BLOODLINE The Last Sanctuary...

Por WendyyWolfe

830 259 161

-Complete- A zombie apocalypse with a twist of Native American Lore. It all began from a sequence of events... Más

BloodLine | The Last Sanctuary | Cover Art
Nineteen Seventy Eight
[1] What You've Been Missing
[2] Three For A Dollar
[3] We All Fall Down
[4] The Sign Of The Heron
[6] You Only Live Once
[7] Between The Dream
[8] Not Your Mother's Fairy Tale
[9] Everything About You
[10] Plenty Of Warning Given
[11] A Stones Throw Away
[12] A Family Standard
[13] Moab Is For Lovers
[14] Two 50 Caliber Reasons
[15] Full Speed Combat Mode
[16] Worth A Thousand Words
[17] When You Do What You Do
[18] You Have Asked Well
[19] Hit Or Miss
[20] No Help Forth-Coming
[21] Back To What You Came Here For
[22] Until I Find You
[23] There Comes A Time
[24] Gather The Lillies
[25] Ruins
[26] Ten Reasons
[27] The Hopeless Distance
[28] Small Talk
[29] No Good Beginning
[30] Apart From Death
[31] The Silence Of Joy
[32] The Next Three Days
[33] Hear The Drums Echo
[34] Nothing Else Matters
[35] Over The Horizon
[36] Where Ever It Is
[37] The First Shall Be The Last

[5] Down To The End Of The Sidewalk

24 7 0
Por WendyyWolfe

Down to the End of the Sidewalk

Deaglan and Miranda sat glued to the TV since he'd gotten home yesterday afternoon. In all their years of marriage, they'd never even binged watched a good reality show together, much less been remotely interested in the same types of programs, but this was no lame reality episode. It was reality. Just not one Deag had ever envisioned.

He wanted to turn it off, if only for Mirandas sake but that was not an option.

This morning the army national guard had been moving through Moab on Hwy 191 towards Salt Lake City. As they passed slowly through the streets, a recorded message blared, warning residents to stay indoors.

Salt Lake City was enacting medical marshal law and the state of Utah was implementing a dusk to dawn curfew until further notice.

To make matters worse, he couldn't get in touch with Nathan and some of the images he'd seen from news reports were disturbing and down-right unbelievable.

Deag was on hyper-panic mode, and Miranda wasn't helping his nerves.

When their mother called him about Nathan, Miranda went into meltdown, ran into their bedroom with the kids and refused to come out. When he ended the call, he went to the bedroom door and tried to go in, but the door was locked.

"Really, Miranda? Open the damn door." Deag urged impatiently.

Miranda could hear the irritation in his voice and stubbornly refused. "I'M not and you're not going out to look for Nathan either Deaglan, its dangerous! And you're not leaving me here alone to go get your mom either! We aren't going anywhere! I mean it Deag!"

"Miranda! You're not telling me what I can and can't do! Your being ridiculous and your scaring the kids. Please come out so we can talk. I'm serious. Mom has someone picking her up, and besides, I won't leave you and the kids alone," Deag cajoled her. If I can help it, he thought to himself. "Come on. Unlock the door, please Miranda."

"Daddy come get us," his son Rois whined.

"Rois just unlock the door son. You can come out here with me."

"He's not unlocking the door Deag. Don't ask him to," Miranda launched angrily.

"Miranda. Rois can come out here if he wants to dammit. Oh my god. I've had enough," Deag half whispered to himself. He went to Rois's room got a hanger from the closet and proceeded to pick the lock on the bedroom door. When it swung open, the kids ran to him and he hugged them loosely and told them to go to the living room while he talked to Mommy.

Deag sat on the bed beside Miranda and she promptly burst into tears. He put his arms around her trembling shoulders brushing her long wheaten-blonde tresses from her heart shaped face and held her close.

"Miranda, it's going to be okay. I've got this, and I want you to calm down. Besides we're safe here. Salt Lake is a long way from Moab. You have to be stronger, for the kids. They don't need to be scared," Deag comforted her softly.

"I know, I know, Deag, I'm sorry, but I am scared. You saw the news Deag. This is crazy," she sobbed quietly.

"It is, but more than likely its just news hype and will be over with before you know it. It's just precaution, is all. Let's go back in there with the kids. We'll put in a movie or something and forget about it for a while."

