Persona 5: Wilted Rose (Joker...

By IzukuTheStoryMaker

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Wilt: (of a plant, leaf, or flower) becomes limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop. (of a person... More

A/N and Introductions
Prologue: Ann Takamaki
Chapter 1: The First Pedal
Chapter 2: Hanahaki
Not a chapter, just wanna share this with someone
Chapter 3: Find the palace
Chapter 4: Enter the Palace of Love
Chapter 5: Love can Hurt
Chapter 6: Proper Meeting
Chapter 7: Fliming
Chapter 8: Remembering the Past.
Chapter 9: Another Love Palace
Chapter 11: Enter and Old Rival
Chapter 12: The Great Phantom Thief, Afraid of a Girl.
Chapter 13: Feelings Man...
Chapter 14: Another Another Love Palace
Chapter 15: Love is a Pain
Since I usually Posts on Sunday's, funny quotes for today.
Chapter 16: (Can't) Steal Her Heart
Chapter 17: A Date?
Chapter 18: Back at the Beginning.
Chapter 19: I Love You.
Chapter 20: Two Dumbasses in Love
Chapter 21: Finishing what was Started
Chapter 22: The Ferris Wheel Dream
Chapter 23: We are Together
Chapter 24: Living Together
Chapter 25: Bonds
Chapter 26: And you never figured it out?!
Chapter 27: A Killer's Motive
Chapter 28: To Find A Killer
Chapter 29: Wilted Mementos
Chapter 30: Darling
Author's Final Thoughts and Plans for the Future

Chapter 10: Love is Stressful

111 4 25
By IzukuTheStoryMaker

Akira wakes up in the Velvet Room, the room having a bit more plants then usual.

Akira: *gets off his bed*

Igor: ...

Lavenza: ...

Akira: Hey.

Lavenza: The plants are growing larger and worse...

Akira: *looks around* eh I got time.

Igor: They have almost taken over this room. Once they do you will no longer live.

Akira: it hasn't even been a week, the diseases isn't going to kill me just yet.

Lavenza: It's increasing faster than you think. It might not even be a week if you are unlucky.

Akira: well luck doesn't like to be at my side. look I promise I'll take care of this, I just need time.

Igor: Time is running out. You don't have much longer.

Akira: I'll live, don't worry. just got to forget I ever fell in love.

Lavenza: Love is an emotion not so easily forgettable... in fact it's impossible unless you lose all emotions entirely.

Akira: I thought I've taken care of that feeling before... *sits on the bed*

Igor: You may think that. But your subconscious won't be able to forget so easily. It's within you and will stay there. You can keep denying it and eventually pass, or you can accept it and deal with it.

Akira: already got friend zoned, thought my subconscious would be ready to move on.

Igor: Even if you get rejected. It can still linger.

Akira: Thought I got rid of that feeling...

Lavenza: You keep thinking that but your heart still lingers onto that feeling.

Akira: I just want to get rid of it...

Lavenza: You we're already given the options. And you choose to suffer with it until your eventual death.

Akira: yeah let me just go and ask out the person who already friendzoned me before, it's genius.

Igor: *sigh* I trust you will make the right choice. Farewell for now.

Akira: what do you want me to do?

Lavenza: That is a choice you must make on your own accord.

Akira: Believe me, I want to ask her out and steal her heart, but it's not as easy as in the Metaverse.

Lavenza: There are challenges harder than Metaverse and its trials. But you must try and overcome them.

Akira: I'll do it.

Lavenza: Thank you.

he heads back and wakes up.

Akira: *wakes up, gets up, gets out there*

He heads down to leblanc, where someone else is there early

Ann: *waiting in Leblanc drinking coffee*

Sojiro: You guys have been meeting up a lot lately.

Ann: Well since it's been a while since we all saw each other so we're making up for lost time.

Sojiro: Even going back to being the Phantom Thieves after you promised us adults to handle it.

Ann: Sorry... but it's not like we're changing the hearts of big time people who need to be in jail. We're leaving them to the adults.

Sojiro: Alrighty then...

Akira: *walks downstairs* hey Ann.

Ann: Hey Akira.

Akira: *sits down next to her* so... how's it been?

Ann: U-Ummm... I've been fine... *looking away to try and hide her blush*

Akira: Good.

Ann: W-what about you?

Akira: Same.

Ann: Good...

Akira: ...


Sojiro: ...

Akira: Want some coffee?

Ann: I already have a cup. Thanks.

Akira: yeah right... of course.

Ann: Yeah...

Akira: ...

Ann: ...

Sojiro: So.... are you two dating?

Akira and Ann: *Blushes*

Ann: N-no... W-We aren't dating...

Sojiro: Oh. She's a beauty though. I wouldn't be surprised if you two do end up dating eventually.

Ann: *blushes harder*

Akira: Sojiro!

Sojiro: What?

Akira: Don't say things like that...

Sojiro: Geez... Sorry. I didn't know it was personal.

