Chapter 7: Followers and Family

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(This was a long time coming, my schedules been PACKED TO THE BRIM with craziness, hopefully you all understand, thank you @Matthorseman for keeping my spirits high, hopefully this chapter lives up to the hype)

(Wanda P.O.V)

It's been a few days after I met my real father, it was a whirlwind since he teaches all the way in a secret area, Peter and I heard of the team he was teaching, the X-Men. We were watching the Big Bang Theory and cuddling on the couch, it was a grace period for the both of us since New Years,  Morgan actually stayed over for a few days, and it was fun to have her again, she made Peter happy since she stayed over, he was like the child in his dreams, in our dreams. We had America and Teresa working with S.H.I.E.L.D to find out what Sable was up to, so it was hard to not talk to them. Peter kissed my forehead as I came out of my daze, "Sorry I was thinking about the last few days" I said truthfully, "I can tell, you've always been troubled by Cletus" Peter said, "He hasn't been seen for awhile now, where do you think he is?" I asked, "Probably talking or eating the sewer rats" Peter joked. I couldn't help but giggle, his way of humour never failed to make me laugh, I cupped his cheek and we leaned in, but the alert went off, "EVERYTIME!!" Peter yelled angrily. 

I looked at the scanner, "It's a public disturbance, I'll watch overhead, you stay back" I said, Peter nodded as we suited up, it was weird not seeing my black fingers with this costume, we swung around and saw people harassing innocents, they were saying cryptic things and intimidating people, they had flames all over their clothes, and they all looked insane. "I GOT THIS!" Peter yelled as he swung down, I saw a couple more people escaping into a dark tunnel, "Of course it leads to a dark tunnel, can you read me Miles?" I asked, "I read you Wanda, where are you?" Miles asked, "Peter and I saw some people disturbing the peace, they all had weird clothes and they were saying 'Burn with us', it was really weird" I explained. "Oh I heard of this, it's a cult called the 'Followers of the Flame', its highly secretive about what they're doing, they're just talking about 'Burn with us' from what I heard, I gotta go, I got a trip to Oscorp coming up, I'll let Ganke take over" Miles said as he hung up. I was confused as I let the way with my magic. 

"EVENTUALLY, the Mighty Flame will return, and we will burn this world down with us, and we will rise from the ashes and direct this planet to a brighter tomorrow" a man said, "Mighty Flame?" I asked, "Hold it Fuego, someone's here" one follower said, they aimed flamethrowers at me, "Who are you people?" I asked, "Well well well, my old friend comes to play" I looked up and saw Cletus Kasady himself, "WHAT?! You're still alive?" I asked, "I may have faked my death a few times, and besides, only certain people call me that name, but now most know me as, THE FLAME!" Cletus said, "You're insane as ever" I said as a red ball of magic formed in my hand, "Maybe so Scarlet Witch, but I gotta be honest, you were insane once too, RIGHT?!" he asked, his voice was demonic, and that made me think back to when I nearly killed America. I started tearing up, "There it is, the fear even exists in a being as powerful as you, you aren't afraid of me, you're afraid of yourself, your power, your period of insanity" he said as tears threatened to stream down my face, I roared and fired a chaos blast at Cletus, but the symbiote caught it, "Wow, you never cease to be predictable" he said as Carnage formed over him.

I floated and fired multiple blasts into Cletus, but the symbiote was too fast, he pinned me down and I transformed back, "HAH! Where's the vigor, the confidence, the heroism, oh right, THAT NO LONGER EXISTS IN YOU, YOU'RE A MONSTER!!" Cletus yelled and laughed maniacally. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!" a voice yelled, "Ah, now its a party" Cletus said as Spider-Man showed up, "WANDA! Don't listen to him, you're not a monster, you're a wonderful woman whose done a lot to make up for what she did, you never gave up on me, so I'm not giving up on you" he yelled as he fought the followers, "Chitty chatty chat chat, CHIT CHAT!" Cletus yelled as he turned his attention back to me, "So do it, let your fear take over, KILL ME!" Cletus said and he put his hands out as to paint a target on himself, but I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away, "You can't keep me down, not you, not Agatha, NOT CHTHON!! NOT ANYBODY!" I yelled breaking free of my bindings and transforming again, but this time, I felt stronger, not just because Peter wanted me to, it's what Vision would've wanted. I charged at Cletus with pure hearted confidence in my heart, and eventually he was cornered, but the Carnage symbiote roared to keep me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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