Maximum Carnage (A SpiderWitc...

By saltyredhead231

2K 47 82

(Sequel to No Way Back: A SpiderWitch Story) It's been a few months after Peter and Wanda stopped Haywards Pl... More

Chapter 1: Gangster Beatdown
Chapter 2: A New Face of Silver
Chapter 3: The Wave Emerges
Chapter 4: Memory Relapse
Chapter 5: New Surprises
Chapter 7: Followers and Family

Chapter 6: Master of Magnetism

350 7 11
By saltyredhead231

(This edit was made by me for the purpose of this story, this is what the Parker-Maximoff family on Earth-838 looks like, Just some info on this family: 838 Peter met 838 Wanda after the events of MoM, since she was going through something, and he was going through something, and they got married after 2 years of dating, Peter isn't Billy and Tommy's dad, but they call him dad since he's the only father they have since Vision died before they were born, and the twins have the same powers that 616 Billy and Tommy had, May is Peter's first child and Wanda's 3rd child, Billy and Tommy always wanted a sister since their mom married Peter, and they love her no matter what, but Peter and Wanda secretly fear that May could develop her own powers. Also, Erik is portrayed by Michael Fassbender in both universes, since the events of the X-Men detailed him being younger after an event, and Michael Fassbender is one of my favourite actors. Emma Dumont portrays Earth-838 Lorna, and I might include 616 Lorna if people would like. I just love the Magneto Family so much in the comics. Anyways that's enough of my thoughts, hope you enjoy this chapter)

(3rd Person P.O.V)

Peter was dreaming, he found himself in his 838 body. His variant was running around the house like a madman, May was laughing in her playpen as her father cleaned up the house. Wanda came down the stairs, "Honey? What are you doing?" she asked, "Your fathers coming over, remember?" Peter asked, "Oh, that was today? I hate the calendar so much" Wanda said as she checked the date on the fridge. "GRANDPA'S COMING! GRANDPA'S COMING!!" Tommy yelled as he ran down the stairs, Billy walked down behind him, "I'm excited, but that's no reason to break the sound barrier" he joked. Wanda picked May up to calm her laughing, "Why are you so freaked out? It's only grandpa" Tommy said, "The same man who's been eyeing me since I met him, I swear if he finds out who I am, he'll use it as an excuse to move in" Peter said. Wanda cupped his cheeks, "Calm down, I know papa is tough, but he loves you know matter what, he's tough on you because he respects you" Wanda said and kissed him. Peter blushed as he felt his nerves calm. Billy and Tommy were playing with May on the floor, "She's grabbing my face!" Tommy said as May grabbed his lip, "Easy little miss" Peter said as he picked up his daughter. Billy used his magic to clean up the toys, "Hey! You've been practicing" Wanda said, "Yeah, with this guy messing up our room, how could I not" Billy said as Tommy rolled his eyes.

Soon the doorbell rang, "I got it!" Wanda said and she opened the door, and her father Erik Lensherr walked in, "My daughter, it's good to see you" he said as he hugged his daughter, "GRANDPA!" the twins yelled as they ran to their grandfather. "My boys! You've grown!" he said as he used his magnetism powers to pick them up by their belts, "WHOA!!" Tommy said as he landed, Erik just smiled, "Where's Peter? Did he blow you off again?" Erik asked, "IN HERE!" Peter yelled as he set the table with May in his arms, "It's been awhile" Erik said as he saw Peter, "Yeah, it's been a year since we've seen you, how's Germany?" Peter asked, "Very well, we managed to start a support group for Holocaust survivors, like myself, although nobody believes me" Erik said. Peter smiled, "Oh, this is your new granddaughter, May. This is your grandfather sweetie, Erik Lensherr" Peter said as May looked at Erik, he smiled at his granddaughter. "She's a little shy, but give her a few minutes" Peter said as he passed may onto Erik. Wanda, Billy, and Tommy were watching with bated breath.  Erik was shedding tears as May laughed at his face, "She likes you papa' Wanda said as she walked in, "She's incredible" Erik said. "Yeah, luckily she doesn't have powers like those two" Peter said as Billy and Tommy walked in. 

