've been looking for you!" She raised her empty hand to pass him a drink that Daniel had ordered his friend from the bar. 

Lando looked up, his eyes widening as he recognized Alexandra, Charles, and Daniel. He seemed a bit startled by the sudden attention, especially from someone as famous as Alexandra, but silently thanked her and took the drink regardless.

Alexandra took a step closer and engulfed him in a gentle hug. "Daniel's just told me that you've been worried that I might want to join F1?" She laughed softly. "I just wanted to promise you right here, right now that I don't. My life is in acting, not racing. Besides, there are too many future WDCs around here right now - it's not good for my ego to lose."

Lando's nervous expression softened as he realized that Alexandra meant no harm and was in fact, just trying to get closer to him. "Thank God," he joked. "I was beginning to worry for Daniel. You could totally have taken his seat."

"Hey!" Daniel protested. The group laughed. Charles turned to them as he saw someone from team Ferrari waving him over.

"Sorry guys, I'll be right back," he smiled at Lexi and wandered away to greet his engineers. Immediately, Daniel and Lando turned to Alexandra. 

"You totally fucked shit up on the track, it was amazing." Daniel let out breathlessly. 

"Yeah, it was so good! Plus, I'm glad Charles is finally making friends!" Lando grinned. "After Charlotte..."

"Who's Charlotte?" Lexi frowned. "An ex?" 

The boys nodded, and Alexandra shrugged. "We're just friends, but what happened with Charlotte?" 

"Nobody really knows." Lando sighed. "He won't tell us. She usually comes to these After Parties though, so I'm surprised Charles even wanted to come. This isn't usually his scene. He's a quiet guy usually, although you seem to be bringing him out of his shell a bit." 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, it's just that his confidence has grown by a minuscule amount." Daniel shrugged. "Hey, Zendaya and Blake invited us all to come to set in a few days to watch filming, is that cool with you?"

Lexi clapped her hands in excitement. "Of course! Yes! Sorry lads, I didn't even think of asking you!" 

"There's our favourite stunt driver." A voice said loudly. Alexandra span to see George Russell standing with Pierre Gasly and Lewis Hamilton. Lewis engulfed Alexandra in a hug, and for some reason, the other two decided to follow suit. Not that Lexi minded - she was definitely a hugger. 

"Well done today guys, you were all so great." Lexi cheered for her new group of friends. George high-fived her. 

"I crashed into the barrier on the seventh lap, Lex." Pierre laughed, shaking his head. "I wouldn't call that a good thing." Lexi sighed.

"You know what you need? A shot...In fact, I think we all need one, come on." She ushered her new friends to the bar again, grinning as they all groaned. "Lando, are you even old enough to be in here?"

"Hey! What the fuc-,"

"Sorry we're still teaching him manners." Daniel joked. "He's got short man syndrome too. So short, but so angry all the time. It's hard to bottle all those feelings up in such a tiny body."

Lexi grinned as Lando reached to playfully punch Daniel, who returned the favour. At the bar, she felt someone wrap a drunken arm around her. "Mi querida," the voice greeted. She span to face an extremely drunk Carlos Sainz, who was being supported on one side by Checo, who waved in greeting. Alexandra giggled.

"Hey boys," she smiled. "Carlos, are you okay?"

"I'm cool." he replied, with a drunken nod.

"O-kayyy." George whistled lowly. "What the fuck have you been drinking tonight?"

"Wine." Carlos grinned. The boys groaned.


"You know the rules Carlos, you can't drink wine!" Lando scolded. "You can't handle it!"

"I can handle it!" Carlos said defensively. "I'm Carlos Sainz!"

"Jr." Daniel added.

"Carlos Sainz Jr." Carlos corrected. He grinned at Alexandra. "These boys are boring. What are you drinking? Surely something stronger than champagne?"

Alexandra waved her glass in the air, and Carlos' eyes lit up, as he turned to the barman. "Another round for everyone please, and a vodka for the lovely lady, and-," Carlos turned to count the group. "- Eight Tequila shots!"

