๐–๐€๐’๐“๐„ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐„...

By tainthesoul

1.8K 88 107

i wont let you cause me trauma, you just wanna waste my time. in which, joc... More

waste my time,
vol i, cherry waves.
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ jelly belly
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ bonfire
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฏ kiss kiss
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ eyes lips face
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฑ liar

๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ debutante

197 12 14
By tainthesoul

𝟬𝟮 . . . 𝖽𝖾𝖻𝗎𝗍𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾

JOCELYN laid in a bed that she felt wasn't hers, the scent was different as well. It was a welcoming smell, she buried her face deeper into the pillows.

She heard a snort and immediately lifted her head to find the culprit, she noticed it was Steven. Although, she didn't know the Fishers and Conklin's that well she felt as if she had known them forever.

"Shut it, Steven." She groaned, Steven raised his eyebrows at the girl who surprisingly known his name.

"How do you know my name is Steven?" He asked jokingly, Jocelyn rolled her eyes, "Because of Belly. Duh."


"Well, you're lucky I was the one who lent you my bed. Jeremiah wouldn't do it because he wanted to lay comfy, Conrad well Conrad doesn't know you that well and doesn't warm up to people that easily. Belly did offer but my mom said that she raised me better and made me give you the bed." Steven explained, he walked over to the bed and sat next to the girl.

Jocelyn's head was pounding from the alcohol last night, she hadn't realized that Maia totally ditched and left her. "What else did I do?" She asked burying his face into her knees. The dress had ridden up higher and her white shorts were clearly visible.

A sudden knock on the door grabbed both of their attention, it revealed a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was carrying a tray what seemed to have been food, aspirin and orange juice.

"Hi, honey. I heard about the incident last night and wanted to bring you my favorite gift." The woman smiled softly, she sat next to Steven and handed Jocelyn the food.

"Thank you.." Jocelyn thanked trailing, "Susannah, I'm Connie and Jere's mom. Laurel is Steven and Belly's mother." The woman explained and pointed at the woman who was staring suspiciously at the girl.

"Um, thank you guys so much for this.. all of it. This isn't usually how I make my first impressions. I'm Jocelyn Cameron, Denise and.."

"Ron's daughter. Your father goes on business trips with my husband, so I've heard of you plenty of times." Susannah finished. She patted the girls lap and stood up, "Steven, you have work soon so I advise you go downstairs with Jeremiah and get ready to head out."

Steven nodded and looked at the Cameron once again, "Good luck with your hangover."

Jocelyn groaned and grabbed the nearest pillow launching it at him, before he could get hit he dodged it and ran downstairs.

She heard chitter and movement downstairs and felt her insides boil, she ran out of the room and threw up the bile from yesterdays events. Susannah smiled softly at the girl wanting to hold her hair back but she seemed to be holding something and running down the stairs excitedly.

"Belly is gonna be a debutante." She announced, there seemed to have been chuckling and she heard Belly respond with "It's really not that big of a deal."

"I'm sorry like Belly? Like, my sister? Like, that thing right there?" Steven said shockingly, Jocelyn smiled at the boy and flushed the toilet.

She looked a mess and was upset that this was how she showed her first impression toward the Fishers.

A constant ringing came from Stevens room, she walked back and found the noise. It was her phone and it was blown up. She had over 100 notifications coming from mostly her mother, a few calls from her father and the rest being from Maia her worried that she had been taken in.

Jocelyn walked down the stairs quietly hoping not to draw any attention, she noticed Belly and immediately approached her.

"Belly, I am so sorry! Like, I'm so so sorry." She apologized, Belly looked up at her in confusion while chewing her cereal.

"For what? You didn't do anything." Belly asked smiling, "I know.. but what I did was so embarrassing."

Belly looked at the girl apologetically and patted her to sit down in the seat next to her, Jocelyn sat down and tried to relax her nerves. Belly got up and grabbed another spoon for Jocelyn, she held it out offering it.

