The Mafia King

By TreasyGiya

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Kim Taehyung commonly known by many names such as The Mafia King, The Mafia Boss, The Phantom Mafia, Viper an... More

The Mafia Himself
The Bulletproof Mafia Empire
New Friends
The Plan
The Mission
The Diamond
Or Not


143 4 5
By TreasyGiya

Jimin stormed through the corridors, rooms and halls of Kim Mansion with great anger and fury till he reached Taehyung's home office which he barged into so very aggressively and rudely then slamming the door shut harsh after him.

"Who the heck wants to break my house into crumbs of cookies?" Taehyung shouted angrily in his deep voice as he turned to look at the fuming Jimin in front of him. "Oh it's you? I thought we settled our business" Taehyung said as he turned back on his swivel chair towards the window.

"I am in no mood for your insults, arrogance nor ignorance" Jimin said calmly but angrily. "What happened to you?" Taehyung asked like Jimin didn't just try to break the door loose from it's hinges.

"I just have one question to ask you and I wish you'd answer me honestly" Jimin said sternly while Taehyung remained silent.

"How did Jennie get here?" Jimin asked coldly and calmly as Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat. *I was not expecting that. At all* Taehyung thought as he continued to remain silent.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer. How did Jennie find herself here?!! Don't make me ask this a 3rd time Taehyung" Jimin said as he leaned forward with his hands on Taehyung's desk while Taehyung faced the window looking outside at the cool night view.

Taehyung took a deep breath before answering, "She was a trinket I liked so I had to get it. You know me; I want it, I got it" Taehyung said emotionlessly.

"So it's true? What did you need from her? Stress toy? Or just generally decoration for this house?" Jimin asked with annoyance lacing his voice while Taehyung remained silent

"I only ask why you dragged her here. She told me, SHE TOLD ME, TAEHYUNG. You could have simply given her money and sent her away" Jimin reasoned sternly.

"And what was my gain in her Mother's death then? Meaning I shouldn't have taken her in the first place if I was just going lose a deal" Taehyung said emotionlessly.

"Why? Don't you have a heart? *scoff* Sorry I forgot it stopped beating years ago. What you did to Jennie is cruel and heartless" Jimin said with anger in his voice.

"That's the point of the whole Mafia title. Read into it, would you. We can't change it" Taehyung said realistically.

"Even tho!! Just because we're Mafias doesn't mean we were all round bad people" Jimin said softly. "But we ARE bad people. The past defines the present and the present makes up the future. This is it for us" Taehyung said as he finally turned around to look Jimin in the eyes with sadness swimming in his dark brown orbs.

"We aren't bad people. We just do bad things to survive. We were blinded by revenge. We were just kids---" Jimin tried to reason. "Exactly! We did bad things because of revenge. We can't wash off or change the amount of blood on our hands, Face it. We're both orphans because of things that happened in the past that has gotten us here. There's no turning back!" Taehyung said sadly but firmly which broke Jimin who let out a heavy sigh as he looked at the ground beneath him

"What do you intend to do with Jennie?" Jimin asked calmly. "Whatever I see fit" Taehyung said emotionlessly again.

"And that's making her your slave? For how long? Eternity?" Jimin asked with sarcasm lacing his voice. "Maybe but horrid things could befall her the longer she's here and only I can protect her so I'm taking that risk. She definitely hates me and I plan on keeping it that way for her safety and misery" Taehyung said as he returned his gaze back to the window behind him as Jimin looks at his back profile with disbelief and slowly walks out to the door where pauses before opening.

"Thanks for everything you've done for her but She is not your responsibility. Not now, not ever" Jimin said as he left but Taehyung didn't bat an eye to his words.

Jimin's head spun in 50 million directions as he walked down the hallway. His hair was sticking out in all 50 million directions from how much he has been running his hand through it in frustration.

He pitied the young maiden who has been put under Taehyung's captivity. He desperately wanted to help her but he couldn't find a way to sneak her out.... til an idea finally hui him! But he wasn't sure it was going to work because of how risky it was but it was worth a shot.