The group groaned, but Alexandra graciously accepted her shot. "Shall we link?" she laughed, asking Carlos. The Spaniard looked confused until Alexandra crossed their arms, and raised her shot glass and lemon to her lips. Carlos nodded in understanding, and the pair sank their drinks effortlessly.

"You." Carlos grinned. "Are my new best friend."

"Likewise." She wagged her eyebrows. From beside her, she felt Lewis laugh, and she turned to face him with a grin, engulfing her old friend in a drunken hug. "I'm sorry for everything Lew." she sighed. Lewis nodded into her shoulder.

"We'll talk about it all properly one day Lex, but not yet. Come on, let's go dance."


As the evening wore on and the celebration continued, the effects of the alcohol had begun to take their toll on Lexi. Her usually composed and confident demeanor had been replaced by a slightly wobbly and carefree version of herself. Feeling the need for a moment of solitude, she stumbled outside onto the rooftop bar for a cigarette. The cool night breeze brushed against her flushed cheeks, momentarily clearing her mind.

However, the combination of alcohol and exhaustion caught up with Lexi, and she almost lost her balance, threatening to send her crashing to the ground. Just in the nick of time, strong arms reached out and steadied her, preventing a potential mishap.

Max Verstappen, who happened to be nearby, couldn't help but laugh at the sight before him. However, his amusement quickly turned to concern as he saw that Lexi was visibly drunk and unsteady on her feet. "Easy there, Alexandra," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of amusement and genuine care. "You okay?"

Lexi blinked, trying to focus on Max's face. "Max?" she slurred slightly, her lips forming a lopsided grin. "I'm fine, just enjoying the night, you know? Carlos is way worse than me."

Max chuckled and guided her to an outdoor table, where they could sit and chat. "I see that," he replied with a smile. "But maybe let's sit down for a little bit and chat, here, do you need this?"

As they settled at the table, Max offered Lexi his lighter, realizing she wanted to have a cigarette. He watched as she struggled for a moment to light it, her coordination a little off-kilter. With a patient smile, he leaned forward and helped her light the cigarette.

Lexi took a deep drag, the nicotine offering a brief respite from the swirling sensations in her head. She exhaled slowly, her gaze fixed on the city lights in the distance.

"Thanks," Lexi mumbled, her speech still a little slurred. "You're being so nice, Max. Don't they call you Mad Max?" 

Max sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Yeah, they do."

Lexi took another drag of her cigarette, the gentle night breeze carrying the smoke away as Max lit one of his own. She looked thoughtfully at Max, her curiosity piqued by the nickname he carried in the F1 world.

"Well, I think it's a bullshit nickname," she said, her tone a mix of intrigue and concern. "You were nice to me just then." She shrugged.

Max leaned back in his chair, his expression serious yet calm. "Yeah, it's a nickname that's stuck with me for a while," he explained. "I guess it started when I was younger and more impulsive on the track. I had some aggressive moments, and the media and fans picked up on that."

Lexi nodded, trying to understand. "But it's not fair. People change and grow over time. I used to be a right bitch," she paused and giggled. "I mean, I still point, Mad Max, is that I think you're a pretty good guy. Fuck the haters!"

Max smiled appreciatively at her words. "Thanks, Lexi," he replied. "You know, I didn't know what to think of you at first...I thought you'd be a typical Hollywood diva. I was wrong."

"And? What am I?"

"You're a fucking talented stuntwoman, I can tell you that. Mercedes were lucky to have you over the summer."Max smiled as her face lit up, excitement on her features. 

"You really think so? You aren't just being nice?" Max shook his head, and Lexi's eyes welled with tears. "Sorry," she sighed. "I'm a bit emotional when I drink."

Max laughed. "Hey, don't cry. It's okay." he paused when he caught sight of a brunette walking past, and Lexi kicked him under the table, the tears suddenly dry.

"Who's that?" she asked. "She's pretty."

"Oh, that's...nobody."