To his relief Miranda followed him.

Then his phone rang again. Her face fell into a slight frown. "Go put on a movie for the kids. It's Mom and I'm gonna take the call outside."

He waited until he saw Miranda go in the living room and he went out to the garage through the kitchen. "Hey Mom."

"Deag, have you heard from Nate yet?"

"No. Somethings happened Mom. He would never just disappear like that. Even with all his insider information he would never do that."

"No, I know he wouldn't." Donelle agreed.

"So, what should we do?" he asked anxiously. "Some of the things I've seen on the news are insane. It's scared Miranda to death. Do you think any of that's true?"

"I don't know Son. Hollis mentioned it to me and wants me to stay with them tonight and they are considering what to do. You know, Nate had his plans. . ."

Deag sighed. "Yeah, well I just have to stay here for now. You know this whole thing could just blow over. I hate to go dragging the kids and Miranda over hell and high water just because Nate thinks its Armageddon."

"I know Son, its hard. I didn't really want to rush hell bent for Sunday either, but I have a feeling this isn't just going to blow over. Hollis isn't one to exaggerate. Still, I was thinking. Maybe you should get a few things together, come get me and lets all just go up to the house. We can stay there so if we do hear from him, we will all be together in case there really is some kind of epidemic. And that's the most likely place Nate will come. So far Cortez hasn't been affected as far as I know. I mean I know it's all on the news, but maybe it's contained. And you know for now, the daycare will be closed, and I can help Miranda with the kids."

"Yeah, I guess we should, for Nate's sake. Plus, its further from town and we won't have to listen to all these damn trucks with their loud speaker instructions."

"What trucks Deag?"

"Yeah, the National Guard showed up last night and all day today has been shouting curfew up and down the neighborhoods. I thought Miranda was gonna have a nervous breakdown. Such crap."

"In Moab? Wow, they haven't even mentioned that in the news," Donelle mused out loud. "I don't like the sound of that Deag. All the more reason to do what I said."

"I guess you're right. I'll get things going and call you back when we hit the road."

Deaglan ended the call and went in to face the storm. He knew Miranda was never going to go for it, but she was just going to have to listen for once.


"Deag, I don't want to go all the way to Cortez. I'd rather go to my own mother's house. Your mom is too far away."

"Look Miranda, we can stop and take your parents with us. That's not a problem, but its better to get out of town for now. We can't do anything here but sit and wait. And mom said things still seem to be quiet there. At least we should be smart enough to know that. We need to be together and work together at least till we know more and get ahold of Nate. And mom said you'd have more help with the kids."

"Oh god Deag. Like I can't take care of my own kids. You know, your mom has never liked me. She uses anything she can to make me look incompetent," Miranda huffed.

"Well whatever Miranda. Your acting incompetent right now, arguing about things like you have it all figured out. Just once try to listen and work with me here." Deag stole a glance toward the living room at the kids watching TV.

Miranda eyed him suspiciously. "Don't even think about it Deag."

"What?" He asked shaking his head in disbelief at her behavior.

"Taking the kids, Deag. I know what you're thinking."

"You know nothing Miranda, but what your spoiled ass wants. Get some things packed, quit arguing and let's get going. There's a curfew, remember, and its fast approaching. I'll get Rois packed, you get Neala's stuff and let's get out of here. Call your mom and let her know they can come with us."

Deaglan headed for his son's room but Miranda was hot on his heels.

"Deag, please," she complained. "I don't want to go out there. Just let's go to mom and dads. There is plenty of room there too. The kids are more comfortable there and we can still look for Nathan from there as well as anywhere."

Deag stopped and turned around to her. His green eyes sparked like hot emeralds. "And what about my mom Miranda? Huh? Is she welcome at your parent's house? And let's see, why would she want to risk coming to this area, when it is safer where she is? I don't understand you Miranda. I'm getting the kids packed. If you want to go with us, you can, if not go to your parents. Its not worth the struggle."

Miranda stared at Deag but said nothing. He continued to his son's room and began pulling clothes from the dresser, throwing them on the bed.

"You're an ass hole Deag," Miranda spat.

"I don't care Miranda. Get packing," he repeated with a raised brow.

Six-year-old Neala called out from the living room.

Deag frowned.

"Mommy, I'm hungry."