Akira: (Kill me already...)

Ryuji: *walks in* One cup of coffee please. You ok Ann? You look pretty red.

Ann: Shut it!

Ryuji: Geez what happened here?

Akira: Nothing...

Ryuji: sure, because I'm pretty sure something happened.

Ann: Shut up, Ryuji!

Ryuji: what did I do?!

Makoto: *enters* Whoa! Let's all calm down before fists start throwing!

Ryuji: she started it!

Akira: aren't you the person who punches people?

Makoto: Just calm down!

Akira: we're calm.

Ryuji: *whispers to Sojiro* boss what happened here?

Sojiro: Don't worry about it. Just drop it before it gets worse.

Ryuji: Fine.

Everyone else arrives later on

Akira: *sitting there awkwardly*




Makoto: ...


Yusuke: ...

Haru: So... are we entering now?

Yusuke: I believe so.

Akira: Everyone ready?

Makoto: Yeah.

Sumire: I'm ready.

Yusuke: As am I.

Ryuji: Let's do this.

Akira: Calling card was sent.

Morgana: I made sure of it. You can thank me later.

Ryuji: wait we don't know where her house is at.

Akira: we got that covered.

Morgana: I have great memory. I remember how to get to the house.

Ryuji: but that isn't her house.

Akira: as I said, we got it covered.

Ryuji: what do you mean?

Akira: I noticed yesterday that the person we fought in the palace is different from the real world. it's a palace where no one cares for her.

Ryuji: so it's similar to that of Fut-

Akira: *glares at Ryuji cause Sojiro's there and he doesn't want Sojiro to know the details of Futaba's palace*

Ryuji: ... to that of a previous target we had.


Akira: Let's just go...

they go into the Metaverse and drive to the palace.

Ryuji: I still don't get it.

Akira: basically the real version of the guy gave her the calling card, you can tell because of the security. at least I hope he did.

Haru: I don't get it still...

Morgana: ok, we sent the calling card to her friend and the guy gave her the calling card, mona made sure of that.

Sumire: Oh ok.

Akira: So everyone ready?

Futaba: Ready!

Yusuke: Ready Joker.

Akira: It's showtime.

They make it to the palace.

Makoto: *dodges an incoming attack* Whoa!

Osashi: *attacking them*

Ann: Not a warm welcome it seems!

Akira: well we are breaking into the place to steal something.

Osashi: she doesn't want to be saved so why bother?

Makoto: How do you know?!

Osashi: because nobody loves her. not enough to care for her problems.

Haru: That's not true! There has to be someone that cares for her!

Osashi: it's the harsh truth, who wants to have to deal with more problems?

Akira: ...

Sumire: There has to be someone!

Osashi: There is no one.

Ann: We'll prove you wrong! Carmen!

Carmen: *uses Agidyne*

Osashi: *Burned*

Makoto: Johanna!

Johanna: *uses Atomic Flare*

Osashi: *Hurt badly*

Akira: Arsene!

Arsene: *does Eigaon*

Osashi: *hurt and attacks everyone with Megidolaon*

Haru: Ah!

Morgana: Tch!

Akira: Ah- someone get to the treasure!

Makoto: Skull! Go with Joker and get it! We'll distract him!

Ryuji: Got it!

Akira: Smart.

They dip.

Makoto: While they're getting the treasure, go all out on him!

Ann: On it!

Sumire: Okay!

Haru: Milady!

Milady: *uses One Shot Kill*

Yusuke: Persona!

Goemon: *uses Masukukaja*

Morgana: Zorro!

Zorro: *Uses Salvation*

Futaba: I hope they get the treasure quickly!

Meanwhile with the others

Akira: *heading to the treasure*

Ryuji: *same* so about the stuff with Panther back at the shop.

Akira: It was nothing.

Ryuji: did you try and flirt with her? *looks smug*

Akira: N-no!

Shadows show up to try and block them.

Akira: Ishtar!

Isthar: *uses Wild Thunder*

One of the Shadows gets Downed

Akira: *coughs a bit but then batón passes to Ryuji*

Ryuji: So when are you two going to make it official?

Captain Kidd: *uses Ziodyne on the other Shadow*

The Shadow that is up uses Megidola

Akira: *takes the hit* there's nothing official to make.

Isthar: *Uses Megidolaon*

Akira: *coughs a bit*

Both Shadows defeated.

Akira: nothing is going on between us...

Ryuji: you should just hit your shot while you can.

Akira: I don't like her that way.

Ryuji: keep lying to yourself, Joker.

they make it to the treasure

Izumi: *is there* you came?

Akira: of course. *sits down* why do you think he hates you?

Izumi: why would he like a mess like me?

Akira: I think he would like you... but you keep thinking he won't and hurt yourself more with that... I'm sure you have good traits that he would like. it's not like he rejected you before right.

Izumi: well he hasn't but... he would.

Akira: do you know for sure? in the real world I saw him worry for you.

