A Destroyer Journey

By Masamune

9.3K 292 342

Destroyer of Worlds That's what they called him but he didn't mind that after all he did destroy some worlds... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas special

Chapter 1

2.2K 41 26
By Masamune

A girl with long brown hair was seen standing in the middle of nowhere. The girl looks around her and saw nothing.

Suddenly an explosion appeared in front of the girl. The girl screamed before she searched for cover fortunately there was a boulder near her and she hid in it.

Multiple explosions ensued as dead bodies of unknown creatures were laying on the ground. A red mechanical dragon then flew past her while it dropped a dead body.

Suddenly multiple armies army of black spandex people were running from something. Their efforts were futile when the sky turns dark and a dragon with a castle as his body shoots out multiple fireballs killing the army.

After the dragon killed them the sky turns back to normal as the dragon was nowhere to be found. The girl then looked at the battlefield and saw one limping soldier trying to get away.

A footstep was heard as a figure with a magenta belt while the figure was wearing magenta and white armor walked toward the limping soldier.

The soldier turns around in fear seeing the figure "Please spare me! I beg of you destroyer of worlds!" The man begged for his life. But the destroyer wasn't fazed and brought out a gun and pointed it at the man before firing it leaving the soldier in a pool of his own blood.

The destroyer then looked to where the girl was hiding and stared at her. The girl also stared back as a name appeared in her mind.

"Destroyer of Worlds Decade."

The girl muttered the destroyer's name as she looked at its magenta-colored buckle with 20 different symbols on it.

"Wake up!" The girl was confused hearing the voice.

"Oi! Ayane wake up!"

The girl closed her eyes and opened them and saw a black-haired boy shaking her shoulders the boy then stops and looks at her.


Unknown to Ayane the boy tense up before calming down and sighing and putting both of his hands on his hips.

"It's me Kyu not Decade or whatever you call your boyfriend." The boy said.

"I don't have a boyfriend you idiot!" Ayane yelled angrily at Kyu.

"Whatever you say." Kyu said not convinced.

"Suit yourself what do you want?" Ayane asked.

"Well if you haven't noticed there is a line of customers outside." Kyu answered pointing to the glass door.

"What?! Kyu let them in!" Ayane yelled.

Kyu rolled his eyes before going to the door and unlocking it and flipping the sign to say open and letting the customer inside. Kyu then went to one of the tables with three people wearing students' uniforms.

"Let me guess Ayane fell asleep again." One of the students said.

"Yep." Kyu replied.

"Knew it! Give me my money Miyamura!" The boy yelled.

"God damn it fine! Here Shindo." Miyamura then gave the money to Shindo while the girl beside him sigh.

"I told you they were doing this Hori." Kyu said while taking out a note and a pen.

"Here." Hori then gave Kyu some money while the boy smiles happily.

"Thank you! And what can I get for you." Kyu said.

The three ordered some drinks and food while Kyu writes the order and went to the counter where Ayane at and walked to another table while Ayane cooked the order. Ayane Sakuya a worker of this Cafe she's been here since the owner opened this cafe.

While Ayane was cooking she reminisced about her dreams and Kyu.

"Kyu Kenzaki. A 17-year-old boy who just suddenly appeared three years ago and applied for a job in this cafe. Why did I have these dreams when he was around?"

Ayane shakes her head before continuing cooking and plates them before grabbing a ticket and calling Kyu.


"I got it!" Kyu yelled before walking to the counter and grabbing the dishes and putting them on the tray and delivering them to the customers.

"Here is your order." Kyu said putting down the three orders for the students.

"Thanks, Kyu!" Shindo said as the boy smiled and continued his job.

"Hey, have you guys heard the rumors of the new vigilante?" Shindo asked gaining his friend's attention as well as Kyu's.

"Oh you mean the mysterious vigilante that appears in a red blur." Miyamura said.

"Don't you mean the vigilante that leaves traces of lightning?" Hori asked.

"Yep that's him apparently last night he saved a mother and her kid and someone was able to capture what this vigilante looks like." Shindo said surprising his friends.

"Here take a look."

Shindo opened his phone and showed a picture of an armored figure with a green visor. The only thing visible was the green visor that was glowing.

"Hey, it's not much but at least it's a start." Miyamura said before drinking his tea.