"Well, if she does, then let me know, I personally would love to see which parent she takes after, the witch, or the spider" Erik said. Peter then looked up in shock, "You know?" he asked, "I told him, he deserves to know" Wanda said, "All this time, I thought you were a deadbeat, but I'm proud to say I was wrong about you Peter" Erik said, "I didn't want to put you in danger, knowing you've been through a lot in your life" Peter said, "I'm Magneto for crying out loud, I can handle myself" Erik said as he handed may to his daughter. "Where's Aunt T?" Billy asked, "And Uncle P?" Tommy asked, "They're with your other aunt" Wanda said, "Other Aunt?" Peter asked, "Turns out papa had another child, she's 28, and she has the same powers as him" Wanda said. Soon the door burst open, and 25 year old Teresa Parker, 30 year old Pietro Maximoff, and 28 year old Lorna Dane walked through the door. "So you believed that he abandoned you?" Pietro asked his half-sister. She had green hair, and was wearing gothic/punk rock attire, and it was all black and green, even her nails were painted green. "Yeah, but when he reached out, I decided why not" Lorna said, "Oh god, we have another metalhead to deal with" Wanda said, "HELL YEAH!!" Teresa said as she did the rock and roll sign on both hands.

"I see you've met Lorna, Teresa" Erik said, "Yep, she's a RIOT!!" Tess said as she and Lorna fist bumped. "Ooh, Lorna, this is my husband Peter Parker" Wanda said as Peter waved at her, "Hi" Peter said, "These are my boys, Billy and Tommy" Wanda said as Lorna got down to their level, Billy and Tommy waved at their aunt, "My boys?" Lorna asked, "He's our stepdad, but we call him Dad since he's the first one we've actually seen" Billy said, "Plus, it makes him happy" Tommy added, "I'm guessing they're twins" Lorna said, "Oh yeah, double the Maximoff, double the fun, right sis?" Pietro asked as Wanda smiled. "And this is May, our daughter, and your niece" Peter said as Wanda gave May to Lorna, "Hi Baby, you're so cute" Lorna said. May grabbed her nose piercing and started tugging on it, "Ow ow ow OW! Get her off! GET HER OFF!!" Lorna yelled, Peter got May off of Lorna and Wanda helped her sister, "Now May, I now it's weird, but you can't tug on piercings, they hurt the person wearing them, and they might be mad at you" Peter said to his daughter, "We know from experience" Tommy said as he and Billy looked at Teresa. "It was a fresh thing, and I was still disinfecting, you had to stay off of that for this" Teresa said. Soon the family got to eating their meal, and they spent the rest of the day in the backyard.

(Peter P.O.V)

I woke up from a long dream, Wanda really does have a crazy family on Earth 838. I felt Wanda rustling next to me, "Did you have the same dream I did?" I asked, "Yes, we had a family gathering, Pietro was there, Teresa was there, even this girl named Lorna was there" Wanda said, "That's not the weird thing, Erik Lensherr, the name sis mentioned yesterday, he was your father in that universe" I said. "Oh, you're right!" Wanda said, "Maybe that's why he wants to talk to you, you might have some family left after all" I said smiling, but Wanda was unsure, "I will meet up with him, but can you come with me? Just so there's no funny business with all this Sable and Carnage nonsense going on" Wanda said, "Gladly, I'll even get Teresa here as well, maybe she has some info on him, and she was contacted by him in the first place" I said. Wanda then got dressed, she was wearing black jeans, with a grey shirt and a black cardigan, I put on a flannel shirt and some jeans. As we walked out into our living room, we saw snow falling onto the roofs below. "How are we gonna do this?" I asked, "We ask him to meet us at a comfortable place, a place where no funny business can be had" Wanda said, "Delmars?" I asked, "No, how about Micks?" Wanda said, that made me smile, Mick's was one of our favourite restaurants, and it just opened up after Halloween.

We contacted Teresa, she was more that ready to help us, since she had Erik's contact info. "Okay, I told him where we are, he says he'll be a few minutes, since he teaches in a private school" Teresa said. She was wearing her black jeans with a Metallica shirt and a thick jean jacket, she looked snug, but still like the dangerous S.H.I.E.L.D agent she was. I was a little nervous, "Are you okay Peter?" Wanda asked, "I've met girlfriends parents before, just not one with superpowers" I joked, "I'm nervous too, I'm about to meet the father I never knew I had, I'm just as nervous" Wanda said as she held my hand, we leaned in and kissed, "Get a room you idiots" Teresa said interrupting us, "Is there anything you don't ruin?" I asked, "Nope" Teresa said smirking. Soon the door opened, and a man walked in, what was weird is that he didn't eve touch the door, "Ah you must be the fourth table 4 is waiting for, let me lead you there" the waiter said. The waiter led the man to our table, "Here, I'll move" Teresa said as she moved closer to the window, "Thank you Teresa" the man said, "You must be Erik" Wanda said, "Yes, Erik Magnus Lensherr, call me Erik, call me Magnus, I don't mind either" Erik said. "I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff, and this is my boyfriend Peter Parker" Wanda said as we shook his hand. "And I believe you've met my sis, Teresa Parker" I said, "Yeah, he contacted me saying he wanted to meet you Wanda" Teresa said. "Oh indeed I do, I saw you on the news Wanda, alongside Spider-Man, I thought you looked familiar so I took a little test, and it proved that I had seen you before, you are my daughter Wanda, and I have the forms to prove it" Erik said as he gave us forms.