He went to sleep in Taehyung's room because he knew Taehyung was definitely not sleeping there tonight; He was too tired too go home or call a driver plus him staying over will increase the chances of his plans actually working

Jimin literally threw himself on Taehyung's bed. "Man, this guy always knows the best things. It's like he has a thing for them. He really does know the best ones.." Jimin said as he looked to the side at the wall before soon falling asleep.

The Next Day
Jennie woke up in her room with a complete knock out headache. She held her head as she sat up to soothe the pain. She groaned as she stretched and adjusted to her surrounding.

*How did I get to my room? Oh sorry My prison cell* She thought as she scoffed and memories from last night ran through her mind faster than lightening.

*I know it was Jimin. It most definitely has to be him* Jennie thought as she looked out the window to see a whole flower bed of Purple, Yellow and White Hyacinths; her favorite flowers.

*Is this his way of cooling?* Jennie thought trying to forgive Taehyung but failed as she shook the idea off her head remembered how he treated her last night.

She laid back in her bed thinking about her fate when a knock was heard on her door. She hesitated to answer but the person walked in without permission and closed the door quickly.

"Oh Jimin, it's you? Good morning" Jennie said sadly. "Hey.... You ok?" Jimin asked. "Thanks for taking me to my room after I fell asleep" Jennie completely ignored Jimin's question and he let out a heavy sigh.

"I think otherwise. Have you had breakfast?" Jimin asked but Jennie just looked at him with dead eyes. "I guess no. Let's go get you something to eat" Jimin said as he came closer to Jennie's bed.

"You know Taehyung said I'm supposed to stay here for a week! I can't go anywhere even if I wanted to. He even took Chaeyoung away from me" Jennie said with sadness lacing her voice as she looked to her side avoiding eye contact with the blue haired male.

"No one will question us and you can freely come eat" Jimin said. "Jimin, you don't have to do this for me. I'm fine, after all I AM Taehyung's property so he can do with me as he pleases" Jennie said sadly as she looked into Jimin's eyes with great despair.

"So you're gonna let him do anything with you just because he bought you? You're gonna let him do just about anything to you because you're his property" Jimin said than asked and in his tone it made Jennie start re-thinking.

"It's better that I know that I'm nothing to him than knowing my own mother is mistreating me. SHE WAS GOING TO USE ME FOR MONEY, JIMIN!!!" Jennie yelled as tears built up in her eyes.

"YOU THINK TAEHYUNG'S NOT GOING TO USE YOU FOR THE EXACT SAME THING!!!! ONLY DIFFERENCE IS YOU WON'T GET PAID FOR YOUR SERVICES!!!" Jimin yelled out of frustration without thinking which made Jennie shocked and scared.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. That's out of context and line. Taehyung wouldn't do that but he WILL keep you here as a prisoner, a diversion, A DISTRACTION. Whenever a mission goes haywire, you're gonna be the bait. Just follow me, just this once I want to make you happy, permanently" Jimin said sadly as he took Jennie's hands in his.

She wanted to doubt him but something at the back of her head made her listen to Jimin; after all he has been nothing but a good friend ever since they met so the main question was 'What did he have in mind?'

Jimin nodded slowly and reassuringly as he convinced Jennie to come with him till she finally gave in. She walked out slowly and warily, she didn't want to be spotted by anyone.

"See, no one. I made all the servants leave. Only the kitchen staff are left" Jimin said softly and slowly as he held her hand as they slowly and cautiously navigated the huge mansion.

"What about Taehyung?" Jennie whispered warily. "Well, Him? No way he's awake. He'll be dead asleep the whole day so we're all clear" Jimin said which left Jennie puzzled.

"And wh-why is that?" Jennie asked while stuttering and with a crack voice in a whisper. "He worked all night on a case. It's been eating at him for a while so he's really stressed. Plus, that guy is the worst workaholic I have ever known in my life" Jimin said as she rolled his eyes which made Jennie smile.

When the got to the dinning, her food was already served hot and steaming ready for her on the table. At the sight of the food, her mouth immediately started watering.

"I know you're hungry but you gotta eat fast!" Jimin said cautiously. "You don't gotta tell me twice" Jennie said as she sat down ready to eat with a great appetite.

She gobbles down the food in the matter of seconds and rests with a full and happy tummy but Jimin urges her to go take a shower and fast.