"Nah, No thank you. I just threw up not to long ago." Jocelyn declined.

"Belly, are you sure you want to do this? It doesn't seem very you." Laurel sighed, Belly turned around and Conrad suddenly spoke up.

"It's not."

"Conrad, could you please be a little more supportive?" Susannah asked, "Now, which one of you is gonna be Belly's escort to the ball?"

"Not me, I went last year."

"Yeah, and I swore off balls."

Steven chuckled, "The dances, dude."

"Wow, guys. Stop fighting over me." Belly laughed, "I'm not going with either of you."

"I am going with Joss." She smiled, pulling her into a hug. "Just kidding, I'm going to find my own date."

"Wikipedia says that debutante balls require instruction in moral and social etiquette." Laurel interjected, "I'm going for a swim." Conrad said.

"Hey.. Jocelyn are you attending the Deb ball this year?" Susannah asked curiously, Jocelyn remembered when she attended the ball. Well, technically she didn't. She had gotten sick day of the ball and they said she couldn't go due to how contiguous she was.

"After last time? No, absolutely not."

"Oh, why not? You and Belly could be in pretty white dresses and curtsy, and I'm sure if I brought it up with your mom she would be happy with you doing it aswell."

"Yeah, I know. But, I don't think I wanna do it this year." The girl frowned, "Please, Joss. Please..please.please." Belly begged.

Jocelyn looked into Belly's eyes noticing her genuinely begging, "Okay! Okay, fine. I'll do the fricken Deb ball!"

Susannah smiled and kissed the girl on the forehead, Belly hugged the girl tighter than ever.

"Well, hurry up! We have shopping to do!" Susannah smiled, "I would love to go, Belly. But, I have to head back home. I'll see you at tea?"

Belly nodded and watched the girl walk away, the moms continued their chatter and was happy that Belly had made a new friend. Laurel was still skeptical about the girl but Susannah reassured her that the girl was a delight.

THE door creaked as Jocelyn opened the door, all lights were off and only her mothers sweetly scented candles were on.

The TV in the living room could be heard as clear as day, she walked into the kitchen and noticed a piece of paper on the island. It read those exact words of when a girl is coming of age. For, some reason the accept check mark had already been checked. She picked up the hard piece of paper and play with the flimsy corners. The sudden clacks of her mothers heels were heard, "Oh great, you're home. Totally after I told you and your brother to watch Meira's kids. But, no. Neither of you want to listen to me and I had to babysit Meira's kids when I was supposed to be out doing business!" Denise scolded.

"Look, Mom-" She started, knowing she wasn't going to hear the end of it. "No! Don't 'look' me, Jocelyn. I'm getting sick of you and your brothers antics of acting out on me! Do I need to call your father so he can put both of you in check?" She continued.


"What did I say, Jocelyn! You listen to me! I don't listen to you! You're lucky, Susannah told me you were at her house.. I was relieved. Angry! But relieved." Denise growled.

Jocelyn slumped into the stool behind her and dropped the piece of paper, "And, you're doing the debutante ball." She finished, walking away.

Jocelyn groaned and went upstairs to her room, she flicked on all the lights and suddenly the lights shut off, Jocelyn huffed in annoyance and flicked the light switches on and off.

"Mom! The power is out!" Jocelyn screamed, "I know! I'm going to call the utility services and see what's up! I'll be back soon."

Jocelyn sighed and went into her closet, she had to decide what she was going to wear to this tea party thing. She laid down and dialed Maia's number after all of this she was really gonna need her friend.

JOCELYN had decided on a ditsy floral dress and white flats, she had went through her mother's hats to see what was fitting and put it on.

As of now she stood outside the Country Club waiting for Belly, she soon pulled up and looked uncomfortable until she noticed Joss. She ran over awkwardly as if the dress was to tight, "How was shopping, Bells?"