The forms were from a DNA test, Wanda read them thoroughly, and her face changed from intrigued to shocked, "Oh my god" she said, I looked and as it turns out, we were right, Erik Lensherr is Wanda Maximoff's real father. "Whoa, family reunion, yay!" I said trying to break the tension, "Bro, stay out of it!" Teresa said as she stepped on my foot. Wanda wiped her tears, "Your mother put you up for adoption while I was gone, you were adopted by Iryna and Olegg Maximoff, I learned that story from my friend, and the doctor that delivered you. It was only recent for me to learn that my daughter was still alive. And I did learn about Pietro, I'm saddened that I didn't meet him, but I'm happy to meet you, my sweet daughter" Erik said as he cupped Wanda's cheek, Teresa and I smiled at the conversation as Wanda wiped her tears. "I didn't know you existed until recently, and I'm truly sorry" Erik said. "You don't have to apologize, I thought everyone I loved died, I thought I was alone" Wanda said, "I lost everyone I loved too, but you aren't alone Wanda, not anymore" Erik said. I had a question, "Um, so if you're her dad? Do you have powers?" I asked, "PETE!" Teresa said, "No no, it's okay Miss Parker, I was going to explain anyways" Erik said. 

A spoon started to levitate, and it stirred the tea infront of Erik, his finger was slightly moving, "You're doing that?" I asked, "Yes, I can manipulate metal, that's why I go by the name.....Magneto" Erik said, "You're Magneto?!" I asked, "Yes, but I'm reformed, I'm a hero trying to better myself, which is why I reached out to you Wanda, I want us to start over, to have a real father/daughter relationship" Erik said, "I'm trying to better myself too, and this is a great thing Erik- Oh, sorry, I mean papa!" Wanda said, "Please, call me Erik, for now, it'll take some time to get used to this" Erik said, "Oh, yeah, I got used to her pretty fast" I said, Teresa only rolled her eyes, "We never knew the other existed until a mission in Russia, S.H.I.E.L.D had info on my birth parents, and that's how I learned Peter's my big bro" Teresa explained, "Hmm, it seems we have experts in that department here" Erik joked, making us all laugh. "Hey, I'm sorry for what you went through, and I could never imagine it, but, if ever you get lost, call on Peter Parker to help" I said, "Thank you Peter, that means a lot" Erik said, but suddenly gunshots started sounding, "Oh shit, here we go again" Teresa said. 

We all went outside and saw Maggia enforcers in a shootout with the police, "Oh boy, I'll be right back!" I said as I ran into an alleyway, I didn't wanna expose my identity infront of Erik, it might put him in danger. "HEY ALL!" I yelled as I swung down, "Spider-Man!" Teresa yelled, "Thank goodness you've arrived, we should help them" Wanda said as she transformed, Teresa unfolded her wings, "This is gonna be fun" she said as she cocked her guns, "I'll help too" Erik said, "What? No, you need to get to safety" I said, Erik then unpacked a bag, and put on a helmet, it looked indestructible, and the front looked like Wanda's crown. "I can handle myself" Erik said as he floated over, "We gotta help him before he gets in trouble" Wanda said. We all ran after Erik, he started blocking bullets and firing them back at the Maggia, destroying their vehicles but purposely missing the people themselves. "You take care of them, my daughter, you and I protect the cops" Erik said, "Okay! Chillin with a villain, are you weirded out?" Teresa asked me, "Nope, let's do this!" I said as Teresa and I ran to take on the people, "Aw c'mon, no warm welcome?" I asked, "C'MON!!!" Teresa said as she charged into a group of enforcers, she took out men left and right as I disarmed them and did the same thing. 