She sneaks back upstairs and takes a shower before returning down meet Jimin. Since she met Jimin in the morning, he's been acting weird like a meerkat always on the look out, he also been acting super suspicious and and secretive.

Worst of all, All morning she hasn't seen a single servant loitering in the mansion since she woke up. Something was up and Jennie knew it.

"Jimin are you---" Jennie wanted to ask but Jimin cut her off. "Hey, you said the garden calms you down right? Let's go. I've been feeling a little stressed these days myself and would love to let off some steam with something relaxing" Jimin said as he sheepishly rubbed his nape.

*Maybe he's just stressed. Poor guy* Jennie thought sympathetically towards Jimin. "But I have to be chained. How will we enjoy the garden fully?" Jennie reminded and worried.

"Fear not Princess for your knight in shining armor has come to save you from this wrenched tower you so wish to escape" Jimin said as he bowed and extended his hand but there was an unspoken truth within his eyes and words which scared and ran a wave of thrill mixed with relief over Jennie.

Even with hesitation, she put her hand in Jimin's as he smiled brightly at her; more like a sad smile. When they walked out of the exterior corridor into the sunlight.

For the first time for Jennie she looked at the sun like she had never felt sunlight. All the gardeners were looking at her and the some of the guards in the garden. "Leave!!! Immediately!!! All of you!!" Jimin said in authoritative voice which scared all the gardeners to leave.

"Didn't you hear me? I said ALL OF YOU!!!!" He raised his voice further which finally made the guards leave and startled Jennie a little.

"Jimin, is everything alright?" Jennie asked softly as she held Jimin's now balled fists and he relaxes.

"If they see you, they'll obviously tell Taehyung and we wouldn't want that, would we?" Jimin said but the tone in which he spoke in only spooked Jennie more but she remained silent as Jimin held her hand and pulled her deep into the garden.

She was too fascinated by the beauty of the garden to notice Jimin's worried and troubled face as his eyes glistened with tears he refused to shed.

They walked for a long time before the arrived the end which was huge wall and it was at least 80 meters tall. "Jimin, it's a dead end. I knew Taehyung's mansion was huge but I didn't it was this--" Jennie said but Jimin put his hand over her mouth to stop her from talking.

"Shhh, this isn't the time for talking" He said as his gazed softened on the bewildered girl's form and a small smile tugged on his lips. "Ji.....min?" Jennie whispered as her heart began to beat really fast

"Where's Rosie? I haven't seen her all morning and Lisa? Is she with Master Hoseok?" She asked as her eyes looked at Jimin with curiosity. He simply petted her hair with smile then replied

"Forget about them" Jennie's eyes widened in shock at Jimin's words. "It's best you'd do. Forget, forget everything, your past, your so called Mom, Taehyung and everything and everyone here" he said calmly and sadly as a tear drop escaped his eye rolling down his cheek.

Jennie's eyes started to rapidly fill up with tears. "Jimin" Jennie said in a whisper as her voice cracked.

"Taehyung ordered Chaeyoung not to come close to you or meet you until his further notice and as for Lisa....... she's locked away in the underground floor of this house. She was never Hobi hyung's cousin; She's Bulletproof Mafias captive after an attack of an.....opposer against us. She's the opposer's daughter and most priced possession. No one messes with us and gets away with it. Taehyung didn't want us to tell you how she got here that's why we lied" Jimin explained and Jennie was so drop dead shocked about all the information she just heard.

"I.......can't--" Jennie said in disbelief but Jimin cut her off. "That's why you should forget. I'm not going to let you suffer that's why.....I'm getting you out" Jimin said which made her head snap up from the ground to look Jimin in the eye.

"But--" Jennie wanted to say. "Shhhh, No buts, just byes" Jimin said which made Jennie cry as he pulled her into his embrace. "I- I- I- Why~~" Jennie cried as she lightly hit Jimin's chest.

"There's nothing I can do, Beautiful. You have to go. I don't want you living under such circumstances" Jimin said as he silently let his tears fall. "But-- but-- Why can't you just buy me from Taehyung and take me with you~" Jennie said as she cried but it cut Jimin's heart more than 50 blades would have and he pulled her off his chest ferociously and held her by her shoulders.