"Tiring, all the dresses were so fancy and I just want something simple but Susannah insisted I get this poofy looking wedding dress." Belly sighed, flipping my her head back.

"It all can't be that bad." Joss reassured, she hooked her own gloved hands im in between Belly's and began walking into the country club.

In her peripheral she noticed a blonde figure jogging toward them, "Belly! Joss! Hey." The voice greeted.

"Woah, Belly you look good." Jeremiah smiled looking her up and down, he turned over to look at Jocelyn. She had taken her braids out and straightened her hair by the end of the night it would most likely have been a tough battle between the hot weather and those original curly roots, otherwise it was tied back into a formal bun which revealed her more structured facial features.

"Holy Moly, Joss. Damn." He breathed, "Steven's gonna freak when he sees you."

Belly looked at Joss in confusion, Jocelyn's ears perked up at the mention of the Conklin boy. Although, they haven't had much time to talk she felt her heart bloom at the thought of him. This feeling was different, way different.

"Steven... you say." Jocelyn winked, Belly fake gagged.

"Oh! Good to know you like him back! I'll be sure to tell him." He clowned, Jocelyn smacked his arm and he retaliated.

"You're not telling Steven anything other than me thanking him for allowing me to sleep in his bed." She added.

"Okay.. whatever you say.." Jeremiah said dragging his words, "Let me walk you two in."

"Thanks but no thanks.. Belly and I got this."

"No, I insist." He insisted, "Okay.. whatever you say.." She said, mocking the blonde boy.

Jeremiah opened his arms offering to interlace them, both of the girls took them thankfully. The group walked in to see all types of girls wearing different colors. Belly was smiling and her smile dropped when everyone turned to stare.

"Jeremiah." Paige deadpanned, "Paige." He uncomfortably smiled.

"Where's your shirt?" She asked, Jocelyn mentally face palmed herself in the face. "It's always a pleasure." He said avoiding the question entirely, he kissed the palm of her hand.


"This is Belly and Joss. I mean uh, Isabel Conklin and Jocelyn Cameron." Jeremiah said, reintroducing the pair. Jocelyn slightly curtsied, "the young woman my mom told you about, my future wife. The other one here is well off limits."

"They're late." Paige said, "I-I-I'm so sorry-" Belly started, "She means we sincerely apologize for our late inconveniences.. it won't happen again." Jocelyn apologized in a more proper.

"I hope not.. I've heard plenty of great things about you Jocelyn and I'm hoping you actually able to attend the Deb ball this year.. your presence last year was good. I'm hoping for better.. same goes for you Miss Isabel." Paige declared, "Both of you are sat at table two."

Jeremiah stole a sandwich and wished the girls luck, Jocelyn interlocked their arms and walked toward the table. She felt Belly shiver as they walked past the girls.

The table seemed to have girls that Jocelyn knew last year, which was Shayla, Nicole, GiGi and a few others.

This was going to be hella awkward for Belly, she sat in between Belly and Shayla leaving Belly next to Nicole. They all made awkward greetings and Jocelyn so bad wanted to leave.

Jocelyn squeezed Belly's hand and kept them interlocked, this was going to be one long tea party.

Shayla seemed to have noticed Belly's bruise, she tapped on Jocelyn's shoulder to grab her attention. "Hey.. is that bruise from the other night." She asked.

Jocelyn nodded and whispered to Belly, Shayla was grabbing something out of her bag and Belly looked in confusion, "Here.. let me fix it."

She reached over Jocelyn not noticeably but enough to be noticed by the girls at the table and dabbed over Belly's bruise. She was lucky they were the same shade or else it would've looked a hot mess.

"I think we're good." Shayla smiled, "Thank you." Belly smiled.

Shayla seemed to have stared at the dark skinned girl longer than intended, "Hey.. Joss?"

"What's up, Shay?" Jocelyn asked, "You know Steven right?"


Shayla hesitated before saying what she was going to say, "I think he might like you."