Izumi: Are you sure?

Akira: you can't asume they won't like you, it's not like he directly told you he doesn't like you right? even if he doesn't I don't think he would want you too feel like this.

Izumi: why do you care about me...?

Ryuji: we're the phantom theives, it's what we do.

Izumi: don't you target bigger people?

Ryuji: that's just what's most popular, but we take care of anyone who's in need at times.

Izumi: ...*gives Joker the treasure*

Akira: Thanks.

Back at the battle

Osashi: *beating people up*

Makoto: Tch! It's not going well!

Morgana: I can't keep up with healing...

Sumire: Are they back yet?!

Yusuke: not yet, we can't hold them for too long.

Ann: Buckle up guys, this is going to take a while.

Osashi: *dies of death*

The thieves look in shock

Ann: ... alright nevermind.

Makoto: Is Joker and Skull back?

Akira: *comes back* look what I got.

Sumire: Congrats Joker-senpai!

Ryuji: now let's get out of here before this place falls on us.

Morgana: Let's go!

they leave the palace.

Ann: Did we do it?

Akira: *holds an action figure of a superhero* I think.

Sumire: An action figure?

Akira: Yep.

Futaba: Wait is that Featherman Green?!

Akira: I think. Idk you tell me.

Futaba: It is! Wait it's the limited edition one!? Man! She's lucky!

Akira: My guess is this is a gift from the boy.

Futaba: Lucky...

Makoto: She thinks no one cares for her and yet she cares for this a lot...

Akira: we should probably return this when we have the chance.

Futaba: Technically no we don't. Cause they still have the real thing.

Yusuke: You want it, don't you?

Futaba: Shut it, Inari!

Ryuji: shouldn't we sell it like we always do?

Futaba: NO!

Ryuji: Geez...

Makoto: Well that's another palace done.

Akira: Finally.

Sumire: What now? Other than wait for a change of heart.

Akira: guess we can just do whatever we want now.

Haru: Okay then.

Akira: like chill or something.

Sumire: Okay then. I will see you all tomorrow then. *leaves*

Akira: See ya.

They all part but the boys.

Yusuke: So...

Akira: hey you mind if we hang out? Just the three of us.

Ryuji: Sure dude.

Yusuke: Of course.

Akira: Alright, thanks. Morgana, mind leaving us for a moment? We still gotta decide what to do with the figure.

Futaba: *runs back and takes the figure* Mine now. *leaves*

Akira: Hey! Morgana, mind taking care of that? at least before she locks in away in a vault or something.

Morgana: Fine... *leaves*

Akira: Let's go then.

the boys go to central street alleyway

Akira: *whispers to the boys* I want to ask someone out to dinner or something later, and I need your help for it.

Ryuji: with someone you mean Ann.

Akira: *whisper* keep it down, and no.

Ryuji: dude we know it's her.

Yusuke: *whisper* wait you and Takamaki-san aren't dating?

Akira: *whisper* no, and it's not like that- just help me out here.

Ryuji: *whisper* alright, we'll help you ask out not Ann, totally, this is for anyone but Ann.

Akira: *sigh* this is going to be my end *cough*

Yusuke: bless you.

Akira: *whispers* thanks, anyways how so you think I should text it? "Let's get dinner" or "do you want to get dinner"?

Ryuji: *whisper* go with "let's get dinner" so you're like assertive and confidant.

Akira: *whisper* for sure *starts to text that*

Ryuji: ... *whisper* actually no, now you sound a little agressive cause you don't wanna be the guy that's like "let's get dinner!" Like you're some sort of caveman.

Akira: *whisper* perfect, and I'm not asking out ann *starts to text that*

Yusuke: *whisper* of course.

Ryuji: *whisper* actually wait now you sound kinda like a pussy.

Akira: *whisper* this is tough...

Ryuji: *whisper* the last thing you wanna be is like the overly masculine guy like "let's get dinner, I'm the bread winner bitch" but woman also love assertiveness.

Yusuke: *whisper* say "dinner is something I would enjoy taking you on if you were also interested in attending the meal" the more words the better.

Ryuji: *whisper* no wait, say "I would like nothing more than to take you to the finest restaurant in town for a lovely meal that we call dinner".

Yusuke: *whisper* I didn't think you'd be able to come up with something like that.

Akira: *whisper* but should I send that in a voice memo?

Familiar Voice: Fuck that!

Akira: O-O

Yusuke: 0-0

Akechi: Say "dinner at 7 p.m. take it or leave it, you bitch" cause she's playing games now. Sign it! Seal it! Deliver it!

Akira: !!!!

Yusuke: !!!!

Akira: Akechi!?!?

Ryuji: Geez you can't just say something like that, that's just- Wait what the fu-


So, what the hell is akechi doing here? Well he has a chance at surviving the events of p5R, and honestly I only brought him into the story because his interactions with others are funny. Yeah this is literally just fan service to have the funny navigator but he will have a part to play in the story.

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