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gaypancakesLOU เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ

19.8K 733 42

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1.3K 54 3
gaypancakesLOU เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ


For the last two weeks, you were going to that bar every Tuesdays and Thursdays and had a conversation with Miss D. She amazed you every single time, with her voice, her charm and her beauty.
One evening, you walked into the bar and didn't see Miss D. To say that you were disappointed would be an understatement. You began to look for her among the crowds but could not see her.
You sat at the bar area and Charles, who had grown used to you, gave you your drink of choice.
" Something wrong?" He asked.
" Where is she?" You asked back, looking down at your beverage.
" Oh, she's sick."
Your head jolted up. " Sick? Is it bad?"
Charles chuckled. " Don't worry, this happens all the time."
You frowned, not knowing what to do with yourself.

" She is probably in her dressing room." Charles suddenly said.
" Really? Can I go see her?"
Charles nodded with a small smile and you got up from your chair in a hurry.
You quietly slipped through the curtains of her dressing room to find Miss D sitting at her vanity, soaked in her own tears. You released that your presence was an intrusion, and before she could realise that you were there, you decided to back away.
Miss D turned her head towards you and frowned.
" Y/n? What are you doing here?" She asked, coughing afterwards.
" I-uh, Charles told me that you're sick. He said I could come through to you." You stuttered.
Miss D wiped her tears and began fixing her makeup.
" Don't worry, this happens regularly." She shakes her head.
" Then it is a concern."
Miss D scoffed and smiled, meeting your eye in the looking glass.

" Well, go ask Charles to make us some tea and return here." Miss D said, taking her earrings out.
You immediately obeyed her command and Charles made the tea. You brought the tray into the dressing room and sat it down on the coffee table by the sofa.
Miss D sat down and took a teacup, holding it daintily.
" What's wrong?" You asked, sitting down beside her.
" Some genetic disease." She shook her head.
You decided not to ask any more questions. You could see that Miss D was growing uncomfortable in her state of vulnerability.

You both drank your tea in silence and occasionally made eye contact after every time she coughed.
" Um... Miss D—" you started but you were rudely interrupted by a man barging into the room.
" You couldn't sing?" He asked, clearly drunk
" No, no I couldn't." Miss D got up and placed her teacup down.
The man nodded in annoyance. " Fine. We're going home. Alcina, pack your things." He said sharply.
You felt so out of place but you were taken a back by the man saying the name:Alcina.
Miss D, aka Alcina, gave you an apologetic look before following her husband out the door.

You were alone again. And you hated to see people walk out the door so you decided to sit and wait for something. You felt jealousy, even envy at the thought of Miss D's husband being with her. Your hopes, which were small already, turned into nothing at all.

The next few days, you slouched over the counter at the empty flower shop. Obviously a woman like that would have a husband. Of course she would want to live the American Dream. Of course. You felt like an idiot, surrounded by flowers.

In the early afternoon, when you had finally pulled yourself together, you heard the bell chime on the door for the first time that day.
" Good afternoo—" you looked up to see Miss D closing the door behind her and approaching the counter.
" Hello." She greeted, taking off her gloves and placing them on the counter.
" I-i-um, hi. Would you like some flowers?" You asked stupidly.
Lady D chuckled and shook her head.
" I've come to apologise for last night. I was in a total mess, and my husband— I'm sorry you had to see that." She said softly, almost in a whisper.
" Please don't apologise. I was the intrusive one."
" No, no you weren't." Lady D shook her head and looked you dead in the eye.
Of course, you blushed and looked away, mindlessly reorganising the gift cards on the counter.

" When is your break?" She asked.
" Now " you smiled, making her chuckle.
You grabbed your coat and followed Miss D out the door. You both sat at a restaurant and had tea and cake.
" Are you feeling better?" You asked.
" Much, thank you." She responded, taking a sip of her hot chamomile tea.
You nodded and followed her actions.
" Tomorrow, I'll be in town again, if you'd like to join me for tea. I'm taking my daughter's to get dresses." She said.
You nodded.
" I'll meet you here—"
" At twelve." Miss D concluded, making you smile and nod slightly.