Jocelyn was sipping her tea then she started choking, everyone whipped their heads and stared at the choking girl. Shayla patted her back a few times and the coughing had finally stopped. "Me? I barely know him." She scoffed.

"Listen.. you didn't hear this from me but I see how he looks at you. When we were at the party the other night and you were all drunk, he couldn't stop looking at you. Which led to my early departure. I'm just saying, when a boy doesn't have a lot of girls feening over him it makes it easier for girls who do want him. Because they'll stop at nothing until they get what they want." She explained, Jocelyn didn't know if that was a threat or actual advice.

"Um.. I'll sleep on that. Thanks, I guess."

"Mhm." Shayla nodded, emphasizing her vocals.

"Yeah! And then she was all like they'll stop at nothing till they get what they want." Jocelyn spat, she hasn't laid on the words of what Shayla said. She was still thinking on it all night, who exactly was Shayla talking about.

"Ugh, I knew that bitch was fake!" Maia barked, she never liked Shayla and never will. Jocelyn told her that Shayla was perfectly fine and nothing to worry about but she refused to be friends with her.

"I don't know, I don't wanna be bitchy about it. But, if I actually fall for Steven how will I know that Shayla won't be snakey and be falling for him too!" She sighed, she put the phone on speaker and was removing the old and crusty dried up makeup.

"Trust me, babe. I will beat her ass up if she tries it." Maia asssured, "No need to get violent Mai."

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"You know Jeremiah did say something about Steven at the club." She remembered, "What! You spoke with Jere! Since when were you two all cozy!" Maia shouted through the phone, she slightly broke out on how loud she was yelling.

"Relax, ever since I've became friends with Belly which I'm grateful for they've been really nice to me. I'm glad my mom sent me to the gas station that day, but I'm still surprised on how I haven't met her or them till now."

She noticed Cam walking down the hallway, "Cam where are you going?" She asked.

"To the drive in." He said, spraying cologne. "Oo.. with?"


Jocelyn's faced dropped, raised then dropped again. "With Belly!? Cam, I'm going to kill you! Literally kill you!"

Cam quickly dropped the cologne grabbed his keys and ran out of the house, Jocelyn left Maia on the phone as it sat downsided.

The power was still out, so candles were lit everywhere. Accidents were prone to happen either it be with a fire from too many candles, tripping without any true lighting or trying to kill your brother for going out with your newly made but close friend.

"Jocelyn!" Her mother suddenly called, she was now returning and she prayed that they could get the problem fixed.

She groaned as she just traveled up the long flight of stairs, she ran back down the stairs to meet eye to eye with her mother.

"Yes, mom?" She asked, "Well, I have good and bad news." She announced.

Jocelyn sighed, "Okay, Bad news first. Obviously."

Denise breathed in, "Bad news..first, okay."

"Mom! Just get on with it."

"Fine! Our power isn't coming back on until the end of the summer!" She started, "And, you and I will be staying with the Fishers, and Cam said he'd find a place to crash with his friends till the end of summer."

Jocelyn felt everything crashing down, of course moving in with the Fishers wasn't a big deal. It was being that close in proximity to Steven Conklin for that long was a big deal. How was she going to control herself this time.

sal speaks!
mhm..yup! i wanted to stir the pot up and bit and get some steven x joss action going on. and im sorry guys im not sure what i want to do with shaylas character yet i love her i really do but i alr got enough heartache so like i said im stirring the pot up and i live for drama like literally. but from this chapter here on out there will most definitely be forced proximity in between the two so you'll be able to see more of them and if you haven't noticed each chapter is an episode. im ngl i need you guys to let me know if you want me too split it up into 2-3 chapters per episode cause ik i don't like reading hella long chapters with no action.

anyway did anyone come from tiktok im trying to boost my book and that's usually the best way too.

p.s. dont be a ghost reader..!! please interact 🫶🏽

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