"Man, I wonder what kind of quirks this guy has?" Shindo wondered.

"Maybe it's a semblance or a sacred gear?" Miyamura also wondered.

"Maybe he doesn't have any powers." Hori said interrupting their musing.

"That's impossible the speed and the electricity aren't possible for a powerless to do something like that." Shindo said in a bitter tone.

"Shindo calm down I know your angry about that." Miyamura said trying to calm his friend.

"How can I be calm about that when they discriminate against us!" Shindo yelled.

"Getting angry isn't worth it for these people." Kyu suddenly said giving Shindo a cold Pepsi.

"Thanks." Shindo said before taking the lid out and drinking it.

"Don't you guys have something to do?" Kyu said.

"Oh, you're right Hori-San your mom's request!" Miyamura yelled.

"Ah! I forgot about that! Kyu the check!" Hori yelled as Kyu gave them the check.

"See you later Kyu bye!" Shindo yelled before the three leaves hurriedly while Kyu chuckled.

Kyu then picked up their plates and put them on his try. He was about to leave when he suddenly stopped and looks outside the window and saw a man wearing a hat.

The man stared at Kyu before leaving. Kyu narrowed his eyes before walking away to do the dishes unknown to him Ayane was watching what he was doing and couldn't help and be confused.

"What was that all about?" Ayane wondered before shrugging and returning back to what she was doing.


The sun was setting as the Cafe began to close. Kyu cleans the place while Ayane checks the place before grabbing her bag.

"Kyu I'm leaving! Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Ayane asked.

"No! I'll stay in the cafe tonight!" Kyu yelled.

"Then be careful!"

Ayane then leaves the cafe and began walking back to her home. Ayane wondered why Kyu sometimes stays in the Cafe.

Ayane then stops at her house and entered it and was met by her little brother.

"Nee-San your home!" Her little brother yelled excitedly.

"How are you doing Ryo?" Ayane asked while ruffling his hair.

"I've been fine but I was waiting for you!" Ryo yelled.

"Well, I'm now here!" Ayane yelled back.

"Ayane is that you!" A female voice yelled.

"It's me mom!" Ayane yelled back.

"Oh, your back! Head inside dinner is ready." Her mom said.

Ayane nods before taking off her shoe and going to the dining table. Her father was reading a newspaper with a title that said a fire killed a kid's parent. While her mom was prepping the meal. The family then ate the dinner.

"Oh, it seems I forgot to buy some sugar. Ayane could you go to the market and buy some sugar?" Her mom asked.

"I can." Ayane said before grabbing her coat and putting on her shoe.

"I'm going out!" Ayane yelled.

"Be careful!" Her mom yelled back.

Ayane then opened the door and leaves. Ayane then walks away and looks at the moon before looking back down while passing by a cracked mirror.

Unbeknownst to her when she looks down the moon had a red fog covering it while the mirror had a person banging on it before being dragged away.

Ayane then walks to the supermarket and bought some sugar and went back home. On her way back home the streets were empty but suddenly a person that looked just like Ayane appeared in front of her.

"What the?" Ayane muttered in confusion and worry.

Her doppelganger smirks before turning into a green bug-like humanoid creature. Ayane screams and ran away.

Ayane kept running as more of the creatures appeared ambushing her. Ayane then was surrounded but she saw an alley and went through it. But to her horror, it was a dead end.

Ayane watched as the creature got closer to her her doppelganger was behind them. She then closes her eyes expecting her doom but suddenly she heard a sound.


Multiple magenta-colored bullets hit the creatures causing it to send them back away from Ayane. Ayane opened her eyes and saw someone landing in front of her. The person was someone from her dreams wearing the same magenta armor and buckle.

"You're Decade." Ayane muttered in shock and awe.

Decade looks back at her before shifting his gaze to the creatures. Decade opens something from his waist and takes out a card before opening his buckle and inserting the card and closing it.


The thing on Decade left side suddenly turns into a sword. Decade grips the sword and rushes to the creatures and slashes the first one and stabs the second one and finally cut Ayane's doppelganger in two.

The three then explode in a green explosion while Decade only wiped his sword with his hand before looking back at Ayane.

