Catch Me - Charles Leclerc ✓

By bea_scenarios

38.5K 592 9

[#1 Book of Formula Of Love series] :p - They used to be childhood lovers, but as he began to become known in... More

- Characters -
- Charles in 2019 -


1.1K 18 0
By bea_scenarios

▀▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀▄

╰┈ Summer of 2019,
in Hockenheimring 🇩🇪

I woke up with a slight headache. I recall everything from last night. I wasn't fully conscious when I did was I did, but I wasn't unconscious either. Flashbacks from last night came to me and I feel my cheeks getting hotter. I missed this with Val, being close to her, having fun with her and yes also having sex with her. I hear her shuffling around and then a falling noise and her talking deutsch.

I turn to face her, let's tease her a little bit.

"Je t'ai dit que tu ne pourrais pas marcher avec moi"
[Told you wouldn't be able to walk with me]

She looked mortified. I on the other hand was getting turned on seeing her in her red lingerie, that I had putted on after we were finished.

"Relax Val."

"I can't fucking relax Leclerc! This beyond wrong, don't you get it?! It should've never happened in the first place! I shouldn't have taken this job as soon as I knew it was you." she grabs her stuff and pushes me away when I try to stop her. Her words hurt me, I knew she didn't love me anymore, but after last night I thought maybe it was all fake, but maybe I was too drunk to realize that I didn't ever get a second chance "Forget tonight happened! And also I am quitting the job, find someone else to do it. I made my decision even before the race yesterday-"

"No! I don't care if you are mad that we had sex and about what happened before that, but I won't accept you quitting. I need to get better, I can't lose more races! Even if you don't speak to me anymore, please continue treating me!" she stares blankly at me. Her face shows that she wants to leave the room and not answer me, but she's also considering my proposal. She sighs.

"The next race is in 2 weeks. Let me think it over today and I'll tell you something tomorrow, ok?" I nodded and she leaves my room.

When did things between us became this complicated...? We used to almost be glued to each other, crazy in love for one and other and out of nowhere she breaks up with me through text and goes to Austria to live with her father. I keep remembering everything that happened during that time to find explanations to why we aren't together anymore, but I don't have a clue.

I need to concentrate in getting better and in winning races. I need to stay professional and keep my mind on the game. I'm letting my private life interfere way too much with racing, and that can't happen.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
in the ꕤ evening

"Dis-moi tout ce qui s'est passé, tu as disparu du club hier"
[Tell me everything that happened, you disappeared from the club yesterday]

"Moi et Val avons couché ensemble. Nous étions assez ivres et avons fini par le faire."
[Me and Val slept together. We were pretty drunk and ended up doing it.]


"Honnêtement, je ne le regrette pas, tu sais que je l'aime toujours. Mais quand nous nous sommes réveillés, elle était au-delà de la folie et elle a essayé de quitter le travail."
[I honestly don't regret it, you know I still love her. But when we woke up she was beyond mad and she tried to quit the job.]

"Et que s'est-il passé ensuite?"
[And what happened after that?]

"J'ai essayé de la convaincre de ne pas le faire, que pouvais-je faire d'autre?"
[I tried to convice her not to, what else could I do?]

"Et qu'a-t-elle dit!"
[And what did she say?]

"Elle me donnera une réponse demain."
[She will give me an answer tomorrow.]

I sighed, I am tired of being blind in all this thing and not being able to do anything!

"Pierre, je l'aime vraiment, je ne sais pas quoi faire si je la perds encore. Elle est tout pour moi. J'ai besoin de savoir ce qui s'est passé il y a toutes ces années. C'est la seule façon pour moi de la récupérer."
[Pierre, I really love her, I don't know what to do if I lose her again. She's my everything. I need to know what happened all those years ago. That's the only way I can get her back.]

"Je vais essayer de t'aider à trouver mon pote. Vous méritez votre fin heureuse et vous devez dissiper tout malentendu."
[I will try my best to find out mate. You guys deserve your happy ending and need to clear out whatever misunderstandings there is.]

Indeed there's many misunderstandings in the middle of this, I can feel it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
next ꕤ morning

*ding ding ding ding ding*

I groan waking up with my phone notifications, I open it and read it.

I felt a wave of relief going through me as I read the texts. Now I need to try to keep things as professional as possible, while trying to get close to her and also investigate what happened when she broke up with me.

This is going to be interesting...

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