"Hey! You! Pretty lady! Yeah, you! C'mere!" Lexi suddenly yelled. Max went stiff and his eyes widened in shock as the woman chuckled and walked over, taking a seat beside them. "You look amazing, doesn't she Max?" Lexi nudged Max forcefully.

The woman laughed. "Thank you, and so do you. I'm Kelly Piquet." She reached her hand out to high-five a drunk Lexi, who seemed elated that she'd made a new friend. "Hey Maxie," she greeted. 

"Hey Kel," Max greeted sheepishly. 

"Wait, are you guys fucking?" Lexi said casually. Kelly's eyes widened in shock, and it was now Max's turn to kick Lexi under the table. "What? OW! Fucking hell Max, I was only asking considering you looked like you were ready to bend her over the minute she walked-,"

"Okay, I think you've had enough to drink." Max laughed awkwardly, thankful that Kelly was at least finding this funny too. 

"Look Kel, can I call you Kel? This is my best friend, Max, we've known each other for a week - but he's been my best friend for the past twenty minutes. Give him a chance, and I promise, if he breaks your heart, I'll snap his dick." Lexi smiled sweetly. 

"Where the hell have-," A sudden voice interrupted, and Lexi span to face George Russell. He looked at the awkward scene in front of him and burst out laughing. "Oh shit, Heroux, what have you gotten yourself into?"

"A state." Lexi grinned. "Can we go and get another-,"

"Lewis is going home," George said simply. "He said he's going to take you back too. Time to go Lex." He laughed as she crossed her arms like a child and pouted. Kelly grinned and leaned over at her new friend. 

"Hey, I'll keep Max company, it's okay." she smiled softly. Even drunk, Lexi knew she'd succeeded for Max. He'd caught Kelly's eye. Lexi suddenly nodded and stood up, patting Max on the back. 

"Goodnight bestie," she grinned, mock saluting him as she skipped away, with George being dragged along behind her. "Are we actually leaving?" she asked with a frown as she was out of Kelly's eyeline. George laughed. 

"Well, we're all going back to the hotel for a quiet drink - the music here is too loud. Do you want to come?" 

Lexi grinned. 

"Take me to your leader."


❤️ Liked by BlakeLively, CharlesLeclerc, FlorencePugh and 1.2m others

📍 Austria
Tagged: LexiHeroux, LandoNorris, DanielRicciardo

@GeorgeRussell: I can't remember ever getting this drunk before in my life


CharlesLeclerc: Drunk doesn't even describe it

↪️ CarlosSainz: fhrisjcjtnwsk

↪️ GeorgeRussell: Point proven, Thanks Carlos

↪️ MaxVerstappen: Jesus Christ


LewisHamilton: I'm assuming Lexi kept the shots coming all night?

↪️ GeorgeRussell: You're correct



CarlosSainz added a new photo to his story

Best Friends 4 eva

Tagged: LexiHeroux


GeorgeRussell: Rue, when was this?

DanielRicciardo: Where the fuck did you two get the bottle from?!

MaxVerstappen: She's my bestie not urs!


❤️Liked by BlakeLively, CharlesLeclerc, FlorencePugh and 2m others

📍 Austria
📸 Charles Leclerc

@LexiHeroux: Mr Stark, I don't feel so good.


RobertDowneyJr: Is this why you came knocking on my door at 4am?

↪️ BlakeLively: She went to ur room too?

↪️ Zendaya: and ours 🤣

↪️ AndrewGarfield: she threw up in my bathroom and then left

↪️ blakelively: why am i not surprised?


CarlosSainz: bestie 🌶

↪️ LexiHeroux: 🌶



Is everyone alive? 

Somehow...I woke up on the balcony.

I'm naked in the shower

I'm in the wardrobe?

I'm in bed, I don't know why
you morons all went there. 
There was plenty of room
for a sleepover.
Lando and I watched Cars
until we fell asleep!

Are we in your room?


Oh thank God
Will you order some food?
I'm starving


There's some leftover meat in the bathroom
(Danny's meat)

I'm going to be sick

Oh, can someone find my clothes? 

I threw them off the balcony.

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