Make Me Smile || Kurt Cobain

נכתב על ידי rocklover69

35.8K 1.1K 589

Set in the summer of 1992, Nirvana is getting bigger and bigger by the minute and are at the height of their... עוד

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - Won't Regret A Thing
Chapter 3 - Intros
Chapter 4 - Won't You Believe It's Just My Luck
Chapter 5 - Humble Abode?
Chapter 6 - To Be Or Not To Be
Chapter 7 - I'll Miss You Babygirl
Chapter 8 - On The Road
Chapter 9 - Sparks
Chapter 10 - The Go Gets Going
Chapter 11 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 12 - Madonna's Birthday (Part I)
Chapter 13 - Madonna's Birthday (Part II)
Chapter 14 - The Redhead That Wears The Crown
Chapter 15 - Bad Omen
Chapter 16 - The More, The Merrier!
Chapter 17 - A Closer Eye
Chapter 18 - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
Chapter 19 - What Is What I Need?
Chapter 20 - Going Nowhere
Chapter 21 - Experience Anything You Need
Chapter 22 - Welcome To England
Chapter 23 - Protective Cobain
Chapter 24 - Little Ashlyn
Chapter 25 - Affection, Not Romance
Chapter 26 - Too Close For Comfort
Chapter 27 - In Disguises No One Knows
Chapter 28 - Downer
Chapter 29 - All In All Is All We Are
Chapter 30 - The Day I Tried To Live
Chapter 31 - Choking On The Ashes Of Her Enemy
Chapter 32 - Nirvana: Live At Reading (Part I)
Chapter 33 - Nirvana: Live At Reading (Part II)
Chapter 34 - Nirvana: Live At Reading (Part III)
Chapter 35 - Endless Climb
Chapter 36 - One More Time Around
Chapter 37 - Talk About Timing
Chapter 38 - On A Plain
Chapter 39 - I Need An Easy Friend
Chapter 40 - Back In Black
Chapter 41 - You're My Vitamin
Chapter 42 - Ashlyn's Greatest Enemy
Chapter 43 - Negative Creep
Chapter 44 - Aqua Sea Foam Shame
Chapter 45 - After Effects
Chapter 46 - As An Old Enemy
Chapter 47 - Patience
Chapter 48 - The Hunt
Chapter 49 - Fatal Flaw
Chapter 50 - Even In His Youth
Chapter 51 - Serve The Servants
Chapter 52 - Teenage Angst
Chapter 53 - She Caught Me Off My Guard
Chapter 54 - The Will Of Instinct (Part I)
Chapter 56 - Reflection
Chapter 57 - Take Your Time
Chapter 58 - Hurry Up
Chapter 59 - Choice Is Yours
Chapter 60 - Don't Be Late
Chapter 61 - Times And Seasons
Chapter 62 - Emptiness
Chapter 63 - My Favorite Inside Source
Chapter 64 - I'll Kiss Your Open Sores
Chapter 65 - Appreciate Your Concern
Chapter 66 - You're Gonna Stink And Burn
Chapter 67 - Reinventing What We Knew
Chapter 68 - Heart To Heart
Chapter 69 - With Eyes So Dilated
Chapter 70 - Holy Reunion
Chapter 71 - Dangerous Games
Chapter 72 - I Never Lost Control

Chapter 55 - The Will Of Instinct (Part II)

259 12 50
נכתב על ידי rocklover69

Warning: Some triggering scenes are coming up. If you're triggered by any form of violence I suggest skipping this chapter.


Flashback, an hour earlier...

I watched as she left the diner, looking extremely sad and heartbroken.

God, why did I have to be so cruel? Why was I so temperamental? Why did I have to bring up Izzy again?

Why couldn't I just control my emotions? I wasn't usually like this.

God! The things this girl has done to me.

I had to find a way to apologize to her and make things right. Even if it meant agreeing to whatever the fuck she wanted to plan with Izzy.

Yeah right.

I was about to leave the diner as well when I got an unexpected call from... Chris Cornell?

Oh hell no, I don't have the energy to deal with that fucker right now.

I decided to ignore it.

But he kept calling and calling until I just saw a simple text from him.

Keep Izzy away from Ashlyn - Chris

So of course, I called him almost immediately.

And after listening to everything Chris had to say, I was blown away.

But thankfully I knew Ashlyn was safe and sound with her brother so I had nothing to worry about just yet.

That was until I met Axl at the store.

That's when the panic ensued.

