Mrs.Afton's Tale Told [FNAF]...

By Guhn0m3

711 44 34

Mrs.Afton had fallen in love with a brilliant man who had passion and a dream. But years later she realizes t... More

Prologue - Crumbling Dreams
Ch1 - The End(?)
Ch.2 - The Spirits and a Choice
Ch.3 - The VERY Beginning
Ch.4 - On this Day
Ch.5 - Missing Child and their Dog
Ch.6 - Home We Go
Ch.7 - A Chat with Elizabeth
Ch.8 - A Chat with Michael
Ch.10 - 'Brekky' with the Tormentors
Ch.11 - Where's Charlotte?
Woke up Next to William
Wait, Charlotte's Missing?
Nevermind, She's Dead
Mrs.Afton's Thoughts
Planning, but having Doubts
Short Chat with William
Some Art from the author
Chomp (pt 1.5)
The TV's Unpleasant Reminder

Ch.9 - Mike's Friend in the Freddy Mask

23 2 5
By Guhn0m3

Claire flipped pancakes on the skillet, trying to make a mental plan of her day. William went to the pizzeria early to work on Chica.

The restaurant was closed as a precaution to Susie being missing, but Will still had to maintain everything. She didn't have any students today, all her errands were run, and her house was relatively clean.

Maybe she and the kids could relax today. Spend time at home or maybe in the small park on the street. She knew other kids played there a lot. For now, she would bask in the peace that was a quiet house in the morning, with the pancake smell wafting through the air.

Until she heard heavy footsteps rush down the hallway.
"Good morning Michael."

The stomps stopped at the door, "—Morning, mom,"— she heard him sniff the air—"Are those pancakes?"

"Yes they are," Claire assured. As he walked closer to inspect the pancake stacks, Claire could see he was shirtless. Only wearing navy blue shorts and the foxy mask. She felt like that mask was permanently stuck to his head.

His hand reached out to snag a pancake. Quickly, she slapped it away with the spatula.

The boy sneered at his mom,"Hey!"

"No eating until you put a shirt on and wash your hands."
He shot her a look and sighed before turning back to his room. Even when she wasn't looking back to check, she felt the gesture of his middle finger. Disregarding his disrespect, she set her thoughts to the pancakes and other matters.

Mrs.Afton hadn't heard any word on where little Susie might be. She just prayed the girl was okay.

The same stomping—but louder— resonated again throughout the house. Mike came back into view wearing a hoodie with the sleeves cut off: both arm holes fraying from his movements.

He put his hands under faucet water for a second and considered it washed. Finally snatching the pancake he wanted, Mike slapped it onto a plate then drenched it in syrups. Maple, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, all syrups he could find in the house. Topping it all off with a quarter brick of butter, whipped cream and powdered sugar.

Claire silently hoped he wouldn't eat so unhealthily in the future. Though, considering his teenage-boy metabolism, she didn't dwell on it. He wolfed down the sugary pancake like nothing and took seconds and thirds.

Thankfully Mrs.Afton had prepared extra for his siblings and unexpectedly large appetites. Maybe even too much extra.

Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang.

Once, then again, then again, and multiple times at once. Being pressed at such a rapid speed that each ring overlaps another.

Both the Afton son and mother know which visitors these are. Both have very different opinions on them.

Claire follows her son to the front door and when he opens the door is not surprised. Two boys, similar in height are there in tanks and shorts because of the weather. One wears a Bonnie Bunny mask on the side of his head and the second wears the Freddy Fazbear mask over his face.

"MIKEYMANNNN," the bunny masked boy dragged on loudly. Bunny mask boy, Benson, grabbed the other's wrist and invited them in. Mike didn't protest, Claire wanted to, but knowing they wouldn't care decided not to waste her breath.

The guests—intruders— marched in the most boisterous manner to the kitchen, surely waking the younger two children.

Before following into the kitchen, Mrs.Afton pulled her son to the side, "You didn't tell me they were coming-!"

He shrugged, "I didn't know they were either." he mumbled lazily slurring the words together.

If she weren't supposed to be the good example she would've cussed, but resulted to a mutter, "Fine. Just don't be unruly." Michael's eyes rolled as he slunk off to the kitchen.

Claire finished cooking the pancakes. The three boys, Michael, Benson, and she believes the last one's name was Connor, spent the entire time playing a game they made up.

Actually, only Mike and Benson were playing. Connor sat nearby, kneading his fingers together and faintly tapping his foot on the floor.

Being quiet was not something Mike's friends were known for. Quite the opposite.


The blond boy tilted his head up to look at her. Mrs.Afton motioned that he come over.

"Yes, Mrs.Afton?" his voice reverberated hollowly in the bear mask. Connor was the most polite out of the four though.

"Can you handle a knife?" she asked. He considered and nodded. "Good. Then can you help me cut some fruit?"
"Sure. Where?"

Claire directed him to the cutting board next to her and handed him a knife and two bowls. One full of bananas and strawberries, the other empty. Starting to cut it, the woman stopped him, "I think it would be safer if you took off that mask."

"It's mkay..."

Claire knew what she was doing, "No... It's obscuring your vision."

Pausing, he looked back at his friends who were flicking each other's ears like idiots, then back at the woman. He eased it off his face and placed it on the counter.

Mrs.Afton pitied him. Connor's lips turned down at the corners and his brown eyes were surrounded by red, puffy, eyelids. His forehead creased with worry and residual tear trails streaked his cheeks.

"Were you crying?"

The teen kept his gaze at the fruit he chopped, "...Maybe..."

Was she pushing it? She felt like she was, but wanted to hear from the boy, "Is it about Susie? ...Or your dog?"

He stopped cutting, then resumed, cutting the fruits a bit more aggressively, "...Maybe." She saw his grip on the knife turn his knuckles white.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I don't mean to be intrusive." She rested her hand on his shoulder.

He looked at her with a solemn expression, "It's fine Mrs.A..." he bit his lower lip, "I- I just- dunno. I miss my dog... and it surprises me how much I even miss that lil' brat as well. I just want them both home now. 'Cause I dunno what I should do at home without 'em. My parents are so worried about them that they haven't even noticed me..." his voice wavered and tears glossed his eyes, "They ain't noticing how much this hurts me as much as it hurts them, and I just—!" he snapped into a different sense and looked at the woman with wide eyes, realizing how much he spilt right now, "Gosh, sorry, Mrs.A. I didn't mean to spew."

She gave him a light hug, "It's okay, buddy. You deserve some attention too."

Hesitantly, Connor returned the hug while softly sobbing into her light blue blouse.

"Hey Ms.A!" Benson yelled, rudely interrupting the moment, "What's for brekky?" Connor shot a glare to his friend as Mike giggled.

"Pancakes and fruit," Claire sent a grin to Connor. She was glad to see him return it.

My sister named these tormentors.

Sorry I'm posting late! I haven't had time to write. And I'm going on a road trip soon, so I'll try to have a chapter out by thursday or friday. Bye! Have a good one!

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