"You can't live with me like that!!. You have to go. Be free and live life and You're no one's property; Not your Mom's, Not Taehyung's....Not even mine. I wouldn't even want you to live your whole life like that" He scolded calmly.

"But It doesn't matter! I'll live like that! I just want to be with you!" Jennie screamed as she cried but Jimin just looked at her softly and pulled her into a hug. "Shhhh, That can't also happen. Taehyung has much more power over me; I couldn't even try anything with him involved. He wouldn't even agree; no matter what it is. I'm sneaking you out in secret and if he knows it was me, I could be as good as dead!" Jimin explained quickly.

"Then you don't have to sneak me out! I'll stay here and you'll be safe. Please don't do something so dangerous, so recklessly. You'll get hurt" Jennie worried which touched Jimin's heart.

"Don't worry. I'll be ok. I'm a Mafia after all. I'm trained for this but this world isn't for you. You're a good person with a kind heart unlike us even if we did have kind hearts we're bad people and that's the whole image the world has. I wouldn't want you to go down that road. So please Leave Jennie and Don't come back. Escape, go somewhere far far away from this place, Do not return to that woman, never cross paths with Taehyung again, Go live your life to the fullest and Please one more request Just Forget Us. It'd be easier that way" Jimin said and gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead and by that time, they were both crying.

"What will I do out there?" Jennie asked through in a low cracked voice. "There's someone waiting for you on the other side of this wall and he has everything you need. I can't get you out of the country immediately but I can help you do it. So you just listen to his instructions, Don't be startled tho. He was the only one I could trust.....partially at the moment and was willing to help" Jimin said.

*Why do I have a bad feeling about this?* Jennie thought. "How will I get over?" Jennie asked while wiping her tears. "Easy, You'll climb. Glad you're wearing pants. Don't worry, there's a rope. Just hold on to it tight and you won't fall" Jimin said. "But what if I fall?" Jennie asked. "You'll have to at some point" Jimin said. "What?!?!?" Jennie exclaimed.

"I mean, I'll be here to catch you if you have to fall. But you'll have to jump down into that someone I told you about's arms" Jimin said and by that time Jennie was about climbing the wall she hesitated. "Jimin, Can you promise me something? Take care of Chaeyoung and Maybe possibly Lisa? That's all I ask of you Jimin. We WERE friends" Jennie pleaded.

"Don't worry. I'll take very good care of Chae but I can't say the same about Lalisa. She's a captive after all" Jimin said strictly. "I was a captive but look at me now. Please Jimin" Jennie begged with love, worry and sincerity swimming in her black orbs.

"I make no promises" Jimin said in a more relaxed tone as he gives in to her plea and Jennie rushes into a warm embrace. "Thanks Jimin; For everything" Jennie said as she shed a tear onto Jimin's shirt.

"No, Thank YOU; For staying so long. You were my first real friend in a long time after the guys. You saw behind the title of A Mafia Boss was a guy who just loves to make everyone happy. I'll protect Rosè with my life if I have to, please don't worry about us and start your new life afresh" Jimin said as he let her go. "I guess this is goodbye, forever"

"I guess it is. Goodbye, Jimin"
"Goodbye, Beautiful" Jimin said as he bowed as he usually does one last time and Jennie sadly giggle scoffs before he grabs on to the rope and starts climbing.

She misses a few steps which worried Jimin but she finally made it to the top. She also wobbled a little at the top because of the breeziness and height but she slowly regained posture.

She looked down at Jimin and gave him one last wave as she remembers his instructions while he gives a reassuring look, waves and urges her to jump.

She feels scared and that bad feeling keeps creeping onto the back of her mind but the trust in Jimin she has was greater than the fear so she took the leap and down she went.

All she could see was a bush beneath her. Her heart rate rose up rapidly as she finally started thinking she made a bad choice but on closing her eyes waiting for the impact of the ground and possibly thorns in the bush against her flesh, she was suddenly caught in someone's arms in which she let out a huge sigh of relief. "Do you have any idea of how long I was made to stand in this position just waiting for her highness herself to drop into my arms" The person said and Jennie lifted her head to see the owner of the voice. "You!?!?!?!" Jennie exclaimed.

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