If she wasn't with Axl she had to be with Izzy. Alone.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.



Five minutes prior

The fucking hell.

First of all, Ashlyn comes to my house wearing a halter top which God knows I can't resist and the tightest jeans I've ever seen on her.

God! This was torture.

I found it extremely hard to pay attention to anything she was saying because all the while, I kept on glancing down at her chest hoping to catch a glimpse of... well anything.

This girl grew up fast enough alright.

But she sure wasn't smart enough yet.

She still couldn't figure out my true intentions toward her. How much I wanna pin her down to God knows anywhere and fuck the living daylights out of her.

I was tired of holding it. I was fucking tired.

I told Chris Cornell yesterday that the first chance I got, I was gonna have my way with her and nothing was gonna stop me.

But today, I guess my heart softened a bit after seeing her cry.

So cute that she had so much faith in me. If only she knew how right Kurt was. Kurt had always been right.

From the first day I saw Ashlyn at Madonna's party, I wanted to fuck her. I was surprised no one else could tell. Other than Kurt anyways.

Anyways, my heart softened up a lot after seeing her cry so I decided not to do anything to her, at least not yet.

She sat down on my lap, she nuzzled into me, she... she inadvertently kissed me but... no. I just couldn't.

I told her to get ready and leave the house with me. Maybe if we weren't in a space like this I wouldn't have the urge to have my way with her as much as I do right now.

Or maybe when we got back, if I still felt like that I would just drug her food.


But all those plans changed when I noticed she had been gone for about four minutes. Hmm.

I decided to do a quick pop in and see if everything was alright. I mean, I had stuff in my room I didn't want her to see.

And of course, when I got to my room. My worst fears were confirmed.

I couldn't help but smirk.

Now that she was aware well, I had to do what I had to do.

I'm sorry Ashlyn.

The Present

I locked the door behind me as Ashlyn cowered away into the room, looking at me with terror filled eyes.

"Why are you backing away beautiful?"

"Jeff... no. Please tell me this is some sort of joke" She said, still taking some steps backward.

"Ashlyn, come here beautiful" I said. "Come on" I could hear her heart pounding fast. I almost felt bad for her.


"Give me a hug" I requested. "Come on. Come here" She hesitantly took some steps forward and did so and at that point I heard her gasp in shock. She felt it.

She felt how painfully hard I was.

"That's right. You did that to me. You always do"


"Yes" I corrected. "From the night I saw you at Madonna's party. I wanted to fuck your brains out" I confessed. "But then I realized you were Axl's sister, Kurt's... whatever and then you're twelve years younger than me. I tried honestly, I tried suppressing it. But you're just too damn sexy. Plus you're a fucking tease" I whispered against her ears. I felt her stiffen.

I hated doing this to her but I couldn't control myself at this point.

"Let me go Jeff" She pleaded. I chuckled. I knew for a fact that if I let her go right now, she's never gonna get close to me again.

I pulled myself slightly away from her then placed my lips on hers, forcing her into a kiss.

Ashlyn's eyes widened as her body rejected the kiss. She tried fighting and fighting but for I was exceptionally stronger than her and kept her in the hold.

"No... I don't want..." She said in between kisses, trying to get away but I kept pulling her back into it. "...snap out of..." I kissed her once more, grinding my hard on into her stomach. "...I love Kurt..."

Once that statement was made, I growled and pushed her into the bed. How dare she?

"Oh yeah, well I wonder how Kurt would feel when he learns I've fucked his girlfriend"

I could see the fear in her eyes as I quickly straddled her and restrained her. Putting my lips back on hers I decided to let my hands roam around her body when suddenly I felt a sharp pain.

She kicked me in the groin. Nice one.

I hunched over slightly as I tried to regain my balance in my feet. I was still rock hard so her attack did little to me. I was able to get to my feet and luckily enough I made it down the stairs in time and caught her right as she was about to dash out of my house.

"I don't think so" I said, catching her mid escape and throwing her backward before shutting the door. She landed on the floor and let out a loud scream as she was most likely in a lot of pain after crashing down incredibly hard on the floor.

I could hear her screaming in pain but I said nothing as I grabbed her by the hair and threw her roughly on my couch.

"If you don't wanna do this the easy way, I'll do it the hard way!" I yelled, immediately tearing off her halter top and then using the fabric of the material to tie her hands securely behind her back.

Satisfied with my work, I flipped her over to stare her in the eyes. Her eyes were teary. Filled with fear, sadness, anger and... disappointment.