Decade stared at Ayane as police sirens were heard. Decade then summoned a wall and let it go to him. The last thing Ayane saw was Decade green visor as it glowed before he and the wall disappeared.

The police then arrived and asked Ayane about what happened. Ayane only replied she saw the vigilante surprising the cops before they took her to the station and called her parents.

Unaware to them the same man that Kyu had saw was standing above them on the roof. Before walking away and went through the same gray portal.

The Next Day

Ayane walked to the cafe with her bag. She arrived at the cafe but when she opened the door someone rushed to her and hug her. Taken aback by the hug she noticed it was Kyu and decided to hug him back.

"I've heard what happened." Kyu whispered.

"It's okay I'm fine." Ayane whispered back.

"I was so worried."

"Sorry for making you worried."

Kyu then separates the hug and shakes his head and lets Ayane in the cafe. Ayane went to the counter and put down her bag.

Kyu switched the sign from closed to open and began prepping everything needed for today. As the day goes by Ayane's friends came over and were worried for her but she assured them she was fine.

While Ayane was busy dealing with her friends Kyu was in the storage room before taking out a card. Kyu stared at the card before storing it in his pocket and grabbing some stuff from the closet.

Meanwhile, while Ayane talked with her friends Kyu went outside a gray wall appeared and a man came out of it.

"What do you want Wataru?" Kyu asked the man.

"Is that how you greet an old friend." Wataru said.

"Yes." Kyu replied bluntly.

"Anyways ignoring that. It's almost that time again." Wataru said.

"It's that time huh?" Kyu muttered before walking to the cafe door.

"It's time for you to judge these worlds do you save it or destroy it?" Wataru said.

"That's for me to decide." Kyu replied turning to look at Wataru and saw that he was gone. Turning back to the door Kyu opened it and began working again.


It was already sunset and Ayane was about to go home. Grabbing her back she said goodbye to Kyu before she went on her way.

While on her way home she went past some sand and a mirror. As she walked past it the sand turns into a humanoid monster but it was dragged into the mirror.

Ayane continued to walk when she suddenly got a bad feeling about something. True to her guts she turn around and saw several mummy-like creatures. Ayane screams and ran away.

Ayane ran until she saw a humanoid grasshopper monster in front of her and she turned left entering an alley. Ayane saw three paths two leading to an exit while one leads to a dead end. But unfortunately for her two mummies blocked the path and she was forced to go to the dead end.

"Nowhere to go human." The grasshopper taunts her.

Ayane turns around and saw it trying to slash her but someone pushed her out of the way. Turning to look at her savior she saw Kyu.

"Kyu!" Ayane yelled.

Kyu nods before turning his attention back to the grasshopper "What do you want with her yummy?" Kyu asked the monster.

"Word is that if we capture her we can also capture you." The yummy replied.

"Oh, is that so? Then I have news for you. You try anything to her and I'll destroy the whole multiverse." Kyu threatened the yummy.

"Your bluffing."

"Am I? Then let me show you that I'm not."

Kyu pulls out a familiar magenta-colored buckle and shocks Ayane. Kyu then slaps the buckle to his was as it forms a belt and the Ride Booker.

Kyu opened the buckle before grabbing a card with another familiar figure on it that says decade on the bottom and a symbol behind the card. Kyu puts the card in front of him and said the legendary words.


Kyu then flipped the card and inserted the card on the buckle before closing it.


Twenty translucent figures appeared in front of Kyu as multiple rectangles came out from the belt. The figures then went into Kyu while the rectangle went to his head. The armor color manifests when it finishes its transformation.

"Kyu... You're Decade." Ayane said in awe.

"I'll explain later but now I have to kick someone's ass." Decade said before rushing to the grasshopper yummy.

Decade punches the yummy in the face before going for a punch to the gut. Decade then duck one of the mummies attacked and uppercut it as magenta colored aura leaked out from his fist.

Decade then noticed the grasshopper yummy going for him and blocked its claw with his hand. Decade then parry the claw and delivered multiple punches on its chest and hitting it with one strong punch to the head sending it crashing to a wall. Decade then noticed the mummies getting closer and smirks behind his mask.

"Why don't I even up this fight." Decade then grabs a card from his RideBooker and opens his belt and inserts the card and closes it.