You and Miss D at away in silence.
" Miss D, I am really grateful to have met you." You said as you and her walked out the door.
" Alcina." She said with a smile.
You blushed and smiked back. " Thank you for the tea, Alcina."
Alcina smiled and squeezed your hand like she always did.
" My husband will want me home by now. I'll see you tomorrow." Alcina said and squeezed your hand one last time before walking away.

The next day, you met Alcina's three daughters who wore pink, blue and purple frocks, they followed Alcina to the restaurant, talking amongst themselves.
" Hi y/n." Alcina greeted you and turned to her daughters. " Girls, I want you to meet my friend, Y/n."
They all greeted you with smiles and you talked to them for a short while, entertaining them with small stories, making them laugh. Little did you know that, from the counter where Alcina ordered tea for all of you, she admired you and smiled to herself.

She returned to the table, followed by the waitor who gave you your teas. You sat across from Alcina who drank the tea, not caring to put her pinkie in the air as she did so.
" You have so many stories to tell, y/n." She noted, seeming to search your eyes for more tales.
" I read a lot." You smiled.
" You seem like you travel." Alcina shrugged.
" I want to. What about you?"
" Me? Oh! I would never travel." She scoffed with an amused chuckle.
You smiled and subtly admired her. " But if you could go anywhere, where would it be?"
Alcina thought for a moment. " I would go to a cottage in the woods by a small pond." She nodded with a smile
The thought made you smile and nod. " Fair." You responded, making her laugh.

" You know where I would go?" One of her daughters asked you.
" Where would you go?" You asked back, looking down at the brunette.
" To Romania." She smiled.
You were impressed. " How come?"
" It's cold." The girl shurgged and walked to sit on the windowsill by her two other sisters.

" She's smart." You smiled.
" Mm, she reads the world atlas a lot."
You smile again and nod.
" Have you ever been in a relationship?" Alcina asked.
You frowned in thought and shook your head.
" Oh, how come? I'm sure you could make a man fall for you." She said.
" I don't want some strange man telling me what to do." You shrugged.
" I like that." Alcina said, clearly amused.
" When did you meet your husband?" You asked.
" Seven years ago, he saw me singing on stage the one time and immediately got my attention through wit and charm." She sighed. " But alas, he is a very different person. My perception of him was powered by his deception."
" I'm sorry, Alcina." You frowned in concern and squeezed her hand.
" I wish I could just begin again from zero." She whispered, deep in thought.

You moved to sit next to her and she immediately hugged you.
" Thank you for your friendship." She said, sighing heavily.
You practically flinched at the touch of the hug. You were not used to human contact and now that you had it, you couldn't get enough.
" And thank you too." You smiled, pulling away from the hug.
Alcina looked as though she was going to say something else when one of her daughters said that she was getting tired and wanted to go home.
Alcina gave you an apologetic look before nodding. She insisted on paying for everyone and the five of you headed out the restaurant.

Before leaving, Alcina gave you one last hug, her daughters waved goodbye and you headed your separate ways.


𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙒𝙊𝙈𝘼𝙉 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙢𝙚, 𝙞𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜.

เคชเคขเคผเคจเคพ เคœเคพเคฐเฅ€ เคฐเค–เฅ‡เค‚

เค†เคชเค•เฅ‹ เคฏเฅ‡ เคญเฅ€ เคชเคธเค‚เคฆเฅ‡ เค†เคเคเค—เฅ€

Swish Brooke เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ


537 21 6
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Alcina Dimitrescu Fluff Imagines Naturesapphic เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ


54.1K 1.3K 30
These are my lady dimitrescu tumblr imagines :)
69.4K 1.1K 26
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201K 7.4K 52
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