Chapter 6: Master of Magnetism

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(This edit was made by me for the purpose of this story, this is what the Parker-Maximoff family on Earth-838 looks like, Just some info on this family: 838 Peter met 838 Wanda after the events of MoM, since she was going through something, and he was going through something, and they got married after 2 years of dating, Peter isn't Billy and Tommy's dad, but they call him dad since he's the only father they have since Vision died before they were born, and the twins have the same powers that 616 Billy and Tommy had, May is Peter's first child and Wanda's 3rd child, Billy and Tommy always wanted a sister since their mom married Peter, and they love her no matter what, but Peter and Wanda secretly fear that May could develop her own powers. Also, Erik is portrayed by Michael Fassbender in both universes, since the events of the X-Men detailed him being younger after an event, and Michael Fassbender is one of my favourite actors. Emma Dumont portrays Earth-838 Lorna, and I might include 616 Lorna if people would like. I just love the Magneto Family so much in the comics. Anyways that's enough of my thoughts, hope you enjoy this chapter)

(3rd Person P.O.V)

Peter was dreaming, he found himself in his 838 body. His variant was running around the house like a madman, May was laughing in her playpen as her father cleaned up the house. Wanda came down the stairs, "Honey? What are you doing?" she asked, "Your fathers coming over, remember?" Peter asked, "Oh, that was today? I hate the calendar so much" Wanda said as she checked the date on the fridge. "GRANDPA'S COMING! GRANDPA'S COMING!!" Tommy yelled as he ran down the stairs, Billy walked down behind him, "I'm excited, but that's no reason to break the sound barrier" he joked. Wanda picked May up to calm her laughing, "Why are you so freaked out? It's only grandpa" Tommy said, "The same man who's been eyeing me since I met him, I swear if he finds out who I am, he'll use it as an excuse to move in" Peter said. Wanda cupped his cheeks, "Calm down, I know papa is tough, but he loves you know matter what, he's tough on you because he respects you" Wanda said and kissed him. Peter blushed as he felt his nerves calm. Billy and Tommy were playing with May on the floor, "She's grabbing my face!" Tommy said as May grabbed his lip, "Easy little miss" Peter said as he picked up his daughter. Billy used his magic to clean up the toys, "Hey! You've been practicing" Wanda said, "Yeah, with this guy messing up our room, how could I not" Billy said as Tommy rolled his eyes.

Soon the doorbell rang, "I got it!" Wanda said and she opened the door, and her father Erik Lensherr walked in, "My daughter, it's good to see you" he said as he hugged his daughter, "GRANDPA!" the twins yelled as they ran to their grandfather. "My boys! You've grown!" he said as he used his magnetism powers to pick them up by their belts, "WHOA!!" Tommy said as he landed, Erik just smiled, "Where's Peter? Did he blow you off again?" Erik asked, "IN HERE!" Peter yelled as he set the table with May in his arms, "It's been awhile" Erik said as he saw Peter, "Yeah, it's been a year since we've seen you, how's Germany?" Peter asked, "Very well, we managed to start a support group for Holocaust survivors, like myself, although nobody believes me" Erik said. Peter smiled, "Oh, this is your new granddaughter, May. This is your grandfather sweetie, Erik Lensherr" Peter said as May looked at Erik, he smiled at his granddaughter. "She's a little shy, but give her a few minutes" Peter said as he passed may onto Erik. Wanda, Billy, and Tommy were watching with bated breath.  Erik was shedding tears as May laughed at his face, "She likes you papa' Wanda said as she walked in, "She's incredible" Erik said. "Yeah, luckily she doesn't have powers like those two" Peter said as Billy and Tommy walked in. 

"Well, if she does, then let me know, I personally would love to see which parent she takes after, the witch, or the spider" Erik said. Peter then looked up in shock, "You know?" he asked, "I told him, he deserves to know" Wanda said, "All this time, I thought you were a deadbeat, but I'm proud to say I was wrong about you Peter" Erik said, "I didn't want to put you in danger, knowing you've been through a lot in your life" Peter said, "I'm Magneto for crying out loud, I can handle myself" Erik said as he handed may to his daughter. "Where's Aunt T?" Billy asked, "And Uncle P?" Tommy asked, "They're with your other aunt" Wanda said, "Other Aunt?" Peter asked, "Turns out papa had another child, she's 28, and she has the same powers as him" Wanda said. Soon the door burst open, and 25 year old Teresa Parker, 30 year old Pietro Maximoff, and 28 year old Lorna Dane walked through the door. "So you believed that he abandoned you?" Pietro asked his half-sister. She had green hair, and was wearing gothic/punk rock attire, and it was all black and green, even her nails were painted green. "Yeah, but when he reached out, I decided why not" Lorna said, "Oh god, we have another metalhead to deal with" Wanda said, "HELL YEAH!!" Teresa said as she did the rock and roll sign on both hands.

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