Eventually all the men were knocked out. Erik found a huge metal rod, picked up the men via their necklaces, and tied them up with the pipe. "Here you go officers, right on a platter" Erik said as he removed his helmet, the officers were shocked. "We never expected Magneto to help in a regular thing" one officer said, "I just happened to be caught in the crossfire, we should leave you boys to it" Erik said as he floated back to Micks. Teresa and Wanda followed after him, I swung to an alley where I changed out of my suit. I took a breath after seeing Erik in action, it was clear he was strong, no wonder he's the so called 'Master of Magnetism'. I walked back to Micks, "WANDA! SIS!" I yelled, "OVER HERE!" Teresa yelled waving me over. "Spider-Man took me to a safe place, I'm fine" I said, Erik looked at me, "No foreign metal in your body, you're fine" he said. "So, do we get takeout? Tess asked, Wanda smiled as Erik smirked, "We'll get stuff from Delmars, it's not far" I said, "Why not?" Wanda said, "Alright" Teresa agreed. Erik pondered, "Okay then, what's wrong with a sandwich?" he asked rhetorically. We walked over to Delmars, and as usual he was watching over the counter, "Hey, how are the Parkers?" he asked, "The Parkers are famished" Teresa said, "Hey Wanda, been awhile" Mr Delmar said, "Yeah, I wish I could get out more often" Wanda said, "I don't know this one" Mr Delmar said, "That's Erik, Wanda's father" I said, "Nice to meet you sir " Erik said as he shook Mr Delmar's hand. "Usuals and?" Mr Delmar said, "Can I have a Grilled Panini with extra tomatoes please?" Erik asked. 

We all sat down and had our sandwiches, "Wow, he nailed it" Teresa said, she always got a roast chicken sandwich with extra lettuce and barbecue sauce. "He always does sis" I said, Erik soon checked his watch, "Uh oh, Charles wants me back at the school, I have to go" Erik said. "Really? It's been 30 minutes" I said, "Well, the life of a mutant never rests" Erik said, "Mutant?" Wanda asked, "It's people who are born with powers, like you Wanda" Teresa said, "I'm a mutant?" Wanda asked, "When we met in Russia, when you had your blood drawn so we could understand what you could do, it said that you were a mutant, if it wasn't for the 'chaos magic', you'd just be projecting energy, and moving things with it. No reality bending at all" Teresa said, Wanda was shocked, "Now it makes sense" she said. I hugged her, she was learning all sorts of things today, Erik smiled at her, "You really are your father's daughter, Teresa can give you two my contact details, feel free to keep in touch, and call me if you need help, but only in an emergency" Erik said, "WAIT!" Wanda said, Erik turned around, "Do I have a sister?" she asked, "Her name is Lorna Dane, she'll find you herself, so long, my sweet daughter, Teresa thanks again for helping me, and Peter, when I'm not around, protect her with your life, I'll see you again my friends" Erik said as he left with his sandwich. 

Teresa saw he left a few dollars on the table, "He paid for us" she said. "He really is something else" I said, "Yeah, I only just met him, but I feel like I've known him for years" Wanda said, "That's the thing about family, the connections pull you together, like a magnet, or like Erik" I joked, "True, during that mission, Peter and I talked a lot more since I found out, it grew after weeks and weeks, it felt like we never got separated at all" Teresa said. Wanda smiled at the two of us, "I can see where Pietro got his anger from, and his protectiveness" she said, "And I can see where you got your resilience, will, and unbelievable strength." I said as I hugged her, Wanda looked at me, I saw the love in her eyes as we got closer. Teresa was looking at us, "I'll get outta your hair, I'll see you at F.E.A.S.T, we still have to prepare for New Years" she said as she left with her sandwich. Wanda and I rolled out eyes, "I'm glad you came with me, I didn't know if I could do it alone" Wanda said, "Yeah, after that dream I thought he'd be tough on me, but I guess not" I said. "Every variant is different, one could be completely different from the other, like Peter-2 and Peter-3 for example, and also my boys, they exist in other universes, but not in this one" Wanda said. I tilted her chin up, "If we have kids, we can name them after your boys, middle names since I have a few names on hand" I said honestly. Wanda giggled and kissed me, "You're the best Peter" she said, "Guilty as charged" I said. We soon left to meet Teresa at F.E.A.S.T, "MONEY'S ON THE TABLE!" I yelled to the kitchen as we left.

(This chapter is a long one, I was watching X-men First Class as I was writing this, which gave me the idea of putting Magneto into this story, I think he and Wanda will have a strong father/daughter relationship, like Joel and Ellie, or Lee and Clementine. And the earth 838 scene is the most detailed 838 scene I've ever written. I f you want me to write a one shot book featuring the 838 Spiderwitch family, feel free to let me know, hope you enjoyed this crazy chapter)

(Also the reason I cast Michael Fassbender is thanks to scenes like this)

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