"Coming sweetie," Miranda turned on her heel with a smirk and left Deag alone.

When he got some items together for Rois, he headed to Neala's room and did the same. In the hall closet he grabbed their little sleeping bags and stacked them at the front door with the duffle bags. Miranda was in the kitchen with Neala making a sandwich, so he went to pack his own bag. When he brought it out to the front door, Miranda was sitting casually on the sofa watching TV with the kids. Deaglan wanted to come unglued. "Miranda, you do realize there is a curfew, right? We have to go now, or we'll have to wait till morning," he pled.

"Fine," she quipped, "you go ahead. I'm not going." She shrugged, not bothering to even look his way.

Deaglan clenched his teeth to keep from bursting at the seams. "Fine. We'll wait till morning." He walked away never noticing the faint smile on Miranda's lips, as he pulled his phone from his back pocket. He headed back to the garage to call his mom and let her know.

Miranda waited a few seconds then she got up and walked silently to the edge of the garage door to listen. She stole a glance back to where the kids sat. They hadn't noticed. She heard Deag and fought the small amount of guilt for eavesdropping. His voice rose and fell with emotion as he told his mother they wouldn't make it there by tonight, and her body stiffened with anger as he told Donelle it was Miranda's fault. Miranda felt her face flush and she held her breath to keep from interrupting his slanderous explanation.

Her eyes rolled with the cynicism in her heart. She quietly turned and went back to sit with the kids, seething with contempt. As her heart thumped against her chest her mind justified the plans she was making.

She heard Deag come back inside and lock the door behind him. She listened as he went to the fridge and got a beer, cracking it open. She felt his eyes glaring in her direction and she squirmed around the kids and lay down to hide from the betrayal she felt. She heard him chug it and toss the can in the trash.

"I'm going to bed Miranda. We're going to leave early so get some sleep," he stated with finality from the kitchen. When he came over and bent down to kiss her on the head, she thought she would scream. He hugged the kids, said good night and made his way to their room.

Rois jumped up and happily chirped that he was going to sleep with dad.

Miranda grabbed his arm. "No baby lets watch another movie," she crooned.

"But I'm tired too mommy," Rois whined.

"Oh, come on big boy, you can do it!" Miranda smiled at his innocent face. "It'll be fun, besides it still early," she cajoled.

"Oh okay. But after that I want to sleep with dad."

"Me too," Neala chimed in.

"Sure thing," Miranda promised her with a smile. "We'll all sleep with daddy."

The kids piled up beside her and as she figured, shortly they both faded off to sleep on the couch. After waiting to make sure they were soundly asleep, Miranda quietly got up and went to stand at her and Deaglan's room, listening to see if he was asleep yet. When she heard his long even breaths, she softly shut the door. Without hesitation Miranda gathered up everything Deag had packed for the kids and slipped outside. She threw it all in the back seat and left the car door cracked as she went back in and one by one carried the kids out and loaded them in the car. Neala never blinked as Miranda strapped her in her car seat, covering her with a light blanket. Rois stirred and grumbled about sleeping with dad. Miranda shushed him. "Go back to sleep little man, dads coming," she lied, as she got in the car, and held her breath as she started the small SUV.

She felt sure she could make it and to hell with curfews. Besides she thought, curfews were designed to keep looters at bay, and anyone could see she wasn't a looter.

Feeling better with her decision, Miranda drove on through the lamp-lit silent streets. Perhaps after a good sleep Deag would feel different and join them at her parent's house. She would call him in the morning. It was with these confident thoughts that Miranda got on Hwy 191 and headed toward the city of Price.


After Deag's conversation it didn't take Donelle long to decide on the change of plan. She hollered for Hollis and waited in his office, but impatience overtook her, and she made her way back up to the front of the diner.

"Coming Donelle!" Hollis called out as he barreled through the swinging door between the kitchen and the back room almost smashing into her on the other side.

"Oh dang, Donie! I almost rammed right over you!"

"Is everything okay Donie!" Verbena asked worriedly from behind Hollis.

Donelle shook her head. "No, but listen guys, we have to start over. I want us to get packed up. As much food and water possible and head out to my place. We need to get off this highway. I don't want to sound paranoid but, Deag just said that the military has moved in to Moab lock, stock and barrel. And that's not sounding good. And, we need to be there when Nate resurfaces. That's where he'll come looking for us."

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