Two decades came out from the original. They then took out their swords and rushed to the mummies. One of the Decades slashes one mummy and then slashes another one and stabs one in the chest. The second Decade took out his gun and shoots multiple mummies in the head. The original meanwhile took out a card and insert it into his belt.



Three medals appear in front of Decade the top spins upward while the middle one spins horizontally and the bottom spins downward before stopping. The top one stops on a red one the middle a yellow one and the bottom a green one. The three medals combined before going to Decade's chest changing his armor to a different one.

D-OOO rushed to the mummies and brandished his claws and slash one mummy in the chest before slashing one in the face. D-OOO then uses his feet as green energy lights up and kicks one of the mummies away before doing a roundhouse kick to one. He then took out a card with the same symbol as OOO and insert it into his belt.


D-OOO feet's light up before he jumps high in the sky doing a backflip before putting his feet down and translucent red wings appear behind him as he falls towards them.

"SEIYAH!" D-OOO yelled before kicking the hordes of mummies causing explosions to appear. Once the explosion was gone Decade returned to his normal armor before looking at his clones who were done killing the mummies and disappeared. He then looked at the grasshopper yummy before pulling out a card with his symbol.

"It's over." Decade said before he inserted the card as ten holographic cards like the one he use appeared in front of him and lined up to the yummy.


Decade then jumped as the cards followed his movement now descending to the yummy. Decade then did a flying kick through the cards as their power went to his feet and hit the yummy sending it rolling to the ground.

Decade then landed on the ground before looking at the yummy as it shakily stands up as electricity emits from it.

"ONORE DEKAIDOOO!!!" The yummy shouted before it exploded as Decade stared at it closely.

Decade then opened his belt and the card ejected and caught it as he returned back to Kyu.

"That phrase so it's him again." Kyu muttered before turning around to see a gaping Ayane.

"What are you falling for me?" Kyu teased her as she shakes her head.

"N-No, you idiot! I was still in shock at what you just did!" Ayane yelled with a tint of red on her cheeks.

"Keep telling yourself that."


Kyu then turns around and notices something and left the alley while Ayane follows him. Ayane left the alley and saw everything has stopped moving except for Kyu and her.

"What's happening?" Ayane muttered.

"So he was right it's that time again." Kyu muttered.


Kyu didn't say anything before bringing his hand out and summoned a gray wall and out came a magenta-colored motorcycle. Kyu grabs a glove from his pocket before putting them on and putting on a helmet.

Kyu then gave Ayane a helmet she took it and put it on. Kyu then got on the bike and gestured for Ayane to get on. Ayane nods and got behind Kyu and holds his waist while blushing a bit.

Kyu turned the bike on before driving it somewhere. Ayane watched as everything stopped moving as they drive even the sky has stopped moving.

Eventually, Kyu stopped the bike and Ayane saw he stopped at her house.

"Why did you stop here?" Ayane asked.

"If everything stopped then doesn't that mean your family is too." Kyu replied.

Hearing that Ayane widened her eyes and got off the bike and went inside her house. To her horror, she saw her parents and little brother stopped moving. She then went back to Kyu and got on the bike as he drove away again.

"Why show me this?" Ayane asked.

"If I didn't you wouldn't come with me." Kyu replied.

"To where?"

"You'll find out soon."


Kyu droves them to the cafe and Kyu took off his helmet along with Ayane. The two then went inside and Kyu then went to a wall with curtains. Kyu opened the curtains and a blank picture was on it.

"What are you doing?" Ayane asked.

"Simple this." Kyu then grabs a chain beside the picture and pulls it down.

Another came down with a bright glow. The picture depicted a building that looks like the letter H.

"What was that?" Ayane asked.

"Look outside." Kyu said.

Ayane then looks outside the window and saw everything started to move but then she saw they were now in a different place. She widened her eyes and went outside and saw everything is different and saw multiple people saving the day.

"Where the hell are we?!" Ayane yelled.

"Welcome to another world." Ayane turned around and saw Kyu with a detective outfit walking towards her.

(Just the outfit)



Yo! This is the new decade story hope you like it.

Instead of doing a male reader, I decided to create an OC. Also, this Decade is an anti-hero and you'll know why.

Anyways that's about I hope you potatoes enjoy the new story and as always


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