Fuck. I had to stop now, but I couldn't.

Because I was taken aback by the sight of her boobs in her bra.

I quickly reached out to one of her cups and squeezed hard on it as I captured her lips in mine.

"Mine" I growled against her lips. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my tongue and instantly pulled away from her. I looked down at her face with seething rage.

She bit me.

The fucking bitch bit me.

I wasted no time in slapping her across the face and backhanded her across the other side of her face. I did this three times each time harder than the last. Her face was red with my handprints and she was full on sobbing.

"Fucking bitch. I'm gonna wreck you" I said as I took our her tits from her bra cups and gave them hard squeezes. Ashlyn looked to not only be in pain but also horrified.

This was clearly the first time a guy was seeing her in this state.

"Nice rack you've got there Ash" I said twisting her nipples. "Let's see what I can do with them" I said as I lowered my mouth onto her breasts and started kissing, sucking and biting them. She screamed loudly.

"Jeff please stop. Stop. Don't" She yelled repeatedly but I wasn't gonna listen to her.

"God I've been waiting to taste these titties for a long time" I said. "How does it feel to be touched huh? How does it feel?"

"Jeff please. Snap out of it. Don't rape me Jeff. I'm your best friend's sister. Please don't. You're gonna mess me up. Please, have mercy"

"If I mess you up, so be it!" I said as I ripped off her bra completely. "I don't fucking care." I said as I unbuttoned her jeans.

She didn't give me an easy time as she kicked her legs repeatedly so I brought my hands to her throat and squeezed it.

"Listen up you little whore" I said as I gave her throat another squeeze. "I'm gonna fuck you today and there's nothing you can do about this. You brought this up upon yourself. You're a fucking tease! You were a tease to Cornell and you sure as hell are a tease to me"

"I..." She tried speaking out but couldn't as I kept my hold on her throat.

"You're not fucking ten years old anymore, you're eighteen. Yet you behave exactly the way you used to with me. I'm a man Ash. And I have feelings. And you're gonna learn it the hard way" I said. "After this we can go back to being friends if you want." I teased as tears flowed freely down her face.

I let go of her throat and tried taking off her jeans once more but she wouldn't budge. It began to infuriate me. I needed to do something to weaken her and I needed to do it fast.

I quickly got off her and dragged her by the hair into a kneeling position.

"You can struggle all you want but it can't change the fact that I'm taking away your virginity today. You're gonna be my whore. I'm gonna be doing something to you that Kurt has never done and will probably never do. And trust me beautiful, when I'm done with you, no one would want you again" I whispered into her ears.

She shut her eyes tightly then uttered two immortal words that set my rage off.

"Fuck you" She swore. I growled as I roughly slammed her head against the floor in an attempt to weaken her so that I could finally have my way with her.

And I guess it worked. She was weak.

But... the downside was that she began to bleed. Profusely.


I couldn't fuck a bleeding girl.

I had to do something about this.

"God please help me!" She cried out as I tried brainstorming ways of arresting the bleeding. "Jeff!"

"I'm so sorry beautiful. I'll find a way to arrest the bleeding, I'll..." My sentence was cut short by the sound of the door opening which sent shivers down my spine.

I thought that fucking door was locked!

It was then I realized that I hadn't locked it after Ashlyn attempted to run out.


"Izzy, I'm asking you this one time. Why is my sister half naked, bound and bleeding?" Axl asked venomously. Kurt looked between me and Axl then at Ashlyn then decided to focus all his attention on Ashlyn.

He took off his cardigan and shirt then used the shirt to wrap Ashlyn's bleeding head then put the cardigan over her to cover her up and then he untied her hands which I'd previously tied.

He almost looked like he was expecting this to happen.

"Axl in case you're wondering, Izzy tried to rape your sister." Kurt said nonchalantly. "But before you kill him, please call an ambulance. She's bleeding really badly"

Axl shot me a death glare but went over to attend to his sister instead of pummeling me.

I watched as both of them treated her with such care and all that ran through my mind was...

What the fuck did I just do to my little Ashlyn?

It wasn't a mistake neither was it a heat of the moment kind of thing.

I had wanted to have my way with her for a while.

I was the one who drugged her drink at the party. I wanted to drug her again this afternoon.

I had this planned out. I wanted to fuck the girl.

But now, at what cost?

I've totally messed things up and I've messed her up.

I need to fix this.

המשך קריאה

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